
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Internet vs traditional classrooms Essay

Computer and earnings technologies find importantly altered the guidances divers(a) tasks ar carried surface. These technologies have introduced alternatives in more than or slight all fields, which have brought about mixed reactions among stakeholders. Different reactions be ordinarily expressed because these technologies bring about merits and demerits. The training wait ones have not been sp ard by the advancements made in the fields of both internet and computer technologies. The tralatitious disuniterooms atomic number 18 gradually being replaced by the internet classrooms as more and more technological advancements atomic number 18 being achieved.There is however a ranging debate, among divers(prenominal) stakeholders at heart the education sector allover the world. While more or slight have welcomed the replacement of traditional classrooms by the internet ones, others have strongly opposed the move. Stakeholders supporting the internet classrooms argu e that they offer scholars and teachers a more advanced eruditeness environment. On the other hand, the opponents of internet classrooms argue that they atomic number 18 reducing the teacher- savant interaction which is vital in both discipline lick.However, looking for critically at the facts surrounding the internet and traditional classrooms, there are more benefits associated with the internet classrooms compared to the traditional classrooms and hence the evolution of these classrooms should be back up (Platt et al, para 2-3). Arguments in favor of internet classrooms cyberspace classrooms are not only convenient but they are in any case highly waxy to both the students and the instructors. This mode of instruction permits students to tardily access divers(a) materials and confine they are supposed to learn. Such contents nooky be accessed by students at any clock and from any place.As a result, students are not limited to the accomplishment materials and co ntents that are available from their schools. meshing classes and then increase the knowledge base of students, since they can access a full range of learning materials. On the other hand, students learning from traditional classrooms are only limited to the learning materials available from their institutions. The students learning via internet classrooms are then snap off placed to learn more expand and materials compared to their counterparts learning through the traditional classrooms (Linn, Davis, and Bell, pp 22).Internet found classrooms are untold more efficient in terms of knowledge transfer to the students. Instructors article of belief their students via the internet enjoy the flexibility of using several method actings to pass development to their students. Therefore, students who are not comfortable in a certain(p) method of commandment have the opportunity of paying attention to other methods utilise in internet classrooms. Such forms of flexibility have th e effect of increase the executing of students since the learning change is much more efficient.In subdued established internet classrooms instructors are more likely to use less amount of eon in teaching a certain human body and achieve high level performance as opposed to the traditional classroom learning. The traditional classrooms are less efficient and it is quite exhausting for instructors teaching students in much(prenominal) learning environments to strongly use different teaching methods and accommodate the needs of all students in the classroom. omit of human body in the traditional classrooms has the likelihood of affecting the performance of students.The most touch on ones are those who are not favored by the rigid teaching methods adopted by their instructors (Bartini, para 4). Learning via the internet classes greatly eases the king of instructors to receive feedbacks from their students. Feedbacks from students are actually essential to instructors as it is one way through which they can assess and evaluate their performance. Without feedbacks from students it is quite difficult for the instructors to catch objectively whether they are effective in laissez passer knowledge to the students.Instructors also get to learn the teaching methods that are favored by students and thus apply them more while teaching them. On the other hand, it is precise difficult for the instructors teaching students using the traditional classrooms to get feedbacks from their students. Lack of much(prenominal) feedback essentially implies that instructors are not in a good side of meat to objectively assess and evaluate their work. It is therefore difficult for such instructors to bump off any meaningful improvements within a short period of time.Lack of proper feedback mechanism in traditional classrooms is likely to affect the performance of the students (Bartini, para 6). It is possible for students being taught through either internet or tradi tional classrooms to perform fountainhead in their examinations. However, due to the high effective and efficient nature of internet classrooms, good results can be achieved with cut levels of input. Instructors do not have to spend a lot of time elaborating on various points to the class since the students can access a wide variety of materials which they can in turn compare with the ones they receive from their teachers.On the other hand, for students learning via the traditional classrooms to perform well, a lot of time is required since these classes are less effective and efficient. Internet classrooms are therefore much mitigate compared to the traditional classrooms, since better results can be achieved with less inputs and efforts (Platt et al, para 8). Participation of students in various class activities is a rattling crucial element as far the learning bear on is concerned. change magnitude student participation does not only make the learning process more involving and enjoyable, but it also improves the whole learning experience.Internet classrooms are very good in facilitating increased participation of students in class activities. Students are compelled to research more on various issues they are learning in class as well as topics they come crossways in the internet. They can easily form discussion groups and other learning structures from which they can carryout some research to present to class in turn. increase student participation in class activities ensures that all students are well involved in the crucial class activities and that no single student is left behind.Similar levels of participation among students are not possible within the traditional classroom set ups. It therefore means that students learning in traditional classrooms are not in a good patch to participate effectively in class activities and thus add significant value to the learning process. Their main duty in class is listening and taking note from their inst ructors. Since increased participation of students in class activities reveals certain weaknesses possessed by students, such cannot easily be determined in traditional classrooms setups where student participation is minimal (Platt et al, para 9).Research projects are a very essential and integral part of the learning process of each student. Research endows students with the necessary skills and techniques of carrying out various studies. Even students learning via traditional classrooms can properly carryout research projects, they are significantly limited. Students learning via internet classes highly advantaged in carrying out their research projects other studies. It is easy for them to not only carryout the research but also be easily assisted by their instructors in case they come across any difficult while carrying out their studies.Students learning in internet base classrooms are likely to spend much less time in researching for their coursework projects, compared to st udents learning in traditional classroom set ups (Linn, Davis, and Bell, pp 34). Internet ground classrooms, greatly exposes students to several technological facilities when they are still young and fresh. iodin of the greatest objectives of learning is to enable students to apply in future, various skills and techniques that have been learnt. Students are usually prepared by their institutions for the greater challenges ahead in their professional careers.In order for students to be better prepared for such challenges, they have to be well endowed with various technological skills. Internet found classrooms are highly efficient in impacting the necessary technological skills to the students (Schofield and Davidson pp 51). Arguments against internet classrooms At the initial stages of internet based classrooms, especially during the stages of name and development, significant time is consumed thus making these types of classes less efficient.Student as well as instructors time is wasted and such may be reflected in the poor performance of students in various examinations. A lot of time is consumed in accessing information online, downloading or uploading learning materials and also when developing and designing various learning messages for the students. If both the instructors and students are not in a position to quickly overcome various simple challenges brought about by the use of internet as a means of learning, this type of classrooms can in the end prove to be highly inefficient and ineffective (Bartini, para 11).Interaction between the students and their instructors is a very essential element in the learning process. However, internet based classrooms are highly efficient in eliminating this vital aspect of the learning process. The level of interaction and communication between the students and their instructors in internet classrooms is minimal and greatly affects the relationship between both sides. Effective learning process does not only inv olve impacting of knowledge to students.Developing a favorable work relationship between the students and their teachers is also very essential as it greatly facilitates the learning process. Traditional classrooms are the best placed for the development of a good relationship within the classroom environment. Therefore, in take in to the level of interaction between students and teachers, traditional classes are much better compared to the internet ones (Brown, para 13). Conclusion From the essay, it is quite clear that internet based classes are much better compared to the traditional classes.They improve the level of student participation in class activities thus making the learning process a good experience for both students and teachers. Through internet classes, it is much easier for feedback from students to be obtained and thus facilitate the evaluation process. Internet classes are very good in terms of effectiveness and efficiency in passing knowledge to the students. D ue to this type of classroom setup, performance of students is highly enhanced.However, internet classrooms are associated with the detriment of increasing the gap between the students and their teachers, thus botheration the relationship between them. These two groups should maintain a good working relationship for good results to be achieved. Such a relationship can only be developed and nurtured properly under the traditional classroom setups. All in all, internet based classrooms are much better than the traditional ones and the few demerits of this type of classrooms can be ironed out through proper management of the learning facilities.

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