
Thursday, March 7, 2019

Two Reports On Serious Failings

The first paper I found from http//www. bbc. co. uk/news/uk-england-bristol-20084254 was for Winterbourne View care home for people with disabilities the report says eleven care workers male and female were involved. One victim was showered richly clothed and had mouth wash poured into her eyes , while another was asked if they valued their face grated with a cheese grater , the abuse got so much for iodin patient that he tried jumping out of his window from the southward floor to then be mocked by the care workers, this on the whole came to lightheaded by BBC One Panorama doing undercover recordings it was told to CQC that ignored the complaint.After the recordings were shown on BBC 1 the eleven care workers admitted to 38 different charges of abuse and neglect, six were put behind bars between six months to two years while the other tailfin were on suspended sentences, the CQC said it was misjudgement that the concerns had not been investigated.The second report I found f rom http//www. bbc. co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-24838898 was for Hillcroft breast feeding home for people with advanced lunacy the report says three female care workers were in involved in the abuse towards eight residents, the abuse involved was fleshly abuse because they were slapped, leaning out of chairs and had things thrown at them and tout ensembleegedly stamping on the feet of one resident and then emotional abuse because the care workers were mocking them after the physical abuse, they were found out because the cleaner witnessed the abuse and made the allegations which resulted in the module being suspended.But the returned to work after being given warnings with an internal investigation and not referred for police investigation, shortly after this the CQC kept getting nameless emails about the standard of care and they handed it over to the local authority safeguarding team who later called in the police. Both of these reports involve very skilful cases of abuse and only found out when undercover recoding or a witness came forward this is something management should have picked up on, all managers have a duty to hire safe and caring workers and to hurl all care workers on mandatory training sessions that cover all topics and all policies and procedures are being set within the company. Winterboure View and Hillcroft Nursing home management have failed to do this and were unable to provide a safe environment for vulnerable adults.

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