Sunday, March 3, 2019
MMK2 7 MM 277 U it Out ne Uni O tlin rimes ster 1, 201 1 13 Tr Un Code nit e Un Nam nit me ourse Co MMK277 merchandising Manag g gement of merce diploma o Comm of a ommunic cation diploma o Media and Co of gement Diploma o Manag For much infor rmation con ntact MIBT T + 61 3 9 9244 5197 F + 61 3 9 9244 5198 E emailprotected eakin. edu. au u W mibt. vic c. edu. au Melb bourne Institut of strain and Technolo te s ogy Pty Ltd (M MIBT) CRIC COS Provider c codes MIBT 01590J, Deak in 00113B 0 CONTENTSA line from your social whole Co-ordinator .. 3 Contact exposit 3 unit of mea trustworthyment overview .. 3 skill Objectives 3 Content and Topics cover tuition appeal and Activities 5 MIBT Transitional Attributes 5 positive school texts . 5 Recommended edition .. 5 Deakin University depository library . 6 opinion .. 6 confounded Classes 6 Assessment reviews / appeals .. 7 donnish misconduct Assignment incoming .. 8 Late submission of assignings .. 8 Learning suppo rt .. 8 Grading system . 9 Changes to enrolment.. Class attention.. 9 Student evaluation of this unit 10 Trimester time slacken 11 extension A Exam Requirements and Instructions . 13 This put down is menstruum at 21/02/2013. at one time printed this scroll is no time-consuming a controlled instrument.L schoolman Unit Outlines2013-01 Diploma of vocation MMK277 V27 02/13 summon 2 A note from your Unit Co-ordinator Welcome to MMK277 Marketing Management. This unit step forwardline explains the aims of the unit and describes the discernment requirements. This Unit Guide is an essential part of this course and pass on be referred to through bulge the trimester in lectures and tutorials. You should always read this unit guide offshoot and check it oft when preparing to study, or embarking on designation earn. Contact detailsUnit Co-ordinator popu new-make Telephone Email Lecturer Room Telephone Email stern Boyd Gerny la4. 111, Level 4 construct la 0419 369 114 emai lprotected edu. au Craig eachen la4. 111, Level 4 building la 0412 735 443 emailprotected edu. au Unit overview Unit Unit title Prerequisites Teaching Method Nature of the Unit This unit testenines the nature of merchandise management from a selling planning perspective. The focus of discussion is the incorporate activities of the net rifle of producers of goods, operate and experiences which assay to satisfy their customers.Emphasis is placed on marketing strategy orchestrateulation and the use of strategic marketing mix elements in developing and maintaining a market orientation and assessing organisational performance. Aspects of marketing such as marketing seek, customer behaviour, product innovation and marketing communication atomic number 18 also scrutinyined. MMK277 Marketing Management Nil Four hours of path finish off per calendar week atomic number 18 exceptocated to this unit. Learning Objectives On completion of this unit educatees should be able t o 1. 2. 3. 4.Identify and explain theoretical ideals and the marketing mix elements employed in marketing strategy development Explain the use of market study in developing segmentation and positioning strategies Apply the marketing concept and marketing strategy in various contexts including profit and non-for-profit organisations, including government parade effective group- storyd viva and written communication skills when presenting marketing plans for selected organisations. This document is true at 21/02/2013. Once printed this document is no prolonged a controlled document.LAcademic Unit Outlines2013-01 Diploma of work MMK277 V27 02/13 rascal 3 Content and Topics Covered faculty 1 faculty 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 Module 8 Module 9 Module 10 Module 11 Marketing Creating and Capturing guest Value. convinced(p) text edition Chapter 1. Company and Marketing scheme Partnering to Build Customer Relationships and Analysing the Marketing Environ ment. overconfident Text Chapters 2 and 3. Managing Marketing Information to Gain Customer Insights. positive Text Chapter 4. collar Consumer and Business Buyer Behaviour. Prescribed Text Chapters 5.Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy Creating Value for Target Customers. Prescribed Text Chapter 6. Products, Services and Brands Building Customer Value Prescribed Text Chapters 7 and 8. Pricing to apprehend Customer Value. Prescribed Text Chapter 9. Placement Customer Value Fulfilment. Prescribed Text Chapter 10. communicating Customer Value Advertising and domain Relations. Prescribed Text Chapter 11. Communicating Customer Value Personal Selling and gross revenue Promotion Prescribed Text Chapter 12. immediately and Digital Marketing Building One-to-One Customer Relationships. Prescribed Text Chapter 13.Graduate noesis and to a lower placestanding, skills and attributes This Institution aims to determine that its higher education awards cater educational experience s designed to develop attributes (including skills, friendship and attitudes) appropriate to the discipline area and direct of the award, which impart support graduates in their future personal and professional bearing and parcel to society. This unit contributes to the side by side(p)(a) attributes cerebrate Learning Objective(s) 1, 2, 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A Knowledge and lowstanding, Skill or Attribute Understanding of, and the bility to work with, a systematic body of knowledge, appropriate to the focus and level of the qualification based on the highest standards of scholarship and look for Where research is undertaken world power to initiate and formulate viable and relevant research questions Where research is undertaken contribution to new knowledge, or an pilot interpretation and application of existing knowledge Where research is undertaken understanding of the social, economic and cultural tinge and application of their researc h, and its donnishianian relevance and value Understanding of the professional, social, economic and cultural contexts of the discipline and associate fields Awareness of ethical issues, social responsibility and cultural motley Awareness of milieual sustainability issues and the contribution of the field of study to address such issues Understanding and appreciation of international perspectives in a global environment Critical analysis, problem solving, and creative thinking Identifying, gathering, evaluating and using information Communicating effectively and appropriately in a range of contexts Developing, planning and managing unaffiliated work Working effectively as part of a team up Effectively using information and communication technologies Applying knowledge learned in the program to new situations This document is current at 21/02/2013. Once printed this document is no longer a controlled document. LAcademic Unit Outlines2013-01 Diploma of Commerce MMK277 V27 02/ 13 Page 4 Learning Approach and Activities The unit involves four hours contact per week. It is the intention to build knowledge on the marketing planning process and how this is successfully implemented in market- and competitororiented organisations that wholeow in profit-oriented companies, government and the not-for-profit sector. internet gravel is mandatory for this unit with either pupils as all lectures and learning stuff is provided on it and all students are expected to frequently check with the MIBT admittance for ongoing course activities. Tutorial exercises volition be carryn to students to finish on a weekly basis during the Trimester. Learning in this unit is aided by an enthusiastic and experienced instruct team. They ordain monitor the classroom during week long time throughout the trimester in order to engage with students, facilitate discussions of key concepts, and clarify any unit content and to hold up announcements. Class room discussions and ex periences are a unusual aid in understanding marketing concepts. The input of students allow for signifi nookietly help the understanding of critical marketing concepts by sharing their experiences and opinions.Further more than, it will aid the students by offering examples of actually marketing experiences and make the classes more enjoyable. Tests are held during the semester with details un sticked on the MIBT portal. The case study entry essentialiness be muster outd in groups. Forming a group to work with, to produce an oral presentation and written assignment is a primal part of finish this part of perspicacity. It is essential you become proactive in communicating with your fellow group members, and with approaching potential group members you deal to work with. This judicial decision finish not be completed soully. You must be part of a group in order to complete this physical composition of assessment.It is known that group work enhances your teamwork ski lls, reduces work load and provides the hazard for you to rivulet your knowledge with fellow students enabling you to learn of import life long skills. Specific details and instructions related to all assessment in this unit are provided on the MIBT portal. MIBT Transitional Attributes All ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? MIBT Diploma units contribute to the following graduate attributes independent learner knowledge base research skills time management skills report writing skills certainness of ethical motive of tertiary education use of appropriate technologies ability to work only if and as part of a team Prescribed texts The content of the text book and the lectures are examinable in this subject. The lecture program will provide you with key points on the range of topics to be covered in the course.Lecture material will predominantly come from the prescribed text, as well as other(a) sources. Armstrong G, Adam S, Denize S, and Kotler P 2012, Principles of Marketing, 5e (5th edition), Pe arson Australia, Frenchs Forest, New South Wales It is strongly recommended that you corrupt or at least have access to this book Recommended Reading Each week introduces new chapters that must be read in the prescribed textbook. This document is current at 21/02/2013. Once printed this document is no longer a controlled document. LAcademic Unit Outlines2013-01 Diploma of Commerce MMK277 V27 02/13 Page 5 Deakin University Library Searching the Internet is a key way of finding information especially for worldwide and everyday topics.The Library website is a key way to find academic journals, books, e-books, subject databases and websites that contain quality information for your study of this unit, and as research for assignments. Many of these resources are online so that you can access them on campus, at home or at work any day, any time. The Librarys help services, in person or via email, phone or instant messaging, will assist you to make the most of library services and sa ve research time. diarys ? Journal of Marketing ? Journal of Consumer search ? Journal of Marketing Research ? Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science ? European Journal of Marketing ? Journal of Retailing ? Journal of Service Research ?Journal of Advertising ? Journal of Marketing Management ? Journal of Consumer psychology ? And many, many more Newspapers and Magazines Newspapers and weekly magazines will provide a valuable insight into current issues and developments in marketing. Many also provide articles on the Internet on topical issues. The Age (http//www. theage. com. au) The Australian (http//www. theaustralian.. com. au Australian Financial Review (http//www. afr. com. au) Business Review Weekly (http//www. brw. com. au) Ausstats database (http//www. abs. gov. au) Assessment The assessment for this subject is a combination of tests, case studies and a final examination examination.Weight collect interlocking Brief description The case study has two part, an ora l presentation and written report. Each set is worth 15% of the marrow marks for this subject. Trimester tests. Details available on MIBT access The exam is a two-hour, closed-book. The examination covers the undefiled trimesters work. It is the students responsibility to determine the date, time and location for the examination. Linked learning objective(s) Case Study 30% During Trimester During Trimester End of Semester Examination distributor point 1, 2, 3, 4 Tests 30% 1, 2, 3 Examination 40% 1, 2, 3 Notes full(a) details regarding all assessment tasks will be provided on the MIBT portal. You must read and understand these details.The information provided here in this outline and the table above only provide a summary. Missed Classes Please bank bill it is the responsibility of students to sit for a test on the scheduled date. tribulation to sit a test must be supported by a medical certificate and shown to the lecturer WITHIN 48 HOURS OF THE plan TEST DATE. THE MARKS F OR THE TEST WILL BE ALLOCATED TO THE FINAL EXAMINATION. IF YOU be GOING TO MISS A TEST PLEASE CONTACT THE RECEPTIONIST AT MIBT AND LEAVE A MESSAGE. COPIES OF THE MEDICAL CERTIFICATE mustiness ALSO BE GIVEN TO YOUR LECTURER OR BY SOME OTHER ARRANGEMENT. This document is current at 21/02/2013. Once printed this document is no longer a controlled document.LAcademic Unit Outlines2013-01 Diploma of Commerce MMK277 V27 02/13 Page 6 If a student misses a mini test, they cannot sit that test in some other class. Students can only sit tests in the class they are enrolled in. If a student completes the test in another(prenominal) class, it will not be marked and the student will get a zero for that piece of assessment. There will be an opportunity for students to nonplus up on missed classes. This will be discussed in class. Assessment reviews / appeals Students whitethorn appeal against the mark/grade awarded in any component of their assessment. The appeal must relate to the assessment procedures and not simply dissatisfaction with the final grade given.Appeals will be considered by the unit co-ordinator and a recommendation made to the MIBT Academic Progress Committee. Appeals are made by completing a Review of Assessment Application available from the Student entre under Students / Forms. The form must be lodged at MIBT Reception by 5. 00 pm on the Friday aft(prenominal) the publication of results. special Consideration Special Consideration may be provided when a student completes a piece of assessment and the student believes there have been exceptional and adverse destiny affecting their performance. (Note Special consideration is not normally intended for assignments and other forms of continuous assessment.Here the Request for Extension of Assignment Due while form should be employ and submitted to the lecturer concerned. The form is available from the Student Portal under Students / Forms. ) Applications for Special Consideration will be accepted on medical, compassionate, and/or trauma grounds. Supporting evidence, clearly stating specific reason, must be given with the application. Reasons such as headaches, colds or returning home, will not be accepted as grounds for Special Consideration. Students are postulate to complete a Special Consideration/Deferred Exam Application available from the Student Portal under Students / Forms and submit to MIBTReception, together with supporting reenforcement onward the assessment is receivable, or within 2 working age of completing the assessment. Academic misconduct The Academic Integrity and Plagiarism and secret approval Policies are available on the Student Portal under Students / Forms / MIBT Policies and Procedures. Students should make themselves familiar with the content of these policies. Plagiarism and collusion are academic offences. They are forms of cheating and severe penalties are associated with them. If a student is caught plagiarising they may be failed in that piece of assessment. ? Plagiarism occurs when a student passes off as their own another students work, or copies without adjudgement of its authorship, the work of any other person. Collusion occurs when a student obtains the agreement of another person for a fraudulent purpose with the intent of obtaining an advantage in submitting an assignment or other work. ? Submitting your own work when it has been previously submitted for another unit or course. Whenever you refer to another persons research or ideas (whether by at a time quoting or by paraphrasing them) you MUST acknowledge the source. Also, likenessing paragraphs from the Internet and presenting them as your own work is plagiarism. If you download and copy paragraphs from the Internet you must identify the source. References / acknowledgement of authorship (including electronic resources).You MUST acknowledge the sources that you have drawn on. This is a necessary courtesy to the original authors, and also allows the re aders of your work to follow up any points you have raised. If you directly copy another writers phrase, sentence or paragraph, then you should use mention marks and note the source of the quote. If you use another writers ideas, but not his or her exact words, you should again note the source. There are a number of ways by which you can refer to other peoples work. This document is current at 21/02/2013. Once printed this document is no longer a controlled document. LAcademic Unit Outlines2013-01 Diploma of Commerce MMK277 V27 02/13 Page 7For an essay the reference list should include full citations of all sources consulted for the essay and these sources should appear in the body of the essay EG. (Thwaites, 2012 ) wherever a reference to someones work is made, instead of footnotes. This referencing method, like all methods, involves noting the authors expose, the title of the article and journal, or book, the year of publication, the journals volume number, the book publishers name and location, and the relevant page numbers. A copy of Guide to Assignment authorship and Referencing is available to every student during Orientation. It is also available on the Deakin University website http//deakin. du. au/currentstudents/assets/resources/study-support/study-skills/assign-ref. pdf Assignment submission Assignments must be submitted by the due date. Students should complete the Assignment Cover Sheet (available from the Student Portal under Students / Forms), attach it to their assignment and then submit the completed assignment as describe in the assignment details. (Assignments will not be accepted at MIBT Reception). Students must keep a copy of each assignment submitted and must be able to produce the copy in the unlikely instance that the original assignment is misplaced. Students must maintain backup copies of all their assignment work.Electronic loss of data is common, but is NOT a satisfactory plea for an extension of a submission date. Late subm ission of assignments Extension of an assignment submission date If there is a compelling reason why you are unable to complete your assignment before the due date you should complete a Request for Extension of Assignment Due Date form, available from the Student Portal under Students / Forms and submit it to your lecturer. This must be done at least 24 hours before the assignment due date. If you submit your assignment without an approved extension, penalties for late submission will apply. The only exception to this is if your work is late for medical reasons and you have a desexs certificate to support your claim.You will not need to seek the prior approval of your lecturer but you must attach the fastens certificate to your assignment with a note that the work is late for medical reasons. Under these circumstances, the medical certificate must cover the entire period from the time the assignment was due until the time it is submitted. Penalties for late submissions Assignments have late and without prior approval will be penalised. A punishment of 10% of the available marks will be deducted for every day the assignment is late. Assignments received after 7 days without an approved extension, will not be marked. Learning support Students have access to group-oriented and individual learning support at MIBT.During each trimester, students can attend a series of study skills workshops conducted both at MIBT and Deakin University on topics such as time management, avoiding plagiarism, referencing, academic writing, critical thinking and exam preparation. The MIBT Study Skills Drop-in concentrate on provides students with one-to-one consultations with the Academic Skills Advisor. Students can also access the Deakin University Language and Learning Drop-in Centre at Student Life. For flexible learning, all students have access to the Academic Skills Moodle site which contains a number of resources to improve students study skills and linguistic process prof iciency. This document is current at 21/02/2013. Once printed this document is no longer a controlled document. LAcademic Unit Outlines2013-01 Diploma of Commerce MMK277 V27 02/13 Page 8 Grading systemAll students enrolled in any unit will be graded according to MIBTs standard demolishing system as follows GRADE HD D CR P N DE EX RI RPL RW UP W WN XN DESCRIPTION High promissory note Distinction Credit Pass Fail Deferred Examination Exemption Granted Results Not Finalised Recognition of Prior Learning Results Withheld Ungraded Pass (Safety Units) Withdrawn without academic penalty Withdrawn Failure Enrolled Assessment Incomplete PERCENTAGE 80 100 70 79 60 69 50 59 0 49 Changes to enrolment ? Enrolment changes can be made through the student portal until 5. 00 pm Friday of the ? A unit can be dropped until the end of the fourth week (without penalty) and fees paid for ? ? ? second week of the trimester. the dropped unit will be credited to the next trimester.After week four if a unit is dropped fees for that unit will be forfeited. Students who drop a unit after Week 4 will have W (Withdrawn) recorded as their result in the unit. A unit dropped after Week 8 will be recorded as WN (Withdrawn Fail). A unit cannot be dropped in the final two teaching weeks of a trimester. Class attendance Attendance is an important element of a students success in their studies and it is strongly recommended that attendance is maintained in all classes. All work covered in class is examinable. Attendance will be recorded in all sessions and students should make themselves aware of the Attendance Policy located on the Student Portal under Students / MIBT Policies and Procedures.Where alternative classes exist for a unit, students are permitted to attend a level best of two alternate classes per unit during the trimester. Students should collect a Lecturer Attendance Variation form from reception or from the Student Portal under Students / Forms and submit it to the lectur er of the alternate class to sign and verify the students attendance. The form is retained by the lecturer who submits this with the class list. Further, grants of head from a class can be given for medical, compassionate or compelling reasons provided that original or certified medical, psychological, police or other certificates are provided. Students are to complete an Explained Absence Form from reception or from the Student Portal under Students / Forms and submit to reception.Compassionate or compelling circumstances are generally those beyond the control of the student and have an impact upon the students course progress or wellbeing. This document is current at 21/02/2013. Once printed this document is no longer a controlled document. LAcademic Unit Outlines2013-01 Diploma of Commerce MMK277 V27 02/13 Page 9 Student evaluation of this unit At the end of trimester students will be asked to evaluate all of the units they have studied during the trimester. Students are strong ly encouraged to complete the Student Evaluation form for this unit and give feedback. All ratings and comments are read and given careful consideration following completion of each trimester and inform the changes which may be introduced in succeeding trimesters.This document is current at 21/02/2013. Once printed this document is no longer a controlled document. LAcademic Unit Outlines2013-01 Diploma of Commerce MMK277 V27 02/13 Page 10 Trimester timetable Week 1 2 3 Week Commencing Monday 4 bump into 2013 Monday 11 March 2013 Monday 18 March 2013 Topic Marketing Creating and Capturing Customer Value. Analysing the Marketing Environment. Company and Marketing Strategy Partnering to Build Customer Relationships. Managing Marketing Information to Gain Customer Insights. standard Chapters Ch 1 Ch 3 Ch 2 Comments 4 Monday 25 March 2013 thorium 28 March 2013 to Wednesday 3 April 2013 Ch 4 mini Test 1TRIMESTER tone down EASTER Managing Marketing Information to Gain Customer Insigh ts. Understanding Consumer and Business Buyer Behaviour. Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy Creating Value for Target Customers. Products, Services, and Brands Building Customer Value. Pricing to Capture Customer Value. Communicating Customer Value Advertising, Public Relations, Sales Promotion and Personal Selling. Placement Customer Value Fulfilment. Direct and Digital marketing Oneto-One Customer Relationships. Revision. Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Mini Test 1 4b 5 6 Thursday 4 April 2013 Monday 8 April 2013 Monday 15 April 2013 7 8 9 Monday 22 April 2013 Monday 29 April 2013 Monday 6 whitethorn 2013 Ch 7,8 Ch 9 Ch 11,12 Mini Test 2 10 11 12 13Monday 13 May 2013 Monday 20 May 2013 Monday 27 May 2013 Monday 3 June 2013 Friday 7 June 2013 Ch 10 Ch 13 Mini Test 3 EXAMINATION WEEK Trimester 1 Census Date Results released on portal Wednesday 27 March 2013 Tuesday 18 June 2013 This document is current at 21/02/2013. Once printed this document is no longer a controlled document. LAcademic Unit Out lines2013-01 Diploma of Commerce MMK277 V27 02/13 Page 11 book of instructions TO CANDIDATES READ BEFORE COMMENCING Note A tick (X), in a box indicates the instruction applies. A blank box indicates the instruction does not apply. X This exam is a CLOSED BOOK exam. This exam is an commit BOOK exam. XYou may use a (non-electronic) LANGUAGE ONLY DICTIONARY. You may use a CALCULATOR. If programmable, the memory must be empty. Mobile phones cannot be used as calculators. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2. 3. Answer all questions in the exam booklet provided. There are three (3) sections in this exam. All sections must be attempted. component part 1 Answer all parts of the one (1) mini case question in branch 1(26 Marks). Section 2 Answer ten (10) short response questions in Section Two (10 x 3 marks = 30 marks). Section 3 Answer two (2) out of five (5) extended response questions in Section Three (2 x 12 marks = 24 marks). Students must complete ALL parts of each question answered.This e xam is out of 80 and is worth 40% of the marks for this subject. Answer all questions in the exam booklet provided. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. THIS EXAMINATION PAPER MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM THE EXAMINATION ROOM This document is current at 21/02/2013. Once printed this document is no longer a controlled document. LAcademic Unit Outlines2013-01 Diploma of Commerce MMK277 V27 02/13 Page 12 APPENDIX A Exam Requirements and Instructions SUMMARY OF EXAM REQUIREMENTS FOR STUDENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. You should arrive for your exam at least 15 minutes before it is scheduled to commence. You will not be permitted to sit the exam if you are more than 30 minutes late.You MUST have your MIBT student ID card with you for every exam you sit. You will not be permitted to enter the exam room without it. No electronic equipment whatsoever, with the possible exception of a calculator, may be used in an exam. Personal items (purse, wallet, meandering(a) phone) may be brought into the exam and should be left underne ath your desk. Do NOT leave valuables in bags at the end of the exam room. Mobile phones MUST be switched off. Any mobile phone which rings during an exam will be confiscated and not returned until the exam papers have been collected and placed into storage Find out before end of the trimester whether your exam is Open Book or close Book.Find out before the end of the trimester whether or not you can bring a calculator or a printed dictionary into the exam. The penalties for misbehaving or having unauthorised material (cheating) in an exam are severe. Make sure you know before hand what materials you can take into your exams. Any outdoor(a) written material must be handed in before the exam commences. Students found with unauthorised material in their possession during an exam may have their paper cancelled. Students who are ill during an exam may apply for special consideration using the form found on the student portal. An application for special consideration MUST be go with b y supporting documentation and submitted within 2 working days of the exam. Students who are prevented from
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