Saturday, August 31, 2019
Tasks in Market Segmentation
Tasks in Market Segmentation 1. Analyze consumer product relationship 2. Investigate segmentation bases 3. Develop product positioning 4. Select segmentation strategy 5. Design marketing mix strategy The first task in segmenting the market is Analyze consumer product relationshipsâ€â€this entail the analysis of the affect and cognition, behaviour, and environments involved in the purchase/consumption process. 3 general approaches to this task 1. Marketing managers may brainstorm the product concept and consider what types of consumers are likely to purchase and use the product and how they differ from those less likely to buy. . Focus groups and other types of primary research can be used for identifying differences in attributes, benefits, and values of various potential markets 3. Secondary research may further investigate differences in potential target markets, determine the relative sizes of those markets, and develop a better understanding of consumers of this or si milar products Investigate segmentation bases. There are no simple way to determine the best bases for segmenting markets. Benefit segmentation. The benefits people seek in consuming a given product are the basic reasons for the existence of true market segments.Psychographic segmentation. Differences on consumer lifestyles. Activities(work, hobbies, vacations), interests (family, job community), opinions9social issues, policitcs, business) Person/situation. Market can be divided on the basis of usage situation. Example: clothes and footwearâ€â€market are divided on the basis of sex, size, usage situation or social events Geodemographic segmentation. Identifies specific households in market focusing on local neighbourhood geography (such as zip codes) to create classifications of actual addressable, mappable neighbourhood where consumers live and shop.Develop product positioning. Positioning the product relative to competing products in the minds of consumers. Objective: to form a particular brand image in consumers’ minds 5 approaches to positioning strategy: 1. Positioning by attribute. Most common positioning strategy associating a product with an attribute, a product feature, or a customer feature. Example: toothpaste –fights cavity, whitens teeth 2. By use or application. Represents a 2nd or 3rd position designed to expand the market. Example: Cellphoneâ€â€texting, 2nd videocam, 3rd–email 3. By product user or class user.Associating with a specific lifestyle profile. Example: alcoholâ€â€pampamilya na pangsports pa 4. By product class. Example: camayâ€â€beauty soap, safeguardâ€â€family soap, ivory-mild soap for sensitive skin 5. By competitors. To convince consumers that a brand is better than the market leader or another well-accepted brand on important attributes. Commonly done in advertisement where competitor is compared. Example: tide compared with brand x and brand y Positioning Map. A visual depiction of cons umers perceptions of competitive products, brands, or models.It is done by surveying consumers about various product attributes and developing dimensions and graph indicating the relative positions of competitors. Select Segmentation Strategy Four Basic Alternatives 1. The firm may decide not to enter the market. This may mean there are no viable market niche for the product or brand or model. 2. The firm may decide not to segment but to mass marketer. This may be appropriate in three situations a. When the market is so small that marketing to portion of it is not profitable b.When heavy users make up such a large proportion of the sales volume that they are the only relevant target. c. When the brand is dominant in the market and targeting to a few segments would not benefit sales and profits. 3. The firm may decide to market to only one segment 4. The firm may decide to market to more than one segment and design a separate marketing strategy each. Three Important Criteria to Base Segmentation Strategy Decisions: 1. Measurable. Be able to measure size and characteristics. Example: income 2.Meaningful. Segment is large enough to have sufficient sales and growth potential to offer long-run profits. 3. Marketable. Can be reached and serve profitably. Consumer Behavior and Product Strategy Product affect and cognition: Satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Consumer satisfaction is critical in marketing thought and consumer research. Satisfied more likely to purchase the product; dissatisfied more likely to switch products or brand. Expectancy disconfirmation with performance approach is a current approach in studying satisfaction.This approach views consumer satisfaction as the degree to which a product or service provides a pleasurable level of consumption-related fulfilment. It is a degree to which a product performance exceeds the consumers expectations. Prepurchase expectations are consumers beliefs about anticipated performance of the product. Postpurcha se perceptions are consumer’s thoughts about how well the product performed. Disconfirmation refers to difference between the two perceptions. 3 types of disconfirmation: 1. Positive disconfirmation occurs when product performance is better than expected.This lead to satisfaction or a pleasurable level of fulfilment. 2. Negative disconfirmation occurs when product performance is lower than expected. This thought lead to dissatisfaction. 3. Neutral disconfirmation occurs when performance perceptions just meet expectations. Product Behavior Major objective of marketing is to increase the probability and frequency of consumers coming into contact with products, purchasing and using them and repurchasing them. Two classes of consumer behavior: 1. Product Contact. Involves behavior such as locating the product in the store, examining it, and taking it to the check out counter.A consumer may receive free sample in the mail, or on the doorstep on be given sample in the store, borrow product from a friend and use it, receive a product as a gift, or simply see someone else sue the product and experience it vicariously. 2. Brand Loyalty/Variety Seeking. For consumers to be brand loyal, they must not only purchase the same brand repeatedly but also has cognitive commitment to do so. Brand must have sufficient meaning for them that they purchase it not because of convenience or deals but because the brand represents important benefits or values to them.Brand loyalty is an intrinsic commitment to repeatedly purchase a particular brand. It is differentiated from repeat purchase behaviour because it focuses only on the behavioural action without concern for the reasons for the habitual response. Variety seeking is a cognitive commitment to purchase different brands because of factors such as the stimulation involved in trying different brands, curiosity, novelty, or overcoming boredom with the same old thing. Useful strategies for loyal customers: 1. If the only profi table segment is the brand loyal heavy user, focus on switching consumer loyalty to the firm’s brands 2.If there is sufficient number of brand loyal light users, focus on increasing their usage of the firm’s brand 3. If there is a sufficient number of variety-seeking heavy users, attempt to make the firm’s brand name a salient attribute and/or develop a new relative advantage. 4. If there is a sufficient number of variety-seeking light users, attempt to make the firm’s brand name a salient attribute and increase usage of the brand among consumers, perhaps by finding sustainable relative advantage. Product Environment Refers to product-related stimuli that consumers attend and comprehend.Majority of this stimuli are received through the sense of sight. Example: How a cloth feels so smooth influences consumer affect, cognition, and behavior. Two types of environmental stimuli: 1. Product attributes. Major stimuli that influence consumer affect, cognition, a nd behavior. Consumers may evaluate these attributes in terms of their own values, beliefs, and past experiences. 2. Packaging. Element of the product environment on which marketers spend billions annually. Packaging objectives: 1. Should protect the product as it moves through the channel to the consumer. 2.Should be economical and not add undue cost to the product 3. Should allow convenient storage and use of the product by consumer 4. Can be used effectively to promote the product to the consumer. Package sizes can influence not only which brands consumers choose but also how much of a product they use on particular occasions. Package colors are thought to have an important impact on consumers affect, cognition, and behavior. Colors can connote meaning and can be used strategically. Brand identification and Label Information on the package provide additional stimuli for consideration by the consumer.It simplifies purchase and for the consumer and make the loyalty development proc ess possible. Label information includes instructions, contents, lists of ingredients or raw materials, warnings for use and care of the product. Product Strategy. Designed to influence consumers in both the short and long run. In the short-run, new product strategies aim to influence consumers to try the product; in the long run, product strategies are designed to develop brand loyalty and obtain large market shares. A critical aspect of designing product strategies involves analyzing consumer-product relationships.This means consumer product-related affect, cognition, behavior, and environments should be carefully considered in new-product life cycle. Characteristics of Consumers; 1. Innovators 2. Early adopters 3. Early majority 4. Late majority 5. Laggards Characteristics of Products 1. Compatibility. How will does this product fit consumers’ current affect and cognitions, and behaviours? –degree to which product is consistent with consistent with consumers current affect, cognition and behavior. 2. Trialability. Can consumers try the product on a limited basis with little risk? -degree of which product can be tried on a limited basis or divided into small quantities for an inexpensive trial. 3. Observability. Do consumers see or otherwise sense this product? –degree to which products or their effects can be sensed by other consumers.4. Speed. How soon do consumers experience the benefits of the product? –refers to how rapid consumers experience the benefits of the product. 5. Simplicity. How easy it is for consumers to understand and use the product? –the degree to which a product is easy for a consumer to understand and use. 6. Competitive advantage. What makes this product better than competitive offerings? -the degree to which an item has sustainable competitive advantage over other product classes, product forms, and brands. 7. Product symbolism. What does this product mean to consumers? –refers to what the pr oduct or brand means to the consumer and what the consumer experiences in purchasing and using it. Consumer researchers recognize that some products possess symbolic features and that consumption of them may depend more on their social and psychological meaning than on their functional utility. 8. Marketing strategy. What is the role of other marketing mix elements in creating a functional or image-related relative advantage?Favorable image is created through the other elements of the marketing mix. Promotion in the form of advertising is commonly used to create a favorable image for the brand by pairing it with positively evaluated stimuli such as attractive model. Price. Create brand images as well as provide functional competitive advantage. Consumers perceived a relationship between price and quality. Price can position a brand as a good value for their money. Distribution. Good site locations and a large number of outlets are important advantage esp in the food markets
Friday, August 30, 2019
The Crucible vs Real Life
The Salem Witch Trials were an extremely controversial period of time in our history. This was a time of suspicion and accusation of many innocent women and men that led to hysteria and complete turmoil in Salem Village. The Crucible portrays the Salem Witch Trials in a dramatic sense, but there are many similarities between the movie and the actual events. We can use these unusual events to compare to our own lives and learn from the mistakes of our past. I’ve found that although many differences are displayed between the movie and the actual events, the overall theme of The Crucible was accurate.One of the differences was the relationship between John Proctor and Abigail Williams. In the movie, their relationship had a much more intimate history than what actually occurred. They portrayed the pair to have had romantic relations, which created a very large shift in the plot of the movie. In real life, Proctor and Williams had no connection other than living in the same town b efore the witch trials. Also, another major difference was the character of Giles Corey. In the movie, he was pressed to death because he wouldn’t give up a name.In the actual events, Giles survived, but he was excommunicated from the church. He was very against the hangings that occurred, however, his name was re-entered onto the church scrolls in later years. The first similarity I noticed was the character of Reverend Hale. In the beginning, all he wanted was to use his church authority to help the people, but after the events got out of hand, he wanted nothing to do with the Salem Witch Trials. He was a large supporter of John Proctor. Another similarity was that all of this hysteria began in the home of Mr.Samuel Parris, involving his daughters and their friends after incidents of witchcraft in the woods. Arthur Miller, the director of The Crucible, used an â€Å"artistic license†to dramatize the events, and to make the overall movie more interesting to the viewe rs. Some may find this tactic unjust, however, I find that the changes he made didn’t display an inaccurate version of the Salem Witch Trials. The largest change that he made to the story was the love connection between Abigail Williams and John Proctor, and although that was untrue to theactual events, I found that it gave the movie an interesting twist. Besides the few differences, Miller stayed along the lines of the true story when it came to the actual hangings, character significances, and the tale of how the hysteria truly began along with who was primarily involved. When comparing the similarities and differences, numerous situations exist where the movie was spot on with the trials in 1692. Although there are significant differences, I believe that this did not take away from the historical facts, and that Miller properly used his artistic license.The severe lies and accusations which occurred in Salem during these trials appear so extreme that it would be impossible to compare to life today. However, recurrently in our modern day, it seems that some still haven’t learned from the mistakes of the past. Although not as severe as the hangings and false accusations that were shown in the witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts, the â€Å"breaking of charity†still proves to destroy friendships and relationships today. An example of this kind of situation could be a jealous friend starting a nasty rumour.Although it may seem harmless at first, the wildfire of gossip can travel even quicker the friend could imagine. If enough people believe and continue to spread the lie, this person could potentially lose many friends and have a lasting effect on their life, causing sadness and unjust treatment. Not to mention, the relationship between the victim and the rumour-starter would be severed until the situation is fully dissolved. Despite the fact that occurrences of this today rarely lead to death or the destruction of a close-knit town, the repercussions of lies can take a harsh effect on relationships to many people.In conclusion, the details of the actual Salem Trials and the movie The Crucible have many similarities and differences that are portrayed throughout history. I believe that Miller’s use of an â€Å"artistic license†is justifiable, and also think that the events of the witch trials can even compare to situations in life today. It’s possible to learn many lessons from this severe religious type of control, and many different opinions are portrayed throughout both the movie and the actual happenings.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Write a paper comparing and contrasting commercial aviation careers Research
Write a comparing and contrasting commercial aviation careers versus military aviation options. Which one is preferable Why - Research Paper Example Despite the challenges that plague the operation s of the airliners, the globe is fully dependent on air travel to fulfill its operations. This explains the reason for the plenty availability of jobs at airlines, airplane organizations, airports, and military organizations all around the world. These career paths are different, as some are more technical than others are. Contrary to this, the difference between the commercial aviation careers and military aviation spans more than just the salaries (Campbell, Castaneda & Pulos, 2009). The desire of many aspiring aviation employees is piloting. The difference, however, is the size of plane that a pilot flies. Besides, a number of contributors make the flight possible, as the airplanes require maximum attention before taking off. Regional commercial airlines often pay $20 every hour (Wheatley, 2012). This notion has inflicted the ambitions of many aspiring aviation workers, with each waiting to fly a jumbo jet. The average annual salary for an aerospace program management director is approximately $151, 000 (Wheatley, 2012). These directors deal with the development of an aviation company strategy, with the negotiations of new aircrafts. Besides, they are responsible for the profitability of the airline company. In the military, the aerospace management director executes the orders from the air wing panel on the tender for the aircraft types that the military needs. This position is to order for the aircrafts from the manufacturers, with the budgetary allocation fixed and inflexible as compared to the commercial airline career. A pilot is an aviation expert who operates aircrafts to transport goods or people for one place to another. In the commercial aviation field, corporations and airline owners employ pilots. In the military front, they are employees of the government. It is however notable that there exist pilots who operate private transport services in private
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
EX 5-22 Computerized Accounting Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
EX 5-22 Computerized Accounting Systems - Essay Example Control accounts are prepared from other financial statements and before the control accounts can be closed, a reconciliation statement is usually prepared to ensure that all the totals of all values agree (Warren, Reeve & Duchac, 2012). The perpetual inventory system updates the accounts as seen fit as compared to the periodic inventory system where accounts are updated periodically. Thus in the perpetual inventory system, the updates are made after every transaction thus giving more accurate figures.The figure presented as the gross profit will thus change if a perpetual system was used. This is due to the fact that all transactions made would have already been recorded. Why aren’t special journal totals posted to control accounts at the end of the month in an electronic accounting system? An electronic accounting system calls for posting of all the accounts and totals on the computer system. However, there are some special journals that do not call for posting of the totals at the end of the month is due to possibilities of errors. Control accounts are prepared from other financial statements and before the control accounts can be closed, a reconciliation statement is usually prepared to ensure that all the totals of all values agree (Warren, Reeve & Duchac, 2012). The following data were extracted from the accounting records of Danhof Company for the year ended June 30, 2012:  Merchandise inventory, July 1, 2011, $ 250,000  Merchandise inventory, June 30, 2012, 325,000 Purchases                                                                  2,100,000 Purchases returns and allowances                                 50,000 Purchases discounts                                                      39,000 Sales                                                                         3,250,000 Freight in                                                                       12,500
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Gender Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Gender - Essay Example From this paper, it is clear that interpretations are irrefutable since improving men and women’s status has been a pledge by the lawmakers and supported by governments as a beginning of tasks on gender. It is evident that women have suffered considerable biases since gender issues are concerned, through policies, media, literature, folk songs, and customs. However, religious teachings and mythology have played an essential role in promoting gender awareness and equity. Favoritism, double standards, and attitudes in the society are the regular reminders of inequalities experienced in the modern world (Marshall, 2000).Gender as social phenomena aroused by the differences in our biological makeup has taken by storm the public domain on major issues politicized (Hobson,2002). Nevertheless, citizens of upright religious practices consider gender as not being critical since they cherish their differences. Contrary to my opinion, gender issue has become a concern, since my childhood girls were treated more respectively compared to boys Gender has been taken lightly to some extent whereas in other cases exaggerated. Documentation of male and female in records such as the birth certificates should not be a cause for any alarm for the sake of peace. Our dressing and genetic makeup always been a problem in that ladies have always been perceived as putting on attire that is meant for men, thus a form of disrespect.To some societies like ancient Greece and Rome, cross-dressing was rampant as the norm. There is a slight difference on perceiving gender through expressing ourselves. Despite our biological differences as human beings, we have similarities that profits all (Marshall, 2000). Normally our bodies’ change as we grow towards maturity is when the difference is noticed clearly. Civilization has brought with it complications in the freedom of choice whereby people are altering their gender (Fenster & Lees, 2002). This practice has received mixed reactions from both parties involved.
Monday, August 26, 2019
In the movie lions for lambs write an essay of argument in which you
In the movie lions for lambs write an of argument in which you assert your position on Americas future if the population continues to avoid involvement in politics and public affairs - Essay Example Despite the presence of many followers in political rallies conducted by popular political figures, there are more individuals – on the back end – who couldn’t care less, are less concerned and would just like to go on with their normal routine of getting on with their personal, family and work lives and not be bothered by other issues which are â€Å"not really their problem†. But what about the overall picture? Americas future is certainly doomed if it continues to avoid involvement in politics and public affairs, hence, it is recommended that more active participation should take place among its citizenry. This is exactly the subject that is brought forward in the movie Lions for Lambs, a 2007 movie directed by Robert Redford. From the movie’s title, you wouldn’t have the faintest idea what the movie is really about unless you get to see the film from beginning to end. Some argue that the film is preachy is more ways than one since it is a hackneyed topic (about war) and the discussions between Senator Jasper Irving (Tom Cruise) and the popular journalist Janine Roth (Meryl Streep), plus the dialogues between Professor Stephen Malley (Robert Redford) and his students Todd, Arian and Ernest seem to just go on and on in circles. Nevertheless, the film’s climax when Arian and Ernest stand up bravely to meet their end in enemy territory is the film’s saving grace, and is remarkably one of the film’s more unforgettable highlights. In spite of the film’s flaws, the issue of apathy in society is a significant concern which this movie raises and which actually requires urgent attention. In the face of the seemingly never-ending battle for supremacy in these Middle East territories, the US still continues to forge on with the arms race and assert its continuing existence in the region. The war issue has become an everyday fare with regards to the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
DB4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
DB4 - Essay Example Once the goal of the process is defined, the next thing is to make a team that will be responsible for doing the job analysis; the team should comprise of HR people who have expertise in identifying the key factors related to various jobs (Cronshow et al., 2007). When job analysis is conducted, the most important elements or areas that need to be focused are duties, tasks and responsibilities of the job, material, tools and equipment required for the job, working conditions and reporting responsibilities, and qualities, skills and experience that will be used for the tasks performance (Shukla, 2011). When the applicants are short-listed for a position, the employer will have to ensure that they have the skills, qualifications and abilities required to perform the particular job. During the interview sessions, the candidates should be given some situation questions so that their ability to handle the tasks can be judged and it will give an idea about the compatibility of the candidate with the specified position. Hence, these are the two key areas that the employer will have to consider to ensure that the right person is hired for the job so that he/she can be beneficial for the organization’s enhanced
Managed health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Managed health care - Essay Example her medical related problems in terms of cost are thought to be handled by Managed health care organizations, yet it has become controversial as the defined tasks are not properly done. Physicians, surgical equipment companies, pharmacies are considered for taking high costs and incentives as their commission. If managed care is to be associated with health care as a compulsion, all such activities should be taken under observations so as to provide proper and adequate medical facilities to the patients, which are of comparatively lower cost so that maximum number of people can benefit from it (Managed health care, Tobin 2012). No doubt managed health care provides enough benefit when the services are taken in bulk; it prominently reduces the total cost of equipments. Moreover, when managed health care organizations provide choice amongst physicians, labs and hospitals, it also becomes highly cost reducing for them as well as for the patient. But one who thinks that limiting choice is a bad option; he/she should have more money to spend in order to consult with other doctors. The delivery system by such organizations should be fair and cost-effective, i.e., all hospitals, physicians, nurses, Para-medical staff who are affiliated with managed health care organizations should be provided timely and at proper and needed place. In these areas, somehow managed health care is earning good points. But on the other hand, if the commission set by the elements of the delivery system rates too high, or they are less effective than the cost, the system starts to decline and the opponents get something to argue upon (D onohue 2008). Before managed health care was introduced, there was fee-for-service method in which doctors were paid every time they provide some service. Their services can be limitless and thus they earn a lot by this method. They themselves were the ones who decide how much to be charged for a particular service. Managed health care organizations convince
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Business - Labor Shortage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Business - Labor Shortage - Essay Example Also, as the global economy improves, talent shortage will be further more evident. Job descriptions have become more complicated and are therefore out of reach of the vast majority looking for employment. Jobs have extensively evolved and are not as simple as they were in the past, what with now requiring more skills to man a particular position compared to before. This is a case of having a job demand, there is a workforce supply but it simply isn’t what the demand is looking for. This disparity created from such causes unemployment not only on particularly countries but rather globally, and it also affects the global economy in its entirety. There are also uncontrollable factors that affect the employment in relation to the line of work and how it is fairing in the economy, especially during recessions where the economy is volatile and unpredictable. A large composition of the unemployed is from the fresh graduates, with statistics saying that 89% of students with new bache lor’s degree cannot secure a job (Carnevale et al., 2012). A college degree does not guarantee a secure job these days. Companies demand that the people they hire have significant experience and are not only knowledgeable but also possess intangibles such as good critical thinking abilities and creativity. I confess myself as lacking in experience in order to play in the global field of competition and economy. Also, having the critical skills in problem solving cannot be verified and certified by a piece of paper, but it should be proven by experience. In order to alleviate such dilemma, it is only a rational decision to further develop ones talent and skills in order to attain job security (Schneider, 2011). Choosing the right course also significantly increases employment. By acquiring an EMBA degree, one achieves an assurance that the knowledge gained in such degree will never become obsolete or unnecessary since it is deemed as the ultimate business credential (Davies & Cline, 2005). Such degree holders are always specially sought by companies. If we follow the same train of thought of the common wisdom of corporations, by acquiring this EMBA degree, I further myself from the others looking for employment because with such I am being equipped with the ability and knowledge on how to generate more productivity and innovation. By completing this program, companies that I apply into are assured that they are looking at a prospect who has in depth knowledge in the economy and business aspects. While experience could still remain an issue, it could easily be overshadowed by the potential that is promised by a person who finished an EMBA degree. In order to finish such, one would and should be able to think critically and give in depth analysis on scenarios and situations and make good and educated procedures in order to solve problems. This degree will also help me be globally savvy regarding economics and marketing, which is a prime asset in this age o f globalized trade and commerce. Not to mention the entrepreneurial skills that I shall have honed that will help me implement and think of creative and innovative ideas, and also the international network shall I shall have developed. Although there is really no clear blueprint to follow in order to have good employment, it never hurts your chances to further develop
Friday, August 23, 2019
Financial management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Financial management - Essay Example This is due to the credit extended in the first month of the operations. Moreover, the credit should equal to CBM has performed extremely well during the course of 9-months. Their cash collecting policy has worked well in generating enough cash for the following months. The cash collected has been incremental due to rising revenues. The company has low uncertainty in its revenue stream which locates them in a good position to finance their fixed assets requirement at appropriate time of the year. (Gitman, 2007) The minimum cash policy at the end of the month has served them well in making payments on time. On average they have surpassed their minimum cash requirement by a substantial margin which is a positive sign for any credit lending firm. The only month which has brought up concerns due to operational activities is April where the company had a cash deficit of $7,500. (Horngren, 2008) Other than April, the company has been in a cash deficit in June which was primarily because of investment in plant and income tax payment which totaled to $150,000. These expenses occur once or twice a year therefore; it is understandable to have a cash deficit for that month. Other than these abnormal payments, the company has fixed payments totaling to $60,000 which encompasses salaries, lease and miscellaneous costs (Brigham & Houston, 2009). Over the 9 months, they have been successful in making the fixed payments as well as the variable payments effectively. As a bank manager, I would like CBM to be my client for three reasons. Firstly, keeping in view their cash budget, the company has been experiencing growth in their revenues during the entire course. This creates positive sentiments about the company and one can project its prospective future. Moreover, growth in revenue could also indicate growing market share and increase in power over price. (Proctor, 2009) Secondly, their cash collection policy has been stringent. They have collected
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The temperature of these in order to get my results Essay Example for Free
The temperature of these in order to get my results Essay In this investigation I will be using CaCO3 in the form of marble chips, and will be reacting these chips with hydrochloric acid. The equation for this is below. Aim: I am trying to investigate whether or not temperature affects the rate of reaction in an experiment. The experiment which I am doing is how temperature affects the rate of gas being given off when Hydrochloric Acid is added to Calcium Carbonate in the form of marble chips. 2HCL(aq) + CaCO3(s) ? H2O (l)+ CO2(g) + CaCl2(aq) Pre-experimentation Procedures, Assessments, and Predictions. Before starting the experiments, I needed to do my risk assessment, find out some things about the chemicals I was going to be using, and make sure that I was fully prepared to do this task safely and efficiently. Hazards: Procedures: Acid Corrosive, can spit when hot Wear safety goggles at all times. Bunsen Burner Exposed flames Do not leave hair untied or let loose clothing flap The Collision Theory I predict that the hotter the acid is, then the faster the rate of reaction will be. I can back this prediction up by stating the Collision Theory, and the Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution theory. When two chemicals react, their molecules have to collide with each other with sufficient energy for the reaction to take place. This is collision theory. The two molecules will only react if they have enough energy. By heating the mixture, you will raise the energy levels of the molecules involved in the reaction. Increasing temperature means the molecules move faster. This is kinetic theory. Preliminary Work and Experiments. In the preliminary work, I was aiming to deduce what the amounts of each chemical should be. I conducted some results using more or less calcium carbonate and each time I took readings every 5 seconds in order to determine how quickly the gas was being given off. I always added the marble chips to 20cm3 of Hydrochloric Acid. To begin with, I used 1. 5 grams of calcium carbonate, and conducted the experiment at room temperature. The experiment was over in 40 seconds, which is too quick. I then tried 1g of marble chips, which took 75 seconds to complete, which is better, yet still too slow. The next day, I decided to try the experiment with 1. 25g. This should have been somewhere between the two speeds of the others, but unfortunately the room temperature was several degrees higher than the day before, and therefore it actually accelerated the experiment. Although this was a setback to getting some useable results, it did show me that because the temperature was higher, the experiment was faster; therefore it was very useful for this experiment. To make sure I had a fair test, I had to do a control. This was at room temperature, whatever that was on the day. Then, I would vary the temperature to see my results. I am going to see how fast the CO2 is given off when I vary the amount of marble chips, therefore I can get the right amount for when I do the full experiment. I set up the apparatus, as shown below, and began the experiment. Here are my first results, please note that the 1. 25g section in italics was the set of results on the hotter day. Amount of gas given off (cm3) Time (s) 1I am going to use temperature as my variable, these experiments were very useful at indicating that my prediction was right. They showed that on the hotter day, even though it had less reactant, the 1. 25g experiment was faster than the 1. 5g one. They also showed that the cold experiment took the longest to complete, which concurs with my prediction. Plan When I do the experiment, I am going to use 1. 25g of calcium carbonate, and 20cm3of Hydrochloric Acid as fixed amounts; I will then vary the temperature of these in order to get my results. To keep the temperature the same both times, and in order to vary it, I will be using an ice bath to keep it cool, and a hot water bath to keep it warm. The calcium carbonate will be measured on a set of sensitive digital scales and the acid will be measured in a measuring cylinder for maximum accuracy.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The South Korean Plastic Surgery Craze
The South Korean Plastic Surgery Craze Plastic surgery has become a craze among South Koreans since the beginning of the twenty first century. South Korea has the highest rate of plastic surgery than any other country in the world, with 74 procedures per 10,000 people (Winchester, 2013). Majority of people in Korea believe that facial appearance is an important factor in measuring one’s success in life. This paper argues that plastic surgery in South Korea needs a limitation and the plastic surgery craze in Korea has to be stopped. Three reasons why plastic surgery has to be reduced are because of plastic surgery addiction, standardization in physical appearance and side effects of cosmetic operations. Plastic surgery was introduced in Korea by Dr. Ralph Millard, an American plastic surgeon, who arrived in Korea in 1954 and performed double eyelid surgeries for Korean patients (Stone, 2013). Millard’s role was to help treat accident and burnt victims but he decided to help in a different way. Millard thought that a more western appearance would help Koreans assimilate better in the emerging international economy. (Millard. R, n.d.). The surgery quickly caught on and the first aesthetic surgery clinic opened in Korea in 1961. From then, numbers of women undergoing plastic surgeries increased from year to year. Currently double eyelids and nose jobs are so common that they are not named surgery but called as â€Å"procedure†. It is true to say that once Koreans desired to look more western, but nowadays cosmetic operations are not to look more western but to look more stunning as what Koreans think. According to Dr. Hyunenong Park (as cited in Stone, 2013), a plastic su rgeon in Korea, said â€Å"Even though many Caucasians have small and slim faces, it doesnt mean Asians want to be like Caucasians. If you inspect some Caucasian celebrities, you find countless examples of prominent jaws and high cheekbones. Nonetheless, if you inspect Asian celebrities, they all have small jaws and cheekbones. That’s because small and slim face is ideal to most Koreans†. This shows that Koreans undergoing plastic surgeries still look for distinctively Korean feature, rather than looks similar to Caucasian. Some people argue that plastic surgery boosts self-confidence and decreases the rate of depression in patients. Patients suffering from a health issue related to physical appearances had a great change in how they feel about themselves after procedure. For instance, a study found that patients who surgically altered their physical appearance, claimed to achieve their goal, felt healthier, less anxious and developed more self-esteem compared to those who chose not to have plastic surgery (Royal University of Bhutan, 2013). Moreover, researchers found out that plastic surgery plays a major role in decreasing depression in patients with appearance issues. Research carried out by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (2006), demonstrated a high correlation between plastic surgery procedures and mitigating depression in patients. The research showed 31 percent of the patients electing for the procedure who was currently on anti-depressants, had stopped taking anti-depressant medication for six months, after the surgery (American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2006). This shows that plastic surgery does play an important role in enhancing ones self-esteem and decreasing the level of depression but overdone plastic surgeries are causing major problems in our society. Peoples obsession with plastic surgery, is one of the reasons why plastic surgery needs to be reduced. Most of the people have something they don’t like about their appearance, but if it is not serious and does not affect our daily live, it is not necessary to undergo surgeries. Whereas in Korea, people have become more open about ‘reconstructing’ their face and procedures like eye-and-nose jobs have become what they call â€Å"basics†Furthermore, people’s obsession with plastic surgery is moving on from the ‘basics’ to radical surgical operations that require long painful recovery period which is potentially dangerous surgery (Standen, 2013). These people who are not satisfied with their current appearance and go through numerous procedures are suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). BDD refers to people who continually find flaws in areas where there are no flaws and need to proceed several times of surgeries (ADAA, n.d.). They perceive themselves as being ugly while others could see him or her as physically attractive and are hardly satisfied with their appearance. Many people in Korea are currently experiencing this disorder but they are not conscious about it and this can lead to severe side effect. For example, a former Korean model Hang Mioku, addicted to plastic surgery, injected cooking oil into her face because plastic surgeons refused to perform any more plastic surgeries on her (Nair, 2013). Her face is badly disfigured but she is still desperate for softer, smoother skin. This Korean model is actually suffering from BDD but she is not conscious of the fact that she has a mental disorder. Another reason why there needs to be a limitation to plastic surgery is because careless operations cause serious side effects. According to the Korean Consumer Agency (as cited by Lim, 2014), rate of medical dispute on cosmetic surgery was the highest of all medical disputes in the year 2013 and it increased 28.5 percent more in the year 2014. Due to the enormous expansion of aesthetic surgery industry, plastic surgeons are not enough to cover all the patients and as a result, many unqualified plastic surgeons or doctors from other medical fields known as the ‘shadow doctors’ are doing procedures for. Shadow doctors, substitute plastic surgeons, are reported to be the main cause of the huge increase in medical incidents that were reported in recent years (Yoo, 2015). 70 percent of plastic surgery malpractice suits that were reported are from asymmetric problems followed by prosthesis failure, inflammation and post-scars (Lee, 2015). These side effects lead to health and mental diseases or even death. For instance, Kim Bok Soon, a patient who wanted to have her nose done to gain more self- confidence, was convinced by an unqualified doctor to have fifteen operations done to look like a celebrity but the result came out as a disaster. After the procedure, she cannot close her eyes or stop her nose from running and is currently suffering from chronic depression (Carney, 2014). Not only this, but a Chinese woman was found brain dead while undergoing combined eye and nose procedure in a clinic located in southern Seoul (Choi, Park, 2014). She suddenly stopped breathing and lost consciousness while surgery and was sent to a nearby hospital but was diagnosed with brain death and currently remaining comatose. Lastly, standardization in appearance is also a reason why the aesthetic operation has to be reduced. A series of photos of 2013 Miss Korea preliminary contestants revealed by an anonymous blogger shocked not only Koreans but the whole world and news organizations worldwide. International news presses all at once, criticized on how plastic surgery has turned the 2013 preliminary pageant contestants into almost identical looking people (Lewis, 2013; Odell, 2013; Zimmerman, 2013). Not only contestants but similarly looking women can be easily seen in many places in Korea but especially in Gangnam a district popular for plastic surgery. Christina Lim, who is trying to emulate doll-like features of the K-pop celebrities, said â€Å"Plastic surgery is a normal thing. My friends, they would actually just go on vacation and then they would come back with a new face. In Korea, you go down the street, you see this girl and you walk down the street, you see that girl again. The two girls are actually different person†(Chang Thompson, 2014). As Lim stated, many Korean women desire to undergo operations to achieve big eyes, round forehead, tall nose and v-line shaped jaw lines which is the latest beauty standard in Korea. The problem occurs from people who do not fit the beauty standard. People who are considered as not pretty because they do not fit into the beauty standard have a hard time with getting along with others and fit in to the society. In conclusion, the paper argued about limitation of plastic surgery in Korea. We have looked at how cosmetic operations enhance self-esteem and decrease depression but on the other hand, cause serious problems like aesthetic surgery addiction, standardization in appearance and severe side effects that may lead to death and serious social problems. Cosmetic surgery was a surgery to remove the physical appearances that cause other health disease or mental disease but because it is carelessly done and overly used in Korea, it is causing more problems than benefit to the society. To prevent this, cosmetic operations have to be limited to patients who really need the procedure and not to unnecessary people. Doctors performing procedures should also be carefully examined before they can do any cosmetic operations to patients to avoid any malpractice caused by unqualified doctors. 1
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Civil Marriage In Lebanon Politics Essay
Civil Marriage In Lebanon Politics Essay Civil marriage has lately become a controversial issue in Lebanon. The media has been publicizing it quite intensively. It has even become a political issue debatable by most parties on both side of the political divide. The concept of civil marriage has gained much territory in this country and has already reached a point of no return. As such it can no longer be neglected or forgotten. Nowadays, civil marriage is legalised in most countries. It should, in fact, be encouraged here in Lebanon for several reasons. First, civil marriage is a right for believers and non-believers alike who wish not to marry in any or under the auspices of the religious institutions. In the absence of civil marriage, both believers and non-believers have only one choice: getting married in religious institutions. Civil marriage does not exclude religious ceremonies; it complements them, if so desired. The crux of the matter here is the right of choice. Lebanon does not offer that choice yet. MP Ghassan Mokheiber is one of the few politicians who support civil marriage in Lebanon, it should be one of the basic rights for the Lebanese people (Mahdawi, March 19, 2010). There is, nevertheless, a bright side to this issue. Despite the fact that the Lebanese people are deprived of this right on their own territory, they are, however, not deprived from their countrys recognition of their right to have their civil marriages carried out abroad. So, a couple who engaged in a civil marriage abroad is entitled to have their marriage fully recognized in Lebanon. Upon its return to Lebanon, the couples marriage is both legitimate and legal. Civil Marriage 3 Second, civil marriage is a blessing for men and women from different religious backgrounds who wish to enter into mixed marriage. In fact, it is the best refuge for secular arrangements. The progress of the secular culture has forced a regression of the religious option. This transfer of authority away from religious onto civil jurisdiction means that the power of regulating peoples live now lie in the hands of elected appointed civil officials. The clergy, stripped of its formal authority to regulate peoples civil lives, can no longer influence peoples choices in a secular state. In a country where civil marriage is practiced, the presence of a civil official simply validates the marital bonds of a bride and a groom away from religious conventional practices and authority. It is then a strictly civil affair. A clear illustration is when Rafik, a Druze, and Jeanette, a Catholic, decide to get married in Cyprus. Irrespective of their faiths, they can be joined in matrimony in a country where civil marriage is common practice. Rafik and Jeanette would have encountered several obstacles if they were got married in Lebanon. The first obstacle is that when one member of the couple is obliged to change to the religion of the other member; it seems as a conflict between religions. Given the society in Lebanon, most likely Jeanette will be the one to change. Furthermore, Druzes are not allowed to marry from another faith. Normally, people are born Druze. So, from a Lebanese religious stance, a Druze marrying a Christian would not be possible. Besides, Jeanettes family cannot allow for her to marry into a community other than Christian. Things can become even more complicated knowing that both Jeanette and Rafik are irreligious. Hence, the only solution for Jeanette and Rafik is to get married in Cyprus Civil Marriage 4 before a civil official leaving all their religious troubles as well as their religion-driven social taboos and customs behind them. Upon their return to Lebanon, the Lebanese authorities will legalize their civil marriage. Their married civilian status will then be clearly indicated on all their civilian extracts (No Civil Marriages in Lebanon). Third, civil marriage in Lebanon is a major step toward reinforcing interreligious dialogue. It helps build one Lebanese identity, which, in turn, will lead to a successful and healthy melting pot. One very important political decision consistent with this objective was taken as late as the mid 1990s. It was decreed that the religious denominations on identity cards be banned. This was the only successful of several failed attempts since the 1950s to legalize civil marriage in Lebanon (CopperWiki). Opponents, however, have always had the upper hand probably they were more vocal and more powerful. Their source of power could be either due to their formal position or to their leadership capabilities. One such attempt took place in 1998 when President Elias Hrawi was very close from introducing civil marriage into the Lebanese system. At that time, Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and some other ministers objected (Mahdawi, March 19, 2010). The reason why Hariri didnt accept to sign the bill was that Lebanon is not ready yet. Same as Hariri, and on the other end of the religious panorama, Lebanons Maronite Christian Patriarch, Cardinal Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir, declared that civil marriage is not in the line with the teachings of the Church. He also added that Solidarity with Lebanons Muslim community is a need (Yeranian, May 6, 1998, p.7). These negative voices have appropriately sparked many bitter criticisms. How does he want to establish this solidarity if hes an opponent of civil marriage, in the time that civil marriage Civil Marriage 5 is almost the only solution to live that solidarity? In another trial in 2002, human rights activists re-shed the lights on civil marriage, but unfortunately, without any success (Ajami, August 3, 2007). Finally, the simplicity and the expediency of civil marriage are far more convenient than the traditional ones. One blessing is not to worry about any delays or religious constraints. The presence of a civil official or a judge to join the couple is the only requirement. It is a practical arrangement for couples-to-be. A civil wedding ceremony may be arranged much faster than that of a traditional wedding. Moreover, civil ceremonies tend to be a favorite option given the budget-conscious couples. In fact, thousands of singles go through the civil marriage never to regret it. For the Lebanese, Cyprus is Las Vegas. Not for gambling, but à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ for marriage. While Las Vegas is the destination of choice for Americans looking to get married quickly, for the 400 Lebanese couples who travel to Cyprus every years seeking civil marriages, the decision is more calculated, (Luca, August 26, 2009). Besides, it is a most convenient half-an hour away refuge from Lebanon. In Cyprus, an average wedding costs less than $1,000; this sum represents 1% compared to the cost of a marriage that often reached thousands and thousands of dollars in Lebanon (Ajami, August 27, 2007). Civil marriage turns to be some kind of business where there are big financial profits. The famous slogan of Cyprus civil marriage is Just say I doà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ well do the rest. The rest costs between $1,200 and $1,900. (Luca, August 26, 2009). Civil Marriage 6 Civil Marriage is just one chapter under the much bigger umbrella of civil society reforms that Lebanon needs to undergo badly. Other related problems that need to be addressed with equal urgency and importance include gender equality, child custody and divorce, which are all very closely related. Together with civil marriage, as and when updated, they compose the base for civil society. The current society relies on a complicated mix of religion. The first step towards modernization of our society should be its deconfessionalization. Religious leaders should be told to restrict their role to spiritual business specifically. Once our society turns secular, then other social issues, including civil marriage, would be addressed much more effectively. It is clear now that all the good and valid causes and benefits are there for as an immediate implementation of civil marriage regulations as possible. There is quite a dichotomy in the present situation: Civil marriage isnt allow in Leban on; while it is recognized if perform elsewhere. To many Lebanese the solution is very simple and could satisfy both sides: make of civil marriage a choice for interested couple (Mattar Law). The key to this solution is politicians, taking a courageous decision to launch the appropriate and serious workshop toward the implementation of civil marriages in Lebanon. The quicker such a decision, the quicker the solution. But, will it ever occur? And if so, how soon? Civil Marriage 7
Monday, August 19, 2019
Francis Marion Essay -- essays research papers
Francis Marion 1732-1795 Also known as: Swamp Fox Born: WINTER, 1732 in South Carolina, United States, Berkeley County Died: February 27, 1795 Occupation: General Source Database: DISCovering U.S. History Table of Contents Biographical Essay | Further Readings | Source Citation Hero of the southern campaign in the American Revolution, who was known for his mastery of the small-unit tactics necessary for effective guerrilla warfare. BIOGRAPHICAL ESSAY Francis Marion was born in the winter of 1732 (his exact birth date is unknown) at Goatfield Plantation in St. John's Parish, Berkeley County, South Carolina. His parents, Gabriel and Esther Marion, were of French Huguenot descent. The Huguenots were French Protestants who had suffered persecution for their beliefs during the reign of Louis XIV. Following the 1685 revocation of the Edict of Nantes, which forbade the practice of Protestantism, 50,000 Huguenots left France. Marion's grandparents were among them. Along with 70 or 80 other Huguenot families, they farmed the banks of the Santee River near Charleston, South Carolina, where the land proved ideal for growing rice and indigo, a highly treasured blue dye which brought a good price in Europe. The cultivation of both crops spanned an entire year, so the planters were never idle, and they were rewarded with a comfortable lifestyle. Because the land had been largely untouched before the Huguenots began farming it, much effort was expended preparing the land for raising crops, leaving little time for the acquiring of formal educations. Although the Huguenots were firm believers in cultural pursuits, Marion received only a rudimentary education, as his correspondence attests. When Marion was five or six years old, his family moved to another plantation, Winyah Bay in Prince George Parish, near a port called Georgetown. Despite Marion's small, rather puny, stature and ill health, his young life was a continuous cycle of work. But as he farmed the land, his dreams took him to sea, and, at the age of 15, he received the consent of his parents to sign on with a schooner bound for the West Indies. But nearly as soon as Marion's dreams of sailing became reality, the reality became a nightmare. On the voyage home, a whale rammed the schooner, ripping the seams and sending water into the hold. Before the schooner went down, the captain, al... ...ontinental, 1948. †¢ Rankin, Hugh F. Francis Marion: The Swamp Fox. Crowell, 1973. †¢ Risjord, Norman K. "The Swamp Fox: Francis Marion," in Representative Americans. D.C. Heath, 1980. †¢ Simms, William Gilmore. "The Marion Family," in Southern and Western Monthly Magazine. Vol. 1 (1845): pp. 209--215. †¢ Alden, John Richard. The South in the Revolution, 1763--1789. †¢ Chidsey, Donald Barr. The War in the South. Crown, 1969. †¢ Davis, Burke. The Cowpens-Guilford Courthouse Campaign. Lippincott, 1962. †¢ Treacy, M.F. Prelude to Yorktown. University of North Carolina Press, 1963. †¢ Weigley, Russell F. The Partisan War: The South Carolina Campaign of 1780--1782. University of South Carolina Press, 1970. Source Citation: "Francis Marion." DISCovering U.S. History. Gale Research, 1997. Reproduced in History Resource Center. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group.
Karl Swindlehurst Melancholy of the German Hussars :: English Literature
Karl Swindlehurst Melancholy of the German Hussars I have currently been studying three short stories. The first of the three short story’s The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion is one of seven stories from the â€Å"Wessex Tales†. The genre of this story is generally based around love and issues and consequences related to love, and also distresses the complications and coincidences within the love story. The story itself has three main characters in which a love triangle is formed. Phyllis, Humphrey and Mateus are the main characters in which Phyllis was engaged to Humphrey through an agreed marriage arranged by both Humphrey and her father. However that engagement breaks down when Humphrey goes to Bath on a trip which lasted longer than both Phyllis and her father had expected. In this time Phyllis had meet a man named Mateus. Mateus was a corporal in the German Hussars and both Mateus and Phyllis fall in love. The plot is based around the love of Phyllis and Mateus and also how the plan of Mateus going AWOL falling to pieces, and the build up to his death. Mateus and Humphrey are entirely different to each other in a sense of character looks, actions, and general attitude towards Phyllis. We first get a description of Humphrey around line 56, â€Å" Interests within the Court - was one Humphrey Gould a bachelor a personage neither young nor old; neither good-looking nor positively plain†The description is detailed yet vague, it leaves very much to be desired, â€Å" neither young nor old†it’s very bland, imprecise James Hardy is suggesting he is of middle age. In this short description we can devise a brief image of Humphrey. Around line 107 we are introduced with the interesting character of Mateus. â€Å" Her attention was arrested by a solitary figure walking along the path†the introduction that James Hardy has chosen is rather different to Humphrey maybe suggesting in an early stage in the story that he is more important. â€Å" It’s aspect was so striking, so handsome, and his eyes were so blue and sad, abstracted.†The description is of more beauty compared to Humphrey’s suggesting quite obviously Mateus is the better looking man. The acquaintance of Phyllis by both men were distinctively different. Humphrey approached Dr. Grove Phyllis father for her hand in marriage, Humphrey having come from a highly respected family Dr. Grove was overwhelmed, and saw this as an great opportunity for his family. Mateus’ s meeting with Phyllis differed to Humphreys. He was simply walking past and they both noticed each other, on the whole a more romantic meeting.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Robert Andrew Millikan Essay -- essays research papers
Robert Andrew Millikan In 1909 Robert Andrew Millikan set up an apparatus to measure the charge of an electron within an accuracy range of 3%. In 1913 he came out with a value of the electrical charge that would serve the world of science for a generation. Young Millikan had a childhood like most others: he had no idea what his profession would be. Once he recalled trying to jump from a rowboat to a dock, falling in the water, and almost drowning. Here he had his first account with physics - Newton’s Third Law of Motion: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". Even in High School Physics courses Millikan was not so spirited, which may have had a little to do with his teacher’s habit of spending the summers using a divining rod to find water. After Millikan graduated from Maquoketa High he was accepted into Oberlin College. Robert actually began his physics career when he taught an elementary course at the request of his Greek professor during his sophomore year. He then transferred to Columbia University from which he graduated in 1893 as the only student graduate in physics. After this accomplishment Millikan travelled to Germany to study with such professors Planck and others. When this period was on his resume Millikan was offered a position in the Physics department at the University of Chicago and Millikan took it. After teaching for a period Millikan decided that physics could o...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Epi Study Guide – Leon Gordis
Reverse Time Order- outcome actually come before the exposure (opposite of hypothesis); the outcome Is really the exposure and the exposure Is really the outcome d. Chance- to occur accidentally, without design, a coincidence e. Bias- systematic error in design, conduct, or analysis of a study that results in a mistaken estimate 3. 4 enduring epidemiological understandings patterns to their occurrence. These patterns can be identified through surveillance of populations. Examining these patterns of health and disease can help us formulate a hypothesis bout their possible causes. B.A hypothesis can be tested by comparing the frequency of disease in selected groups of people with and without the exposure to determine if the exposure and the disease are associated. When the exposure is hypothesized to have a beneficial effect, studies can be designed in which a group of people is intentionally exposed to the hypothesized cause and compared to a group that is not exposed. When an exposur e is hypothesized to have detrimental effect, it is unethical to intentionally expose a group of people. In these circumstances, studies can be designed that observe groups of free living people with and without the exposure. . One possible explanation for finding an association is that the exposure causes the outcome. Because studies are complicated by factors not controlled by the observer, other explanations also must be considered, including chance, bias, confounding and reverse time order. D. Judgment about whether an exposure causes a disease is developed by examining a body of epidemiological evidence as well as evidence from other scientific disciplines 8 cause-effect criteria questions 1 . What is the strength of association between the risk factor and the disease? 2. Can a biological gradient be demonstrated? 3. Is the finding consistent?Has it been replicated by others in other places? 4. Have studies established that the risk factor precedes the disease? 5. Is the risk f actor associated with on disease of many different diseases? 6. Is the new finding coherent with earlier knowledge about the risk factor and the disease? 7. Are the implications of the observed findings biologically sensible? Been produced by controlled administration of the risk factor? 4. Active surveillance a. s when the researcher is actively to collect data for the study 5. Age-adjusted rates a. Eliminate the effects of differences in the age distributions of populations 6. Association a. Towards the null = towards no association 7. Bias a. Systematic error in design, conduct, or analysis of a study that results in a mistaken estimate of an exposure's effect on the risk of disease 8. Biological gradient/ dose-response relationship 9. Biological sense – Are the implications of the observed findings biologically sensible? If it doesn't make biological sense today, doesn't mean it can't in future 10. Landing- a. Blind the participants, blind people administering exposures, and even blind assessors evaluating if they do or do not have outcome I.Other measures, such as mean differences, are used if the data are continuous 39. Measures of statistical stability – P values and confidence intervals are the two main ways to asses the role of chance in epidemiological research. The null P value and 95% confidence interval are most commonly used. 40. Misclassification a. Indifferently misclassification – likelihood that misclassification is equal (if there is an association, you are less likely to find it) b. Differential misclassification – alters measure of affect 42. National Children's Health Study a.The National Children's Health Study will examine the effects of the environment, as broadly defined to include factors such as air, water, diet, sound, family dynamics, community and cultural influences, and genetics on the growth, development, and health of children across the United States, following them from before birth until age 21 years b. Cohort study 43. Natural Experiments -natural occurring circumstances in which groups of Pl within a population have been exposed to different levels of the hypothesized exposure. 44. Necessary and sufficient a. Al people with the ADZ are exposed 45. Not necessary and sufficient a. Those who have the ADZ may or may not be exposed 46. Necessary and not sufficient a. Elf you have the ADZ you have the exposure; you can have the exposure but the exposure may not be enough for you to get the ADZ 47. Not necessary and not sufficient a. Do not need to have exposure to have outcome, outcome does not mean you have b. XSL could be a cause of ADZ 48. Numerator a. A count 49. Nun Study- a. Retrospective cohort study, 1,000 nuns participated in the study. 3 of the nuns rote an autobiography at 22 linguistic in relation to Alchemies. 50. Observational Studies a. An epidemiological study of a natural experiment in which the investigator is not involved other than to count 51 . Odds ratio a. Ratio of the probability of the occurrence of an event to that of it's nonoccurrence b. OR= (A/C) / (BID) Students who did not do their homework had an odds of having a cell phone 9 times that of students who did their homework. 52. Outcome – ADZ, caused by exposure 53. P value 54. Passive surveillance is when the researcher relies on the available data for the study
Friday, August 16, 2019
A Biographical Approach to the Poem The Whipping by Robert Hayden Essay
Robert Hayden is one of the best-known American poets of his time. However, he is also one of the most underrated poets of all time, arguably not as much accolades as other poets of the same era. His poems exude admirable sincerity and tremendous grasp of poetic devices. His beautiful poem â€Å"The Whipping†is regarded as one of his finest work. A biographical approach to the poem would reveal to us that Hayden transforms his bitter memories to a sumptuous work of art. The poem is basically about a woman whipping a boy, for some reason that is not explicitly stated in the poem. The second line â€Å"is whipping the boy again†tells us that violent act is being carried on regularly. The reader immediately would assume that the woman is the mother of the boy, regardless if the woman is the boy’s biological or foster parent. The picture that Hayden had painted is vividly painful. The lines â€Å"she strikes and strikes the shrilly circling / boy till the stick breaks†suggests the level of anger of the woman and the fear and pain of the boy. The woman stopped whipping the boy only when the stick was already broken. Halfway through the poem, the author shifts from third to first person â€Å"words could bring the face that I / no longer knew or loved†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Those first person lines suggest to the readers that the speaking persona could have undergone the same kind of treatment. The line â€Å"well, it is over now, it is over†is a potent hint that the narrator is recalling his past. He is able to forgive the one that whipped him. However, he is unable to shake off the memories of being whipped as a boy. A peek to Hayden’s biography is likely to lead us to clues that had led him to conceive this poem. Hayden was born and grew up in a Detroit ghetto which the people there called Paradise Valley. During that time, violence, in the form of corporal punishment, was not uncommon. Hayden also had an irregular family life as a child. His biological parents were separated even before his birth. A couple who also exhibited a volatile relationship took him in. As a child, Hayden had witnessed domestic violence from both his biological and foster parents (Greasely 251-252). Hayden had shown us admirable honesty through his poem â€Å"The Whipping. Corporal punishment is not much talked about by adults, probably because they are now currently the ones guilty of whipping their children. Hayden had shared his memories to us to convey a message that would be vital for any community. He is suggesting to us that corporal punishment is more likely to generate childhood trauma than discipline. Moreover, he is also arguing that violence to a child is injustice. Parents blaming their child for their â€Å"lifelong hidings†are the primary reason why this vicious cycle of violence is still ongoing.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
American Samoa
I’m from American Samoa Samuelu Tofiga PSY 202 Renee Bostick 2/25/2013 Outline Introduction Thesis: Here are my five characteristics that I want to share with you, I’m from American Samoa, one of the territories of the United States of America, I’m a proud Samoan, Family, and Culture and Tradition. I. American Samoa a. Beautiful island to take a vacation on b. Many myths and folk tales from the past c. The social, political and family issues are mere windows at forming the many facets and drawings that connect the cultures of the world II.One of the territories of the United States of America d. American Samoa is served by one major airline today and two computer, or smaller, airlines e. There is television and newspaper in print f. Telephone (including cellular phone service) and Internet service available and used by almost everyone on the island III. I’m a proud Samoan g. I am a full Samoan and I let you know that being a Samoan or live in Samoa takes y ou in a different place and we always love visitors from outside or around the world who wants to visit the beautiful island of American Samoa h.Some Samoans leave our island and move in different places but suddenly they will come back where they originated from and where they belong to i. No matter where you go, no matter how far you go, you will always be back where you belong to IV. Family j. Children are taught when they are young to respect their older siblings k. The father is the patriarch of the family and next to him is the mother. From there it is the children from oldest to youngest l. Within the family, giving and receiving tautua (service), fa‘aaloalo (respect) and alofa (love) are crucial in Samoan social relationsV. Culture & Tradition m. The concept of fa‘asamoa is essential to Samoan identity, and consists of a number of values and traditions: aiga (family), tautala Samoa (Samoan language), gafa (genealogies), matai (chiefly system), lotu (church), and fa'alavelave (ceremonial and other family obligations) n. Hospitality to outside visitors is a natural part of the culture, though it is most important to observe and respect local Samoan traditions o. When visiting Samoa, your resort, hotel or lodging will be pleased to advise you of other local customsRunning Head: AMERICAN SAMOA I’m from the beautiful island of American Samoa Samuelu Tofiga Ashford University of Iowa Abstract American Samoa is what some people called the joyful place or the island of the paradise. Hi my name is Samuelu Tofiga I’m from the territory and the island of American Samoa; I welcome you to the story or some important facts of my beloved island to you folks all around the world. You almost can’t find my island on the globe or the map, but it’s a tiny rock where we live at and it’s in the Pacific Ocean and its closer to the equator.I want to take you to the interesting story of where I’m from and tell you we are hu man beings too. You will be able to enjoy my writing and explore the new information from my island. I’m from the beautiful island of American Samoa Don’t shrink your dreams, super-size your courage and abilities (â€Å"Salmonsohn). Welcome everyone to my island of American Samoa; if you want to explore one of the passion islands in the Pacific Ocean, you should visit American Samoa. In the past, my island was form from small tiny rocks, they break apart and become lands.Here are my five characteristics that I want to share with you, I’m from American Samoa, one of the territories of the United States of America, I’m a proud Samoan, Family, and Culture and Tradition. First of all, American Samoa is a beautiful place; an island to take a vacation on, if you want to go to someplace warm, you should visit American Samoa it’s closer to the equator. We have many myths and folk tales from our own ancestors in the past, up until now we usually maintain t hat fact from the past.It is very important for people all around the world that American Samoa is very helpful, people are very kind and I know many people from different countries are likely to live, stay and make their family here in American Samoa. American Samoa is a wonderful example of a culture and a people that, over the years have developed into a diverse structure; the traditional and the modern. Comparing and contrasting these two can include many elements, but the economy and religion are two that affect almost every area of both groups of these people.The social, political and family issues are mere windows at forming the many facets and drawings that connect the cultures of the world. Secondly, American Samoa is one of the territories of the United States of America. As an unincorporated and unorganized territory of the United States and administered by the Office of Insular Affairs and the United States Department of the Interior Independence, the America Samoa milit ary activities take place within the United States. American Samoa is served by one major airline today and two computer, or smaller, airlines.There is television and newspaper in print. Surprisingly though, telephone (including cellular phone service) and Internet service available and used by almost everyone on the island. A proud Samoan should have knowledge and familiar with the Samoan Culture, the pride to be a Samoan, and understand and loves to communicate and work together with the people of Samoa. I am a full Samoan and I let you know that being a Samoan or live in Samoa takes you in a different place and we always love visitors from outside or around the world who wants to visit the beautiful island of American Samoa.Some Samoans leave our island and move in different places but suddenly they will come back where they originated from and where they belong to. No matter where you go, no matter how far you go, you will always be back where you belong to. Family is a key to t he Samoan people because it ties altogether with the culture and tradition. â€Å"Children are taught when they are young to respect their older siblings. At the same time their older siblings are being taught to respect their elders. There is always someone older than you to give respect to. The structure of a Samoan family follows a hierarchy. The father is the patriarch of the family and next to him is the mother. From there it is the children from oldest to youngest. This structure becomes very important as the children learn faaaloalo because the siblings are very much involved with each other’s learning. The central element in Samoan culture is the aiga (family). Within the family, giving and receiving tautua (service), fa‘aaloalo (respect) and alofa (love) are crucial in Samoan social relations.Young people are expected to serve and show respect to elders, and can expect to receive love, protection, honor, a name to be proud of, and defense by the family when it is needed. The Samoan Culture and Tradition is very important. The concept of fa‘asamoa is essential to Samoan identity, and consists of a number of values and traditions: aiga (family), tautala Samoa (Samoan language), gafa (genealogies), matai (chiefly system), lotu (church), and fa'alavelave (ceremonial and other family obligations).There are also the associated values of alofa (love), tautua (service), fa‘aaloalo (respect), feagaiga (a covenant between sibilings and others) and usita‘i (discipline). Hospitality to outside visitors is a natural part of the culture, though it is most important to observe and respect local Samoan traditions. These include not giving money to children, removing footwear before entering a fale, never standing when a local elder is sitting, asking permission before taking photos in a village, avoiding skimpy attire, wearing a lavalava (sarong or cloth wrap) when visiting churches or villages.Nude or topless bathing is prohibited. Wh en visiting Samoa, your resort, hotel or lodging will be pleased to advise you of other local customs. As of now, you understand and really enjoy the short story from where I am from, and if you really wanted to visit or you want it a proof come and visit my island and you will definitely wanted to go back where you came from. You will enjoy your staying and wanted to live in American Samoa forever.Likewise I wanted to inform you again my five characteristics; American Samoa is where I am from, one of the territories of the United States of America, proud Samoan, family, culture and tradition. References Salmonsohn, K. (n. d. ). Cute & Inspirational Sayings. In notsalmon. com. Retrieved February 8, 2013 (2001). In http://amsamoa. net/. Retrieved February 10, 2013 The Family Faaaloalo (2005). In www. saolelei. com. Retrieved February 10, 2013 Samoan Culture (1998). In www. teara. govt. Retrieved February 10, 2013 Samoa – its culture and traditions (2013). In www. samoaholidays . co. uk. Retrieved February 10, 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Causes of homelessness Essay
This essay will focus on two causes of homelessness, financial problems and family issues and illustrate some effects. In the first place, one of the main reasons that people become homeless is financial problems. As a result their physical condition will be very vulnerable. The personal bankruptcy causes their house to be repossessed, forcing them leave home and sleep anywhere they can find. No permanent house to live, no shelter, no bed, leaving them with a poor and unpredictable life. It will be a great danger especially in winter when many homeless people can sometimes freeze to death. Another thing that can affect homeless people’s health is lack of food. Their financial problems mean that they only have little money to live on. They do not even have enough money to buy basic food, not to mention high quality nutritious food. Only the cheapest food can be afforded which usually has very low nutrition and is bad quality. According to the scientific research we know long term insufficient intake of nutritious food can cause people to have a low immune system which makes them vulnerable to disease and that can lead them to another serious problem which is they do not have enough money to see doctor. Due to the financial problem they have to ignore the disease no matter how badly they are suffering. This kind behavior can cause many serious consequences because without medical care even a disease like a cold can be deadly. Although financial difficulty is a common reason for homelessness and has a serious influence on their physical health, family issues, like divorce or domestic violence, is also a significant factor that can lead to homelessness, especially among adolescents. Because teenagers have not developed maturity, in this period they need their parents’ company and guidance to develop psychological health like self-esteem, but homelessness forces them to go out into society when their m ental state is still very fragile. Since human beings have evolved into intelligent and emotional beings, self-esteem has always played a very important role in sustaining people’s mental health. Because homeless people’s living condition is very poor, they always look sloppy and that causes other people to be unwilling to talk to them. As a result the homeless people feel alienated by other people and feel no one cares about them anymore. At first they may become very angry, then they fell frustrated, and finally they quit on themselves and cannot feel their value to this society hence they start to see themselves as a burden to the society. In this process their self-esteem becomes lower and lower and finally they may suffer severe mental damage.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Building a rule based credit risk assessment expert system Research Paper
Building a rule based credit risk assessment expert system - Research Paper Example In most cases, statistical preventive analytical techniques are used to analyze and determine credit risk levels associated with loans and credits given to borrowers. Therefore, the significance of credit risk assessment is to reduce credit or loan defaulters. Adequate information about the credit users are often for the analysis of credit risk levels. This information is usually obtained from internal credit scoring systems. This system allows computation of personal information credit scores from credit reports (Camp 14). Such information is provided for by rating agencies or external credit bureaus. Notably, the credit scores often indicate an individual or organizations’ current and historical financial situation. These financial reports are then used to analyzing credit risk levels thereby determine credit defaulters (Grzymala-Busse 71). However, the internal credit scoring techniques do not define defective or ineffective score. Therefore, it does not predict the actual levels of risk associated with lending a person. The shortcomings of the internal credit scoring methods have been solved by the use of the Profiling risky credit segments. This method is tremendously significant in assessing credit risk levels. It applies The Pareto principle that suggests that the majority (eighty to ninety percent) of the credit defaulters emanate from lower (ten to twenty percent) lending segments. Therefore, segment profiling usually provide vital information for credit risk analysis. In this analysis, Credit providers usually collect vast credit information or data of the credit users (Graham and Milne 38). Numerical and categorical data concerning the credit users are collected. Since the collected information is never synchronized, it is often considered noisy or insufficient. Therefore, profiling facilitates the identification of variables or
Why has mental health policy been neglected Essay
Why has mental health policy been neglected - Essay Example onomically handicapped countries would rise to problematic proportions if measures are not adopted to give ample attention to these ill people and treat them too. If the Government is deaf and blind to the needs of the mentally ill, the chances are that the problem is going to be blown out of proportions. The mentally ill are looked after by relatives who can ill-afford the cost of treatment apart from arranging the care. Mental ill health also has an impact on the other physical illnesses that a human can have (BBC News, 2007). This finally will result in a situation where medical help, social support and therapy do not reach the ill person for want of resources. There is an opinion saying that (Tabish, 2005, p. 34). The well being of a person is dependent on all the three together but the crucial component is undoubtedly mental health. Mental well-being includes the behaviours which provide an atmosphere of confidence and satisfaction. This person with good mental health would exhibit enhanced self efficacy, autonomy, general competence, intergenerational dependence and emotional intelligence. Like any physiological illness, mental ill-health is the consequence of the interaction between the biological, psychological and social factors (Tabish, 2005, p. 34). Neuroendocrine and immune functioning act through one pathway and health behaviour as a second pathway contribute to mental health. Social factors like uncontrolled urbanization, poverty and rapid technological innovation are significantly bothering mental health. Mental ill health is seen in about 25% of people at some time in their lives. The illness affects all types of people in all countries, men and women, and children, the rich and the poor, urban and rural alike. This universal nature causes a heavy economic impact on societies. 20% of patients in the primary health centre are coming under the umbrella of mental illness with one or more mental illnesses (Tabish, 2005, p. 34). Four families would
Monday, August 12, 2019
Hewlett Packard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Hewlett Packard - Essay Example The researcher states that as per SWOT analysis of HP, the company’s internal analysis is based on its strengths and weaknesses. Strengths Products and solutions of HP are competitive and provide a cost advantage. During the recession of 2009, efforts focused on reducing cost base and making it variable got succeeded in giving it the competitive advantage. It was the result of following proper processes that it could control spending and maintain the organization stability by integrating the services businesses attained from Electronic Data Systems Corporation (EDS). It has been successful in maintaining the strength of its products, services, and brand HP. The workforce of HP stands high in technical expertise providing a solid base by adding stability to its functions. Restructuring of the workforce in services and product businesses in the fiscal year 2008 and 2009 has added value by controlling total costs and expenses. HP is competitively positioned to benefit from the business trends to align its printing businesses from analog to digital printing, producing innovative products like the web-enabled home printer, w eb and mobile printing, graphics and retail photo printing in annuity businesses, and in the managed print services business. HP is well positioned to integrate storage, networking, servers, and management software. Further, its IT management software development would fulfill virtualization management besides automating processes
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Operations Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Operations Management - Research Paper Example The aim of this project is to identify key weaknesses in the operations management system of the Religious Health Care, review of literature on the topics, and offer recommendations that the firm could use to improve on its weaknesses. Religious Health Care has been experiencing continual decline in employee morale, which has resulted in reduced quality of services provided to clients; this phenomenon has been blamed on the poor or non-existent sense of leadership in the organization. Junior employees do not have models in the senior employees that they can use as a guide in their careers, or even in the provision of services in Religious Health Care. It is well known that the best way to lead people is by example, and though the firm has elaborate guidelines for the provision of health care, the senior employees do not abide by those guidelines, and junior employees do not see the need for doing so too. Moreover, there seems to be no consequences for not abiding by the company rules; in any case, recruits are not familiarized with these guidelines during induction, and with the passage of time, it is as if these guidelines are non-existent. Communication is another key functional factor that is underrated at Religious Health Care; the firm does not seem to have enough of it. For instance, decisions are made by the management without consulting internal or external stakeholders; which is destructive for the organization since the former are the implementers of company policies and the latter are the recipients of the effects of the implementation of these policies. The management holds meetings with employees only to inform them of decisions that have already been made, making employees, like any other business resources, to be exploited without caring about their feelings or welfare. Religious Health Care has a top-to-bottom management style, whereby employees do not have a role to
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Internet and Social networking Privacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Internet and Social networking Privacy - Essay Example The author of the essay "Internet and Social Networking Privacy" thinks that privacy concerns is one of the most troubling issues for users of social networking sites today, but this problem has been largely underresearched. Social networking sites are online communities that connect people through the Internet and Web 2.0.Facebook, MySpace, Tribe, the Classmates are just a few online social networking sites that attract thousands of people ever day worldwide. Whatever their real purpose, they enable users to upload lots of personal images, exchange messages, chat in chat rooms online, and actively share photos and files. Some sites allow informing the rest of the world about the individual’s movements. In conclusion, the specifics of social networking sites functioning (e.g. invite buddies function or openness of personal profile) often lead to undesirable exposure to the third parties. This, however, does not prevent most users from using the limitations on their profiles. Raising awareness among users about perceived dangers of excessive disclosure is one way to handle the situation. Some other ways should include enhancing the privacy policy of certain websites, legislative restrictions, etc. This is because studies show that users are so much willing to share that they may neglect the risks even being aware of dangers. Out of the studies discussed above, the first one seems most credible since it uses the largest sample of 4, 000 students. Besides, it has the strongest theoretical basis and a broader range of research.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Develop a Summary on the State of the US Economy Essay
Develop a Summary on the State of the US Economy - Essay Example Additionally, access of low-interest loans and other credits has been easy. This is a chance to property owners to refinances their mortgages. Car sales have also increased significantly due to sufficient liquidity; consumers can take advantage of cheap financial incentives and price discounts by to buy vehicles. However, car manufacturers do not make profit due to the inexistence of price power. The strength of the United States economy is also increasing due to development of GDP brought by defense spending. According to Kubarych, (2002), defense spending especially on military hardware is contributing close to half of the U.S. GDP. The rate of unemployment is still high despite the decrease in the number of job layoffs. Statistics shows that unemployment rate of in the U.S. currently stands at 6% with no hopes of falling. A study by Kubarych, (2002) explains that unemployment rate is likely to increase even further in the future. In addition, most businesses and industries in the U.S. are still making losses despite the economic recovery. Finally, borrowers especially those going for less credit are under tight restriction from lending institutions. The development of the United States economy is likely to slow down in the next 12 months due to factors such as harsh weather conditions, reduction of spending on both the U.S. and countries Europe. Compared to recovery of previous U.S. economy, the recovery of the current economy is slower. However, increase in government spending will likely to foster the U.S. economic growth. A change of fiscal policy is needed to increase economic recovery of the United States. Application of expansionary fiscal policy will improve economic recovery. The fact is that expansionary fiscal policy will lead to increase in aggregate demand. The government does this by increasing spending and reducing taxes. The result is that consumer spending will rise significantly due to availability of extra disposable income (Boyes &
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Baroque and Rococo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Baroque and Rococo - Essay Example Baroque art style in the renaissance period was inspired by the idealism while Rococo art style was inspired by the 18th Century political changes in France. After the idealism of the Renaissance in c.1400-1530, there was need for a more relaxed lifestyle, which could only be achievable through artworks. Idealism brought into existence some nature of mannerism to the people by c.1530-1600. Therefore, Baroque art adopted during this period to emulate liberal thinking of the people as per the idealism. Baroque art style above all reflected the religious tension during the Renaissance epoch. Notably, this artistic style expressed in painting the desire of the catholic church of Rome to reassert itself at the wake of protestant dominations. This attribute makes Baroque art style more affiliated to Catholic Church . In appreciating the beauty of ancient architecture, the Bible says, â€Å"The work is great; for the palace will not be for a man but for the Lord God†. In this contect , David meant that a Temple was as equal as a Palce. Additionally, Baroque was the uttermost synonymous art style with the Counter-Catholic Church Reformation art of the Renaissance period. The Rococo art style, on the other hand, reflected a political and moral life relaxation. Newly adopted Rococo art style imitated political changes in France as a new style in art. The Rococo style was presented as an intimate, decorative and erotic art style in the Renaissance period. Rococo decorative art, in summary, emphasised on pastel colours.
Business management work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Business management work - Essay Example Economic recessions and periods of growth are noticeable and instantaneous demonstration of change, which have a direct consequence on the experience of employees, households as well as work organizations, and would be drawn upon in any elucidation of actual events. Though, fluctuations in the economy, significant though they are, have to be renowned from fundamental trends which might cause pressures towards a more basic reshaping of social institutions. Here we would categorize a series of associated developments which have frequently been discussed under the general rubric of a supposed transition from 'Fordism' to 'post-Fordism'; i.e., a shift from the predominance of economies driven by manufacturing industries characterized by a mass, somewhat homogeneous, semi-skilled workforce, towards economies dominated by employment in services, linked with a more heterogeneous, fragmented workforce. These 'ideal-typical' production systems have their organizational associates. Large-scale productive activities were escorted by bureaucratic systems of personnel administration and steady organizational careers. The growth of flexible production systems, it is argued, has been escorted by organizational 'delayering' and the turning down of the long-term, single organization, career. The move to service employment ca... For instance, in Britain, employment in services has grown from fifty-three per cent of total employment in 1971, to seventy-three per cent in 1993. Developments in technology have been of substantial importance in facilitating flexible systems of production and work organization in services, which by their very nature frequently have to be accessible outside the 'standard hours' linked with the 'standard worker'. In addition the product of service work the service needs the exercise of different qualities and skills, often of an interpersonal nature compared with those linked with manual and low-level work in manufacturing industry. The coming out of new occupations, and the restructuring of old occupations and skills, has produced new problems of control, classification and regulation. During an industrial era (in the West) dominated by large-scale manufacturing industry, the regulatory systems which emerged leaned to be dominated by those established in the leading industries, even though there were, certainly, noteworthy cross-national variations in this regard. 'Fordism' and the supremacy of manual trade unions have as well been associated to Keynesian economic strategies of demand management and other forms of macroeconomic intervention. In Britain, the Conservative government has since 1979 rejected such efforts to regulate the economy, and has been committed to a fundamental market philosophy, endorsing increased labour market flexibility. Therefore succeeding Conservative governments have hunted to remove or privatize welfare protections and regulatory institutions, to rouse the market for labour and skills by dropping rates of income tax at the upper levels, as well as to shift the balance between direct and indirect
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