Monday, September 30, 2019
A Freshwater Aquatic and Terrestrial Food Web
â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Food web From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A freshwater aquatic and terrestrial food web. A food web (or food cycle) depicts feeding connections (what eats what) in an ecological communityand hence is also referred to as a consumer-resource system. Ecologists can broadly lump all life forms into one of two categories called trophic levels: 1) the autotrophs, and 2) the heterotrophs. To maintaintheir bodies, grow, develop, and to reproduce, autotrophs produce organic matter from inorganicsubstances, including both minerals and gases such as carbon dioxide.These chemical reactionsrequire energy, which mainly comes from the sun and largely by photosynthesis, although a very small amount comes from hydrothermal vents and hot springs. A gradient exists between troph ic levels running from complete autotrophs that obtain their sole source of carbon from the atmosphere, to mixotrophs(such as carnivorous plants) that are autotrophic organisms that partially obtain organic matter from sources other than the atmosphere, and complete heterotrophs that must feed to obtain organic matter.The linkages in a food web illustrate the feeding pathways, such as where heterotrophs obtain organic matter by feeding on autotrophs and other heterotrophs. The food web is a simplified illustration of the various methods of feeding that links an ecosystem into a unified system of exchange. There are different kinds of feeding relations that can be roughly divided into herbivory, carnivory, scavenging andparasitism. Some of the organic matter eaten by heterotrophs, such as sugars, provides energy.Autotrophs and heterotrophs come in all sizes, from microscopic to many tonnes – from cyanobacteria togiant redwoods, and from viruses and bdellovibrio to blue whales. Charles Elton pioneered the concept of food cycles, food chains, and food size in his classical 1927 book â€Å"Animal Ecology†; Elton's ‘food cycle' was replaced by ‘food web' in a subsequent ecological text. Elton organized species into functional groups, which was the basis for Raymond Lindeman's classic and landmark paper in 1942 on trophic dynamics.Lindeman emphasized the important role of decomposer organisms in a trophic system of classification. The notion of a food web has a historical foothold in the writings of Charles Darwin and his terminology, including an â€Å"entangled bank†, â€Å"web of life†, â€Å"web of complex relations†, and in reference to the decomposition actions of earthworms he talked about â€Å"the continued movement of the particles of earth†. Even earlier, in 1768 John Bruckner described nature as â€Å"one contin ued web of life†. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€-Food webs are limited representations of real ecosystems as they necessarily aggregate many species into trophic species, which are functional groups of species that have the same predators and prey in a food web. Ecologists use these simplifications in quantitative (or mathematical) models of trophic orconsumer-resource systems dynamics. Using these models they can measure and test for generalized patterns in the structure of real food web networks. Ecologists have identified non-random properties in the topographic structure of food webs. Published examples that are used in meta analysis are of variable quality with omissions.However, the number of empirical studies on community webs is on the rise and the mathematical treatment of food webs usingnetwork theory had identified patterns that are comm on to all. Scaling laws, for example, predict a relationship between the topology of food web predator-prey linkages and levels of species richness. Trophic levels Main article: Trophic level A trophic pyramid (a) and a simplified community food web (b) illustrating ecological relations among creatures that are typical of a northern Boreal terrestrial ecosystem. The trophic pyramid roughly represents the biomass (usually measured as total dry-weight) at each level.Plants generally have the greatest biomass. Names of trophic categories are shown to the right of the pyramid. Some ecosystems, such as many wetlands, do not organize as a strict pyramid, because aquatic plants are not as productive as long-lived terrestrial plants such as trees. Ecological trophic pyramids are typically one of three kinds: 1) pyramid of numbers, 2) pyramid of biomass, or 3) pyramid of energy. [4] Food webs have trophic levels and positions. Basal species, such as plants, form the first level a nd are the resource limited species that feed on no other living creature in the web.Basal species can be autotrophs ordetritivores, including â€Å"decomposing organic material and its associated microorganisms which we defined as detritus, micro-inorganic material and associated microorganisms (MIP), and vascular plant material. â€Å"[11]:94 Most autotrophs capture the sun's energy in chlorophyll, but some autotrophs (the chemolithotrophs) obtain energy by the chemical oxidation of inorganic compounds and can grow in dark environments, such as the sulfur bacterium Thiobacillus, which lives in hot sulfur springs.The top level has top (or apex) predators which no other species kills directly for its food resource needs. The intermediate levels are filled with omnivores that feed on more than one trophic level and cause energy to flow through a number of food pathways starting from a basal species. [12] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- In the simplest scheme, the first trophic level (level 1) is plants, then herbivores (level 2), and then carnivores (level 3). The trophic level is equal to one more than the chain length, which is the number of links connecting to the base.The base of the food chain (primary producers or detritivores) is set at zero. [3][13] Ecologists identify feeding relations and organize species into trophic species through extensive gut content analysis of different species. The technique has been improved through the use of stable isotopes to better trace energy flow through the web. [14] It was once thought that omnivory was rare, but recent evidence suggests otherwise. This realization has made trophic classifications more complex. [15] Energy flow and biomass Main article: Energy flow (ecology) See also: Ecological efficiencyThe Law of Conservation of Mass dates from Antoine Lavoisier's 1789 discovery that ma ss is neither created nor destroyed in chemical reactions. In other words, the mass of any one element at the beginning of a reaction will equal the mass of that element at the end of the reaction. [24]:11 Left: Energy flow diagram of a frog. The frog represents a node in an extended food web. The energy ingested is utilized for metabolic processes and transformed into biomass. The energy flow continues on its path if the frog is ingested by predators, parasites, or as a decaying carcass in soil.This energy flow diagram illustrates how energy is lost as it fuels the metabolic process that transform the energy and nutrients into biomass. Right: An expanded three link energy food chain (1. plants, 2. herbivores, 3. carnivores) illustrating the relationship between food flow diagrams and energy transformity. The transformity of energy becomes degraded, dispersed, and diminished from higher quality to lesser quantity as the energy within a food chain flows from one trophic s pecies into another. Abbreviations: I=input, A=assimilation, R=respiration, NU=not utilized, P=production, B=biomass. 25] Food webs depict energy flow via trophic linkages. Energy flow is directional, which contrasts against the cyclic flows of material through the food web systems. [26] Energy flow â€Å"typically includes production, consumption, assimilation, non-assimilation losses (feces), and respiration (maintenance costs). â€Å"[5]:5 In a very general sense, energy flow (E) can be defined as the sum ofmetabolic production (P) and respiration (R), such that E=P+R. The mass (or biomass) of something is equal to its energy content. Mass and energy are closely intertwined.However, concentration and quality of nutrients and energy is variable. Many plant fibers, for example, are indigestible to many herbivores leaving grazer community food webs more nutrient limited than detrital food webs where bacteria are able to access and release the nutrient and energy stores. [ 27][28]†Organisms usually extract energy in the form of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. These polymers have a dual role as supplies of energy as well as building blocks; the part that functions as energy supply results in the production of nutrients (and carbon dioxide, water, and heat).Excretion of nutrients is, therefore, basic to metabolism. â€Å"[28]:1230-1231 The units in energy flow webs are typically a measure mass or energy per m2 per unit time. Different consumers are going to have different metabolic assimilation efficiencies in their diets. Each trophic level transforms energy into biomass. Energy flow diagrams illustrate the rates and efficiency of transfer from one trophic level into another and up through the hierarchy. [29][30] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€-It is the case that the biomass of each trophic level decreases from the base of the chain to the top. This is because energy is lost to the environment with each transfer as entropy increases. About eighty to ninety percent of the energy is expended for the organism’s life processes or is lost as heat or waste. Only about ten to twenty percent of the organism’s energy is generally passed to the next organism. [31] The amount can be less than one percent in animals consuming less digestible plants, and it can be as high as forty percent in zooplankton consuming phytoplankton. 32] Graphic representations of the biomass or productivity at each tropic level are called ecological pyramids or trophic pyramids. The transfer of energy from primary producers to top consumers can also be characterized by energy flow diagrams. [33] Food Web A food web is a graphical description of feeding relationships among species in an ecological community, that is, of who eats whom (Fig. 1). It is also a means of showing how energy and materials (e. g. , carbon) flow through a community of species as a result of these feeding relationships.Typically, species are connected by lines or arrows called â€Å"links†, and the species are sometimes referred to as â€Å"nodes†in food web diagrams. Relationships between soil food web, plants, organic matter, and birds and mammals. â€Å"The herbivores are usually preyed upon by carnivores, which get the energy of the sunlight at third-hand, and these again may be preyed upon by other carnivores, and so on, until we reach an animal which has no enemies, and which forms, as it were, a terminus on this food cycle. There are, in fact, chains of animals linked together by food, and all dependent in the long run upon plants.We refer to these as ‘food-chains', and to all the food chains in a community as the ‘food-cycle. ‘†A food web differs from a food chain in that the latter shows only a portion of the food web involving a simple, linear series of species (e. g. , predator, herbivore, plant) connected by feeding links. A food web aims to depict a more complete picture of the feeding relationships, and can be considered a bundle of many interconnected food chains occurring within the community. All species occupying the same position within a food chain comprise a trophic level within the food web.For instance, all of the plants in the foodweb comprise the first or â€Å"primary producer†tropic level, all herbivores comprise the second or â€Å"primary consumer†trophic level, and carnivores that eat herbivores comprise the third or â€Å"secondary consumer†trophic level. Additional levels, in which carnivores eat other carnivores, comprise a tertiary trophic level. Elton emphasized early on that food chains tend to show characteristic patterns of increasing body size as one moves up the food chain, for example from phytoplankton to inv ertebrate grazers to fishes, or from insects to rodents to larger carnivores like foxes.Because individuals of small-bodied species require less energy and food than individuals of larger-bodied species, a given amount ofenergy can support a greater number of individuals of the smaller-bodied species. Hence, ecological communities typically show what Elton called a pyramid of numbers (later dubbed the Eltonian pyramid), in which the species at lower trophic levels in the food web tend to be more numerous than those at higher trophic levels.A second reason for the pyramid of numbers is low ecological efficiency: some energy is lost at each transfer between consumer and prey, such that theenergy that reaches top predators is a very small fraction of that available in the plants at the base of the food web. Although there is wide variation among types of organisms and types of ecosystems, a general rule of thumb is that available energydecreases by about a n order of magnitude at each step in the food chain.That is, only about 10% of theenergy harvested by plants is consumed and converted into herbivore biomass, only 10% of that makes it into biomass of primary carnivores, and so on. Thus, the structure of food webs is dictated in part by basic constraints set by thermodynamics. The predictable dissipation of energy at each step in food chains is one of the factors thought to limit the length of most food chains to a maximum of four or five steps. Cohen et al. (2003) emphasized that the correlations mong body size, abundance, and trophic level produce a characteristic trivariate structure to (pelagic) food webs (Fig. 2). The pyramid of numbers is less obvious at the most basal levels in terrestrial communities based on trees, which are typically much larger than theherbivores that feed on them. Pyramids of numbers or biomass may even be inverted in cases where the microscopic plants that support the web s how very rapid turnover, that is, where they grow and are eaten so rapidly that there is less plant biomass than herbivore biomass present at a given time. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€-Decomposers are an assemblage of small organisms, including invertebrates, fungi, and bacteria, that do not fit neatly into any trophic level because they consume dead biomass of organisms from all trophic levels. Decomposers are a critical component of the food web, however, because they recycle nutrients that otherwise would become sequestered in accumulating detritus. All food chains in a community constitute a food web. A food web is simply the total set of feeding relationship amongst and between the species composing a biotic community. These relationships may achieve considerable complexity.With many food chains and cross connecting links, there is greater opportunit y for the prey and predator population in an ecosystem to adjust to the changes. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- The producer-consumer arrangement is one kind of structure known as trophic structure(trophic = food) and each food (nutritional) level in the food chain is called trophic level or energy level. The first trophic level in an ecosystem is occupied by the plants-producers (green plant-primary producers), because they utilize solar energy which is transformed to chemical form during photosynthesis.The energy stored in food or green plants is consumed by the plant eaters (herbivores) which make the second trophic level. Herbivores are also called primaryconsumers. Primary consumers in turn are eaten by carnivores (also known as secondary consumers) which occupy third trophic level. Secondary consumers (Primary carnivores) may be eaten by other carnivores (secondary or top carn ivores) which are known as tertiary consumers and occupy fourth trophic level. Decomposer occupy fifth trophic level in an ecosystem.Food Web- In nature, food chain relationships are very complex. They never operate as isolated sequences, as one organism may form the food source of many organisms and so on. Thus, instead of a food chain, a number of food chains are interconnected with each other and form a web-like structure known as ‘food web'. For example, grass may be grazed by grasshoppers as well as cattle, rabbits and each of these may be eaten by different type of carnivores, such as birds, toads, snakes, foxes, depending on their food habit.Thus, a particular organism may not occupy the same tropic level in every food chain; it may simultaneously behave as secondary, tertiary or a top consumer. Organisms, whose food is obtained from plants by the same number of steps are said to belong to the same tropic level. Thus, green plants occupy the first tropic level or the pr oducer level. The plant grazers occupy the second tropic level or primary consumer or herbivore level (all plant-grazing insects, cattle, deer, rabbits, etc. ).Flesh-eaters, that eat herbivores, form the third tropic level or the secondary consumer or carnivore level-1 (frogs, small fish, etc. ). The third tropic level is the tertiary consumer or carnivore level-2, which eats the flesh of herbivores and secondary consumers. In a similar fashion, tropic levels can be expanded based on the food habits of organisms. Charles Elton, a British ecologist, however, concluded that the number of links in a food chain rarely exceeds five, because in the process of energy transfer there is always the loss of energy to the environment.It is the energy transfer mechanism which determines the number of links in a food chain. Man and many other animals who are omnivores occupy different tropic levels in food chains in relation to pure carnivores. The food web maintains the stability of the eco-syst em. For example, green land can be grazed by different organisms like insects, rabbits, rodents, etc. The insects then can be eaten by frogs which can be eaten by snakes. Snakes can either be eaten by hawks
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Higher Education
In Classical vs. Modern Education: The Principal Difference article from the second issue of Classical Homeschooling Magazine, Patrick Carmack compares and critizes the both classical and new modern education models in terms of effectiveness and ethics. Within the samples from Socrates’ classical education understanding, the article points out that altering education system becomes an inanimate occurrence which ignores the soul of human beings and considers them as a sort of computer, a creation solely having a brain to use as a data storage.As the author clarifies at the article by giving definitions of either type of education, education is much more complex than it seems, not merely gain information but also widen self’s horizon and learn to differentiate between good and bad, then being able to aim to goodness. Therefore the basic content of the education, what Carmack claims, should involve feelings, emotions – the most mentioned in the article is love- in o rder to have ‘‘well-rounded, cultured gentlemen and ladies, capable of addressing any problem or situation in life with the maximum likelihood both of success and personal happiness’’ (para. ). Carmack also touches upon the homeschooling issue, in a positive perspective in consequence of children who is educated or continue it by their family -except paramount situations- in a habitual, loving environment. Despite many obstacles and disadvantages author considers homeschooling as ‘‘the single greatest advantage’’ of progressive education. Another point is, the adoption of the German kindergarten model has lessened the early home formation years of children’s.Moreover this has received the chance from kids to learn culture of their homes. As Carmack mentions at the beginning, since every individual has distinct features and characteristics, it should be taken into consideration that not everyone has the same IQ, interests and culture. Thus, it is essential for a child to know self’s own culture in the cause of built their own identity solidly and this can be only learned in an environment which provides the necessary cumulative cultural factors.All in all, writer engages attention to Socratic way of educating love and, defends it against the modern, in another words progressive education, clarifies the misunderstanding about the education’s aims and, emphasizes the necessity of consideration on individuals which have diverse characteristics; IQ, learning type, interests, culture, etc.. Higher Education In Classical vs. Modern Education: The Principal Difference article from the second issue of Classical Homeschooling Magazine, Patrick Carmack compares and critizes the both classical and new modern education models in terms of effectiveness and ethics. Within the samples from Socrates’ classical education understanding, the article points out that altering education system becomes an inanimate occurrence which ignores the soul of human beings and considers them as a sort of computer, a creation solely having a brain to use as a data storage.As the author clarifies at the article by giving definitions of either type of education, education is much more complex than it seems, not merely gain information but also widen self’s horizon and learn to differentiate between good and bad, then being able to aim to goodness. Therefore the basic content of the education, what Carmack claims, should involve feelings, emotions – the most mentioned in the article is love- in o rder to have ‘‘well-rounded, cultured gentlemen and ladies, capable of addressing any problem or situation in life with the maximum likelihood both of success and personal happiness’’ (para. ). Carmack also touches upon the homeschooling issue, in a positive perspective in consequence of children who is educated or continue it by their family -except paramount situations- in a habitual, loving environment. Despite many obstacles and disadvantages author considers homeschooling as ‘‘the single greatest advantage’’ of progressive education. Another point is, the adoption of the German kindergarten model has lessened the early home formation years of children’s.Moreover this has received the chance from kids to learn culture of their homes. As Carmack mentions at the beginning, since every individual has distinct features and characteristics, it should be taken into consideration that not everyone has the same IQ, interests and culture. Thus, it is essential for a child to know self’s own culture in the cause of built their own identity solidly and this can be only learned in an environment which provides the necessary cumulative cultural factors.All in all, writer engages attention to Socratic way of educating love and, defends it against the modern, in another words progressive education, clarifies the misunderstanding about the education’s aims and, emphasizes the necessity of consideration on individuals which have diverse characteristics; IQ, learning type, interests, culture, etc..
Friday, September 27, 2019
Psychology (humanistic counseling) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Psychology (humanistic counseling) - Essay Example Even the most advanced computers have trouble understanding the meaning of a simple story or conversation. Cognitive psychologists have found similar complexity in other mental processes. Developmental Psychology is the studyofchangesin human behavior and thought from infancy to old age. Developmental psychology is the study of how people change over time, but it also investigates how and why certain characteristics remain consistent over the life course. A child changes dramatically in size, physical coordination, and thinking capacity while maturing into an adult, for example, but may also maintain the same basic temperament while growing up. Traditionally,developmental psychologists have focused on child development, believing that most formative experiences of life occur during infancy and childhood. The early years are indeed a time of extremely rapid development, when children acquire motor skills, thinking abilities, social skills, capacities for feeling and regulating emotion, and other characteristics that will last a lifetime. But psychologists have more recently turned their attention to adolescence and adulthood, recognizing that development continues throughout the life span. The study of adult development focuses on the unique experiences of this stage of life and examines how adults maintain and refine their capabilities as they age. Thestudyofhumandevelopment requires an especially broad and integrative approach. Thus, developmental psychology incorporates ideas from almost every other area of psychology, including social psychology, cognitive psychology, biopsychology, clinical psychology, and educational psychology. It also draws from many other fields concerned with human behavior. These include sociology, biology (especially genetics and evolutionary biology), anthropology, and economics. The variety of fields relevant to developmental psychology reflects the complexity of human growth and change.(Microsoft Encarta 2007 1993-2006 ) 3. Biological Psychology Biopsychology, is thescientificstudy of the biology of behavior and mental processes. People also refer to this field as biological psychology, psychobiology, behavioral biology, or behavioral neuroscience. Thetermbiopsychology denotes a biological approach to psychology, rather than a psychological approach to biology. Most biopsychologists are trained experimental psychologists who have brought their knowledge of biology to the study of psychological phenomena. These phenomena include behavior and underlying psychological processes, such as learning, memory, perception, attention, motivation, emotion, and cognition. Biopsychologistswork in a variety of overlapping fields of study. Scientists in cognitive neuroscience primarily study the brain to understand the neural mechanisms of mental processes. Researchers in the field of psychopharmacology examine how drugs affect the psychological functions of the brain. Scientists in the field of
Examining Ethical Controversies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Examining Ethical Controversies - Essay Example This has shaped our attitudes towards an ethical or moral problem and we usually assume that the arbiter of the dispute, be it the judiciary or the government or any other dispute resolution mechanism would look at both sides of the issue and come out with a balanced verdict. However, there is another school of thought that states that â€Å"one side can be totally wrong†in an ethical dilemma. If one takes this statement at face value, we would be giving in to one side of the debate. However, ignoring it would mean that we may unwittingly play into the hands of one side that is obstructionist and fundamentalist. If we can apply this to the debate over intelligent design vs. creationism, we would find that the advocates of intelligent design may have got it wrong. Thus, one side can be totally wrong in their assessment of the situation. This is the first learning that I have made when it comes to evaluating ethical controversies. The next point relates to the so-called â€Å"moral hazard†. This is a term that has been applied to the recent bailout of banks and wall street operators by the government. Thus, the line of argument goes that one cannot let the perpetrators of the unethical lending practices walk away without paying the price. The other side of the debate is that the whole financial system is at risk. Thus, this question over the morals of punishing the few or saving the many would let us think about the whole issue of whether the oversight that is required was missing in the first place. Thus, the second learning is that regulators and the government officials in charge of overseeing fair practices have a lot to do and in this case, answer for. When we consider the right to die or the argument for Euthanasia, we charter into territories where the person who is administering the drug that would kill the terminally ill patient is â€Å"playing god†. This was particularly evident in the debate over Terry Schivaio. My take on this would be that
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Does Dieting make you fat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Does Dieting make you fat - Essay Example Despite people holding onto the unfortunately untrue belief that fats are the main sources of obesity, a study carried out by Swedish dietary professionals state carbohydrates are the main contributors of obesity cases globally. Therefore, many people normally avoid fats and instead consume carbohydrates in their quest to control obesity but unfortunately, this usually does such people more harm than good. Therefore, the quantity of food that one consumes is never an issue because what matters is a number of calories in the food. This, in turn, leads to an equally elevated hormone level. Insulin is the most important hormone to consider for it is directly involved with the weight loss of an individual. One role played by insulin is the controlling storage of body fats. â€Å"When one consumes large amounts of carbohydrates, these results to an increased sugar level in the bloodstream†. This results in higher levels of insulin in the body and this is directly proportional to th e amount of fats stored in the body, which eventually results in weight increase. Therefore, low consumption of carbohydrates results in less production of insulin thus little fat storage. People saying that large consumption of fat makes one fat due to its high level of calories entail imparting with adequate information on how fat storage in the body works. According to Yuhnke, weight loss can be acquired through dieting. For instance, in her research Yuhnke states that one can cut 200 calories by consuming food such as sandwich pepper.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The legal, ethical and professional aspects of record keeping relating Essay
The legal, ethical and professional aspects of record keeping relating it to team working in healthcare - Essay Example The poor quality and clarity of nursing records was marked by Susan Lowson, the advisor to the Health Service Ombudsman, during The NSG conference "Information and Litigation in Healthcare" (on 11th June 2003) at Kettering General Hospital Post Graduate Medical Centre. Therefore, there is a little work to be done in the field of record quality improvement. The detailed description of a patient's case history, condition and treatment help the members of the inter-professional health care team to communicate and cooperate. This may help when the patient receives the treatment from different specialists and the important information, such as blood group, allergic reactions, specific no compatible prescribed medicines etc. should be reported to every doctor. The records are vital in doctor-nurse cooperation as they help a nurse to follow the doctor's prescriptions and a doctor to control the smallest changes in the patient's condition without keeping him under close observation as in case of long, or life-long disease when the patient receives regular nurse care and one-day-per-month doctor's examination. Good record should be written in a clear and accurate way (intended for a particular type of the record) to present the accurate account of treatment and care planning and delivery, and the record keeper should therefore follow special rules and recommendations of the authoritative organisations. Clear and consecutive records of a patient's condition help to detect problems rather than scrappy, incomplete, and inconsequent notes.Rigorous, detailed description of case history, the changes in patient's condition, medical conclusions, recommendations, and prescriptions help not only provide the successful treatment but also to protect the rights of a doctor or a patient in case of litigation. Thus, a high level of record keeping provides patients' welfare. Good medical record keeping helps to provide continuity of care. Continuity of care is an important component of medical service. Continuity is not an attribute of providers or organisations, it is rather the way individual patients experience integration of services and coordination. Therefore, continuity of care is a significant characteristic of medical care level. According to Guidelines for Record-keeping (2005, p.7), the Audit Commission (1995) found patients were suffering as a result of poor communication between professionals, even within the same area of practice and/or ward/base. The reason for that was that records were frequently treated as the personal property of a practitioner instead of as a corporate asset to promote quality care. The Trust is committed to promoting integrated patient records to support safe and effective care. It is strongly recommended, that where possible, practitioners should use or develop records that other professionals and the patient/carer/relatives are able to use to promote continuous effective care for the patient. An example of how and where this system of integrated record keeping works is the personal child health
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Criminology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Criminology - Research Paper Example However, he was bullied by wealthy children in his church. Cho is described as someone who was â€Å"sullen and aloof†(, 2012). He was a loner. He referred to himself as â€Å"Question Mark†and he was known to write gruesome stories, poems and plays (, 2012). Professors of Cho noticed that Cho’s behavior was not normal. He was described as a bully by one of his professors. He photographed the legs and knees of his female classmates. Moreover, in 2005 he was accused twice for stalking female students. Several times Cho had been advised to get counseling because of his odd behaviors. He had been brought in a psychiatric hospital but later released to be an outpatient. He attended a counseling session at Cook Counseling Center once. Some Korean youths who knew Cho said that he is a fan of violent video games, specifically, â€Å"Counterstrike†which was a game of terrorism where players try to shoot each other down with different t ypes of guns (Watson, 2007). Lucinda Roy, chair of the English Department at Virginia Tech described Cho as appearing to be very depressed (Goldstein, 2009). Roy went on further to say that she learned that Cho visited the counseling center of the school three times but there was no meaningful diagnosis. 2. Agnew’s Strain Theory Robert Agnew’s strain theory is a revision of the earlier strain theories developed. Whereas the general strain theories are focused on the negative aspects of the social relationship of individuals and how it affects their tendency to commit crime, Agnew’s strain theory presented major types of â€Å"deviance-producing strain†(O'Connor, 2007). The first type of strain is the failure to achieve positively valued goals. The positively valued goals according to Agnew are money, status and respect and autonomy (, n.d.). The second type of strain is the removal of positively-valued stimuli. According to Agnew this happens when a dramatic change of loss happens such as a death in the family which could be very stressful to an individual (O'Connor, 2007). The confrontation with negative stimuli is the third type of strain. These negative stimuli may include peer pressure and child abuse (O'Connor, 2007). According to Agnew, "All manner of positive stimuli" previously experienced or observed constitute expected goals, and their frustration leads to "anger, resentment, rage, dissatisfaction, disappointment, and unhappiness--that is, all the emotions customarily associated with strain in criminology" (O'Connor, 2007). One of the strengths of Agnew’s strain theory is that it argued that no one specific type of strain contributes to the criminal act of a person rather; it is a combination of all the strains that the person has experienced (Agnew, 2001). Another strength of Agnew’s theory is that it proposed a solution in how people can respond to the strains positively. One major weakn ess of Agnew’s strain theory is that it did not state which among the strains is more likely to cause criminal behavior among individuals (Agnew, 2001). Moreover, the theory did not offer an explanation why other people exposed to the strains that Agnew mentioned did not become criminals. The theory gave too much emphasis on one’s social status as a having a huge impact on an individual’s deviant behavior. A crime offender whose actions may be explained by the Agnew strain theory may be assisted by helping them to positively cope
Monday, September 23, 2019
The crisis of trust as a major issue in the relationship among Essay
The crisis of trust as a major issue in the relationship among business organizationsand their customers - Essay Example The lost of credibility is central in the crisis of trust. The crisis of trust can be understood from two major perspectives; First, business to business and second business to individual customers. A business organization is a customer to another business organization when one buys goods and services from the other. This could be in the form of buying raw materials from a business for the purpose of producing it to a finished products or when a business rent the equipments of another business in order to further its business operation. There is a business to an individual customer relationship when the individual buys goods and services from a business organization. Whichever way one chooses to look at the issue, crisis of trust can emanate if proper management techniques was not ensured. Few examples will help us to understand the point. To buttress the point more succinctly, Crisis of trust in Bank of America Corporation (BAC): Bank of America Corporation is the one of the largest financial institutions in America. It is a multinational bank with headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina. According to the BMO capital market result, the bank is ranked as the highest financial institution in America by assets. ... This enviable record helped in no small measure in building the public trust which the bank has. Regrettably, in 2010, the bank was accused by the USA government for defrauding organizations and institutions especially schools, hospitals, and government institutions through investing the revenues from the municipal bond sales. The bank however agreed to have defrauded the institutions and accepted to pay damages at the tune of $137.7 million, including the payment of $25 million to the coffer of the Internal Revenue Service, as well as $4.5 million to the attorney general of the state. Hence, it was reported that the former Bank Executive of the famous Bank of America, Douglas Campbell pleaded guilty to the charges of distrust, wire transfer, and conspiracy to defraud the bank1 Because of this development, the famous bank started loosing customers; people started withdrawing their money because of distrust. Crisis of trust in the UK media: In the recent times, majority of the Europea ns are displeased with the manner in which the media reports issues. The media was alleged to hide certain information from the public. It was alleged that the media is more interested in getting story than telling the truth. This development has eroded the trust which people have on the media. The role of the media as a watchdog in the democratic process is no longer feasible, as some people argued. In the United Kingdom, people see the media from the point of carrying social stories rather than conveying the latest political development in the nation. Example, the tabloids are always inundated by stories about celebrities and campaigns, rather than reporting the latest political development in the country. This is certainly not healthy in a country
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Lack of Mother’s Love Leads to Self Destruction Essay Example for Free
Lack of Mother’s Love Leads to Self Destruction Essay In D. H. Lawrence’s short story â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner,†Paul’s determination, hunger for love and self-destructiveness result from a lack of love from his mother. Living in a family that equates money with luck, and love, Paul misunderstands what he needs to do to be considered successful. The result of his mother’s self absorption and general coldness causes Paul to eventually ride his luck to the end of his life in a failed search for love. Paul’s determination He wishes to make the house stop murmuring, â€Å"There must be more money!†Paul wants to prove his mother wrong that he is unlucky Severe anxiety over his inability to predict the winners in the big races of the year furthers Paul’s determination Paul’s hunger for love His mother’s behavior toward her children is cold and egotistical Paul equates money with love as learned from his mother His desire to give his mother money as a â€Å"birthday present†to take away her cares Paul’s self-destructive behavior His never-ending quest for â€Å"luck†He assents to give his mother all five thousand pounds when she asks for a lump sum Paul feels he must work harder to come up with the Derby race winner since his mother has squandered the previous money, which leads to his death
Saturday, September 21, 2019
History And Industry Trends Cisco Systems Inc Commerce Essay
History And Industry Trends Cisco Systems Inc Commerce Essay As a company that started from humble beginnings, Cisco has evolved and grown into the multinational networking and communications giant of today. In 1984, Leonard Bosack and Sandy Lerner, a couple working as computer staff members at Stanford University, created the startup known as Cisco Systems (Cisco systems). The companys first product was a multi-protocol router, which would set the tone for the coming years and helped outline its direction. Although Cisco has indulged in branching of products and dabbled in various market segments, networking primarily routers and switches have remained at its core. Cisco went public on February 16, 1990 and spent the remainder of the 90s ramping up for the Internet age (Cisco systems). It acquired numerous Ethernet and switching companies. By the time the dot-com boom rolled around, Cisco had implanted itself as a world leader: in order for the Internet to grow, many of Ciscos products were crucial to its infrastructure. This foundation-laying ideal positioned the company at the apex of the wave. In the spring of 2000, Cisco became the worlds most valuable company with a market capitalization of over $500 billion. In a move to increase the breadth of the brand and target consumers, Cisco rebranded itself in 2006 (and inclusively shortened its name from Cisco Systems). While primarily a business and enterprise oriented company, Cisco began its new initiative by acquiring home user minded names like Linksys and Flip Video. While the company has achieved phenomenal growth and successes, it is of course not without moments of decline. For example, the aforementioned Flip Video acquisition resulted in a flop, and was subsequently shutdown and dissolved in 2011 (Cisco discontinues flip, 2011). With this, Cisco announced that it would exit aspects of its consumer business which suggests a shift in focus. Once the dot-com boom was over and the bubble burst, Cisco experienced a major downturn and was forced to lay off almost 8000 employees and write down $2 billion in inventory (Fryer, 2008). This demonstrates the volatility of the technology industry and how important it is to forecast new trends. At the helm of the company, CEO John Chambers emphasizes on market transitions, quoting A market transition occurs when there is a subtle but clear disruptive shiftà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ A market transition gives you a glimpse of a new opportunity to take market share or move into new market adjacencies (Fryer, 2008). In the past, most businesses in the industry like Cisco followed market transitions directed by business now the industry has changed to follow consumers. Subtle discrepancies like this can spark differentiation of varying magnitude in order to capture new trends. By utilizing the VRIO framework, we can analyze Ciscos resource endowments and provide further insight on its background and competencies. While the company is differentiated in its products and services, not everyone of its resources is ranked highly on VRIO. Taking the Flip Video example, Cisco only received a temporary competitive advantage from it, and not a sustained one. The reason being, Flip cameras no longer became valuable nor rare. Smartphones were on the rise and contained built-in features that rendered Flip cameras redundant users could share videos and also capture them directly from their cellphones (Cisco discontinues flip, 2011). In comparison, Flip cameras were not perceived to be as valuable versus the time period before smartphones. Given this, these cameras were also not costly to imitate, since competitor manufacturers (market segment-wise) were implementing similar technologies already. By acquiring Flip Video in 2009, Cisco leveraged its business know-how an d infrastructure to demonstrate its capability to capture value. Flip cameras were at one point a popular commodity, but it soon tapered off once the previous 3 criterions of VRIO began to diminish. Once it came to this, Cisco was no longer able to capture its value and thus shutdown Flip. On the other hand, Ciscos router and switch resources provide the company a sustained competitive advantage and maintains high rankings in the VRIO analysis. Taking the Catalyst 6500 switch as an example, which was a key player during the dot-com boom (Cisco systems). Cisco strategically positioned itself with this switch and its other router technologies at this time, because Internet Service Providers necessitated an answer to the growing infrastructure demands. Resources like the 6500 provide Cisco with value. Over the years, Cisco has maintained a high-quality image and people equate its products as such. This increases its perceived value by consumers. For the most part, many of Ciscos resources are considered rare because although there are similar products from different competitors, the numbers are not great. Tying into the aforementioned rarity, due to the complex and continuously evolving nature of these high technologies, they are very costly to imitate. As a firm in general, Cisco has been organized to capture value on many of its products. Juniper Networks is one of Ciscos main competitors, and came out with products that siphoned away 30% of the switching and routing market share. In the end, Cisco was able to edge itself back into the leader seat by innovating and releasing upgrades to existing lines. To expand on Ciscos differentiation strategy and its diverse portfolio of product ranges, 3 market segments are targeted. The primary market for the firm is the corporate market, or large businesses. Cisco sells a multitude of products and services for this segment, ranging from borderless network solutions to collaboration suites like the IP phones and TelePresence video conferencing units (Collaboration products and,). Many of these products are sold to large enterprises like Bank of America, ATT, and General Electric. The contracts Cisco holds with these types of companies create a large bulk of its focus. Referring back to the dot-com boom case, Cisco sold its network solutions to many ISPs and ultimately catalyzed its market capitalization and proliferation to being the worlds most valuable company at the time. Aside from the corporate market, Cisco also offers less intensive and lighter scale solutions for small businesses in order to encompass a more diverse group of consumers. The company offers a variant of its routers and switches that are reduced in size and capabilities, but work for smaller networks. The WebEx web conferencing service is a popular offering (its technology was garnered through an acquisition), which allows users to seamlessly collaborate and share. Although Cisco made an effort to enter the home user market in 2006, with its The Human Network campaign, it is reassessing the scope of this venture (Cisco systems). As shown by Flip, the margins that Cisco requires to operate at a desired efficiency are not as great in the home user segment. Many of the companys pursuits in this area proved to be short-lived. While the TelePresence video conferencing suites originated as a corporate-oriented product, Cisco tried adopting it to the home users by offering Umi (Collaboration products and,). Unfortunately, this effort was not successful as the competition was too great and the offering was not valuable enough to consumers. At its heart, Cisco maintains its competitive advantages primarily through its business and corporate solutions. Macroeconomic Analysis PESTEL A firms macro environment consists of a wide range of political, economic, sociocultural, technological, ecological, and legal (PESTEL) factors that can affect industry and firm performance. These external forces have both domestic and global aspects. (Strategic Management Concept Textbook) Pestel stands for political, economic, sociocultural, technological, environmental and legal issues that the government can act on the Companys decisions or performances. Usually most of the articles from Wall Street Journal can be applied by Pestel Analysis. Political Political consideration that affect service provider and government spending patterns( Annual Report, pg.37) is one of the reason why Cisco believes that their company can be harmed by the economic and political reasons. Economic Cisco System explained how the fluctuation in the future with their stock price could happen due to uncertain global economic environment in their Annual report. They believe there are lots of risks on uncertainty of the global economic environment. As we see in their stock chart that they have had hard time during economic crisis of 2008. Stock analysis is provided under financial analysis section in detail of this report. The explanation about the fluctuations on currency exchange rates which are making negative impact on their financial reports is an example of how the economic changes can affect the companys financial well-being. Despite the fact that reason for this fluctuation is due to big portion of global expanding. However for this problem they found a solution by entering into the foreign exchange forward contracts and by reducing the short term impact on certain foreign currency receivables, payables and investments. (Annual Report, pg.38) Sociocultural Cisco System, the Cisco Foundation, UNIFEM (United Nations Development Fund for Women) and the Government of the Jordan helped women in the Jordan to get into technology study and work as IT or ICT- Information Community Technology. In 2001 and 2002 they had a program to let the women in Jordan to be trained and work as much as men. In this sociocultural issue Cisco System had a great job involving in this program. Geographic, social, economic and racial boundaries are eliminated as the program extends to 149 countries with more than 10,000 Academies across the globe. (The Women in Jordan, 2001) So the company extended that program and it affected their social, economic and racial boundaries. Technological Continuity innovation in technology of network industry and uncertainties of the legal issues Cisco depends on the innovation more than the protection needed for their products and services by patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secret marks. Innovation is the key to be successful in the networking industry and Cisco has to rapidly innovate not to get in to the market, but also able to sustain competitive advantage. Environmental Cisco proudly partners with industry-leading companies to provide our customers with highly secure, interoperable smart grid solutions and services. We understand that modernizing the electric utility infrastructure around the world-from generation at a power plant to consumption in a home or business-is a huge undertaking. It requires the skills and expertise of many people to deliver on the promise of a smart grid. (Cisco website) Legal Most of the Ciscos products has software or licensed by the third party. Legally they have been sued several times regarding violation of the federal securities law, waste of corporate asset, unjust enrichment, breach of fiduciary duties, and violation of the California Corporation Code. In addition they also had litigations of ordinary course of business, and intellectual property. They did not able to see any effect financially in their annual report, but it might affect their mission already. That can affect their stocks as well as their financial situations. (Annual Report 126,127) Financial Analysis Stock Stock Performance Graph Analysis (Annual Report page 46) The comparison with Cisco System, SP and SP Information Technology shows us that Cisco has a return of stockholders much lower than compare to SP and SP Information Technology. This Yahoo Finance Chart also shows that Cisco Stock Price had a problem right after 2008 just like other companies due to economic crisis on 2008, and got better later on. All the competitors recovered faster than Cisco after 2009 and continue to get well except HP. As of January 15, 2013 Cisco had a price of $20.98 while Hewlett Packard $16.53, Juniper Network 21.01. Revenue Compare to 2011, 2012 Revenue is increased about 7%. Cisco had 46.1 billion net sales and 12% increase on service revenue. Most of the revenue they received last year was from switching market and NGN Routing. They believe they can increase their revenue since they are into changing their strategies and innovating. Current Asset/ Current Liability Ratio Analysis Cisco has a quick ratio of 2012 3.49%. (61,933 / 17,731 = 3.49) Since it is more than one that means they can pay their current debt easily with their current assets. Since they have good amount of cash equivalency they need to invest more to increase and expand their company. Employees
Friday, September 20, 2019
Music theory
Music theory ABSTRACT MUSIC THEORY:- Music theory is the field of study that deals with how music works. It examines the language and notation of music. It identifies patterns that govern composers techniques. In a grand sense, music theory distills and analyzes the parameters or elements of music – rhythm, harmony (harmonic function), melody, structure, form, and texture. Broadly, music theory may include any statement, belief, or conception of or about music. People who study these properties are known as music theorists. Some have applied acoustics, human physiology, and psychology to the explanation of how and why music is perceived. The Four elements of music:- Melody Harmony Rhythm Dynamics AESTHETICS:- Aesthetics (also spelled esthetics or esthetics) is a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste, and with the creation and appreciation of beauty. It is more scientifically defined as the study of sensory or sensori-emotional values, sometimes called judgments of sentiment and taste. More broadly, scholars in the field define aesthetics as critical reflection on art, culture and nature. Aesthetics is a subdiscipline of axiology, a branch of philosophy, and is closely associated with the philosophy of art. Aesthetics studies new ways of seeing and of perceiving the world. AESTHETICS OF MUSIC:- Traditionally, the aesthetics of music or musical aesthetics concentrated on the quality and study of the beauty and enjoyment (plaisir and jouissance) of music. Aesthetics is a sub-discipline of philosophy. However, many musicians, music critics, and other non-philosophers have contributed to the aesthetics of music. In recent decades philosophers have tended to emphasize issues besides beauty and enjoyment. It is often thought that music has the ability to affect our emotions, intellect, and psychology; lyrics can assuage our loneliness or incite our passions. For this reason, the philosopher Plato proposed that music is a dangerous entertainment that should be closely regulated by the state. It is commonly believed that human responses to music are culturally influenced. For example, musical passages in Beethoven that sounded highly dissonant to his contemporaries do not sound dissonant to listeners today. As such, musics aesthetic appeal seems highly dependent upon the culture in which it is practiced. However, there is a physical background which defines sound being proper or improper. Proper sound is perceived as gentle sound while improper sound is more or less considered nice sounding depending on what the listener is used to listen to. Harry Partch and some other musicologists like for instance Kyle Gann therefore have studied and tried to popularize microtonal music and the usage of alternate musical scales. Also many modern composers like Lamonte Young, Rhys Chatham and Glenn Branca paid much attention to a scale called just intonation. Some of the aesthetic elements expressed in music include lyricism, harmony, hypnotism, emotiveness, temporal dynamics, resonance, playfulness, and color (see also musical development). However, there has been a strong tendency in the aesthetics of music to emphasize musical structure as the most important (or even only) aesthetic element that is important in the experience of music. RHYTHM:- Rhythm is the heartbeat of music. As music passes in time, it is divided into perceptible sections, and each section subdivided further. Rhythm is the arrangement of sounds and silences in time. Meter animates time in regular pulse groupings, called measures or bars. The time signature or meter signature specifies how many beats are in a measure, and which value of written note is counted and felt as a single beat. Through increased stress and attack (and subtle variations in duration), particular tones may be accented. There are conventions in most musical traditions for a regular and hierarchical accentuation of beats to reinforce the meter. Syncopated rhythms are rhythms that accent unexpected parts of the beat. Playing simultaneous rhythms in more than one time signature is called polymeter. See also polyrhythm. Rhythm is, by its simplest definition, musical time. The origin of the word is Greek, meaning flow. Rhythm is indeed the embodiment of timely flow. As meter regulates and pulsates a poem, rhythm organizes music in much the same way. The regular pulsations of the music are called the beat. Stronger beats are referred to as accented beats. Measures of music divide a piece into time-counted segments. Strong beats occur in patterns. For instance, in 4/4 time, the conductor would beat a strong beat on the first beat of every measure and another accented beat although not as strong on the third count of the measure. Because the conductors arms move downward on strong beats, especially those that begin a measure, accented beats are also referred to as downbeats. In recent years, rhythm and meter have become an important area of research among music scholars. Recent work in these areas includes books by Bengt-Olov Palmqvist, Fred Lerdahl and Ray Jackendoff, Jonathan Kramer, Christopher Hasty, William Rothstein, and Joel Lester. Rhythm either means tempo literally, or its percussion within tempo. Like instead of just 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4. you might Get a groove like: 1-+-+-2-+-+-3-+-+-4-+-+-1-+-2-+-. Rhythm is the variation of the length and accentuation of a series of sounds or other events. RHYTHM IN LINGUISTICS:- The study of rhythm, stress, and pitch in speech is called prosody; it is a topic in linguistics. Narmour (1980, p.147–53) describes three categories of prosodic rules which create rhythmic successions which are additive (same duration repeated), cumulative (short-long), or countercumulative (long-short). Cumulation is associated with closure or relaxation, countercumulation with openness or tension, while additive rhythms are open-ended and repetitive. Richard Middleton points out this method cannot account for syncopation and suggests the concept of transformation. A rhythmic unit is a durational pattern which occupies a period of time equivalent to a pulse or pulses on an underlying metric level, as opposed to a rhythmic gesture which does not (DeLone et al. (Eds.), 1975 ORIGINS OF HUMAN APPERCIATION OF RHYTHM:- In his series How Music Works, Howard Goodall presents theories that rhythm recalls how we walk and the heartbeat we heard in the womb. More likely is that a simple pulse or di-dah beat recalls the footsteps of another person. Our sympathetic urge to dance is designed to boost our energy levels in order to cope with someone, or some animal chasing us – a fight or flight response. From a less darwinist perspective, perceiving rhythm is the ability to master the otherwise invisible dimension, time. Rhythm is possibly also rooted in courtship ritual. Neurologist Oliver Sacks posits that human affinity for rhythm is fundamental, so much that a persons sense of rhythm cannot be lost in the way that music and language can (e.g. by stroke). In addition, he states that chimpanzees and other animals show no similar appreciation for rhythm. RYHTM NOTATION AND THE ORAL TRADITION:- Worldwide there are many different approaches to passing on rhythmic phrases and patterns, as they exist in traditional music, from generation to generation. African music In the Griot tradition of Africa everything related to music has been passed on orally. Babatunde Olatunji (1927–2003), a Nigerian drummer who lived and worked in the United States, developed a simple series of spoken sounds for teaching the rhythms of the hand drum. He used six vocal sounds: Goon Doon Go Do Pa Ta. There are three basic sounds on the drum, but each can be played with either the left or the right hand. This simple system is now used worldwide, particularly by Djembe players. Indian music Indian music has also been passed on orally. Tabla players would learn to speak complex rhythm patterns and phrases before attempting to play them. Sheila Chandra, an English pop singer of Indian descent, made performances based around her singing these patterns. In Indian Classical music, the Tala of a composition is the rhythmic pattern over which the whole piece is structured. Western music Standard music notation contains all rhythmic information and is adapted specifically for drums and percussion instruments. The drums are generally used to keep other instruments in time. They do this by supplying beats/strikes in time at a certain pace, i.e. 70 beats per minute (bpm). In Rock music, a drum beat is used to keep a bass/guitar line in time. TYPES In Western music, rhythms are usually arranged with respect to a time signature, partially signifying a meter. The speed of the underlying pulse is sometimes called the beat. The tempo is a measure of how quickly the pulse repeats. The tempo is usually measured in beats per minute (bpm); 60 bpm means a speed of one beat per second. The length of the meter, or metric unit (usually corresponding with measure length), is usually grouped into either two or three beats, being called duple meter and triple meter, respectively. If each beat is divided by two or four, it is simple meter, if by three (or six) compound meter. According to Pierre Boulez, beat structures beyond four are simply not natural. His reference is to western European music. Syncopated rhythms are rhythms that accent parts of the beat not already stressed by counting. Playing simultaneous rhythms in more than one time signature is called polymeter. See also polyrhythm. In recent years, rhythm and meter have become an important area of research among music scholars. Recent work in these areas includes books by Maury Yeston, Fred Lerdahl and Ray Jackendoff, Jonathan Kramer, Christopher Hasty, William Rothstein, and Joel Lester. Syncopated rhythms are rhythms that accent parts of the beat not already stressed by counting. Playing simultaneous rhythms in more than one time signature is called polymeter. See also polyrhythm. In recent years, rhythm and meter have become an important area of research among music scholars. Recent work in these areas includes books by Maury Yeston, Fred Lerdahl and Ray Jackendoff, Jonathan Kramer, Christopher Hasty, William Rothstein, and Joel Lester. Some genres of music make different use of rhythm than others. Most Western music is based on subdivision, while non-Western music uses more additive rhythm. African music makes heavy use of polyrhythms, and Indian music uses complex cycles such as 7 and 13, while Balinese music often uses complex interlocking rhythms. By comparison, a lot of Western classical music is fairly rhythmically (or metrically) simple; it stays in a simple meter such as 4/4 or 3/4 and makes little use of syncopation. Clave is a common underlying rhythm in African, Cuban music, and Brazilian music. In the 20th century, composers like Igor Stravinsky, Bela Bartok, Philip Glass, and Steve Reich wrote more rhythmically complex music using odd meters, and techniques such as phasing and additive rhythm. At the same time, modernists such as Olivier Messiaen and his pupils used increased complexity to disrupt the sense of a regular beat, leading eventually to the widespread use of irrational rhythms in New Complexity. This use may be explained by a comment of John Cages where he notes that regular rhythms cause sounds to be heard as a group rather than individually; the irregular rhythms highlight the rapidly changing pitch relationships that would otherwise be subsumed into irrelevant rhythmic groupings (Sandow 2004, p.257). LaMonte Young also wrote music in which the sense of a regular beat is absent because the music consists only of long sustained tones (drones). In the 1930s, Henry Cowell wrote music involving multiple simultaneous periodic rhythms and collaborated with Là ©on T hà ©rà ©min to invent the Rhythmicon, the first electronic rhythm machine, in order to perform them. Similarly, Conlon Nancarrow wrote for the player piano.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essays --
Introduction Teaching is a crucial profession because it is designed to empower students; to give them more freedom, more power and more prestige. Teachers hold in their hands the success of our country and the wellbeing of its citizens; they are the key to help every person to realise his/her full potential. In teaching process, teachers use the target language to promote their communication with learners. They use this language so that they could encourage the communication between learners and themselves. This language is called teacher talk. Teacher talk is the exact words that teachers say to their students (Dickson, 2005; Crawford, 1999). In the other word, it is the content of lesson each teacher taught during each period of the class. Although teachers use same textbook as their teaching materials, each teacher has his/her own methods and words for their teaching process. "Teacher talk is used in class when teachers are conducting instructions, cultivating their intellectual ability and managing classroom activities" (Qican, 1999, p.23). In the other word, teacher talk is a kind of communication-based talk. Teacher talk is considered as an important element in language teaching (Cook, 2000). Researchers (Cook, 2000; Chaudron, 1988; Xiaohong, 1998) believed that teacher talk makes up around seventy percentage of classroom language. In the teaching process, teachers organize their teaching activities and consequently help students practice through their teacher talk. In English classroom, teacher’s language is not the only objective of the course, but also the medium to achieve the teaching objectives. Teacher talk has some features. One feature refers to the teacher talk's form such as speed, pause, repetition and modific... ...s such as positive reinforcement, encouragement, trusting, caring and accepting, toward students in the classroom. Communication: Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics defines communication as "the exchange of ideas, information, etc., between two or more persons. In an act of communication there is usually at least one speaker or sender, a message which is transmitted, and a person or persons for whom this message is intended (the receiver). Communication is studied from many disciplinary perspectives, is often viewed as a discipline in its own right, and is central to sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and information theory". Learning Attitude: It is expressions of positive or negative feelings towards learning which may cause ease or difficulty of learning a language. Language attitudes effect on second/foreign language learning.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Industrialization in America Essay -- American History, Transportatio
As America was rapidly industrializing, the products that were being mass-produced were in demand all over the nation. In order to get food, supplies and raw materials to the industrial centers that needed them, it was crucial that the speed of transportation was increased. Multiple types of transportation came forth in early 1800’s including roads, canals, steamboats and railroads which would all contribute to the industrialization of America. This time period would come to be known as the â€Å"Transportation Revolution†of America. (Ochoa 2). In 1815, farmers were struggling to keep up with the high cost of transportation of their goods. Near the end of the Transportation Revolution in 1850, transportation cuts had been cut by ninety-five percent and farmers were given much more opportunity to make a profit (Clark 1). Roadways started developing across America and played a major role in delivering raw materials to where they would be produced and then from that site to markets. However the financing of these roads quickly became an issue between the federal government and the states. In 1808, the federal government built the National Road, which was a major route that started in Virginia and extended from the Appalachian Mountains to Illinois. The National Road became the most significant road for Western settlers to travel on. Unlike most roads that were muddy and hard to drive on and muddy, the National Road was solid and made of gravel and stone. States generally built and financed their own roads around the older transportation routes and where the marketplaces were in the state. Roads gave new ways to transport goods and people across the nation, further supporting industrialization in America (Holtkamp 1). By 1807, advance... ... being sold (â€Å"McCormick, Cyrus [1800-1860]†2). John Deere also made advancements in agricultural machinery. Deere made the first iron plow with a steel edge in America. The plow could slice many more miles of Midwestern prairies than was previously possible. In the mid 1840’s Deere sold 1,000 plows and in the next decade he sold 10,000 each year (â€Å"McCormick, Cyrus [1800-1860]†1). Deere’s plow prompted the beginning of a new industrial empire of Deere’s agricultural equipment (Ochoa 3). The goods that were abundantly produced by the plow and reaper would feed the nation and therefore allow for population growth in America (â€Å"The Industrialization of Agriculture†3). The machinery also made farming much more profitable for farmers because it had taken a lot of time and money to harvest the plants before the inventions were sold (â€Å"McCormick, Cyrus [1800-1860]†1).
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
JIL Church Attendance Monitoring System
The main purpose of this study is to develop a better attendance monitoring system in JIL Church in Iligan City. This study intends to fill such weaknesses of the proponents found. JIL Church Attendance Monitoring System maintains a daily record of a person’s arrival and departure time from Church. Time and attendance system are the modern day equivalent of the paper time sheet or attendance that are done manually.Through this system the leaders of the church that whose assign for the attendance sheet are they done without struggling for maintaining daily record of a person and makes it easy and fast for monitoring the attendance of every attendee. An Attendance Monitoring System serves as a time log that is set up as a computerized database. Using of this computerized database it can monitor the attendance of every person attends in church activity. There is a difference in recording keeping if that person is a first-timer or attendee or regular attendee. An attendance monito ring system for a person would contain attendee history, references and performance information.The system contains also the person's name, address, day, time, month and number of person’s attended that determined the level of her/his life-growth and the inviters. The system keeps records in order and is frequently updated. When seeking person’s information, the pastors can request certain reports to be printed from the attendance monitoring system even for the whole attendance of every activity for the whole month or for the whole year are automatically calculate every datails on that activity with necessary reports and information.Statement of the problem Statement of the problem†¢ Existing system to monitor attendance does not exist. JIL Church still doesn’t have a computerized system in their management . This computerized system make easier to JIL group leaders to manage the attendance problem and more systematic. †¢ Save time and keep data more s ecuredThe point here is to reduced time and ensure that the data is kept systemically and free from damage. †¢ Create a systemic and effective attendance monitoring system The management for the attendance process is not systemic because when using the manual system, there are lot of disadvantages and problems. They should replace the manual system to a computerized system to manage all the process properly.Objectives†¢ To provide a computerized system with high efficiency, error free and high quality services to the users concerning the attendance record. †¢ To build a system that can reduce the number of damage data. †¢ To build one system that helps the JIL group leader to makes his/her work easy and fast in attendance and accurate head counts.The existing attendance monitoring of JIL Church in Iligan City are done manually. This process of monitoring requires tremendous manual work. Based on interviews and observation, the following problems have been establi shed. Inaccurate head count.Slow processing and prone to alternation. Time-consuming of preparation of reports.General Problem The existing attendance monitoring of JIL Church are done manually and there is a possibility that all information will lost and disorder files.Objectives of the problemThis study is to design and develop a computer-based system for a better attendance monitoring system for YJ and Sunday Service of the JIL Church in Iligan City. The following are the solution for a better attendance monitoring. Through this system all attendees are have accurate head count. The attendees are easy to monitor.All reports of the whole week of a month are on time and updated .Scope and limitation of the study There are many branches in Jesus Is Lord Church in the Philippines but this study focus only in JIL Church in Iligan City, Area 54 where located at Tibanga, Iligan City.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Character Analysis on Boxer (Animal Farm) Essay
Horses are well known for their strength and Boxer is no different and he lives up to the expectation of being a strong male horse. Boxer is an almost blind follower to the farm and whoever is in charge of it. His almost unreal strength is a great asset to the rebellion and to the farm as he is capable of working harder than any animal. As soon as he learns about Animalism, Boxer makes himself available to do anything for the rebellion. After the rebellion at the Battle of the Cowshed he proves once again how irreplaceable he is to the farm, as he proves he is a valuable soldier but he shows us that he is a kind and gentle soul as he feels pain when he thinks he has killed the young farm boy. He wakes up early everyday so that he can get more work done around the farm as he gives himself the job of making the farm a better place for his fellow animals. He adopts the maxim â€Å"I will work harder†. This leads him to do great things such as building the windmill twice almost on his own. Unfortunately, Boxer does have the intelligence that we so wish would match his strength (this is clear when he is unable to learn the alphabet past the letter â€Å"D†). He is actually very naà ¯ve and innocent and this leads him to be easily confused and taken advantage of by the pigs and Napoleon. After being taken advantage of many a time, Boxer eventually adopts a second maxim, except this maxim eventually leads to his downfall: â€Å"Napoleon is always right†. Boxer shows devotion like no other to the progression of the farm and this is evident when he collapses as he states â€Å"It is my lung †¦. It does not matter. I think you will be able to finish the windmill without me.†Even when boxer collapses and is close to death, he is still thinking of his work, his fellow comrades and how he can help make the farm better for when he is no longer capable to do more. Sadly for us, Boxer does not seem to grow wiser with age, and even when he is being taken away by the knacker, he needs to be told what is happening before he tries to do something about it. When he realises what’s happening he gets to his feet and tries to kick down the door of the cart but is unable. This is a sad image and a sad end to Boxer as â€Å"there used to be a time when one swift kick of Boxer’s hooves would have kicked down the cart wall with ease†. How fitting is it that such a great animal like Boxer, would be put to death in such a cowardly way and by the animal that he trusted and listened to the most, Napoleon. BOXER’S REPRESENTATION IN REAL LIFE Boxer represents the working class, a person of no great intelligence but very capable and reliable abilities in work that required labouring. He spends his time in the novel helping with the revolution, and then the pigs. Everything he does, he does to the best of his ability, he does this because he knows that his own hard work will result in a better farm for all animals. However, because Napoleon and the pigs view the other animals as workers for their benefit instead of equals, Boxer’s work is never rewarded; when he becomes injured and unable to work, Napoleon sells him to the knackers instead of letting him retire as promised.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Factors Affecting Customer Loyalty on Banking Service
Factors Affecting Customer Loyalty on Banking Service: A case of Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Commercial in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam †¢ Dec 22, 2011 †¢ 0 †¢ 263 [pic] [pic][pic]FACTORS AFFECTING CUSTOMER LOYALTY ON BANKING SERVICE: A CASE OF HONG KONG SHANGHAI BANK COMMERCIAL IN HO MINH CHI CITY, VIETNAM Related Articles Luxury Travel Vietnam's Tour Featured in Indonesia Travel Magazine Corporate globalization and human rights abuses in the sweatshops of pakistan, indonesia and vietnam M1 Carbine Communications In Iran Bui Thanh PhongGraduate School of Business, Assumption University ABTRACT This study examines the relationship between selected factors (brand image, friendship, perceived service satisfaction, perceived core service quality, social regard and social comfort) and customer loyalty of HSBC in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam. The researcher surveyed on 400 respondents who had experience to use HSBC banking services. The sampling procedure used judgment sampling and co nvenience sampling. The researcher used the Pearson Correlation analysis tool on this research.Descriptive statistic was used to provide the mean and percentage of demographic characteristic and other variables of study. Result indicated that brand image, friendship and perceived service satisfaction does play a mediating role in the effect of customer loyalty in banking service. The effects of a number of demographic indicators on customer loyalty are also reported. INTRODUCTION Loyalty factor is considered as key value of marketing strategy in the banking service and others (Kotler, 2004). It also helps bank to gain the profit and reduce marketing cost.In previous times, many banking services are aware of understand brand image, service quality and customer satisfaction which are accepted as a key determinant of customer loyalty (Payne, 1993). The customers are hard to attract and difficult to retain because it is not relatively easy for customers to switch their traditional servi ce providers (Philip, 2002). Loyalty factors are an organization's most reliable success indicator (Zeithaml and Bitner, 1996). Also, this increased customer loyalty can help lower marketing costs, solicit more customers, and effectively operate trading leverages (Aaker, 1997).Additionally, the loyalty customers become an advocate concept for the service can be defined: providing positive word-of-mouth, recommendation the service to other, encouraging others to use service and defending the service provider and generate higher corporate profits (Reichheld et al. 2000). As the market becomes more competitive advantage, many companies recognized the importance of retaining current customers and have some initiated variety of activities to improve customer loyalty (Rosalind and Audrey, 2007).Faced with this situation, some service providers have considered to the quality standards in their business such as ISO 9001. Actually, the service providers can get the big profit from those stan dards and loyalty customers. Any service industries are banking, restaurant, hotel, beauty†¦ the service encounter satisfaction is really considered as a core value to affect and maintain the loyalty customers. 1. To study of the significant relationship between friendship and customer loyalty. 2. To test the relationship between brand image and customer loyalty. 3.To find out the significant relationship between service encounter satisfaction and customer loyalty. 4. To establish an understanding of the significant relationship between perceived core service and service counter satisfaction. 5. To analyze the significant relationship between social regard and perceived core service. 6. To determine the significant relationship between social comfort and perceived core service. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study is to develop and implement a method for banking service to identify attributes that will increase customer loyalty.The researcher will determine dependent/ i ndependent variables whether or there are relationship between the factors below. The researcher would try to explain why customers have loyalty with HSBC bank. This is six objectives the researcher would try to study the relationship between the factors effect to customer loyalty. LITERATURE REVIEW Customer Loyalty Customer Loyalty is a customer who will repurchase from the same service provider whenever possible, and who continue to recommend or maintains a positive attitude towards the service provider.The loyal customers are less likely to switch because of price and they make more purchases than similar non-loyal customers (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990). Loyalty customers will also help to promote and share knowledge with their friends about the service provider. They will provide strong word-of-mouth, create business referrals, provide references and serve on advisory boards. The loyal customers are served as a â€Å"fantastic marketing force†by providing recommendations and spreading positive word-of-mouth, those partnership-like activities are the most available advertising that the company can get (Raman, 1999).Loyal customers increase sale volume by purchasing a wider variety of the products and by making more frequent purchases. The loyal customers had more purchasing services than non-loyal customers (Bowen and Shoemaker, 1998). And other researchers have theorized that service encounter satisfaction, customer loyalty and profitability are related (Zeithaml et al. 1996). Service Encounter Satisfaction Traditional way described the service encounter satisfaction as the interaction occurs between customer-contact employees and the customers and it has been frequently discussed in the marketing literature (Bitner et al. 1990). Also, the service encounter is â€Å"the dyadic interaction between a customer and service provider†(Surprenant  and Solomon, 1987). It has also been modeled to impact long-term customer relationships as wel l as overall satisfaction. Service Encounter Satisfaction is distinguished from overall satisfaction and it has been defined as dis/satisfaction with a service encounter (Bitner and Hbbert, 1994). Additionally, customer relationships are built and destroyed which based on service encounter in a time and any service providers can be critical to the service outcome (Stern et al. 998). It is the degree of overall pleasure or contentment felt by the customers, the results from ability of the service fulfilled the customer's desires, expectations and customer's needs in relation to the service (Philip, 2002). Service performance takes place in what has been termed the service encounter; the time frame during which consumers directly interact with service providers (Czepiel et al. 1985). All element of an encounter activities such as: the facility, waiting times, and service personnel are considered service encounter Brand ImageVarious definitions of a brand appeared in the marketing lite rature. The brand as â€Å"a name, term, sign, symbol or design or combination of them, which is intended to identify the goods of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors†(Kotler, 2004). The new business start, the marketer designs business card, company website, name, logo†¦ to send a clear message of company to their stakeholders and customers that is a merger and equal. According to Lafley (2009) interpreted that â€Å"We continue to invest in our core strengths.Firstly, we don't skimp on understanding the customer. Second is innovation. Thirdly is Brand Image†¦ We're delivering more messages to our customers. †In order to be successful, images and symbols must relate to, and indeed, exploit, the needs, values and life-styles of consumers in such a way that the meanings involved give added values, and differentiate from this brand to other brands (Broadbent and Cooper, 1987). From this statement, the researcher can recognize the important of brand image and brand identity to affect with service providers and organizations.The customer loyalty is often viewed as resulting from brand knowledge, followed brand image that PR also raise consumer loyalty trough the above strategies (Keller, 1999). In addition, the self-congruence theory states that the ways consumers evaluate products to match with their self-image (Belk, 1988 and Sirgy, 1982). Higher congruence between self-image and product image would influence consumer attitudes or behavior regarding brand preference, brand attitude, product purchase decisions, customer satisfaction, and repurchase intention (Graeff, 1996 and Sirgy, 1985).Friendship The customer's perceptions of social closeness are service employee as evidence of the degree of familiarity, self- disclosure and rapport (Gremler, 1995). Loyalty can be increased throughout personal friendship (Kokko and Moilanen, 1997). Two relational outcomes are considered to associate with friendship to be comfort and respect (Argyle, 1992). At currently, friends can be distinguished such as: online friends, offline friends, old high school friends, workmates, organization, family and people met at parties.The modern conceptualization of friendship – as essentially personal, private, voluntary, un-specialized, informal, and non-contractual – echoes our culture's â€Å"great emphasis on relationships in the intimate sphere, especially love relationships†(Taylor, 1991). There is a relationship between friendship and organization. The most important for this foundation is acknowledged utility as the basis for one type of friendship, fundamental in some respects, but the traditional way has the most limited or underdevelopedReceived Core Service Quality Perceived core service quality is quality products or services which are provided by the company. it offers to exceed the customer expectations. In recent study, service quality is considered from the view point of the customer who is estimated of the service â€Å"external customer†and the efforts have focused on identifying of â€Å"external service encounter†factors, the customers will consider in evaluating the quality of service providers. Customer satisfaction is also important element of marketing strategies.Zeithaml (1998) defined that the perceived service quality is measured by customer awareness and the consumers assess of the overall excellent products or services. Zahorik and Rust (1992) found that the modeling of perceived quality directly influences to customer loyalty and provides more diagnostic abilities. Furthermore, the perceived service quality is the best model to impact customer retention and behavior intentions (Hennig and Klee, 1997). The subject of service quality has been studied and debated over the past two decades.The importance of management's ability is understand how service quality and appropriately measurement, the subsequent ac tions make improvements and increase value to customer expectations (Asubonteng et al. 1996). Looking through a financial perspective, the success of activities carried out by sports organizations is closely associated with the quality of services offered to customers  and  making sure customers get highest level of satisfaction from such services (Kotler, 2004).In terms of effective management it is the great importance to understand what the customer thinks about service quality offered by the organization (Rust and Oliver, 2000). Social Regard Social regard defined as making the customers feel important and took an interesting and respecting to the customer (Barnes, 1997). Additionally, some empirical evidence indicated that actions closely related to social regard which increases the relationship strength (Barnes, 1997).When the customers perceived that the employees take care of them, or respect them the relationship strength increases. The social constructivist t herapeutic orientations focus on the way in which people and society created (rather than discover) constructions of reality (Roberts et al. 2003). Previous study has been especially focused on analyzing the effects of customer-oriented behaviors, the social aspects of the interaction between the service provider and the customers have been somewhat neglected (Kelley and Hoffman, 1997).Social regard has been defined as the â€Å"genuine respect, deference, and interest shown to the customer by the service provider, such that the customer feels valued or important in the social interaction†(Butcher et al. , 2001). Social regard is considered to special elements for services and industry because they have high level of customer contact, and this concept will remains relatively untapped by researcher. Social Comfort Social comfort is defined as the customer's feeling of anxiety or relaxation arising from the social interaction with an individual service employee.The customers f eel much comfortable to be one example of a satisfactory service experience (Argyle, 1992). If the salesperson clicked with the customer at the initial contact, then this was the prompt to consider establishing a relationship (Beatty et al, 1996). Customer rapport was found to be associated with overall satisfaction, repurchase intentions and word-of-mouth (Gwinner, 1998). It is thus expected that the conceptualization of social comfort may have either a direct or indirect path to loyalty. Figure 1: Conceptual framework Friendship Service Encounter Satisfaction Perceived Core Service  QualitySocial Regard Customer Loyalty Brand Image Social comfort H1 H2 H5                                                                  H3 H4 H6 From this conceptual framework, there are 6 independen t variables, which are friendship, brand image, service encounter satisfaction, perceived core service quality, social regard and social comfort. The dependent variable is customer loyalty. The researcher finds out that 6 independent variables effect on dependent variable (customer loyalty). Overall, the relationship between dependent and 6 independent variables are developed to adapt the objective of this study.Therefore this study hypothesized six statements in investigating their relationship as follows: H1: There is significant relationship between Friendship and Customer Loyalty. H2: There is significant relationship between Brand Image and Customer Loyalty. H3: There is significant relationship between Service Encounter Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty. H4: There is significant relationship between Perceived Core Service Quality and Service Encounter Satisfaction. H5: There is significant relationship between Social Regard and Perceived Core Service Quality.H6: There is signi ficant relationship between Social Comfort and Perceived Core Service Quality. METHODOLOGY The proposed descriptive research was applied to this study as its aim is to describe be the characteristics of a population or phenomenon (Zikmund, 2003). It also seeks to determine the answer to who, what, when, where, and how questions. Secondary data is taken from any source such as: business journal, internet, marketing book, newspaper†¦Primary data was collected by distributing questionnaires to customers of the electrical company who were selected by convenience sampling.Data Collection The target group of this study is both female and male customers who lived and had an experienced service of the HSBC in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The researcher will collect the data from all 8 branches of HSBC on 5 districts: District 1, District 7, District 11, Phu Nhuan District and Tan Binh District. The customers of HSBC who will be chosen for the study are willing to cooperate by responding to the questionnaire for this study. The sample size was 400 respondents. Five-point Likert scales were applied for the dependent and independent variables part.In the first part is screening question, two questions are asked to choose correct respondents. The second part was dependent variable to measure perception of customer loyalty of HSBC in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The third part, brand image, friendship, service encounter satisfaction, received core service quality, social comfort and social regard were designed for measuring. The final part is demographic factors question such as: age, gender, education level and nationality. FINDINGS The table indicates majority of all respondents were male with 63%, nationality is Vietnamese (95. %) and most of respondent has age from 18-30 years old. For the income monthly is about 5,000,000vnd – 10,000,000vnd to be about 28. 3%. And education level highest percentage is under-graduate degree with 50. 9%. The first hypothesis, wh ich predict that friendship would be low positive correlation relationship to customer loyalty, was supported (r = . 322, p< . 001). Support was found for the second hypothesis, which predicted that there was a low positive correlation relationship between brand image and customer loyalty (r = 260, p< . 001). The third hypothesis predicted that he service encounter satisfaction would be low positive correlation relationship to customer loyalty (r = . 319, p< . 001). In addition, the fourth hypothesis, there would be low positive correlation relationship between received core service quality and service encounter satisfaction (r = . 350, p < . 001). Moreover, the fifth hypothesis predicted that, there would be low positive correlation relationship between social regard and received core service quality (r = 0. 207, p< . 001). Finally, a low positive correlation relationship was found between social comfort and received core service quality (r = 157, p< . 01). In con clusion, all the hypothesis of this study was supported which found the low positive correlation relationship between variable. [pic][pic]DISCUSSION The result of hypothesis one showed that the friendship has positive significant effects on customer loyalty, as the null hypothesis was rejected. Based on this finding, it indicated that a friendship effected customer loyalty toward HSBC in Ho Chi Minh City. The result of the hypothesis was supported that the personal friendship between customer and individual service employee has been modelled to influence customer loyalty (Bove and Johnson, 2000).Also, the loyalty can be increased through personal friendship (Price and Arnould, 1999). The client employee friendship was positive correlation with customer loyalty (Kokko and Moilanen, 1997). From the result of this hypothesis testing, the researcher also found positive significant relationship between friendship and customer loyalty. This result leads to prove that higher loyalty increa se or create friendship between HSBC and its customers. The result of hypothesis two showed that the brand image has significant effects on customer loyalty, as the null hypothesis was rejected.Based on this finding, it is proven that the brand image effected customer loyalty toward HSBC in Ho Chi Minh City. According to Keller's (1993) study, the researcher found similar result in his study. He found that the customer loyalty is often viewed as resulting from brand knowledge. In this study, the researcher found that there is positive significant relationship between brand image and customer loyalty. Customer Loyalty can be increased by brand image and brand image can promote the services or products of banking which may lead to believe or create trust toward HSBC.Based on the result of hypothesis three, the â€Å"service encounter satisfaction†has significant effects on customer loyalty, as the null hypothesis was rejected. According to this finding, it can be interpreted t hat the service encounter satisfaction effected customer loyalty toward HSBC in Ho Chi Minh City. Therefore, service encounter satisfaction is a key measuring factor for customer loyalty which may be a useful measuring method to predict customer concept of products and services in every industry.It was also supported by Brown's (1996) who concluded that the service encounter satisfaction has also been modelled to impact long-term customer relationship, as well as overall satisfaction. Jason (2005) also found the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. Meanwhile, the result of hypothesis testing for hypothesis three also showed that the correlation between those two variables is positive. The perceived quality is very important to customer satisfaction. In this study, the research also indicated that perceived quality directly impacts on customer loyalty (Phillip, 2002).Satisfaction of the customer leads to the customer to re-use the bank service in the future. Conseq uently, after repeated use of more than 3 times, the loyalty of customer is well established in customers mind. On banking service or other service, satisfaction is considered as the main litmus test to improve customer loyalty. The result of hypothesis four showed the â€Å"perceived core service quality†has significant effect on service encounter satisfaction, as the null hypothesis was rejected. Based on this finding, it is clear that the â€Å"perceived core service quality†effected service encounter satisfaction toward HSBC in Ho Chi Minh City.This research empirically examined the role between perceived core service quality and service encounter satisfaction. This study tested the relationship between perceived core service quality and service encounter satisfaction as a concept and found the relationship, as well as data from a sample survey of 400 banking retail customers in their evaluation of their banking experiences to address this issue. Additionally, th e perceived service quality and customer orientation are directly influenced to service satisfaction, the service encounter satisfaction (Cronin and Brady, 2000).Based on the result of hypothesis five, the â€Å"social regard†has significant effects on perceived core service quality, since the null hypothesis was rejected. Consequently, it indicated that the social regard effects perceived core service quality toward HSBC in Ho Chi Minh City, which was similar to the research result of Butcher et al. (2001). He indicated the importance of social regard effects in the service encounter in making the customers feels valued or important in the social interaction.According to the result of hypothesis six, the â€Å"social comfort†has significant effects on perceived core service quality, because the null hypothesis was rejected. Based on this finding, it has been proved that the social comfort effects perceived core service quality toward HSBC in Ho Chi Minh City. The sp ecific relationship between friendship, social regard, social comfort, value for money, service encounter satisfaction perceived core service quality and customer loyalty were established in banking service (Butcher et al. 2001).The social comfort can lead the service quality in long-term process, the social comfort directly influences the perceived core service quality and ensure customer satisfaction (Pavlou, 2003). CONCLUSIONS Based on the research objective, the researcher studied the factors that may affect customer loyalty in case of HSBC in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It showed that there are low positive correlation relationship between dependent variables (customer loyalty) and independent variables of: brand image, friendship, service encounter satisfaction, perceived core service quality, social regard, social comfort.Data were collected from a total of 400 respondents who have had experience of using HSBC service. From the result of demographic factors on gender, age, edu cation level, income, the researcher discovered that the majority of HSBC customers are male, Vietnamese, aged between 18 and 30 years old, with under-graduate education level, who have monthly income between 5,000,000vnd-10,000,000vnd. For hypothesis testing, the data were analyzed by using SPSS (statistical package of social science) to test six hypothesis.The researcher used Pearson Correlation analysis to investigate the relationship between independent variables and dependent variable. The results of the hypothesis testing showed that null hypotheses one, two, three, four, five and six were rejected signaling that there were a positive significant relationship between dependent variable and independent variables. Table 1: Demographic Profile of Respondents _____________________________________________________________________________ N                        Percentages (%)Gender:Â Â Â Â Â à ‚            Male                 254                            63. 5 Female                                    146                            36. 5 Age:                                        18 or less           13                              3. 3 18-30                                      225                             56. 3 31-40                                      153                             38. 3 41-60                                       9                               2. 3 Income in vnd: ,000,000 or less         54                              13. 5 5,000,000 – 10,000,000      114                             28. 5 10,000,000 – 15,000,000       63                              15. 8 15,000,000 – 20,000,000       56                              14. 0 More than 20,000,000            113                             28. 2 Education Level: High school graduate or less   98                              24. 5 Undergraduate Degree            205                             51. 2 Graduate degree                      83                              20. Doctor's Degree             14                              3. 5 RECOMMENDATIONS In contrast to the loyalty that the customers do not complain when satisfied with the products and services compared to their wishes, customer loyalty is seen as an asset of the banking business that the marketer needs to create satisfied customers to enhance customer loyalty in their businesses. The HSBC management teams must understand that in order to achieve success and generate growth in business, they have to invest and trade based on need s and wants of customer as the main goal.Research on customer loyalty could be great of help to the bank to reach and resolve their marketing issue. Thereby, HSBC could have concrete results of the evaluation by customers comment on their product or service so that they could supply and serve to people in Ho Chi Minh City. 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About the Author: Bui Thanh Phong obtained his MBA from the Graduate School of Business, Assumption University. Email: [email protected] com or [email protected] com. [pic]About the Author †¢ More Sharing ServicesShare †¢ Subscribe to RSS †¢ Contact Author [pic] Bui Thanh Phong About the Author: Bui Thanh Phong obtained his MBA from the Graduate School of Business, Assumption University. Email: [email protected] com or [email protected] com.
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