Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Needs of Native Americans in Modern Day America Essay
The Needs of Native Americans in Modern Day America - Essay Example The present day American society banks largely on these Native Americans. It is because of these Native Americans that the basic culture and societal values of America are alive today. The trends and needs of these Native Americans are such that they require state of the art healthcare and educational needs, and they also want to remain in line with the attainment of the normal, day to day necessities, all of which are significant towards the domains of the Native Americans (Young, 1994). These needs keep on changing with the passage of time, however what is important is the fact that the modern day America learns a thing or two out of this composition of Native Americans within its folds. It is about time that these Native Americans are given their rights so that America as a whole could benefit from the very same undertakings. The problems that these Native Americans face are of a magnanimous nature. They comprehend that these problems are not entirely of their own making and hence they deserve much better at the hands of the authorities who enact policies and draft resolutions that are taken up within the supreme houses of the government nonetheless. The courts of law and other quintessential bodies within the state also need to pull up their socks and do their best at bringing a sense of solace and comfort for the sake of these Native Americans. The solutions to these problems could be understood when the state is serious in giving these Native Americans their due. It would mean that the government is now ready to draft policies which will look after the needs of these people as well as make the institutions powerful, all of which essentially look after the well-being of the general public and not just the Native Americans alone. It would be appropriate to state the both national and local level policies must be changed for the better. This could mean more growth and development to occur within the relevant ranks. It
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Smoking and Lung Cancer Essay Example for Free
Smoking and Lung Cancer Essay What is lung cancer? Well, lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in both men and women in the United States. Lung cancer has greater mortality rates than the next three most common cancers combined (colon, breast and prostate). An estimated 157,300 Americans were expected to die from lung cancer in 2010, accounting for approximately 28 percent of all cancer deaths (American Lung Association). Lung cancer is very difficult to treat, depending on the size and stage in which the cancer is detected. The earlier the cancer is discovered, the better. For example, if the cancer is found earlier than later, more types of treatment can be administered to the patient. These treatments may vary from surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Although lung cancer is rarely cured completely, if detected and treated early, survival expectancy can increase substantially. Despite the difficulties of this deadly disease, the number of cases in which people have lung cancer is unnecessary, and can be greatly lowered. The risk of developing lung cancer can be reduced by 90% in people who quit smoking before the age of 35. Smoking is greatly related to lung cancer. Smoking, a main cause of small cell lung cancer, contributes to 80 percent and 90 percent of lung cancer deaths in women and men (American Lung Association). Men that smoke are 23 times more likely to develop lung cancer than men who don’t, and women who smoke are 13 times more likely to develop lung cancer than nonsmoking women. The lung cancer types found in people who smoke mostly differ from those in non-smokers. Small cell lung cancers, which account for approximately 20 percent of lung cancers, occur almost always in people who smoke or have smoked in the past. Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is a disease in which cancer cells are found in the tissues of the lungs. Inside the chest, lungs take up much of the room inside and usually are a pair of cone-shaped organs. The characteristic of this type of cancer is that it grows mor e rapidly and is more likely to spread to other organs inside your body. Starting with any one of the larger breathing tubes, small cell lung cancer grows quickly and at the time of diagnosis attains larger size. Most common cause of lung cancer is cigarette smoking. Small cell lung cancer risk factors include smoking cigarettes, cigars, or pipes now or in the past, exposure to second hand smoke, and exposure to asbestos or radon. Non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) is the type found more commonly in non-smokers, but the majority of cases still occur in people who have smoked in his or her lifetime. There is one broad general cause to lung cancer that is the Constant prolonged introduction and exposure of a variety of carcinogens into the lungs. A carcinogen is any ingredient that has the potential to cause cancer. One deadly carcinogen is radon gas. Exposure to radon is estimated to be the second leading cause of lung cancer, responsible for an estimated 15,000 to 22,000 lung cancer deaths every year (American Lung Association). Radon is a tasteless, colorless and odorless gas that is produced by decaying uranium and occurs naturally in soil and rocks. Lung cancer can also be caused by occupational exposures, including asbestos, uranium, and coke (an important fuel in the manufacture of iron in smelters, blast furnaces, and foundries). Amongst all of these factors that cause lung cancer, cigarette smoke, with its concoction of highly concentrated carcinogens, inhaled by both smokers and nonsmokers is the foremost cause of lung cancer. In addition to the causing of lung cancer, smoking puts a person in increased risk of the pancreas, kidney, bladder, esophagus, oral cavity, and larynx cancers. Since there is a great association between smoking and lung cancer, there is also an increased risk of developing other smoking related cancers. These types of cancers and lung cancer incidences depend initially on the overall lifetime exposure to cigarette smoke, the number of years a person has smoked cigarettes, and the age at which the individual was introduced into cigarette smoking. Now that we know the causes of lung cancer, let’s explore the contents of a cigarette. What are the ingredients and chemicals that are manufactured into cigarettes, have you ever wondered? There are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes (American Lung Association). When these ingredients are burned, they create more than 4,000 chemicals. At least 50 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are very poisonous. A lot of these chemicals are also found in many consumer products, but these products have warning labels on them. While the public is warned and advised about the danger of the poisons in these products, there is no such warning for the toxins in cigarettes. Here are a few of the chemicals in tobacco smoke, and other places they are found in: Acetone found in nail polish remover, Ammonia a common household cleaner, Methanol – a main component in rocket fuel, Butane – used in lighter fluid, and Carbon Monoxide – released in car exhaust fumes. That’s just a very short list of extremely dangerous chemicals that are incorporated into cigarette smoke. It’s no surprise that the constant inhalation of these hazardous substances over time can result in a variety of serious health problems such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, and even chronic diseases. It is critical and essential to know how smoking causes lung cancer because there is a great relationship between smoking and lung cancer. Your lungs air passages are lined with millions of tiny hairs called cilia. The cilia act like little brooms protecting the air tubes by sweeping dusts, tar, and other foreign materials gradually upward, like escalators, until they can be spit out. Every time a blast of tobacco smoke hits these cilia, however, they slow down, and soon stop moving. As a result, the trapped tars from the tobacco smoke begin seeping into the cells lining the air tubes. Over time, this constant irritation turns some of the cells cancerous. This transformation usually takes many years. But once it begins, the cancer steadily eats its way deeper into the lung. By the time it is discovered, its usually too late. When cigarette smoke is inhaled, the tissue cells of the lungs are exposed to the host of carcinogens contained in the smoke. Carcinogens have the unique potential to damage and change the DNA of cells in the body. The DNA is responsible for functions including how fast the cells reproduce and grow. Once a cell has been exposed to carcinogens for an extended period of time and the DNA has been affected, the cell can become cancerous. A cancerous cell is defined as any cell in the body who’s DNA has been reprogrammed to grow at an accelerated and unstoppable rate. As the affected cells continue to grow, they cause the formation of blood vessels to supply the cells with the needed nutrients to continue growing. These cells grow into masses called tumors. Eventually these tumors grow to such a size that they begin to crowd out other cells in the lungs. The added mass of the tumor makes it difficult to breathe, which decreases the amount of oxygen being transported throughout the body. Eventually the tumor can become so large that the lungs can no longer function. If a small amount of the tumor manages to break off and enter the bloodstream, or lymph system, the cancer can spread to other parts of the body. Here the process continues as the cells make new homes in organ tissues, such as the heart, liver or brain. This eventually causes these organs to no longer function over time as well. If you think you’re safe just because you are not a smoker, think again, because you’re wrong. Passive smoking, or also known as second hand smoke can also be a risk factor for lung cancer. Breathing in the smoke of others can increase your risk of developing lung cancer. A non-smoker who lives with a smoker has about a 20 percent to 30 percent greater risk of developing lung cancer. Workers who have been exposed to tobacco smoke in the workplace are also more likely to get lung cancer. Secondhand smoke involuntarily inhaled by nonsmokers from other people’s cigarettes is classified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a known human carcinogen, responsible for approximately 3,400 lung cancer deaths and 46,000 heart disease deaths in adult nonsmokers annually in the United States (American Lung Association). Smoking by parents is associated with a wide range of adverse effects in their children as well, including exacerbation of asthma attacks, increased frequency of colds and ear infections, and sudden infant death syndrome. Secondhand smoke causes an estimated 202,000 asthma episodes, 790,000 physician visits for buildup of fluid in the middle ear (or middle ear infection), and 430 sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) cases each year. Nicotine is a very addictive drug, and when it’s inhaled, cigarette smoke reaches the brain faster than drugs that enter the body intravenously. Smokers not only become physically addicted to nicotine; they also connect smoking with many social activities, making smoking an even more difficult habit to break. Quitting smoking often requires multiple attempts. Using counseling or medication alone increases the chance of a quit attempt being successful; the combination of both is even more effective. Perhaps the best motivation for an individual to quit smoking would be the thought of the serious health complications down the road if smoking is continued. If you stop smoking before a cancer develops, your damaged lung tissue gradually starts to repair itself. No matter what your age or how long youve smoked, quitting may lower your risk of lung cancer and help you live longer. There are some people that will try to tell you that the medical establishment is lying to you. They will argue that it’s not proven that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, that the statistics have been twisted to make the case against cigarette smoking stronger and worse than it actually is. There are a number of things that doctors and researchers don’t yet understand, such as there is no development of lung cancer in those people that can smoke for years, while others who have never smoked do. There is one thing to keep in mind, risk of developing lung cancer increases due to smoking- this isn’t a claim, it’s a fact. Remember, it’s never too late to put down that cancer stick!
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Stronger Case Antigone Or Creon Philosophy Essay
Stronger Case Antigone Or Creon Philosophy Essay At the centre of The Burial at Thebes is the contest between the belief that the gods should form the basis of moral behaviour in the state, presented by Antigone and Creons case that the king can define what is correct behaviour. I shall go through the text and pick out passages that are relevant to the cases presented. My conclusion will be based on which case has the most support throughout the text, remains the most consistent and also the desire of the protagonists to see their views through to the end. Antigone presents her case during the plays prologue. She believes Creons general order forbidding the burial of Polyneices is morally wrong and states clearly that she is going to bury his body (Heaney, 2004, p5Â [1]Â ). It is important to note that women played a central role in the religious conventions of funeral rites and practices (Hardwirck, 2008, p195), and these events contrasted with the usual exclusion of women from Greek public life. This issue is raised by Ismene who describers herself and Antigone as two women on our own who we must do as were told (p5). It is made clear in this passage that Antigone knows she will be sentenced to death for defying Creon, something she has not intention of covering up. For Antigone burying her brother is a matter of showing honour to the dead (the ones youll be with the longest) and her belief that the gods will be proud of me (p6). The importance of reverence to the gods is a central theme in the play and Antigones case is strengthened by her invocation to them and the importance of giving the dead an appropriate burial. Before Creon has stated his case he has it strengthened by the Chorus who describe him as right for this city at this time (p9) at the end of the parados. Given that one function of the Chorus is to provide moral comment this is notable backing. Creon case, that Polyneices, a traitor, an anti- Theban Theban (p10), should not be buried is stated during his first rhesis. By giving this order Creon is not only willing to sacrifice family ties but emphasising loyalty to the state. The security of, and loyalty to, the state is the at the heart of Creons case. His opening speech is an extended metaphor in which the state is a ship that he led to calmer waters (p8), and those that stood by him a loyal crew. Creon emphasises the words friend and family (p9) to strengthen his belief that personal loyalty must always give way to patriotic duty (p9). After the war with Argos it makes sense that Creon would want to install a sense of unity by honouring those that stood up for Thebes and highlight the importance of patriotic duty. Creon uses the gods to back up his case. For him they kept Thebes safe during the war with Argos and later on describes as preposterous the idea that the gods have had a hand'(p14) in the burial of the traitor Polyneices. Creon believes his case here is strong for it would be illogical that the gods would side with Polyneices given that the city [is] under their protection (p14). If Creons view of the gods is correct, then is case his strengthened but if, as the Chorus suggests, the gods have sided with Antigone than her belief that they will be proud of her appears to be true. Another theme Creon raises is his belief that dissent to his rule is money orientated. It warps minds and generally corrupts (p15) and is, in Creons mind, the reason why the guard has not apprehended the burier of Polyneices. When the guard suggests that the judge has misjudged everything (p16) he emphasises judge and mis when he speaks, giving an added sense of foreboding to his words. This is added to when he describes waiting for whatever plague.. the gods were sending (p19) when capturing Antigone. The theme of money and plague are later returned to and help destroy not only Creons case, but also himself. Antigones acceptance of death is highlighted when the guard describes how she showed no signs of panic (p20) and admitted breaking Creons law. The following agon gives each protagonist the opportunity to strengthen their cases. Antigone does this by emphasising the edict is not the law of Zeus and that she follows original, god-given laws (p20). By invoking the gods again Antigone gives her case the backing of those that all in Thebes will worship long after Creon ceases to rule. Creon challenges Antigone when he asks if religion dictates the same for loyal and disloyal (p24). Here he is supporting his belief that the gods value the security of Thebes and would not want to be joined by a traitor. When he would states he would know his enemy in the underworld (p24) Creon appears to be stating that the afterlife is a a continuation of this life, and the battles he has fought; whereas for Antigone the next world is a place where past sins matter not and all are equal and thus that the gods are less concerned with mortal actions than Creon. With such differing views on the will of the gods the case that is the strongest will be the case that pleases the gods the most. The third episode sticmythia with Haemon gives Creon the opportunity to restate and strengthen his case which he does with his opening speech. Here he restates the importance of discipline and obedience to the state; when those go cities, homes and armies collapse (p15). Again Creon is stating the importance of stability as he did with his first speech and again he states that he expects his family to observe the discipline I expect from every citizen (p30). It is hard to not respect Creons views here and the Chorus does just this when they state the he seems to make good sense (p31). By the end of the third episode the case laid out in Creons opening speech is brought to the fore. He has sacrificed his son for what he perceives to be the security of the state and has proven that patriotic duty has triumphed over personal loyalty (p10). By relenting now Creon would destroy his case; Antigone has to die for Creons case to remain strong and Creon shows that he is willing to accept the consequences of his actions when he tells the Chorus that Haemon can do his worst then (p35). Creon should have remembered the Choruss warning that anyone who overstep[s] what the city allows risks being put beyond the pale (p16). Haemon tells Creon that People here in Thebes dont seem to think that Antigone is a danger. Creons response that rulers[are] meant to be in charge should strengthen his case but it doesnt the Chorus also warned of the dangers of treating the lawas his own word (p33). The grace with which Antigone accepts her fate throughout the fourth episode strengthens her case. The Chorus believes that Antigone goes with her head held high and because you were noble (p37 39). It is difficult to not be moved when she says I close my eye on the sun. I turn my back on the light (p39) with emphasises on close, eye, sun, turn, back and light. Antigone remains consistent and sees her case through to the end. In her final speech she reminds the reader that she has been punished for a reverence that was right (p41), that is a reverence to Hades, to the dead, even if they are enemies of the state and the duty of families to mourn their loved ones. By this point Creon can present his case as being successful. The state has won, and someone that has shown a lack of loyalty has been punished as the law demanded. Despite this his case isnt as strong as it should be. The Chorus who who at first supported Creon and who he relied upon to be agents of the law (p11) have turned against him, and the warnings put to him earlier have still not been dealt with. The entry of Tiresias brings the end of Creons case. The plague the guard alluded too has become tangible, and the corpse of Polyneices is where the contagion starts (p44). The king has been warned that the gods are revolted (p44) but when told that he can undo his mistake his first response is to accuse Tiresias of being bribed and his second sight.. well warped (p45). When Creon does relent it is because he has taken Antigones view that we should keep the established law (p48). This is a complete u-turn that sees Creon accept Antigones case and proves beyond doubt that her case is the stronger of the two. It is too little too late, Antigone is dead in her wedding dress with her beloved Haemon by her side, his mother and Creons wife Eurydice soon joins them in the underworld. Creon is destroyed; he want(s) to hurry death (p55) but can not. Antigone accepted the consequences of her actions but Creon has courted calamity (p56) and must accept the unknown to come. Using the criteria stated above I can only conclude that Antigone has been given the stronger case. If the play finished at the end of fourth episode it would be a hard decision but I would have sided with Antigone following her heartbreaking speeches. I would, as a modern reader, also be swayed by the belief that the state should not interfere in the religious practices of families and should not overturn centuries old traditions for political reasons. Creons taking on of Antigones view and the Choruss final moral comment, that leaders should always rule by the gods and reverence them (p56), makes it impossible to draw a conclusion different to mine.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Shakespeares Hamlet - The Importance of the Ghost Essay -- GCSE Engli
Hamlet and the Non-expendable Ghost   All literary critics agree that the Ghost in Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet is not an expendable character. Without the Ghost the show could not go on. He is absolutely essential to the plot, to ever aspect of the drama.  W.H. Clemen in â€Å"Imagery in Hamlet Reveals Character and Theme†describes the pervasive influence which the Ghost’s words have on the entire play:  Perusing the description which the ghost of Hamlet’s father gives of his poisoning by Claudius (I,v) one cannot help being struck by the vividness with which the process of poisoning, the malicious spreading of the disease, is portrayed:  Sleeping within my orchard,     My custom always of the afternoon,     Upon my secure hour thy uncle stole,     With juice of cursed hebenon in a vial,     And in the porches of my ears did pour     The leperous distilment; whose effect     Holds such an enmity with blood of man     That swift as quicksilver it courses through     The natural gates and alleys of the body,     And with a sudden vigour doth posset     And curd, like eager droppings into milk,     The thin and wholesome blood: so did it mine;     And a most instant tetter bark'd about,     Most lazar-like, with vile and loathsome crust,     All my smooth body.  A real event described at the beginning of the drama has exercised a profound influence upon the whole imagery of the play. What is later metaphor is here still reality. The picture of the leprous skin disease, which is here – in the first act – described by Hamlet’s father, has buried itself deep in Hamlet’s imagination and continues to lead its subterranean existence, as ... ...Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Masks of Hamlet. Newark, NJ: University of Delaware Press, 1992. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. Ward & Trent, et al. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1907–21; New York:, 2000 West, Rebecca. â€Å"A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption.†Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Court and the Castle. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1957. Wilkie, Brian and James Hurt. â€Å"Shakespeare.†Literature of the Western World. Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Barriers for Adopting Electronic Health Records (Ehrs) by Physicians Essay
Barriers for Adopting Electronic Health Records (EHRs) by Physicians Introduction In the article, â€Å"Barriers for Adopting Electronic Health Records (EHRs) by Physicians,†researchers analyze the resistance associated with adoption of EHR systems by U.S. physicians. Current research supports the notion that electronic health records are not vastly supported in the U.S., especially in comparison to other countries. According to researchers at the Weill Cornell Medical College, â€Å"Doctors who go digital do appear to provide significantly better health care†(Nordqvist, 2012). While there are many productivity concerns around implementing a new system, this article explains why physicians are resistant to the adoption of EHRs and how those oppositions can affect the system. Analysis of Key Issues In 2012 approximately 72 percent of office-based physicians had adopted any HER system and 40 percent had adopted basic EHR systems (King, Patel, Furukawa, 2012). While there are a myriad of issues associated with the adoption of EHRs nationwide, some of the most prevalent are miscommunication, misinformation and misinterpretation. Physicians are apprehensive about the level error that could prevail with using EHRs. Joseph Conn found that, â€Å"an alarming number of clinicians are anecdotally reporting a substantial increase in the incidence of wrong order/wrong patient errors wile using the computerized physician order entry component of information systems†(2013). Clearly physician resistance to EHRs is directly related to the safety of patients as an increased predisposition for error is being revealed. Conversely, EHRs can be equally superior as they can also contribute more accuracy to the healthcare infrastructure. The Missouri Health Connection shared that EHRs can pr ovide health records universally, â€Å"improving the coordination and continuity of care and promoting informed decision making†amongst many other things (n.d.). Findings Based on the results from the study there are 20 reasons that physicians are resistant to the adoption of EHRs; stemming from cost to doctor-patient relationship. With all the viable concerns that physicians have, they remain resistant and the acceptance rate is still low. Personal Assessment The evolution of EHRs and its impact on Obamacare and the overall healthcare system is pioneering. Obamacare is based on the perception that health care in the U.S. is more expensive than any other industrial nation because the incentive configuration is inadequate. Ideally, the government would like for Medicaid and Medicare patients to be consistently healthy and otherwise reimburse the physicians for keeping them healthy. However, for this to work the government needs instant access to patient records. With this access the government can eliminate reimbursement solely on test and procedures but incentivize for health results. While EHRs are beneficial for physicians they are equally beneficial for patients. The ability to walk into any healthcare facility and the physician have access to your medical history is substantial. As it relates to someone with health complications, this can minimize the risk of misdiagnosis or allergic reaction. Deuteronomy 15: 7-8 says, â€Å"If there be among you a poor man of one of thy bretheren within any of thy gates in thy land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother: But thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need, in that which he wanteth†(KJV). As Obamacare seems to favor those who are less fortunate or helps those who need healthcare, there is a need to support this agenda. No one should go without health insurance and there are an alarming number of citizens without it today. References Conn, J. (2013). HER systems pose serious concerns, reports says. Modern Healthcare. Retrieved from King, J., Patel, V., & Furukawa, M.F. (2012). Physician adoption of electronic health record technology to meet meaningful use objectives: 2009-2012. ONC Data Brief. Retrieved from Nordqvist, C. (2012). Electronic health records linked to much better quality care. Medical News Today. Retrieved from
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Surprise! Youre Always on a Job Interview!
Surprise! Youre Always on a Job Interview! According to Nance Rosen over at The Personal Branding Blog, 85% of hiring comes down to personality and attitude and as little as 15% might be dependent on skill, since you can be trained to do practically anything on the job. One way to prepare for a job interview is imagining you’re being interviewed all the time. I don’t mean when you’re at home or with family or in the shower (although I do practice my interviewing spiel in the shower on a daily basis, to my husband’s bemusement), but if you’re working in a field where you interact with the public, keep in mind that any individual you interact with could someday be on the other end of a job posting.Employers want good people who are committed and engaged in whatever job they’ve found for themselves. The kinds of people who make hiring decisions are evaluating every salesperson, customer service rep, receptionist, VP, sales director, and barista they encounter- if you think about your int eractions in an intentional, deliberate way, you have dozens of chances to make a great impression every day.We all have lousy days of course, when we don’t feel like talking to anyone and putting on a public face feels too difficult to endure. But the more often you rev up for an invisible interview, the more familiar the process will be when it’s time to actually suit up. From making eye contact to being generous with your time and expertise, it all has a way of paying itself forward to your next big opportunity.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Between vs. In Between
Between vs. In Between Between vs. In Between Between vs. In Between By Maeve Maddox A reader wants to know how between and in between differ in usage: Please explain the usage of the term â€Å"in between.†It’s been many years since I heard anyone say this. I always thought it was unnecessary to combine the words â€Å"in†and â€Å"between†. What’s the difference if you say that one thing is between another thing as opposed to saying that it’s â€Å"in between†? When between functions as a preposition, placing in before it is nonstandard usage. The following headlines, for example, are incorrect: Incorrect: Woman dies walking in between subway cars Correct : Woman dies walking between subway cars Incorrect: You dont need to enter spaces in-between the numbers/letters. Correct : You dont need to enter spaces between the numbers/letters. Incorrect: How Many Hurdles are In Between a Thief and Your Phone Data? Correct : How Many Hurdles are Between a Thief and Your Phone Data? The addition of in is acceptable when the phrase â€Å"in between†functions as a noun or an adjective. 1. In-between as noun Josie feels like an in-between, trapped between her family’s Italian culture and the Australian culture of her peers. (noun meaning, â€Å"a person who doesn’t belong in either of two groups†) Many times, parents feel like the only choice is to have [the baby] fall asleep in your arms or cry it out, but there really is an in-between. (noun meaning, â€Å"an alternative that lies between two extremes†) 2. In-between as adjective An â€Å"in-between hop†is a baseball term that indicates a bounced baseball that reaches an infielder at the midpoint of its upward bounce. (adjective describing hop) College students on holiday face an in-between world. (adjective describing world) Bottom line: When using between as a preposition, don’t preface it with in. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Words with More Than One SpellingStory Writing 101Inspiring vs. Inspirational
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Manson Family Member Linda Kasabian
Manson Family Member Linda Kasabian Charles Manson made a poor call when he picked Linda Kasabian to join the group of killers who set out to kill everyone inside the homes of actress Sharon Tate and Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. Kasabian was there but stood in horror as the screams of the victims broke the nights silence. She managed to escape from the Manson family and later turned states evidence during the Tate and LaBianca murder trials. It was her eye-witness testimony that sealed the convictions of those responsible for the brutal murders. The Early Days Linda Kasabian was born on June 21, 1949, in Biddeford, Maine. At age 16, she quit school, left home and headed out west in search for the meaning of life. While on the road, she lived in various hippie communes where she engaged in casual sex and drugs. By the age of 20, she was a two-time divorcee and had given birth to a baby girl. On July 4, 1969, pregnant with her second child, she visited Spahn Ranch and immediately joined Charles Manson and the Manson family. Helter Skelter On August 8, 1969, Kasabian, who had only been with the Manson family for four weeks, was selected by Manson to drive family members Tex Watson, Susan Atkins and Patricia Krenwinkel to 10050 Cielo Drive. The assignment for the night was to murder everyone inside the home. Manson believed that the massacre would kick start an apocalyptic race war that he had predicted and named Helter Skelter. It was the address of actor Sharon Tate and her husband, film director Roman Polanski.  The couple was renting the house and Sharon Tate, who was eight and a half months pregnant, invited Hollywood hairstylist, Jay Sebring, coffee heiress Abigail Folger, and Polish actor Wojciech Frykowski, to stay as house guests while Polanski was away in London. 10050 Cielo Drive had previously been the home of record producer Terry Melcher, who Manson had tried to get a record contract with, but the deal never materialized. Angry that Melcher was putting him off, Manson when to his home to confront him, but Melcher had moved away and Manson was asked to leave the premises. Angry and rejected, the address became symbolic of all that Manson hated about the establishment. Butchered When the Manson family members arrived at the Tate home, Kasabian watched as the groups first victim, 18-year-old Steven Parent, was shot to death by Tex Watson. Parent had just graduated from high school and was trying to raise money for college. He was hoping to sell his radio to his friend William Garretson, who was the caretaker of the Tate home. After visiting with Garretson, he was on his way home and was driving up to the electric gates to leave the Tate home, just as the Manson group arrived. Watson knifed and shot him three times, killing him. Kasabian later stood watch outside the Tate home and heard screams coming from inside. She watched in shock as some of the victims came running outside the home, soaked in blood and screaming for help, only to be caught and butchered on the front lawn by Tex Watson and Susan Atkins. Kasabian tried to stop the massacre by telling the group that she heard noises, but her attempts failed and everyone inside the house, including eight-month pregnant Sharon Tate was viciously murdered. After the murders, Kasabian wiped off blood and fingerprints from the weapons used in the murders and dropped them into a ravine. The LaBianca Murders The next night Kasabian was ordered by Manson to go out again and later testified that she was too afraid to tell him no. This time the group included Manson, Watson, Atkins, Krenwinkel. Kasabian, Van Houten and Steve Grogan. The group drove to Leo and Rosemary LaBianca. First Manson and Tex went inside the LaBianca home and tied up the couple. He instructed Watson, Krenwinkel, and Van Houten to go inside and kill the couple. Manson, Kasabian, Atkins and Grogan drove away, and went hunting for another victim. Manson wanted to find and murder an actor who was also one of Kasabians old boyfriends. She purposely pointed out the wrong apartment and the group, tired of driving around, gave up and returned to the ranch. Kasabian Escapes Spahn Ranch Two days after the LaBianca murders, Kasabian agreeing to run an errand for Manson, used the opportunity to flee from Spahn Ranch. To avoid suspicion she had to leave her daughter Tonya behind. Later she located her daughter at a foster home where she was placed after the October police raid on Spahn Ranch. Kasabian Turns State Evidence Kasabian went to live with her mother in New Hampshire. A warrant for her arrest was issued on December 2, 1969, for her involvement in the Tate and LaBianca murders. She immediately turned herself over to the authorities and turned states evidence and was given immunity for her testimony. Her testimony was invaluable for the prosecution in the Tate-LaBianca murder trial. Co-defendants Charles Manson, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten were found guilty largely based on Kasabians direct and honest testimony. After the trial, she returned to New Hampshire where she dealt with a lot of public scorn. She eventually changed her name and it has been rumored hat she moved to Washington State. See Also: The Manson Family Photo Album Source:Desert Shadows by Bob MurphyHelter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi and Curt GentryThe Trial of Charles Manson by Bradley Steffens
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Logistics and supply chain management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Logistics and supply chain management - Essay Example Vulnerability of organisational logistics process and SCM resilience Analysis Vulnerability in organisational logistics processes needs to be tackled to make business functions lean, flexible and responsive. Companies are immensely dependent on each other and are vulnerable in increasingly integrated supply chains. The time and relationship dependencies are significant to manage vulnerabilities (Svensson, 2002). The time and relationship dependencies between two companies in the supply chain network can be described through the interactional model of Hakansson. Dependence of companies cannot be easily constructed until their functioning is performed to check their assumed time and relationship dependencies towards their suppliers and customers. The functionality process of the dependence construct has turned a bit with the research performed by Hammarkvist et al. (1982)) and Mattsson (2000)). There have been five dependency dimensions identified by Hammarkvist et al. (1982)), which a re: 1. Technical Dependence. It happens when two companies sell compatible products and adjust their business functions with each other in technical way. ... 3. Knowledge Dependence. It is related to the communication process between two organisations, gaining from the strengths and weaknesses of each other. This interaction helps in finding ways of resolving issues. With regard to this dimension, we can say that Seal Honey used this dependency appreciatively by engaging supermarkets as point-of-sales and realised increased sales. 4. Social Dependence. It is related to increased communication between two companies because of individual level contacts. It means that social environment and increased compatibility level between the executives of two companies create an impact on their business functions. Again, Seal Honey was able to use its contacts to sell its products through superstores and leverage from this dependency. Economical/Judicial Dependence. This is related greatly to the formal written format of depending, entered into by the companies themselves to strengthen their dependence of business functions in the economical and judic ious way. Case studies on both the companies do not indicate that they have entered into any such formal contract with their suppliers to comment on this dependency of the Seal Honey and Fresh Mart (Svensson, 2002). Mattsson has added two extra dimensions to the list of Hammarkvist et al.’s, namely: 1. Market Dependence. It is related to a company’s reputation and ranking that might have a positive impact on the other company’s reputation and ranking. It can also enhance the brand value of the other company in the market. Of course, both the companies are leading players in grocery market and dependent on market forces to a great extent as dealing in perishable goods. 2. IT Dependence. When the two companies follow the same IT
Friday, October 18, 2019
Good Faith Evidence Rule in reversal of a high profile rape cases in Research Paper
Good Faith Evidence Rule in reversal of a high profile rape cases in 2010 in state of virginia - Research Paper Example There was a young woman, who was dressed in black attire and had long blond hair; she stood on the railroad bridge extending her thumb gesturing for a ride. The unfortunate fact was that this was the last moment the father and daughter saw Morgan Dana Harrington alive. (Siegel, 2011) It is now one year since the remains of the Virginia education tech student (who was 20 years of age upon her death) was discovered. With no suspects identified, the police have made enquiries to the public hoping that there might individuals who may assist with the investigation. The questions still remain unanswered as to how Morgan’s body was discovered in a cow pasture 10 miles from where she was last seen, and whether there is a stalker still roaming the streets of Charlottesville and Albemarle county. While retracing the steps of Morgan, the Virginia State Police Special Agent Dino Cappuzzo disclosed the story of the daughter and father, who allowed the police to determine the time that Morgan was possibly abducted. The father stated that, on his way back from dropping his daughter at the dormitory, he stopped at the convenience store on Ivy Road, which was at 9.30 pm based on time on his receipt. On his return to the bridge after 7-11 minutes, Morgan was gone. Two other witnesses confirmed that they had seen a blond woman hitchhiking in the same area. Cappuzzo stated that the witnesses’ stories had been completely vetted by the police. However, none was considered suspects. The descriptions provided by the witnesses were new information released to public on the 25th of January 2011, which was a day prior to the anniversary of the discovery of the body. It was the first piece of information that was obtained by the police department since last summer, when police confirmed the DNA obtained from the Harrington case is related or linked to a rape case that took place in 2005, in Fairfax. The victim in that case survived
A Learning Sequence which covers LS content in Implications of Essay
A Learning Sequence which covers LS content in Implications of National Identity of Chinese - Essay Example handy as it states that knowledge acquisition can be directly interconnected to observing others within the context of experiences, outside media influences as well as social interactions. Most of these approaches rely on the practice of guided finding where the tutor avoids using the most undeviating instruction and endeavours to lead the scholar through queries and actions to determine, deliberate, appreciate, and express the new acquaintance. Therefore, the planning of teaching the above-mentioned topic adopts the constructivist learning theory (Tucker, 2005, p. 89). This study will centre on The Chinese Foundation Secondary School students who are studying form 5 of their junior form course. During their junior form studies, the students should acquire the prerequisite related knowledge of â€Å"identity†from integrated humanities. According to the liberal studies Curriculum and Assessment Guide (C & A Guide EDB of 2007), the relevant learning experience (from P1 to S3) of the concept of identity are: The students need to be well equipped with the basic knowledge concerning the issue about Chinese Nationalism. The students should identify themselves with their national symbols and the court systems. Thus, national identity to them should be seen as the repository of the most cherished and sometimes even extravagant or demented, aspirations (Prazniak, 1996, p. 89). This module is expected to cover (4-6 lessons of 40 minutes each) together with pre-lesson preparation by students as well as homework if necessary. Therefore, this issue is closely related to two modules of the NSS Liberal Studies curriculum as follows: Upon the completion of the designated task, students are expected to have broadened their take and general understanding on matters pertaining to nationality, patriotism, cultural heritage, and open mindedness. Their overall approach to matters of problem solution cooperation as well as judgment pertaining to matters of justice is expected to
Emily Dickinson's In A Library Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Emily Dickinson's In A Library - Essay Example Amherst Academy as a young girl where she learned the subjects of her time which included everything from classical literature and geology to religion and biology. She went on to study at Mary Lyons Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, but left less than a year later. She never traveled far from her home at Amherst, and was never married. Despite not being given much to cultivating human society, she certainly valued her friends, Susan Gilbert being one of her constant friends, who later became her sister-in-law. She maintained long correspondences with valued friends such as Thomas Wentworth Higginson who was possibly also her sole critic, and maybe even one of her romantic attachments. She wrote prolifically till her death in 1886. She died at the age of 56 of Brights disease, and was buried in white at Amherst, in keeping with her rigorously white attire through most of her later life. One of the strongest aspects of Dickinsons poetry is its capacity for layered meanings, and â€Å"In a Library†is no exception. For Dickinson, a written word was open to many interpretations, and the reader was very much a part of the poetic process: â€Å"A word is dead, when it is said /Some say - /I say it just begins to live/ That day†(L 374; P 1212). She accepted that her words could, and often did take different and often unintended meanings in a readers mind. On the surface, â€Å"In a Library†is a poem about delving into the past with a book, to take pleasure in a flight of fancy by witnessing history as recorded on its pages, by taking part in myth, by understanding the perspectives and opinions that informed scholastic work during a time long gone past. On another level, the poem can also be seen as an association with a dear old fatherly acquaintance, here personified in a book. The experience of reading a really old book, its aged textures and its nostalgic fragrance is almost like meeting up with an elderly, knowledgeable father figure, and Dickinson plays on this dual
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Theory of Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Theory of Administration - Essay Example The study of public administration is approximately seventy years old. The desire to understand government operations and explain the growth of government systems has generated dramatic specialization and compartmentalization of information within the public administration discipline. In fact, looking at most of the American handbooks reveals that the study of public administration has numerous specializations. Each of these specializations has its unique theories, models, and even interpretations. The main reason the field of public administration lacks an overarching theory is that its study has been moving from a discipline point of view towards interdisciplinary (Hood, 1991). An overwhelming number of researchers in the field of public administration agree that public administration is in a state of identity crisis. For a very long time, questions of policy and politics have dominated the study of public administration but the discipline is currently undergoing far-reaching trans formations. The transformations have led to the inclusion of other disciplines including art, science, and professionalism. Over the years, multiple forces of rectification have increasingly augmented the conservative forces to create a multidisciplinary orientation of the discipline. These forces include the social and cultural contributions of managerial, organizational and economic influences (Hood, 1991). The merger between the social and cultural influences started a few years ago but has attained critical attention from the mass and public sector in recent times. The best approach to explain the lack of an overarching theory in public administration is to analyze the historical evolution of public administration. The foundation of contemporary public administration dates back to thousands of years ago.Â
Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Management - Case Study Example The reason Nike Inc. has succeeded is underpinned by a myriad of factors, as shall be seen in the discussion which ensues forthwith. One of the factors that has guided Nike Inc. into success is its radical mission which currently is to lead in corporate citizenship and life, through proactive programmes that are reflective of care for the world family of Nike Inc. family, its teammates, consumers and those extend services to Nike Inc. In a closely related wavelength, Nike enjoys its chief position in corporate performance because of its objectives. Presently, Nike Inc.’s objective is to keep the cost of manufacturing down through intense competition of the industry in which Nike operates. The feasibility of this objective is underscored by the fact that many other companies that are in athletics industry use the cost of investments and operations in countries before going to a foreign market. Nike Inc.’s strategy has also helped propound it into the world’s leading sports business brand. Particularly, Nike Inc. has used partnering in import-export trade. This is seen in the instance where Nike entered into partnership with Onitsuka Tiger in 1964, to help it import Onitsuka Tiger running shoes in Japan. It is for this reason that as the 1970s came to a close, Nike Inc. had shot from 10 million dollars sales to 270 million dollar sales. It is because of this that by 1996, the company had registered revenue of 6.74 billion dollars. In 2000, the sales had reached 12 billion dollars (Goldman and Papson, 1998, 22). Another prime strategy which Nike Inc. uses is the selling of its performance equipment. Nike’s performance equipment include footwear, balls, socks, bags, bats, gloves, eyewear, electronic sports devices, time pieces and protective equipment. Alongside this, Nike also provides apparels for legitimate or licensed sports teams. To execute this strategy well, Nike Inc. uses
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Emily Dickinson's In A Library Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Emily Dickinson's In A Library - Essay Example Amherst Academy as a young girl where she learned the subjects of her time which included everything from classical literature and geology to religion and biology. She went on to study at Mary Lyons Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, but left less than a year later. She never traveled far from her home at Amherst, and was never married. Despite not being given much to cultivating human society, she certainly valued her friends, Susan Gilbert being one of her constant friends, who later became her sister-in-law. She maintained long correspondences with valued friends such as Thomas Wentworth Higginson who was possibly also her sole critic, and maybe even one of her romantic attachments. She wrote prolifically till her death in 1886. She died at the age of 56 of Brights disease, and was buried in white at Amherst, in keeping with her rigorously white attire through most of her later life. One of the strongest aspects of Dickinsons poetry is its capacity for layered meanings, and â€Å"In a Library†is no exception. For Dickinson, a written word was open to many interpretations, and the reader was very much a part of the poetic process: â€Å"A word is dead, when it is said /Some say - /I say it just begins to live/ That day†(L 374; P 1212). She accepted that her words could, and often did take different and often unintended meanings in a readers mind. On the surface, â€Å"In a Library†is a poem about delving into the past with a book, to take pleasure in a flight of fancy by witnessing history as recorded on its pages, by taking part in myth, by understanding the perspectives and opinions that informed scholastic work during a time long gone past. On another level, the poem can also be seen as an association with a dear old fatherly acquaintance, here personified in a book. The experience of reading a really old book, its aged textures and its nostalgic fragrance is almost like meeting up with an elderly, knowledgeable father figure, and Dickinson plays on this dual
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Management - Case Study Example The reason Nike Inc. has succeeded is underpinned by a myriad of factors, as shall be seen in the discussion which ensues forthwith. One of the factors that has guided Nike Inc. into success is its radical mission which currently is to lead in corporate citizenship and life, through proactive programmes that are reflective of care for the world family of Nike Inc. family, its teammates, consumers and those extend services to Nike Inc. In a closely related wavelength, Nike enjoys its chief position in corporate performance because of its objectives. Presently, Nike Inc.’s objective is to keep the cost of manufacturing down through intense competition of the industry in which Nike operates. The feasibility of this objective is underscored by the fact that many other companies that are in athletics industry use the cost of investments and operations in countries before going to a foreign market. Nike Inc.’s strategy has also helped propound it into the world’s leading sports business brand. Particularly, Nike Inc. has used partnering in import-export trade. This is seen in the instance where Nike entered into partnership with Onitsuka Tiger in 1964, to help it import Onitsuka Tiger running shoes in Japan. It is for this reason that as the 1970s came to a close, Nike Inc. had shot from 10 million dollars sales to 270 million dollar sales. It is because of this that by 1996, the company had registered revenue of 6.74 billion dollars. In 2000, the sales had reached 12 billion dollars (Goldman and Papson, 1998, 22). Another prime strategy which Nike Inc. uses is the selling of its performance equipment. Nike’s performance equipment include footwear, balls, socks, bags, bats, gloves, eyewear, electronic sports devices, time pieces and protective equipment. Alongside this, Nike also provides apparels for legitimate or licensed sports teams. To execute this strategy well, Nike Inc. uses
The Importance of Sport Essay Example for Free
The Importance of Sport Essay On many levels is sport very important to each and every one of us for a various number of reasons. First of all sport and fitness is what helps us keep in shape and stay healthy which is key to living a long and happy life. There are many benefits to being fit; first of all you will have much better health, and a better body image which in turn may help your self-esteem. Another major importance to sport is that there are so many career opportunities in the athletic field such as: gym teacher, pro athlete, sports analysts, physiotherapist, personal trainer, and many more. Also sports can be used as a stress relief to just get away from it all and shoot some hoops or play pond hockey. From a personal level I have made many friends from playing rep hockey 4 times a week to pick up football on the weekends and many if not all of my friends I’ve met playing sports both Rep and High school. On that note there are both positive and negative attributes of playing for your school or rep team. For school you get to play with you group of friends and represent your school, although it may not be the highest level of competition it’s great fun and a lot better than doing nothing. With playing rep you get to diversify your friend group, hopefully play at a high level but it does consume your life with your sport not leaving much room for a job or school work. Whichever one you choose it doesn’t matter you’re getting out there and doing something your love to do. To finish up I hope to be involved in sports as long as I possibly can even though I am not competing at a high level right now I hope still be playing hockey with my friends in college and after that still playing with them in a beer league somewhere, and after that possibly coach my kids sports teams as much as I can and showing them the â€Å"tricks of the trade†and isn’t that what it’s all about?
Monday, October 14, 2019
What Is Tolerance And How It Affects Us Philosophy Essay
What Is Tolerance And How It Affects Us Philosophy Essay Tolerance can be simply stated as the ability to accept diversity and to live and let others live. It is the act of enduring practices that are not related to you or you dont approve of. A person having a high tolerance quotient would be able to practice a fair and objective behaviour towards those whose opinions differ from his opinions. By being tolerant, you are respecting and learning from others, valuing differences, bridging cultural gaps, rejecting unfair stereotypes, discovering common ground, and creating new bonds. Tolerance, in many ways, is the opposite of prejudice. Accept all kinds of behaviors, is this what tolerance means? Of course not. Behaviors that disrespect others, like being mean or bullying, or behaviors like lying or stealing, should not be tolerated. Tolerance means to treating others the way you would like to be treated. According to me, tolerance is essential to live a healthy life. We live in a world which is a potpourri of a rich blend of cultural traditions and this leads to the major differences among the people. Being an entity of this world, we are supposed to interact with people of differing cultures, ethnicities, nationalities, races and religions. Our circle of friends, schoolmates, college-mates, office colleagues and all people around us reflects the diversity around us. In short, success in todays world depends on being able to appreciate others work and being tolerant to the differences that co-exist. Various facets of Tolerance Spiritual tolerance In Srimad Bhagvad Gita, Krishna distinguished the self from the subtle mental/emotional body. In doing so he spoke of tolerance as follows: 2:14. O son of Kunti, happiness and distress are temporary experiences that arise from perception of the senses in conjunction with the mind. Heat, cold, pleasure, and pain come and go, and you, O descendent of Bharata, must learn to tolerate them. Tolerance is required no matter how one lives, and tolerance is, after all, a virtue. Yet the virtues of tolerating are certainly greater when based on living in the bigger picture of life described in the sacred literature. The world of the mind is a small world. What is good for one may be experienced as bad for another; ones happiness is anothers sadness. Ultimate reality is bigger than the mind, and this is what the sacred literature informs us about. The beginning of realizing and living in this bigger picture beyond the duality of sense perception is tolerance. Religious Tolerance Our country, India, is a melange of various people with different religions. For all of us to survive together peacefully, religious tolerance is of utmost importance. Why are we Indians secular? This question becomes more demanding for an answer when we feel the heat of communal conflagrations. Edward Luce in his book, In Spite of the Gods, describes the modern, medieval and ancient meet in a country that is slowly shrugging off its traditional religion and caste-based divides to become more liberal. Luce describes Indias complex tapestry of religion and caste and how it affects politics and development. Racial Tolerance In the book written by Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird, he has discussed about the Tom Robinsons case. It was proved to everyone by Atticus in the courtroom that Tom Robinson was innocent. Even after being proved innocent, the jury announced him to be guilty because he was black. Everyone knew what they were doing was wrong but no one chose to raise his voice for him because they didnt want to change their prejudiced ways. In America, racial tolerance has become so important because of the humungous number of immigrants over there. That means that the economic future of the children of white Americans increasingly will depend on the talents of nonwhite Americans. If racial tolerance is not practiced over there, the U.S. will become a second-rate power. If they succeed in accepting the difference among the various races, America and all Americans will be enriched together. Age Tolerance Unscrupulous individualism, which seeks only ones own interests and leaves no room for solidarity, threatens the foundations of our community. Todays young generation, has the mentality of being much ahead of the older generations in all aspect. Because of it, there exists a lack of Age Intolerance in varied forms. Elderly people rarely report violence in the family and this result in a correspondingly high number of unrecorded cases. The spectrum of violence ranges from neglect and psychological ill-treatment, financial exploitation and restriction of freedom. The numerous number of old age homes, people being forced to take early retirements, age discrimination in respect of the holding of public offices etc. shows the grave lack of Age tolerance in our society. Gender Tolerance While there are non-physical differences between men and women, there is little agreement as to what those differences are. In the book Gender Inequality and Womens Empowerment written by Pramanik, Rathindra Nath Adhikary, Ashim, the author attempts to highlight the discrimination against women. In the urban areas, men do exhibit a high tolerance for women getting ahead of them in various arenas because of the respect that women have gained by all their achievements. But, in the urban areas, there exists high gender intolerance because of the inaccessibility of women to development facilities as well as their actual power positions in the society. Affect of tolerance on any Organization Tolerance is often learnt in subtle ways. Kids develop values by imitating the values of those they know the most. Parents can teach tolerance to their children and senior members of an organization can teach tolerance to their subordinates and vice versa by example. Talking to each other and respecting each other helps learn and teach about the values that each one of them has. Creating opportunities to play along with the usual official work is important as well. This lets everyone learn that everyone has something fruitful to contribute to each other. Tolerance is not about tolerating unacceptable behavior. Tolerance means to understand that everyone deserves to be respected and therefore should treat each other respectfully. Tolerance, being an independent variable can have major impact on the dependent variables like productivity, absenteeism, turnover, deviant workplace behavior, OCB and Job Satisfaction. In an organization, lack of tolerance in the behavior among the colleagues, the behavior of the senior management to their junior employees and vice versa might lead to an environment that is not conducive for working. This might lead to decrease in productivity, increase in absenteeism, increase in turnover, increase in deviant workplace behavior, lower OCB and least job satisfaction. When someone encourages a tolerant attitude, talks about their values, respects each other and treats others well, everyone else will follow in his footsteps. Literature Review Why the Nations Rage: Killing in the Name of God by Christopher Catherwood Religion is for the good for all, which is what everyone believes. But then, why in the name of religion do we see conflagrations all around. According to Christopher, it is religious nationalism. His argument is how people actually think of themselves, how they define themselves. Do they feel the environment in which they are staying is stable? When people feel their environment is economically and politically secure, their identity is also stable. Having a secure identity influences how a group deals with internal minorities and dissent. If a group thinks it is politically secure and therefore secure with their self-identity, it is easier to tolerate the existence of minorities with different identities and different allegiances. This led to the Muslim tolerance of Jews and Christians when Islam was predominant in the world, neither group was regarded as a threat, and because of that there was no reason for prejudice. Today, the status of religious minorities in the Middle East has changed drastically. When it comes to determining the causes for terrorism, then, neither religion nor nationalist self-identification can be ignored. It isnt just religion that has resulted in violence. It is not just questions of national pride, because not all nationalist conflicts have resulted in violence. Instead, the way in which the two interact, results in unhealthy jingoism, worse ethnic identification and extreme religions. Nationalism and ethnicity create an identity while religion provides a explanation for a peoples suffering, which leads to violent means for overcoming the humiliation and shame. If people understand this major working, they will be able to better understand the roots of terrorism caused by religion. Catherwoods book is a nice source for the basic understanding of the violent religion and the intolerance among the various sects. An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth Gandhiji was a person who believed in ahimsa, love and tolerance and left us all an understanding for the dignity every man. In his life, he was always in the search for truth. In the biography, My Experiments of the Truth, Gandhiji stressed his aim in life was to achieve truthfulness in thought, word and deed. Ahimsa, a form of tolerance, to him was the highest virtue. By non violence, Gandhi meant loving concern for all life. He believed that the search for truth could be possible only through tolerance and concern for others. He taught that to be non-violent required immense courage. He adopted Satyagraha based on principles of tolerance, courage, non-violence and truth. The book has revealed exceptional revelations of Gandhijis life, his beliefs, his experiences and his career. Gandhijis Autobiography gives a glimpse into the Indian culture and inspires us to live on path the towards Truth Non violence, through tolerance. ARTS-OF-LIVING: Ruut Veenhoven The paper on art of living written by Ruut Veenhoven describes the capabilities of leading a good life. And there exists different views to what a good life is, the difference in capabilities has been discussed. Ultimately, the writer comes close to the notion that to lead a good life, you need to have a positive mental health. The two views explained in the paper about the ways of living is the moralistic view and the hedonistic view. Other than that the aspect of Living up to the rules, Living up to an ideal, Living deliberately and Art of enjoying life have been described briefly. To cope up with the general problems in life, a person should be able to think of general capabilities like common sense, energy and some form of frustration tolerance. For the problem of living with rules, there are various aspects that need to be considered. When the rules are extreme, it is often described as the art of disciplining and it requires overcoming the imperfection of the flesh. This requires determination and pain tolerance. So Ruut Veenhoven in his writing has briefly touched upon how important tolerance is in transforming oneself to a better human-being and accepts a better art of living. ___________ Empirical study to analyze tolerance characteristics in different age group For the empirical study on the characteristic of tolerance that people exhibit, my approach has been to interview five set of people from different age group and different background. The first set consisting of children of the age of around 12 years, second group consisting of college going students of the age of around 20 years, third group consisting of working professionals in the age group of 25 30, fourth group consisting of housewives of the age above 30 and the final group consisting of people who are above the age of 50 and are well settled in their lives. The questions that I asked them tested their tolerance level. While asking the questions, I ensured that they were unaware of the fact that it is going to be used for this survey purpose. I interviewed around four to five people of each age group and I have listed down the general response for each specific age group below. Interview excerpts: Age group: 10 12 years, School going children. Q. How would you react if someone talks negative about you? Will you be able to tolerate it? Response: I will find him and hit him. Why should I tolerate someone talking like that about me? Q. How will you react if your younger sister/brother snatches your hair? Response: How dare she do that? I will snatch her hair too such that she never dares trying it again. Q. Would you like to have a fair girl-friend or a dark girl-friend? Response: Girls!! All are irritating. I dont want any girl friends. Q. Are you comfortable to study with your enemy in your class? Will you be able to do any task collaborating with your enemy? Response: Why should I even think of even doing anything with him? I wont talk to him. Q. How would you react if your best friend does not approve of one of your ideas? Response: Then he is not my best friend. I know, my best friend will approve of my idea. Age group: 18 20 years, College going teenagers. Q. How would you react if someone abuses you? Will you be able to tolerate it? Response: I will abuse him back twice and then ask him why he abused me. Why should I tolerate someone abusing me? Q. How will you react if your younger sister/brother snatches your hair? Response: I will hold her and block her from snatching my hair. Then will start playing with her/him. Q. Would you like to have a fair girl-friend or a dark girl-friend? Response: Obviously!!! I would like a fair girl friend, who looks like a film actress. Q. Will you be comfortable to work with your enemy for your project? Will you be able to do any task collaborating with your enemy? Response: No. I dont see a reason to work with my enemy. I have many other friends to work with. Q. How would you react if your best friend does not approve of one of your ideas? Response: Then I will prefer changing the topic and talk about something else. I will discuss my idea with someone who approve of my idea. Age group: 25+ years, Office Professionals. Q. How would you react if someone abuses you? Will you be able to tolerate it? Response: Why would someone abuse me? Even if he does, I would like to ignore him. Q. How will you react if your younger sister/brother takes out money from your purse without telling you? Response: She/he would have needed it genuinely, so it doesnt matter. But, I will definitely like to know for what purpose he/she has taken it. Q. Would you like to have a fair girl-friend or a dark girl-friend? Response: If given a option, I would like to have a fair girl-friend. Q. Will you be comfortable to work with your enemy for your project? Will you be able to do any task collaborating with your enemy? Response: That would depend on what kind of task it is. If it requires my enemies expertise, then I will collaborate with him and complete the task. Q. How would you react if your best friend does not approve of one of your ideas? Response: I will ask him what is the problem with my idea and if he has any better ideas. Age group: 30+ years, Housewives. Q. How would you react if your husband abuses you? Will you be able to tolerate it? Response: I wont be able to tolerate it. I would react back the same if there is no fault of mine. Q. How will you react if your son takes out money from your purse without telling you? Response: I would not tolerate it at all, if he takes money from my purse without telling me. Q. If given a choice, would you like to have a fair husband or a dark husband? Response: More than looks, understanding is what matters. Q. Will you be comfortable to talk to one of your enemies, if by chance you meet her in a party and were asked to do something together? Response: I wont have any problem with talking to her and completing the task but the acerbity in our relation will remain intact. Q. How would you react if your husband does not approve of one of your ideas? Response: I will ask him what the problem with my idea is and have a discussion over it. Then will judiciously decide what could be a better idea. Age group: 50+ years, well settled with their office life as well as family life. Q. How would you react if someone abuses you? Will you be able to tolerate it? Response: I dont see any reason for anyone abusing me. Still I would like to know what is the reason for someone behaving with me in that manner. Q. How will you react if your son takes out money from your purse without telling you? Response: I would talk to him for what reason he took the money and if it is for some legitimate reason, then I wont have any problem. Q. If given a choice, would you like to have a fair wife or a dark wife? Response: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. More than the skin colour, what matters is the compatibility. Q. Will you be comfortable to talk to one of your enemies, if you did not have any other choice? Will you be able to tolerate him? Response: I wont have any problem with talking to him. There nothing to gain from any enmity, so I wont have any problem with tolerating or talking with him. Q. How would you react if your best friend does not approve of one of your ideas? Response: Best friends are for making you think more on your ideas and come up with the best ideas. I would encourage my friend to interject all the ideas I come up with so that I can finally have the best idea with me. Analysis of the empirical study For doing the analysis on the varied tolerance levels in different people, I have taken the sample set which includes people of different age groups and different backgrounds. This sample set relates to people with different level of experience in their lives and different maturity level. The responses given above are the general response that does not mean that all the school going children I interviewed gave the same response. The responses given are the ones which was the general response by the group. By observing the general responses given by the school going children we can make an inference that they have the least tolerance level. Children are not able to accept that someone abuses them, someone hurts them or talks negatively about them, they respond by retorting in the same manner. They exhibit the least tolerance to accept anything negative about them. They have least understanding of the colour differences that exists in our society along with that they generally exhibit high gender bias. It is because of the phase of their life they are going through. Children have the least collaborative skills; since they are averse of being with the people they dislike and do not accept any deviation from their way of thinking. In case of the college going teenagers, the tolerance level are a little more developed compared to school going children but still a lot more progress is needed. Even college teenagers do not tolerate abuse or negative talks about them and prefer responding in a similar manner. They exhibit high skin colour bias; all of them prefer to have a fair skinned actress as their companions not trying to understand the aesthetic factor of being in a relationship. The college teenagers exhibit being self-sufficient which is good, but what they accompany along with it is the denigration of the ability of their counterparts. They dont prefer collaborating with the people they dislike for achieving better results for any task. After gaining some work experience where you generally have to work in groups and realize the importance of collaboration, your tolerance level does improve. They do think more rationally compared to the above described samples. They generally dont revert back without analysing the situation they are in. This shows an improvement in their maturity level, but still they do exhibit a skin colour bias. Fair skin is what they still consider beautiful and prefer being with fair skinned girls. In case if they have to collaborate with people they dislike the most, for completing any critical task, they analyse the situation and decide if to join with them or not. Housewives generally exhibit a high tolerance level towards their husbands because they know that for their conjugal bond to be sustainable, many adjustments are to be made with their partner. These days, these adjustments can be observed being exhibited from both sides which was not the case few decades before when there existed high levels of gender intolerance. Housewives cannot tolerate mischievous behaviour of their children because of the high expectation from them. Mothers want to see their children becoming an ideal person ahead in their lives. Housewives display decent collaborative skills and are open to a change in their idea. People who are well settled with their office life as well as family life generally show a high level of maturity which in turn reflects in their high level of tolerance. If someone talks negatively about them, they prefer knowing the reason for such negative talks and then try to settle it by talking with the concerned person. These people are the ones who are the least biased towards skin colour. They are able to tolerate varied kinds of situations as being involved with the people they dislike for completing any task. Because of having various experiences through their age, they have realised how important tolerance is for leading a hassle free life.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Veterinary Medicine as a Career Essay -- essays papers
VETERINARY MEDICINE AS A CAREER Working with animals has been a dream of mine since childhood. I was raised next door to the town veterinarian, Dr. Murphy. He specialized in farm animals, which my family raised, so he visited our house on a regular basis. He knew I loved to hear stories about his patients and always entertained me, no matter how busy he was. When I was 10, Dr. Murphy gave me a copy of â€Å"All Creatures Great and Small†by James Herriot. The book told the story of a country veterinarian and his daily work. To this day, that book remains one of my favorites and always renews my interest in animals. I recently spoke with Dr. Murphy, who is now retired, about his experience in the field of veterinary medicine. He told me, â€Å"Kid, its long hours and hard work. No matter how exhausted you are though, it’ll all pay off when you hear a newborn calf cry for the first time.†Dr. Murphy went on to reminisce about his years as a successful large animal veterinarian. Although he recently retired, Dr. Murphy still helps the occasional farmer in need. (Murphy n. pag.). Veterinary medicine is a very scientific field that requires extensive training and education. I am currently a Biological Sciences major and plan to apply to Veterinary Medical School at the University of California Davis upon separation from the military. I will be required to take a broad selection of courses ranging from Animal Behavior to Organic Chemistry and Calculus. Once I complete...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Michelangelo Essay -- Biography, Michelangelo, Vatican City
As a child, Michelangelo was taken to Florence, where he was apprenticed to the painter Ghirlandaio: he seems to have found his master’s somewhat bland style uncongenial, preferring the more dustere and monumental art of Giotto and Masaccio. (Gowing447) Michelangelo ultimately chose to becoma a sculptor, and at the age of sixteen he went to study at a new school sponsored by the most powerful man, in Florence Lorenzo de Medici. (Field298) In 1496, Michelangelo was in Rome, where he was able to study far finer examples of classical art than he could have found in Florence. (Field447) The limited influence of his works includes a few cases of almost total dependence, the most talented artist who worked in this way. (Hill392) In 1505, Michelangelo was summoned to Rome to make a gigantic tomb for Pop Julius II in St. Peters, the project was to obsess him for more than three decades, as successive powerful patrons demanded his services for other commissions. (Gowing447) Pope Julius II called Michelangelo to Romie in 1505 to design his tomb, which was to include about forty life size statues. The project occupied Michelangelo off and on for the next forty years. Of it he wrote, â€Å"I find I have lost all my youth bound to this tomb.†(Hill392) Then in 1508, the pope ordered him to paint the vault of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican: the result was the most influential single work in the history of European art. (Gowing447-8) †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Sent abt medicis fam †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. At one of Medici’s functions that Michelangelo got into a fight with another student, who punched him in the nose. For the rest of his life, Michelangelo had a flattened nose, which makes him easily recognizable in portraits. ( Field298) A reconciliation between Julius II, and Michelange... ...ll the people of Florence could see it. But there was a problem. They had to figure out how to get it there. More than 13 feet (4 meters) high and made of marble, David was obviously extremely heavy. An architect was called in to construct a special wooden frame from which David was to be hung with ropes. The ropes were tied with a special kind of slipknot, invented by Michelangelo. They got tighter and tighter the more weight there was on them. Four men took five days to move David from the church to the square. People packed the square to look at the new statue, but not everyone liked what they sawâ€â€a naked man standing out in the open and some threw stones at it. Gradually, however people began to appreciate the statue and to see that Michelangelo had given them a great and inspiring symbol. From then on his name, like his statue, soared above Florence. (EBSCO)
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment: Insight Into Devaraj Agency
ADP FALL 2011 ID 49801 Senior Project: Management Ms. Linda Title: The effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment: Insight into Devaraj Agency VIJAY MUTHU RAJAH A/L ANNAVI SCSJ-0005836 Table of Contents No| Description | Page| 1| Objective | 1| 2| Methodology| 2| 3| Introduction| 3| 4| Literature Review| 4-6| 5| Findings| 7-19| 6| Result of the findings| 20-21| 7| Limitation| 22| 8| Recommendation| 23| 9| Conclusion| 24| 10| Reference | 25| 11| Appendix| 26-28| Objective The objective of this project is to analyze the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment among insurance agents in Devaraj Agency. The focus of this study is to analyze the general behavior of insurance agents towards job satisfaction, which may build higher levels of organizational commitment. This study is done based on Herzberg’s two- factor theory and more specifically, on Motivators factor. The findings of this project will help agency manager to understand the current level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment of agents towards their agency. Besides that, suggestions also will be given based on the result of the findings. If the satisfaction level and organizational commitment of insurance agents is low and then many suggestion will be given to solve the problem. If it is otherwise, suggestion will be to maintain or improve further the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the agents. By this, the agency manager gets suggestions to solve job satisfaction and organizational commitment problem if any or to improve them further. Methodology Numerous of methods are to be used to identify the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the agents. The method are as followed: Survey A survey was done with insurance agents from Devaraj Agency. The purpose of this survey is to find out the current level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the insurance agents. The survey would had 56 questions related to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Interviews An Interview has been held with agency manager and few insurance agents. The purpose of interviewing agency manager is to get information about the human resource strategy, annual turnover rate and his perception on agent’s job satisfaction and organizational commitment. External sources The external sources were used in this research. The external sources were Internet and printed materials. These materials were very useful in doing literature review about job satisfaction, organizational commitment and the relationship of them. Introduction Devaraj Agency is one of the oldest Indian insurance agencies in ING Company. The main role of this agency is to sell the insurance as well as investment products of ING Bhd through direct selling techniques. Up to now, 100 over people working as insurance agents in this agency. However, there was no attempt has been taken to measure the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the agents in this agency. Job satisfaction means ‘a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences. (Locke, 1976). According to Porter (1968), organizational Commitment is a willingness of employees to exert high levels of effort on behalf of the organization, a strong desire to remain in the organization, and an acceptance of the organization’s major goals and values. It is important for Devaraj Agency to learn about job satisfaction and organizational commitment of its insurance agents because if agents satisfied with their job, they will have high commitment on their agency and that translate into high job performance and low absenteeism. Literature review Job satisfaction and organizational commitment receive considerable attention from industrial and organizational psychologists, management scientists, and sociologists. Three thousand studies had been done on job satisfaction alone by the time Locke prepared his study nearly 20 years ago (Locke, 1976). The interest of analyzing job satisfaction and organizational commitment stems from the concern of the behavioral consequences that hypothesized result in job satisfaction and/or organizational commitment. Among other topics, job satisfaction and/or organizational commitment have been shown or argued to be related to productivity, attendance at work, turnover, retirement, participation, labor militancy, sympathy for unions, and psychological withdrawal from work. Job Satisfaction According to Locke (1976, p. 300), job satisfaction is ‘a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences. There are many researchers found that Herzberg’s Two-factor motivation Theory is related with employees’ job satisfaction when apply intrinsic motivator (Cesare and Sadri, 2003;Hellriegel and Slocum, 1998; Slocum and Helliegel, 2009). The intrinsic or motivator factors consist of responsibility, recognition, advancement, ach ievement, and work itself (Slocum and Helliegel, 2009; Furnham et al. , 2009). Intrinsic motivator factor is one of the variables that use to find out the positive relationship with job satisfaction (Bhuian and Mengue, 2002). Shaffer et al. (2000) suggested that the satisfaction of work itself relate with job satisfaction while see job satisfactions itself as an individual enjoys on their job which is very much related on the classification of nature of work itself (Pool and Pool, 2006; Couger, 1988 cited in Thatcher, et al. , 2002). Besides this, Herzberg stated in his two factors theory that there are two categorizes of motives for the employees known as satisfiers and dissatisfiers. He related intrinsic factors with job satisfaction and extrinsic factors with dissatisfaction (Gagne, 200; Sarmad, 2007). Organizational Commitment Organizational commitment has been defined more pragmatically by Porter (1968), who holds that it consists of a willingness of employees to exert high levels of effort on behalf of the organization, a strong desire to remain in the organization, and an acceptance of the organization’s major goals and values. Organizational commitment of the employees has been measured in several different ways and it has been related with many job related variables. Allen & Meyer (1990) developed a measure of organizational commitment with three major components: Affective component of organizational commitment refers to employees’ emotional attachment, identification and involvement in the organization; the Continuance component refers to commitment based on the costs that employees associate with leaving the organization; and Normative commitment reflects an employee’s feeling of obligation to remain with the organization. Link between job satisfaction and organizational Commitment Job satisfaction has been associated with organizational commitment (Boles, et al. 2007; Pool and Pool, 2007; Brown and Peterson, 1993), which is broadly defined as the â€Å"psychological bond between people and organizations†(Buchanan 1974; Tett and Meyer, 1993). The study of Klaus, et al. , (2003) found that there is an effect of work challenging (intrinsic motivation) as a work nature, which can impact on affective organizational commitment . According to Steinhaus & Perry (1996) committed and satisfied employees are unlikely to indicate low performance and are normally highly productive who identify with organizational goals and organizational values (Churchill et al. , (1993). Similarly, if employees are highly satisfied with their work, promotion chances and that derive high level of overall job satisfaction with their jobs they are more likely to be committed to the organization than if they are not satisfied. The focus on this concept was not over stated because job satisfaction and commitment are primary determinants of employee turnover, performance, and productivity (Opkara, 2004). Beside that, Balfour and Wechsler (1996) pointed out that overall organizational commitment is an appropriate and significant aspect to focus for organizational productivity and performance. Ayeni and Phopoola (2007) also have found that there is a strong relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. According to them Job satisfaction is mostly determine how well the organization meets employees expectations. According to Cote & Heslin (2003). Findings The job satisfaction and organizational commitment survey has been done with the insurance agents in two weekly meetings held in ING Damansara office and ING Klang office. All insurance agents attended the meeting participated in this survey. In total, the survey form had 47 questions including three demographic questions. It was divided into three sections. The first section was contained 36 questions about job satisfaction. The second section contained 8 questions about organizational commitment. The third section contained 3 questions about demographic. All questions of job satisfaction in this survey were originally derived from the job satisfaction survey form developed by Paul E. Spector. The survey form contained 36 questions of both motivator and hygiene factor. The questions related to motivator factor ware given utmost importance in this survey compared to the questions of hygiene factors because motivator factor leads to job satisfaction but hygiene factor does not and it leads to job dissatisfaction. The question number 2,5,8,11,14,17,19,20,24,27,31,32,33 and 35 in the survey had been identified as motivator factor related questions while the other questions were related to hygiene factor. The rating scale used for job satisfaction survey was a 6-point scale which ranging from â€Å"disagrees very much†to â€Å"agree very much†. The survey questions of organizational commitment were taken from the affective commitment related questions in Allen and Meyer’s Organizational Commitment Scale. Allen and Meyer’s organizational commitment scale’ original 7 point scale has been modified in this survey to 6 points scales by removing neither agree or disagree option. It is to get more accurate answers from the participants. The modified scale ranging from (1) disagrees very much to (6) agree very much. Findings of demographic In total, 56 insurance agents participated in this questionnaire. Out of 56 espondents, 36 respondents were male while 20 respondents were female. The majority of the respondents participated in this survey were aged between 30 to 39 years old. The age of other respondents were 16 respondents were between 20 to 29 years old, 12 respondents were between 40 to 49 years old and 12 respondents were between 50 to 59 years old. The race of participants did not ask in this questionn aire because Deveraj Agency is the Indian agency and all agents should be Indians. Majority of respondents (16 respondents) said their income range was between RM 4,100 to RM 5,000. The income range of others was 12 respondents was between RM2,100 to RM3,000, 8 respondents was between RM 3,100 to RM4,000, 8 respondents was more than RM5,000 and 4 respondents was between RM1,000 to RM 2,000. Findings of Job satisfaction on motivator factor The findings of Job satisfaction on motivator factor| No| | Disagree very much| Disagree moderately| Disagree slightly| Agree slightly| Agree moderately| Agree very much| 2| There is really too little chance for promotion on my job. | 28| 5| 3| 4| 7| 9| 5| When I do a good job, I receive the recognition for it that I should receive. 0| 0| 0| 5| 9| 42| 8| I sometimes feel my job is meaningless. | 23| 10| 0| 7| 16| 0| 11| Those who do well on the job stand a fair chance of being promoted. | 4| 7| 9| 0| 5| 31| 14| I do not feel that the work I do is appreciated. | 16| 17| 3| 18| 0| 2| 17| I like doing the things I do at work. | 4| 0| 0| 2| 14| 36| 19 | I feel unappreciated by the organization when I think about what they pay me. | 24| 10| 7| 3| 8| 0| 20| People get ahead as fast here as they do in other places. | 7| 0| 9| 16| 19| 17| 24| I have too much to do at work. | 6| 6| 2| 22| 5| 15| 27| I feel a sense of pride in doing my job. 0| 3| 0| 0| 34| 19| 31| I have too much paperwork. | 2| 11| 0| 26| 9| 8| 32| I don't feel my efforts are rewarded the way they should be. | 25| 12| 4| 4| 5| 6| 33| I am satisfied with my chances for promotion. | 0| 0| 0| 12| 10| 36| 35| My job is enjoyable. | 0| 8| 0| 3| 10| 35| The findings of Job satisfaction on motivator factor| No| | Agree| Disagree| 2| There is really too little chance for promotion on my job. | 34%| 66%| 5| When I do a good job, I receive the recognition for it that I should receive. | 100%| 0%| 8| I sometimes feel my job is meaningless. 33%| 67%| 11| Those who do well on the job stand a fair chance of being promoted. | 64%| 36%| 14| I do not feel that the work I do is appreciated. | 36%| 64%| 17| I like doing the things I do at work. | 93%| 7%| 19 | I fee l unappreciated by the organization when I think about what they pay me. | 27%| 73%| 20| People get ahead as fast here as they do in other places. | 71%| 29%| 24| I have too much to do at work. | 75%| 25%| 27| I feel a sense of pride in doing my job. | 93%| 7%| 31| I have too much paperwork. | 71%| 29%| 32| I don't feel my efforts are rewarded the way they should be. 29%| 71%| 33| I am satisfied with my chances for promotion. | 100%| 0%| 35| My job is enjoyable. | 86%| 14%| The findings of the statements that related to motivator factors in the job satisfaction survey as followed: 2) There is really too little chance for promotion on my job. Higher percentage of respondents (66 percent) said disagrees to the statement if compared to the number of respondent said agree (34 percent). The large number of respondents (28 respondents) said they â€Å"disagrees very much†to the statement. 5) When I do a good job, I receive the recognition for it that I should receive. For this statement, the 100 percent of respondents said that they agree that when they do a good job, they receive the recognition that they should receive. The higher number of respondent (42 respondents) said they â€Å"agree very much†to the statement. 8) I sometimes feel my job is meaningless Percentages of respondents (67 percent) disagree to the statement, which was higher than the percentages of respondents agree (33 percent). From the 67 percent of respondents said agree, the highest number of respondents (23 respondents) responded as â€Å"disagree very much†11) Those who do well on he job stand a fair chance of being promoted. The percentage of respondent agree and disagree to the statement was (64 percent) agree and 36 percent of respondent said disagree. So, the percentage of respondents who said agree was higher than the percentage of respondent said disagree. Most number of respondent (31 respondent) said that they â€Å"agree very much†to the st atement. 14) I do not feel that the work I do is appreciated. For this statement, 64 percentage of respondents said that they disagree while 36 percentage of respondent said agree. So the percentage of respondents who disagree that they do not feel that the work they do is appreciated was higher than the percentage of respondent who agree. 17) I like doing the things I do at work. The majority of respondent in percentage said they agree that they like the things they do at work were 93 percent. Only 7 percentage of respondent said that they disagree to the statement. â€Å"Agree very much†option received most number of responses from the respondents (36 responses) if compared to the other four options. 19) I feel unappreciated by the organization when I think about what they pay me. For this negative statement, higher percentage of respondents (73 percent) disagree if compared to the percentage of respondent (27 percent) agree. The large number of respondent who said disagree were disagree very much (24 respondents). 20) People get ahead as fast here as they do in other places. The response for this positive statement was positive where 71 percent of respondent said agree. The percent of respondent said disagree was 29 percent. The highest number of respondent answered to the statement as they agree moderately and that followed by agree slightly and agree very much. 4) I have too much to do at work. For this statement, the percentage of respondents (75 percent)who said, â€Å"Agree†is higher than the percentage of respondents(25 percent) who said, â€Å"Disagree†. The highest number of respondent (22 respondents) responded as â€Å"agree slightly†. 27) I feel a sense of pride in doing my job. The large percentages of respondents (93 percent ) said agree to the statement while only small percentages of respondents (7 percent) disagree to the statement. So when compare the response received to the five scales for this statement, the scale â€Å"agree moderately†received highest response. 1) I have too much paperwork For this negative statement, higher percentages of respondent (71 percent) said agree that they have to do too much paperwork. Only lower percentage of respondents (29 percent) said that they disagree to the statement. Most respondent agree to this statement were agree slightly (26 respondents). 32) I don't feel my efforts are rewarded the way they should be For this statement, higher percentages of respondent disagree to the statement than agree. The percentage of disagree and agree was 71 percent and 29 percent respectively. The high response of respondents for â€Å"disagree†was received for â€Å"disagree very much†(26 responses). 33) I am satisfied with my chances for promotion. All responses received for this statement was positive where the percentage of respondents who said agree was 100 percent. None of the participant disagree to this statement. The high response of respondent for â€Å" agree†was received to â€Å"agree very much†(36 respondents) 35) My job is enjoyable. For this statement, the percentage of respondent who agree was (86%) which is far higher than the percentage of respondent (14%) who said disagree. The majority of respondent (35 respondents)who said agree, responded as â€Å"agree very much†. Findings of job satisfaction on hygiene factor The findings of hygiene factor related questions were also included in this paper. This finding was not used in this paper to discuss about job satisfaction because they are not related to job satisfaction but instead they are related to job dissatisfaction. But, this finding was used to identify the job dissatisfaction level of the insurance agent in Devaraj Agency. Based on the outcome, recommendation will be given if there are any hygiene factor related problems. The findings of Job satisfaction for hygiene factor| No| | Disagree very much| Disagree moderately| Disagree slightly| Agree slightly| Agree moderately| Agree very much| 1| I feel I am being paid a fair amount for the work I do. | 8| 0| 0| 8| 8| 32| 3| My supervisor is quite competent in doing his/her job. | 4| 0| 5| 3| 24| 20| 4| I am not satisfied with the benefits I receive. | 30| 0| 8| 14| 0| 4| 6| Many of our rules and procedures make doing a good job difficult. | 4| 12| 7| 9| 14| 10| 7| I like the people I work with. 3| 0| 0| 13| 8| 32| 9| Communications seem good within this organization. | 0| 0| 0| 8| 8| 40| 10| Raises are too few and far between. | 24| 12| 0| 0| 16| 4| 12| My supervisor is unfair to me. | 32| 0| 12| 8| 4| 0| 13| The benefits we receive are as good as most other organizations offer. | 4| 15| 0| 5| 20| 12| 15| My efforts to do a good job are seldom blocked by red tape. | 16| 8| 8| 12| 12| 0| 16| I find I have to work harder at my job because of the incompetenc e of people I work with. | 8| 0| 0| 8| 16| 24| 18| The goals of this organization are not clear to me. 35| 4| 0| 8| 7| 0| 21| My supervisor shows too little interest in the feelings of subordinates. | 34| 7| 2| 7| 6| 0| 22| The benefit package we have is equitable. | 0| 0| 14| 2| 16| 20| 23| There are few rewards for those who work here. | 3| 16| 1| 27| 4| 5| 25| I enjoy my coworkers. | 0| 4| 0| 12| 12| 28| 26| I often feel that I do not know what is going on with the organization. | 26| 7| 3| 13| 3| 4| 28| I feel satisfied with my chances for salary increases. | 0| 4| 0| 8| 12| 32| 29| There are benefits we do not have which we should have. 8| 5| 12| 14| 10| 7| 30| I like my supervisor. | 2| 0| 0| 7| 5| 42| 34| There is too much bickering and fighting at work. | 20| 13| 2| 7| 3| 11| 36| Work assignments are not fully explained. | 16| 17| 4| 4| 12| 3| | | | | | | | | The findings of Job satisfaction for hygiene factor| No| | Agree| Disagree| 1| I feel I am being paid a fair amount f or the work I do. | 48| 8| 3| My supervisor is quite competent in doing his/her job. | 47| 9| 4| I am not satisfied with the benefits I receive. | 18| 38| 6| Many of our rules and procedures make doing a good job difficult. 33| 23| 7| I like the people I work with. | 3| 52| 9| Communications seem good within this organization. | 56| 0| 10| Raises are too few and far between. | 20| 36| 12| My supervisor is unfair to me. | 12| 44| 13| The benefits we receive are as good as most other organizations offer. | 43| 13| 15| My efforts to do a good job are seldom blocked by red tape. | 24| 32| 16| I find I have to work harder at my job because of the incompetence of people I work with. | 38| 8| 18| The goals of this organization are not clear to me. 15| 41| 21| My supervisor shows too little interest in the feelings of subordinates. | 13| 43| 22| The benefit package we have is equitable. | 46| 10| 23| There are few rewards for those who work here. | 36| 20| 25| I enjoy my coworkers. | 52| 4| 26| I often feel that I do not know what is going on with the organization. | 20| 36| 28| I feel satisfied with my chances for salary increases. | 52| 4| 29| There are benefits we do not have which we should have. | 33| 23| 30| I like my supervisor. | 54| 2| 34| There is too much bickering and fighting at work. 21| 35| 36| Work assignments are not fully explained. | 19| 37| Overall, job dissatisfaction of insurance agents in Devaraj Agency is low. The evident is that the respondents responded positively to 22 statements in the hygiene related job satisfaction questionnaire but only for 3 statements they respondent negatively. Findings of Organizational Commitment Findings of Organizational Commitment Survey (Affective Commitment)| No| | Disagree very much| Disagree moderately| Disagree slightly| Agree slightly| Agree moderately| Agree very much| 1| It would e very hard for me to leave my agency right now, even if I wanted to| 2| 0| 5| 7| 10| 32| 2| I do not feel any obligation to r emain with my current employer| 24| 13| 7| 0| 0| 12| 3| I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career with this agency| 0| 0| 4| 0| 7| 45| 4| Even if it were to my advantage, I do not feel it would be right to leave my agency now| 5| 0| 3| 9| 15| 24| 5| I really feel as if this agency’s problems are my own| 6| 6| 0| 5| 24| 15| 6| Right now, staying with my agency is a matter of necessity as much as desire| 0| 0| 3| 12| 24| 17| 7| I do not feel a strong sense of â€Å"belonging†to my agency| 16| 14| 4| 12| 7| 3| 8| I feel that I have too few options to consider leaving this agency| 16| 2| 0| 25| 7| 8| Findings of Organizational Commitment Survey (Affective Commitment)| No| | Agree| Disagree| | It would be very hard for me to leave my agency right now, even if I wanted to| 88%| 12%| 2| I do not feel any obligation to remain with my current employer| 21%| 79%| 3| I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career with this agency| 93%| 7%| 4| Even if it were to my advantage, I do not feel it would be right to leave my agency now| 68%| 32%| 5| I really feel as if this agency’s problems are my own| 79%| 21%| 6| Right now, staying with my agency is a matter of necessity as much as desire| 95%| 5%| 7| I do not feel a strong sense of â€Å"belonging†to my agency| 39%| 61%| 8| I feel that I have too few options to consider leaving this agency| 29| 71%| For the first question of organizational commitment, 88 percent of respondents said that they wound not leave the agency right now even if they wanted but only 12 percent of respondents said they would. The large numbers of respondents (32 respondents) â€Å"agree very much†that they would not leave the agency if they wanted also. The next question was â€Å"I do not feel any obligation to remain with my current employer†. 79 percent of respondents said that they disagree to the statement and said that they do have the feeling of obligation to remain with their current employer. The number of respondents who â€Å"disagree very much†to the statement (24 respondents) was higher than the total number of respondents who said they â€Å"agree slightly†, â€Å"agree moderately†and â€Å"agree very much†. For the statement â€Å"I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career with this agency†, 93 percentage of respondents said agree while 7 percent of respondents said disagree. So, the number of respondents who said agree is higher than the number of respondents who said disagree. Out of the 93 percentage of respondents, the highest numbers of respondents (45 respondents) â€Å"agree very much†than agree slightly or agree moderately. The statement â€Å"Even if it were to my advantage, I do not feel it would be right to leave my agency now†received higher number of agree as response than disagree from the participants. The percentage of respondents who said agree and disagree was 68 percent of respondents said agree and 32 percent of respondents said disagree. Most respondents â€Å"agree moderately†and â€Å"agree very much†to the statement. The fifth statement in the organizational commitment questionnaire â€Å"I really feel as if this agency’s problems are my own, 79 percent of respondent said they agree they do feel the agency’s problem as their problem while 21 percent of respondents said they do not feel so. Thus, the number of respondent agree to the statement is higher than the respondents who disagree. Similar to the previous statement, most respondents â€Å"agree moderately†and â€Å"agree very much†to this statement. The next statement was â€Å"Right now, staying with my agency is a matter of necessity as much as desire†. For this statement also the majority of respondents said that they agree that staying with this agency is a matter of necessity as much as desire. The percentage of respondent who said agree and disagree was 95 percent of respondents said agree while only 5 percent of respondents said disagree. Of 95 percent of respondents, the largest number of respondents said that they agree moderately and that followed by â€Å"agree very much†and then â€Å"agree slightly†. For the statement â€Å"I do not feel a strong sense of â€Å"belonging†to my agency, the number of respondents who disagree is higher than the respondents who agree. 39 percent of respondents and 61 percent of respondents said agree and disagree respectively to the statement. The number of respondents â€Å"disagree very much†to the statement. The last statement was â€Å"I feel that I have too few options to consider leaving this agency†. Higher percent of respondent (71 percent of respondents) answered as disagree and said that there are many options available out there to consider if they wanted to leave the agency but 29 percent of respondents said disagree and support the statement. However, most respondents just â€Å" agree slightly†to the statement. Findings from interview Based on the interview with Mr Devaraj, the information of the average agents’ performance, overall agency’s performance and turnover rate has been collected. The average agent’s performance level from January 2011 to 9 November 2011 was 69 percent. He also said that the major contributor for the higher average agent’s performance level was a small number of high performers. Besides that, he said the overall agency’s performance was 71 percent. It enabled Deveraj Agency to still hold on the title of top Indian agency in Klang Valley, which it was defending more than 5 consecutive years. Besides that, he said turnover rate of insurance agent was a major problem. The average annual turnover was 6 % percent. The major contributor to this turnover was new insurance agent because when they find hard to sell insurance products, they quit the job. The turnover of senior agents was not even 0. 5 percent of annual turnover. Result of the findings The relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment has been proven once again through this research. According to the findings, the job satisfaction of the insurance agents in Devaraj Agency is high. The proof is the result of motivator factor questions in the job satisfaction questionnaire. There was 13 motivator factor related questions in the questionnaire. Out of the 13 questions, for 11 questions the insurance agents responded positively while only for 1 question they responded negatively. Positive response means the insurance agents agree to the positive statement about job satisfaction and disagree to negative statement. Example of positive statement in this job satisfaction questionnaire is â€Å"I am satisfied with my chances for promotion. †The overall response of respondents to this positive statement was positive means they gree to the statement. Negative response means the insurance agents disagree to positive statement and agree to negative statement. Example of negative statement in job satisfaction questionnaire that received positive response from respondent s was â€Å"I have too much paperwork†. It means the respondent agree to the negative statement. Overall, positive response to the questionnaire is higher than the negative response. It means that insurance agents were highly satisfied with their job. As the respondents responded positively to the job satisfaction questionnaire, the same way they responded positively to organizational commitment questionnaire. In the organizational commitment questionnaire, there were 8 statement related to affective commitment. Out of the 8 statements, the respondents responded positively to all the statements. An example of positive statement and positive response was â€Å"It would be very hard for me to leave my agency right now, even if I wanted to†is the positive statement and the positive response is 85. 7% of respondents said agree to the statement. Similarly, the example of negative statement and negative response is I do not feel any obligation to remain with my current employer was the negative statement and negative response was 78. 6% of respondents said disagree to the statement. The negative statement and negative response shows positive response toward organizational commitment. Based on job satisfaction and organizational commitment questionnaire result, it is proven that there is a strong relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. So, if job satisfaction of an employee is high, the organizational commitment also high. It is what happened in Devaraj agency; the job satisfaction of the insurance agents was high so the organizational commitment also high. Due to the higher organization commitment, the average job performance of the insurance agents was as high as 69% and average agency performance was as high as 87% and turnover rate was as low as 6% low annually. So, the high organizational commitment of an insurance agent will result in higher job performance, higher overall agency performance and lower turnover rate. Limitation There were two limitations in my research. The first limitation was that not all insurance agents in Devaraj Agency have taken the job satisfaction and organizational commitment survey. The survey only have been done with the agents attended the meeting. So the result of the survey could not be guaranteed, as 100% accurate as the views of the insurance agents who did not attend meeting were not taken. The second limitation in my research was that the connection of job satisfaction leads to organizational commitment could not be proven through the help of job satisfaction and organizational commitment questionnaire. But the relationship of job satisfaction and organizational commitment has been proved in a way that if job satisfaction of an employee is high, the organizational commitment is also high and it is otherwise if the job satisfaction is low. Recommendation Recommendations were done based on the problem identified through job satisfaction and organizational commitment questionnaire. 1) Hiring more clerical staff Based on the job satisfaction questionnaire, most insurance agents responded that they have to do too much paperwork. It may affect the agents’ job satisfaction. So Devaraj Agency should hire more clerical staff to help the insurance agents to do the paperwork. 2) Revise current code of procedure Many respondents said through the questionnaire that they are not happy with their current rules and procedures because they make their job difficult. So, the agency manager should bring this issue to ING management and find ways to solve this problem. Revising current rules and procedure would be ideal solution. 3) Introduce more monetary benefits Many insurance agents expressed their concern that there are benefits they do not have which they should have. The benefits such as petro allowance and toll allowance is given to sales people from other company but ING Bhd do not give such benefits to its insurance agents. So Devaraj Agency should bring this issue to ING management. Conclusion The relationship of job satisfaction and organizational commitment has been proved through literature review and from my research on Devaraj Agency. The result showed that there are strong relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Overall, the job satisfaction of insurance agents in Devaraj Agency is high and organizational commitment is also high. There was also relationship between organizational commitment and job performance, turnover rate and agency performance. It was also proved where the job performance, turnover rate and agency performance was high because the organizational commitment of insurance agents was high. Reference Appendix JOB SATISFACTION SURVEY| PLEASE CIRCLE THE ONE NUMBER FOR EACH QUESTION THAT COMES CLOSEST TO REFLECTING YOUR OPINIONABOUT IT. | Disagree very muchDisagree moderatelyDisagree slightlyAgree slightlyAgree moderatelyAgree very much| 1 | I feel I am being paid a fair amount for the work I do. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 2| There is rea lly too little chance for promotion on my job. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 3| My supervisor is quite competent in doing his/her job. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 4 | I am not satisfied with the benefits I receive. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 5| When I do a good job, I receive the recognition for it that I should receive. 1 2 3 4 5 6| 6| Many of our rules and procedures make doing a good job difficult. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 7| I like the people I work with. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 8| I sometimes feel my job is meaningless. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 9| Communications seem good within this organization. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 10| Raises are too few and far between. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 11| Those who do well on the job stand a fair chance of being promoted. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 12| My supervisor is unfair to me. 1 2 3 4 5 6| 13| The benefits we receive are as good as most other organizations offer. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 14| I do not feel that the work I do is appreciated. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 15| My efforts to do a good job are seldom blocked by red tape. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 16| I find I h ave to work harder at my job because of the incompetence of people I work with. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 17| I like doing the things I do at work. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 18| The goals of this organization are not clear to me. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| PLEASE CIRCLE THE ONE NUMBER FOR EACH QUESTION THAT COMES CLOSEST TO REFLECTING YOUR OPINIONABOUT IT. | Disagree very muchDisagree moderatelyDisagree slightlyAgree slightlyAgree moderatelyAgree very much| 19 | I feel unappreciated by the organization when I think about what they pay me. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 20| People get ahead as fast here as they do in other places. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 21| My supervisor shows too little interest in the feelings of subordinates. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 22| The benefit package we have is equitable. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 23| There are few rewards for those who work here. 1 2 3 4 5 6| 24| I have too much to do at work. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 25| I enjoy my coworkers. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 26| I often feel that I do not know what is going on with the organization. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 27| I feel a sense of pride in doing my job. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 28| I feel satisfied with my chances for salary increases. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 29| There are benefits we do not have which we should have. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 30| I like my supervisor. 1 2 3 4 5 6| 31| I have too much paperwork. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 32| I don't feel my efforts are rewarded the way they should be. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 33| I am satisfied with my chances for promotion. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 34| There is too much bickering and fighting at work. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 35| My job is enjoyable. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| 36| Work assignments are not fully explained. | 1 2 3 4 5 6| ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT SURVEY| | PLEASE CIRCLE THE ONE NUMBER FOR EACH QUESTION THAT COMES CLOSEST TO REFLECTING YOUR OPINIONABOUT IT. Disagree very muchDisagree moderatelyDisagree slightlyAgree slightlyAgree moderatelyAgree very much| 1| It would be very hard for me to leave my agency right now, even if I wanted to| 1 2 3 4 5 6| 2| I do not feel any obligation to remain with m y current employer| 1 2 3 4 5 6| 3| I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career with this agency| 1 2 3 4 5 6| 4| Even if it were to my advantage, I do not feel it would be right to leave my agency now| 1 2 3 4 5 6| 5| I really feel as if this agency’s problems are my own| 1 2 3 4 5 6| 6| Right now, staying with my agency is a matter of necessity as much as desire| 1 2 3 4 5 6| 7| I do not feel a strong sense of â€Å"belonging†to my agency| 1 2 3 4 5 6| 8| I feel that I have too few options to consider leaving this agency| 1 2 3 4 5 6| Demographic questions Personal Particulars Are you Male or Female? (a) Male (b) Female What is your age? (a) 11 to 19 years old (b) 20 to 29 years old (c) 30 to 39 years old (d) 40 to 49 years old (e) 50 to 59 years old (f) 60 years old and above What is your income? a) Less than RM1000 (b) RM1000 to RM2000 (c) RM2100 to RM3000 (d) RM 3100 to RM4000 (e) RM4100 to RM5000 (f) More than RM5000 Reference 1) Noor Harun, A. K. & Noo r Hasrul N. M. N. (2007). Evaluating the psychometric properties of allen and meyer’s organizational commitment scale: A cross culture application among Malaysian academic librarians. Malaysian Journal of Library & information science, 11(1), Retrieved from http://myjurnal. um. edu. my/filebank/published_article/2034/360. pdf. 2) Price, James L & Mueller, C. W. (1997, October). Measures of job satisfaction Retrieved 7 October 2011 from http://home. ubalt. edu/tmitch/641/jsscales. htm ) Shrivastava. A and Purang. P. (2009). Employee Perceptions of job satisfaction: Comparative study on Indian banks. 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