Friday, November 29, 2019
When I visited my local dental surgery Essay Example
When I visited my local dental surgery Essay When I visited my local dental surgery I noticed that they use a manual filing system and I felt that they could benefit from having computerised version, as it would save both time and effort for the receptionists. The organisation The Dent Care Ltd is a medium size dental surgery based in Burnt Oak. The clinic deals with all aspects of primary dental care that includes regular inspection checks (every 6 months), teeth extraction, fillings, capping and bridging to denture fitting. All work is carried out under local anaesthetic. Where major prolonged work is required they are referred to specialist dental clinic where work can be carried out under sudation. The clinic is owned in partnership by the three dental surgeons and each has a dental nurse and two receptionists all of whom are computer literate and can operate the PC without much difficulty. We will write a custom essay sample on When I visited my local dental surgery specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on When I visited my local dental surgery specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on When I visited my local dental surgery specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer At the moment, the clinic has an 80386 Compaq PC and a HP desk Jet Printer that the receptionist use for typing letters, invoices using Microsoft Word. The patients appointments are hand written in a yearly planner that they use. The planner simply has a day and times of 15 mins intervals and 5 columns. The columns are headed with the names of the three Dental surgeons. Data collection To understand the current system, three methods of data collections were considered. 1. Questionnaire to all staff Advantages Disadvantages Quick way of collecting information from large number of people. Difficult to plan questions to collect complex data Useful if people are not available for interviews Cannot probe responses. Useful if people work in different parts of the office. Some find it easier to give honest accurate answers. 2. Interview the staff Advantages Disadvantages If well planned and questions are structured in advance lot of detailed information can be captured. People may not be fully truthful. Allows probing of responses to seek clarification or ask additional questions. People may not feel comfortable being interviewed. Takes up lot of time. 3. Observe the staff doing their job. Advantages Disadvantages See unusual things that users may not be aware of. Takes up lot of time. See the efficiency of the system. People suspicious of being watched. See which user needs access to what information See what people do with the information Understand the whole process easily, as different users carry out different parts of the process. Technique used As this is a small friendly dental surgery, questionnaire technique was rejected, as everyone was happy to be observed and interviewed. Questions planned for the interview are available in appendix A. Notes from the interview are available in Appendix B. Observation notes are available in Appendix C. Customer documents collected are available in Appendix D. Current system Process of making an appointment. When a patient calls to make an appointment, they normally speak to the receptionist. The receptionist asks which consult they are registered with, date ; time they wish to attend and checks in the yearly planner if the requested time slot is available on that day. If the slot is not available then the receptionist suggests alternate times that available either on that day on another day in that week. Once the appoint is agreed, the patient name is written in the book at the agreed time and a patient appointment reminder card is filled out by hand and given to the patient. Process of seeing the dental surgeon. When the patient arrives at the clinic, they see the receptionist and say either their name or time of appointment or say which surgeon they are here to see and at what time. The receptionist looks at the yearly planner and confirms the appointment. She marks the planner with a tick to indicate the patient has arrived and asks the patient to wait. She checks her manual file system and take out the patients records. Seeing the dental surgeon The patient record is passed to the dental surgeon who looks at last appointment notes in the patients records and then the dental nurse calls the patient in. After the treatment The dental nurse shows what treatment was carried out and passes the patient records back to the receptionist. The receptionist looks at the work sheet and any other notes and books a follow-up appointment if required or discharge the patient. The receptionist looks up the chart that shows the process of various treatments that is written on a page and tells the patients how much they need to pay. Processing patient payment The customer has the option of paying by cash, by credit card or delaying payment until the end of their treatment where follow-up appointments are needed. If payments are paid she writes paid next to the treatment detail else leaves it blank if it is to be paid later. The receptionist then hand writes a receipt for the payment received and hands it to the patient. The problem The problems with the way the surgery runs at the moment are: 1. When making an appointment for the patient, the receptionist has to go through a whole column of untidy hand written appointments and to look for time slots. This is keeping the patient on the telephone far longer then is necessary. 2. When the surgery is very busy, time is wasted as one receptionist is kept waiting with a patient until the other receptionist has finished using the yearly planner. 3. Client information is sometimes not written down. 4. Records are sometimes left on the receptionist desks. 5. Time is wasted moving records around from the receptionist to the dental nurse to the dental surgeon and back again. 6. Time is looking for records that have not been filed away. 7. Time is wasted when record sheets are sometimes left out of the patients records file. 8. Sometimes appoints are not recorded on the yearly planner. 9. Sometimes the writing is difficult to read. 10. Having to look up a treatment cost item on a page of paper leads to mistakes. 11. A PC was purchased but is not fully utilised (used for word-processing only). Current computer specification: 80386 33Mhz processor 32 Mb RAM 1.44Mb floppy Disk drive EGA graphs adaptor, EGA monitor 100Mb hard disk drive Mouse, Keyboard Windows 95, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint HP ink jet printer. Problem with this hardware ; software Supplier does, not support software, the motherboard is too slow to run modern software and upgrading with more hard disk and memory is too costly. User Requirements The people that would use the new system are: the two receptionists, the three Dental Surgeons and sometimes the three Dental Nurse. Both receptionists will have the ability to: 1. Register new patients. Check which surgeon has least number of patients? If all full, refer patient to another clinic. Otherwise take down following data for each member of the family being registered: Medical number, full name, gender, age, address, postcode, contact numbers A menu form needs to have a selection button to add new record. Access will be used for this data. 2. Delete patients record if they fail to attend two of the six monthly check-ups. Need to add two six-monthly check indicators. Letters needs to go out to them requesting them to make appointment if its been six months since last check date. Date of last appointment needs to be recorded. 3. Edit patient record. The menu form needs to have a button to update an existing record. Receptionist need to search for a record based on patients full name and be able to select to view full patient details. She can change data and the record must be resaved before they exit. A save exit button is required on the edit patient details form. 4. View patient records using surname. A query menu form button is needed to allow viewing of records by surname. 5. View patients by surgeon. A query menu form button is needed to allow viewing of patients by surgeon. 6. Record payment state (paid, postpone payment, no charge) The patient record needs to have payment field, and amount outstanding, with three options for data. (paid, deferred, free). If amount is paid, a receipt must be printed. 7. A appointment form is required that allows new appoints to be booked, existing appoints to be confirmed, existing appointment to be deleted. The Appointment data record is needed that records, patients name. The record needs to have, surgeon name, date, time with 15 mins intervals. Beginning at 9.00 and ending with 6.00P.M. These should be set defaulted to available, a patient name is entered in this field if appoint is made and reset to available if appointment is cancelled. Appointment menu form must have two options a phone appointment or surgery follow-up appointment. The surgery follow-up appointment must print the appointment card. (This may be better done in spreadsheet, this will not be implemented) 8. View available appointments must show all available time slots at a glance for that day. It needs to show only what is available by surgeon. (Will not be implemented) 9. Training: require short training on how to use the newly developed system. Project Plan. The overall project is to be carried out in three phases, and only phase 1 will be implemented at this time: Phase1 : A single user system for the two receptionist to share. Phase2: A multi user system allowing both receptionists the use of the system at the same time. Phase3: A multi user records access for the dental surgeons. Proposed solution: A small and effective database system is to be developed that can handle the above user requirements. The user requirements 7 and 8 will not be implemented at this stage due to timescales available. Database software options: Access or Excel What are the similarities between excel and Access? * They both have a form view and a table view * They can input data * They can produce tables * They have Form view * They can both do queries * They can add or delete records * They can both have Validation, which is when the computer checks the information being put in the computer is sensible. i.e. if it has 11 spaces for a telephone or mobile number and you enter twelve it wont let you move on. It also changes mistakes if it thinks they are wrong. What are the differences? * In Access you have to chose a field * In access you have to make the first field the key field which is a unique number so that you can not mistake it for anything else * In Access you have wizards to help you create tables, forms, and reports * Access is a relational database which means you can link together tables * In Access its easier to do Mail Merge and produce reports. * Excel specializes in number processing and modeling where as access special in data management. Proposed hardware A suitable specification I think they need is: * 512mb RAM, 80 Gb Hard Drive * 2.8 GHz processor * 56K modem, Keyboard, Mouse * 128Mb 3D Video graphics adaptor, 17 flat screen monitor * Ink jet printer * CD RW drive, 1.44Mb floppy * 100Mbit Ethernet network card. Reasons for choosing this specification: Computer is fast and can run all modern software. Large amount of RAM to allow multiple tasks to be run. CD RW drive allows reliable backing ups of data. Network card will be required for multi user system. A large flat screen monitor is selected to save space in a small reception room. A small ink jet printer is selected because the demand for printing is quite small. Proposed Software Specifications * MS Office 2000 professional software suite MsWord, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, * Operating System Windows XP I have chosen Windows XP, as it is the latest of the Windows. It is easy to use, allows multi-access accounts to be setup for different users. Application Suite, as it is cheaper than buying each program separately. It also allows strong data portability between various applications for example, create process models on spreadsheets, Use Access for patients records storage and queries and do Mail Merge with Word for generating payment receipts and printing follow-up appointment card. Access has the additional advantages of being able to validate data, sort data by various options, perform searches, create a standard reports and merge with other packages like a word processor to allow standardized letters. Hardware Options: A lap top and a Desk top similar spec computers were compared to determine the best value. Desktop : Pentathlon Thunderbird ( Supplier: ) * 266MHz FSB Motherboard with Athlon XP2000 Processor * 64Mbmax Integrated 3D graphics, * 256mb RAM, 40GB, 17 inch monitor * CD Re-Writer , CD-ROM Drive * 56K Modem * 3.5 Floppy Disk Drive * Keyboard , Mouse 3 years parts and labour return to manufacturer. Supplied with original Microsoft XP installation CD and all drivers for Windows 95/98/ME/2000 and XP Price: à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 475 including VAT Laptop Supplier: Reference LAP03-829021 Manufacturer Hewlett Packard Model Evo NX9005 Processor AMD Athlon 2000 Memory 256mb HDD 30gb FDD 1.44 FDD CDROM/DVD DVD/CDRW Operating System Windows XP Professional Display 14.1 tft Condition New Manufacturers Warranty Price: à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 799 including VAT I have decided to recommend a desktop tower computer rather then a lap top because: Desktop comes with a larger screen size, it can be placed on the floor under the desk and out of sight; it is much cheaper then a similar spec laptop. The price of the desktop recommended will be approximately à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1200. DESIGN All forms will be designed in this style. This will ensure everything looks similar for the user. Item Text details Text Position Colour Background Main Heading Font:20:Italic:Bold Centered Blue Form colour Labels Font: 14: Bold Left aligned Black Form colour Buttons Font:12:Bold Centre Black grey Forms N/A N/A N/A Dark Cyan background Compulsory data Font:12: Left Black Light orange Optional data Font:12 Left Black Light green Diagram showing the major components of the inputs and outputs User FORMS Design: Query1. Purpose: View patients belonging to a specified surgeon. Input: Surgeon name Process: Query database to look all patients against name given. Output: shows gender, forename, surname, contact numbers for all patients found. Query 2. View patient details. Input: Patient forename and surname Process: Query database to look for all patients against forename and surname. Output: Show full record details about the patient Pressing new patient Button brings up this form Database design New patient record Field Name Type Length Required Indexed Validation Duplicates Record ID Auto Number Primary key Yes No No No Medical No text 20 chars Yes No No No Gender text 1 char Yes No M/F Yes Forename text 20chars Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Surname text 20 char Yes Yes Type Check (cap first letter) Yes House No text 10 char Yes No No Yes Address1 text 50 chars Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Address2 text 20 char Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Address3 text 20 char Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Address 4 text 20 char Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Post code text 9 char Yes No Type Check (ccnn ccnn) yes Day time No text 12 char Yes No Character check Yes Mobile No text 12 char Yes No Character Check Yes DOB Date 10 char Yes No Type Check Yes Last appointment Date 10 char Yes No Type Check Yes Expiry date date 10 Char Yes No Type Check Yes Reminder status Text 1 char Yes No Y/N Yes Payment status Text 10 chars Yes No Paid, Defer, Free Yes Amount due Currency Integer No Yes Type Check Yes Surgeons table Field Name Type Length Required Indexed Validation Duplicates Surgeon ID Auto Number Primary key Yes No N/A No Title Text 4 char Yes No Dr, Mr, Mrs, Miss Yes Forename Text 20 Char Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Surname Text 20 Char Yes Yes Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Address1 Text 50 Char Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Address2 Text 20 Char Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Address3 Text 20 Char Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Address4 Text 20 Char Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Post Code Text 9 Char Yes No Type Check (ccnn ccnn) Yes Home No Text 12 char Yes No Character Check Yes Mob No Text 12 char Yes No Character Check Yes Surgery Table Field Name Type Length Required Indexed Validation Duplicates Patient ID Number Long Integer Yes Yes field key No Surgeon ID Number Long Integer Yes Yes field key No Diagram showing how the tables are linked together by key fields. Appendix A Questions for the interview 1. When patients joins the clinic what information do you record.? 2. When patient makes an appointment what information do you take down? 3. When patient arrives for his treatment, how do you note who is waiting for which surgeon? 4. When a person needs a follow-up appointment what do you record? 5. What additional tasks do you perform for a follow-up appointment? 6. How do you record information about patient payments of treatment? 7. What difficulties do you experience when you become very busy? 8. What happens to patients that you cannot deal with? 9. How do you track patients for different surgeons? 10. How many people are there working at the surgery? 11. How do you know how much to charge for different treatments? 12. Do patients cancel appoints? 13. What happens when they do this? Appendix B Answers given at interview A.1 When a new patients comes to register with us, we know the number of new patients that each surgeon will take. If they can take on new patients, then, we ask them to fill in a form about their medical details otherwise we refer them to another dental surgery. We then check the form and ask them to sign their declaration. We ask for their medical card and record the number as well as their names and address details. We also ask for details about their family members and their details. A.2 We take down their first name and surname and record it in our appointment planner against the surgeons name and time of appointment. The planner allows us to make appointments every 15 mins. A3. Yes, when a patient arrives, they usually say the time of their appointment and their name. We write a tick against their name, which indicates they are wait in reception. A4. We do the same as we did before as if the patient is making a new appointment but we know their name and surgeons name so simply agree on suitable time? A5. When we agree on the appointment time and day, we fill in a appoint card with the date and time details and hand it to the patient. We also ask about them to see if they wish to pay today or pay for everything at the end of the treatment. Most patients prefer to pay as treatment is being carried out. Some do decide they will pay the total amount at the end. We also have patients that dont have to pay if they are on job seeker allowance or social security benefit. A6. We make a note on the treatment card, if they have paid or deferred payment or no charge. If they pay we write out a receipt for them. A7. I find it very frustrating when we have people making queries and we have to wait for the appointment planner to be freed up before we can deal with the patient. We sometimes spend time looking for patient sheets in the filing cabinet which one of us has not filed and may be lying on the desk. Sometimes we dont get the treatment sheet and have to ask the dental nurse to look for it the surgeons treatment room and the customer is kept waiting. A8. The dental surgeon refers the patient to the specialist clinic. This involves writing to the clinic and requesting an appointment. It can three to four weeks for the appointment to come. A9. We file each patient records in different filing cabinet and on the planner we write down the name of the surgeon so that his patients are under his named column. A10. There are the three surgeons, three medical nurse and two of us at reception. A11. We have a list of treatments and prices against them. The surgeon writes down what treatment he has carried out and calculates the total. A12/13. Yes, quite often, all we do is put a diagonal line across it and make a new appointment. If they cancel before 48 hours, we do not charge them, otherwise we charge them à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½20. Appendix C Notes taken during observation Observing the surgeon: Receptionist takes the notes from the filing cabinet and passes it to the nurse. The surgeon checks his last notes. The nurse calls the patient in. The treatment is carried out and the surgeon writes, the treatment he carried out and indicates if follow-up appointment is needed, he makes a brief notes about what he needs to do next time. The patient leaves the treatment room and the nurse returns the patient file to the receptionist desk. The next patient is the called in. Observing the Dental Nurse: Dental nurses are only involved in fetching and returning the patients records to and from the surgeon and assisting the surgeon. They do not write anything on the patients notes. Observing the Receptionist: Confirmed what the receptionist said she did with customer handling process. All information given during the interview was correct. Also observed the time wasted when the clinic becomes busy and how frustrated they become having to share a single appointment planner. The times they take to write out the receipt and appointment card is quite effective, but it takes a lower priority to ensuring surgeons receives the patients records and are not waiting. This means keeping the customer waiting longer then is necessary. Customer are frequently kept waiting as they try to pay for treatment or make follow-up appointments. New people arriving are given higher priority.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Amble vs. Ample
Amble vs. Ample Amble vs. Ample Amble vs. Ample By Maeve Maddox I came across this comment in a review on the Amazon site: I am too stocked up on my own books to be able to accept any books for review at this time as Id wanted to give amble time reading if I accepted them for an honest review. I know as well as anyone how easy it is for typos to slip into our writing, so I cruised the web to see if this is a common misuse of the word amble in a context that calls for ample. Judging by these examples from the Web, writing amble for ample is not always a typo: The retreat, with amble time for self discovery, meditation, and guided movement, allowed me to get clarity on the life I wanted. Showing up early for your flight ensures that you’ll have amble time to go through security and relax if you’re nervous about flying. Be sure to leave yourselves amble time to hear each others perspectives and come up with some options. Some of these examples come from English-challenged commenters, but several are from sites one would expect to be well edited, including a writing site dedicated to providing tips and resources for writers. These writers may be hearing the p in ample as a b and, unfamiliar with the word amble, never bothered to check the spelling in a dictionary. amble (noun): a slow, leisurely pace; a term to describe a type of horse’s gait. amble (verb): walk slowly Examples: The campers took an evening amble along the beach. The ambling horse allowed for an easy ride, less tiring on the rider than other gaits. I ambled down the sidewalk in no hurry to reach my destination. The word ample is an adjective meaning broad, wide, spacious, extending far and wide. This is the word to use in the expression that means â€Å"plenty of time.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Synonyms for â€Å"Leader†Acronym vs. InitialismTypes of Plots
Thursday, November 21, 2019
People go to work for money (critical assessment) Essay
People go to work for money (critical assessment) - Essay Example At the same time, a number of theories in management have seen a different level of job satisfaction that leads to increased productivity. In some people, money plays a great role in ensuring that they work while in some it does not. For instance, as Maslow suggested in his hierarchy of needs model, an individual has to meet their most basic needs to be motivated and work even harder at the workplace. In the lowest level, one needs to meet some of the biological needs that include shelter and food among others. Without this basic need, one is likely not to perform better in the workplace. However, if they are paid to work so that they can meet some of their needs, they are likely to work even harder to enhance their reputation and even earn more. Which affirms the fact that some people got to work for money. In the United Kingdom, there has been a steadily increasing index of people living in poverty. By the year 2013, there were about 10.6 million people living in poverty which has increased from 9.7 million as of 2012 (Croucher, 2014). In fact, a high crime and poverty among people in Seacroft in Leeds has led to increased crimes that at last led to the vacation of residents of the council houses. Lack of employment has been among the highest causes of poverty in the kingdom, which then makes it clear that most people got work to meet their basic needs for the little cash that they make at their places of work. However, majority of others, who have already achieved most of the basic needs, got work for the fact that they love what they are doing and due to the success, they are experiencing in their different disciplines. Northouse, (2012) from his article, confirms that a number of people would get to work even if they were paid or not. For instance, people in the Soviet Union, were able to go to work early for several months even
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Qualitative Social Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Qualitative Social Research - Essay Example used to define the control and social control mechanisms of the state in terms of gender, stating that males are in a position of power and women in one of sublimation. As one source shows, using a qualitative method of case study analysis, patriarchy can be applied to the role of the state in women’s issues to explain inequities in the system. â€Å"The social roles men and women occupy may account for gender differences... Women are thought to have poorer experiences within any given role (role strain theory), have more conflicts among their different roles (role-configuration theory), or have fewer role opportunities available to them (role accumulation hypothesis) compared to men†(Ericsson and Ciarlo, 2000). These researchers realize that there are also other various gender role theories which use the patriarchy as a target of oppression and as a way of explaining why women in state institutions have sometimes been overrepresented historically in terms of certain perceived illnesses that were often socially based. Other sources take a more cultural view, rather than a social and historical view, when it comes to the problem of gender and how it has developed to the modern day. â€Å"Television’s first and strongest impact is on the perception that women have of the public male world and the place they have in it. Television is an especially potent force for integrating women because television brings the public domain to women†(Spigel, 2001). This is one common argument using popular culture, and represents the search for a more personal vision. â€Å"Postwar media often suggested that television would increased women’s social isolation from public life by reinforcing spatial hierarchies that had already defined their everyday experiences in patriarchal cultures†(Spigel. 2001). There are many perspectives with which to define these issues. Although feminist perspectives on gender may focus on historical change within their portrayals, they are
Monday, November 18, 2019
The General Force of Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The General Force of Analysis - Essay Example The journal also analyzes the pressure, which suppliers place on a company has an enormous impact on the margins of the company. This includes the factors, which influence the intensity of the suppliers’ power, include shortage of suppliers and unavailability of substitutes of a product. The issue of customers affecting a company’s boundaries because of the number of buyers, the quantity of purchases, and ease of finding substitutes of a product, price and importance of a product is also discussed in the journals. The authors mention how risk of substitutes is determined by the ease of customers to acquire an alternative to a product or service because they are fascinated by cheap alternatives. In addition, Competition among companies, and how they determine the returns of a company were explored; consequently, the issue of return reduction when competition is high in the retail sector is discussed. Competition is increased when there is no company that stands above the rest and when there is no difference between products and services.The authors Munir et al, explore how the Pakistani mobile company Moblink, employs research on their stakeholders so as to determine those affected by those who influence the procedures of the company and those interested in its success or failure. Stakeholders may be individuals or organizations. The journal discusses how Moblink reduces competition in the industries by introducing barriers. It also shows how Moblink determines how suppliers and customers affect its returns.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Using Human Cadavers As Crash Test Dummies Philosophy Essay
Using Human Cadavers As Crash Test Dummies Philosophy Essay Using human cadavers as test dummies? Is it necessary or a waste? Many people are for, and many people are against using human cadavers as crash test dummies. Some reasons people are for using human cadavers as crash test dummies is because it is cost beneficial, they get the most accurate feedback from the crash, and utilitarianism. Some reasons people are against using human cadavers as crash test dummies is because the golden rule, religion, and people could be using the human cadavers for better reasons. Do the pros outweigh the cons? Ill let you be the judge of that. The people that are for using human cadavers as crash test dummies have a good argument. They have strong points that gravitate toward them. One reason people are for using human cadavers as crash test dummies is because it is cost beneficial. Many families have problems paying for the funeral service; therefore they may not have one at all. The average price for a funeral today is seven thousand dollars, and that is on the lower end. So the question is why put yourself in a great deal of debt when the body can be used for a better cause? Some people also have a funeral service and still donate their body. This is still saving the family about four thousand dollars for the grave site, tombstone, etc. Using human cadavers as crash test dummies is also cost beneficial because the average test dummies cost at least ten thousand dollars. This is a cheap crash test dummy and isnt as high tech as some facilities would need. By donating a persons body to science they are saving the family a nd the facilities a lot of money and these people believe it is for a good cause. Another reason people are for using human cadavers as crash test dummies is because they get the most accurate feedback. By using an actual human body it shows the automobile world what a real human can take. The people that work with the human cadavers use crushing force or speeds to see what our bodies can take. They also drop ball bearings on the skulls of the human cadavers and drop the bodies at different heights down an elevator shaft. Many people argue against this case and say that they can us one human cadaver to find the crushing force or speeds, then once they know use the crash test dummies. However, the people from this angle argue back that the real thing is always better then a stand-in and theres always going to be different things that can break different things. Therefore they would need more than just one human cadaver. Back when cars were first created they used to be very dangerous. At very low speeds the car crashes were many times fatal. By the use of human cad avers they have made cars safer so more people survive. Since testing with human cadavers, every year since nineteen eighty seven at least eight thousand and five hundred lives have been saved. The bringing up of seatbelts and airbags there was a need for human cadavers. They needed to test with human cadavers to see how much force we could take. The people that are for using cadavers argue that crash dummies are excellent, and should be used. However they arent one hundred percent accurate because only the human insides can tell us how much they can take. A third reason people are for using human cadavers as crash test dummies are because utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is the idea that the moral worth of an action is determined by its utility to bring happiness or meaning in others lives. The people that believe this are strongly for donating your body to science after death. By doing this you are greatly affecting many peoples lives in a profound way, which increases your moral worth greatly. Every time someone donates their body to science a huge number of lives are saved by that one person. If they were not a hero before they died, that has made them one immensely. Eight thousand and five hundred lives are saved each year by people who have donated their body to science. By getting their body used as test dummies increases their worthiness a lot. It may not sound glamorous or appealing at all but if you think about the long run, how many people you are saving it is a good deed that Im sure will be greatly appreciated by many. Besid es, youre not using it anymore, why not let it be used for a good cause that makes you look good? Many people that are against using human cadavers as crash test dummies argue that it is not respectful. However, the people managing the body are very respectful with what happens to it and how it is handled. One way they do this is by keeping the face covered up. By doing this it gives the cadaver a great deal of privacy. Through this process the identity of the person is not revealed at all. They use letters and numbers to identify the cadaver and no one knows who the person is. The process by which they go through is also not gory at all. In the book they number the cadaver as UM 006 as the identifier of the cadaver. The scientists are the most respectful they can be while still doing their job. Although there are many points for positives of using human cadavers as crash test dummies there are still many people against the issue. These people have many reasons for this and believe it is not something that people should do with the donated bodies. There are many reasons why. Some reasons are; the golden rule, their religion, and the fact that the bodies could be used for something better. For this reason, human cadavers are a greatly discussed in the science world. There is a great debate between many. One reason people are against using human cadavers as crash test dummies is the golden rule. The golden rule is something we have been told our whole life. It states that people should treat others the way they would like to be treated. Would you like to be tossed around in a car without any control? I didnt think so. Many people see this as very disrespectful toward the dead. The main respect should go to the family. After someone is dead the family should get a state of peace. The body being jostled does not give the family peace. It is not respectful for the family to have to deal with the not knowing of where the body is, or what is happening to it. Also, when the donors sign up for body donation they do not know where their body is going. They have no say at all, which is something that many people disagree on. They believe the consent should have more options. In the book it tells us that in 1978 John Moss investigated the issue deeply. He tried very hard to make the use of cad avers for this reason unavailable. His reasoning was personal repugnance. A second reason many people are against using human cadavers as crash test dummies is because of their religion. Some people believe that if their body is not in whole then in after-life it will not be either. Also some religions are against this and their believers will stay with them. They also think that when a body dies the soul should be put to rest, but how is it put to rest when its used for crash testing? They also dont agree with the consent forms and believe they are lying or deceiving which is something religions do not support. A third reason is that many people believe the body of the donors could be used for something better and more helpful to the people. Their thinking process is that there are many trainees that are going to be doctors, shouldnt they get more practice? They dont see the point in wasting bodies on crash testing when the medical world is growing and needing more and more bodies. People understand that cars need to be safe however they know that they have tested enough human cadavers so that they know the speeds that can harm a human, and they could use dummies to make the cars safer. They also think that if people are more cautious then there will be fewer crashes because cars today are very safe. But the medical world is also going to be getting new doctors so they are in a constant demand of cadavers. They just want the bodies to be used for better reasons. Mary Roachs book did a great job of showing what happens when the human cadavers are used as crash test dummies. Her book was always very accurate about what happens to the bodies. One thing she was right about was the fact that Wayne State University was the first to test human cadavers as crash test dummies. This book tells in detail what happens to the human cadavers as they are in this process. All of the things she says are correct. She is very factual and shows a lot of evidence to support her theories and the things that she says. In conclusion there are many reasons people are for and against using human cadavers as crash test dummies. Some reasons people are for using human cadavers as crash test dummies is because they receive more accurate feedback, its cost beneficial, and utilitarianism. Many people are also against the use of human cadavers because the golden rule, religion, and because the bodies could be used for better things. Each perspective makes a good argument. Do you like the book? Mary Roachs book was a very interesting read. It told me a lot of facts that I did not know. I did find someone of the things she compared things to very disturbing (chicken noodle soup, Rice Krispies, etc.). I did not know that the donated bodies were used for so many things. One thing I was very shocked about was the body farm. I also dont completely agree with the body farm. I dont see what the point in it is even after I read that chapter. The things that happen to a decaying body however were fascinating. Mary Roach did a great job at giving factual information for people to learn more about the subject matter. I believe that the things they do with cadavers are worth the arguments people put against them. The use of cadavers has saved many lives; for example, many lives have been saved by the crash testing, medical uses, etc. I also believe that some things that people did in the past were uncalled for. One thing that supports this is the transplantation of heads. This is not s omething that is realistic and its not a main need. The money spent on that could have been used for something that was needed. For the most part I did enjoy the book. I enjoyed learning everything Mary Roach had to say and it made me second guess people donating their bodies.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Chaucers Canterbury Tales Essay - The Powerful Wife of Bath
The Powerful Wife of Bath      In Geoffrey Chacer's The Canterbury Tales we are introduced to 29 people who are going on a pilgrimage to St. Thomas a Becket in Canterbury. Each person is represented to fit a unique type of behavior as shown by people during the medieval ages. My attention was drawn to the Wife of Bath through which Chaucer notes the gender inequalities. Predominantly, women could either choose to marry and become a childbearing wife or go into a religious order. Women were seen as property. Women during this period of time, had limited choices when it came to societal roles. The Wife of Bath exonerates the accepted roles of society, reflecting women's attempt to gain control during the medieval period.         The General Prologue presents an interesting description of The Wife of Bath. Her character is noted to be strong and bold and we learn she is slightly deaf. The Wife of Bath was married and widowed five times and has had numerous companions. The Wife of Bath is a skilled cloth maker and a devoted Christian pilgrim who has made trips to several shrines.         Through her unique introduction in The General Prologue we learn much of her physical attributes. The Wife of Bath is gapped tooth.                 "Gat-toothed was she, soothly for to saye.                Upon an amblere esily she sat" (p.91, ll. 470-471)  This physical feature is attributed to lust and passion. The fact that she could ride a horse easily also could take on sexual connotations (Maclaine 32). The horse she "rides" so well could actually be her husband.         Early in the Wife of Bath ... ... of Bath is unique in her style of thinking, which is what makes this character so interesting to study.  Works Cited and Consulted Bowden, Muriel. A Reader's Guide to Geoffrey Chaucer. New York: Noonday Press, 1964. Hallissy, Margaret. A Companion to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. London: Greenwood Press, 1995. Herman, John P. and John J. Burke, Jr., ed. Signs and Symbols in Chaucer's Poetry. University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1981. Lambdin, Laura C. and Robert T. Lambdin, ed. Chaucer's Pilgrims: An Historical Guide to the Pilgrims in the Canterbury Tales. London: Greenwood Press, 1996. Nardo, Don, ed. Readings on the Canterbury Tales. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1997. Plummer, John F. "The Wife of Bath's Hat as a Sexual Metaphor." English Language Notes, 18 (1980-1981).  Â
Monday, November 11, 2019
Financial statement analysis Essay
Financial statement analysis is a process which examines past and current financial data for the purpose of evaluating performance and projecting future risks and potential of a company. Financial statement analysis is used by various people and companies for different reasons, e.g. investors, creditors, lending officers, managers, employees and many other parties who rely on financial data for making economic decisions about a company. The objective of this David Jones financial statement analysis is to identify the company’s performance issues, to provide suggestions and recommendations by employing the Ratio Analysis method and analysing Profitability, Efficiency, Short and Long term Solvency, and by using Market Based Ratios. The following report outlines the financial performance of David Jones Limited based on the FY2011 & FY2012 Annual Reports. The key measures used to assess company performance are Profitability, Efficiency, Short & Long-term Solvency and Market-Based Ratios. David Jones has performed well in a few areas which include having solid cash flows, low debt, a strong balance sheet and assets in prime locations; however there is definite room for improvement with regards to sales performance, and it needs to address the high cost of sales and sluggish inventory in order to turn around company profitability and performance. We have studied your 2011 and 2012 financial reports and statements and can see that your company’s sales performance has been declining year on year. Sales revenue for FY2012 was down -4.8% when compared to FY2011, and FY2011 sales were down -4.45% vs. FY2010. Your chairman and management have blamed this on the depressed consumer sentiment and increased global competition as a result of the strong Australian currency. â€Å"The uncertainty of Europe and USA and volatility in global equity market have contributed to a general feeling of uncertainty, the strong Australian dollar also contributed to price deflation and encouraged spending offshore.†(page 2, Annual Report) Profitability In FY2012, all measures of profitability were considerably down on last year. Gross Profit was down from $767m to $670m, and the Gross Profit margin (GP %) was down 160bp to 37.5% (-4.2% on FY2011: 39.1%). The poor GP % has been the result of discounting in a competitive environment and dealing with excess inventory on hand at the commencement of FY2012 (page 5, Annual Report). When compared to your main competitor Myer (Market Capitalization 1.59b1 Vs. DJS 1.477b2), there is a large variance between the Gross Profit Margins of the two companies (Myer GP % FY2012: 49.3%3, +160bp from previous year, DJs-FY2012: 37.47% -160bp). This can be attributed to Myer’s much lower Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) (Myer 56% Vs. DJs 62.5% in FY2012). Myer has a competitive advantage in the marketplace with a larger network of stores and greater buying power. Their larger volume of purchases may mean they are able to obtain lower cost prices with suppliers. However, there are a few key areas you have identified in your Future Strategic Direction plan which we feel will assist in lowering your COGS and result in a better GP % rate. Firstly, signing exclusive brands to your portfolio will ensure product differentiation to customers and better control over supplier trading terms and prices. Secondly, the Cost Price Harmonisation that you are engaging in with suppliers (page 3, Annual Report) is key to maintaining your GP % and ensuring that your COGS do not rise and prices do not become uncompetitive with international retailers. Thirdly, discontinuing lower margin categories and moving towards a greater product mix of higher margin categories (page 4, Annual Report) will increase your GP % in the long run and ensure you maximize the profit outcome from the inventory you carry. For example, introducing more private label house brands could be one strategy in which to increase the proportion of higher margin products in your portfolio. The Net Profit Margin in FY2012 dropped drastically compared to FY2011 (-36.9%, $101 vs. $168 million), with sales revenue dropping -4.8% ($1.867b vs. $1.962b). It was however, on par with Myer at 5.4%. The main factor contributing to the big fall in net profit were the high operating expenses over FY2012. Depreciation expenses were up by +13.23%, leasing expenses were up by +6.1%, advertising and marketing had gone up +19%, administration expenses were up by +29.4%, and finance costs were up +40%. Excess inventory during the clearance period also resulted in heavier discounting and contributed to the fall in net profit. Whilst your company has noted Cost of Doing Business (CODB) Reductions as one of the points in your Future Strategic Direction Plan, there are many other areas that can be addressed to ease operating costs. For example, a reduction in the size of all or some of your retail stores will result in savings in store costs such as leasing, staff, utilities, and so on. This could be implemented in conjunction with the Omni Channel Retailing strategy as highlighted as the first point in your Future Strategic Direction Plan (page 3, Annual Report), as customers move away from traditional bricks and mortar shops and increasingly to online shopping destinations. The excellent growth rate in HY2013 of your online store4 highlights the opportunities in the online channel and the change in customer shopping behaviour. With regards to the Asset Turnover ratio, your company performed slightly better than Myer Holdings in FY2012 (1.5 Vs 1.34, Refer to Appendix B). Internally, there was an 8% drop that was due to sluggish sales performance (1.5 Vs. 1.63, Refer to Appendix A). Since your Net Profit Margin dropped dramatically in FY2012, the Return on Assets (ROA) followed suit and decreased by -41% (from 13.96 to 8.23, refer to Appendix A); not a good result in asset management performance. Your company’s property portfolio consists of 4 buildings valued at $612 million (page 5, Annual Report). All of these buildings are in the prime locations, with two in the Sydney CBD and two in the Melbourne CBD. The rental income is assumed to be in the vicinity of $39 million per annum (page 5, Annual Report). If a reduced size store was considered, a potential income of $10-15 million could be generated per annum, increasing the net profit percentage by 9-14% (Net Profit FY2012 – $101,103,000). Your company’s re-development consideration is a long-term process and we believe it will be successful in generating positive ROA with the appropriate planning. Improving the Gross Profit margin while maintaining current overheads will result in a positive increase in the Net Profit margin position and enhance the overall performance of the company. Efficiency Efficiency is more meaningful when compared to peers in the same industry and can assist in identifying businesses that are better managed relative to others. By comparing your figures with Myer, your company performed better in Inventory Turnover (89 days vs 96 days, Appendix A & Appendix B), which means you have a better stockturn and are generating revenue from your inventory in a shorter period of time. However, 89 days is still a fairly high measure as it means you are sitting on stock for an average of 3 months before it is sold through. To improve your inventory turnover, you could consider dropping your bestselling items more frequently to stores, but with smaller quantities each time. This will ensure that the stores which are selling through the stock quickest remain in stock at all times, without a large amount of unsold stock building up in the slower performing stores and affecting your inventory turnover. It also means you will be generating sales and cash more quickly from your stock investment. Myer performed slightly better on â€Å"Average Days Sales Uncollected†(DJS: 3.5 days vs. Myer: 2.5 days, Appendix A & B). To improve this measure for example, you could encourage more online sales to generate faster turnover into cash than store card sales which are monthly billings. Internally, FY2012 performed slightly better than FY2011 in Average Days Sales Uncollected (FY2012: 3.5 vs. FY2011: 4 days) but worse in Inventory Turnover (FY2012: 89 vs. FY2011: 87 days). The differences were negligible. Short-Term Solvency David Jones has a good ability to meet its short-term financial obligations, with a Current Ratio of 1.05 in FY2012 (Appendix A) outperforming Myer at 0.88 (Appendix B). However, since the Quick Ratio is not high at 14.4% (Appendix A), short-term liquidity could be an issue. When compared with Myer at 11% (Appendix B), David Jones has performed better. The Current Ratio performed better in FY2011 than FY2012 by 14.6% (Appendix A). The main reason for this is the 15.1% increase in Current Liability ($306 million Vs. $266 million), with the $40 million difference due to an increase in Account Payables. There is no change in the Quick Ratio from FY2011 to FY2012 (14.4%), i.e. on the low side and short-term liquidity can be an issue, should not allow it to be deteriorate. The â€Å"Cash & Cash Equivalents†and â€Å"Receivables†figures totaled $36.935 million which represented around 14% of â€Å"Payables†in the 2012 Annual Report. In order to achieve a better short-term liquidity position, a more efficient ordering & inventory control system should be implemented. Less inventory on hand equates to more cash and liquidity. Excess inventory can jeopardize a company’s liquidity, in addition to causing stock problems and markdowns at the end of a season as was evidenced in FY2012. Long-Term Solvency You company performed much better than Myer Holdings in the area of Long-Term Solvency. Your company has demonstrated consistency in this area and long-term solvency should not be an immediate issue with your organization. The Debt to Equity ratio showed that there was an increase of 11% in FY2012 compared with FY2011 (Refer to Appendix A), i.e. the liability has gone up relative to shareholders’ equity. The main contribution to the increase is due to the +22.3% ($265m Vs. $216m) increase in the Payables account. It is important to ensure that this trend does not continue and that debt does not continue to rise when compared to equity levels. With strong non-current assets of $917 million & total assets in excess of $1.24 billion, the Debt to Total Assets ratio is healthy, with FY2011 at 35% and FY2012 at 37% (Refer to Appendix A) respectively. The extra 2% was due to the liability increase and it was the fallout of excess inventory as discussed in the short-term solvency section. Market-based Ratios To calculate the Price/Earnings (P/E) Ratio, we used the share price on 16/5/2013 ($2.80). This equates to a PE ratio of 14.43, with the Earnings yield ratio at 6.93% and the Dividend yield ratio at 6.25% (dividend was 17.5c). Myer Holdings’ dividend yield was around 7% (dividend of 19c with share price at $2.70). The market-based ratio is higher than your main competitor (Myer PE ratio is 11.8)5. However the Price/Earnings ratio indicates that today’s share price of the company is on the low side as it is below 15. The majority of analysts believe that the company is performing below par and do not recommend buying or holding David Jones shares at the moment. Eva Brocklehurst of is quoted as saying in March 2013, †David Jones (DJS) is transforming. For brokers it’s not a moment too soon, as department stores have been plagued by a soft consumer environment and a need to respond to new trends in shopping. In its first half results the company has flagged progress with its strategic plan, reducing costs and expanding margins. Earnings were ahead of expectations for the half but sales growth was not. What pleased was the increased margin. What concerns brokers? Most importantly, a lack of sales momentum. There’s no Buy rating on the FNArena database. Two brokers have downgraded ratings to Sell in the wake of the results. There are five Sell ratings. There was one upgrade to Hold, and there are three Hold ratings. The consensus target price is $2.73, suggesting 11.5% downside to the last traded share price. A dividend yield of 5.5% is reflected in consensus earnings forecasts for FY13.†6 Performance Issues As highlighted above, your declining sales performance is the biggest concern for shareholders and needs to be addressed immediately. Whilst earnings were ahead of expectations, this was managed by cost reductions and a move towards increased margins. An improvement in sales in conjunction with the efforts you’re undertaking to reduce expenses and the cost of doing business will result in an improvement in the bottom line and signal confidence in the company and a turnaround for investors. David Jones has been labelled as an up-market department store. Australia’s $12 billion fashion retail industry is forecast to grow by only 0.5% in FY2012 with only an average 1.2% annualised growth expected for the next 5 years, according to analysis group IBISWorld. Furthermore, IBISWorld says shoppers are now more likely to buy low to mid-range priced clothing which has contributed to the declining value of retail sales. In general, the outlook is not too positive for the industry.7 Greater differentiation is required between David Jones and Myer in order to attract and retain customers. Mark Ritson, Associate Professor of Marketing at Melbourne Business School commented, â€Å"David Jones and Myer are just two sides of same boring coin.†He says, â€Å"I still believe to this day that most people coming out of either David Jones or Myer on Bourke Street don’t know which one they just come out of.†7 Some of the issues have been addressed by your company’s Future Strategic Direction Plan, for example, a move towards Omni Channel Retailing, building a â€Å"Home of Brands†strategy which differentiates David Jones from Myer, and cost improvements including GP margin improvements, CODB reductions and Cost Price Harmonisation with suppliers (pages 3-6, Annual Report). Conclusion A thorough review of your company’s FY2011 and FY2012 Financial Report & Statements has indicated that David Jones has a strong balance sheet, solid cash flows, low debt, and assets in prime locations. David Jones has performed on par, or better than Myer in the areas of Net Profit Margin, Asset Turnover, Inventory Turnover, and Short & Long-term Solvency. However, the company’s declining sales performance is the biggest area of concern. Almost all measures of profitability were worse than Myer and have been falling when compared to David Jones’ own performance in prior years. We believe that further differentiation from Myer, cost reductions & margin improvements, harmonization of prices to become more competitive with international competitors, better inventory management & a reduction in excessive stock, reduced retail floor space, and the move towards Omni-Channel Retailing will enhance the value of your company and result in better performance for all stakeholders. We hope this report has provided insightful recommendations into improving the performance of your company. This report has been generated for your company’s own reference and not for any other purposes. Other companies or individuals should not use or rely on any material contained within this report without the consent of our office.
Friday, November 8, 2019
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Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Papermaking essays
Papermaking essays In order for a tree to be converted into the sheet of paper, like the one you are reading this essay on, it must go through many processes before the consumer receives the final product. Selected trees, which range from twenty to forty feet, are harvested with all of the tops and branches left in the woods. The logs are then transported to the mill on special trucks called, ironically enough, logging trucks. These trucks can carry up to fifty logs at once. When the truck enters the mill it is directed to an area where the logs will be unloaded with a crane with a special scissor attachment. This crane can remove all fifty logs at one time, its that big. This same crane is also utilized to transport the logs to a big blue building called the Wood Room. In the Wood Room, the logs will be de-barked and reduced to wood chips the size of a dollar bill. The wood chips are then sent to another building called the Pulp Mill via a conveyor system. In the Pulp Mill a very caustic solution is added to the wood chips where they will be cooked and reduced to light brown fiber slurry, about the color of a grocery bag. The slurry is then piped to another building called the Bleach Plant. At the Bleach plant the slurry is treated with a chlorine product one hundred times stronger than normal household bleach. Even with such a potent process, the slurry must still be treated yet again before it can become white enough for common copy paper. This process happens in an area of the Paper Mill called the Beater Room or Color Room. Both names refer to the same area for good reason. The slurry is then colored white, or any other color for that reason. After all of the coloring other special additives such as starch, salt, and calcium carbonate, which keeps ink from bleeding through a sheet of paper. The slurry is then beaten or mixed with water in huge vats, which can hold up to four thousand gallon ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
The politics of Southeast Asia (Crisis, Conflict, and Reform) Essay
The politics of Southeast Asia (Crisis, Conflict, and Reform) - Essay Example Where have they been less contentious? How would you account for the success or failure of multicultural politics in Southeast Asia? The development of discrimination worldwide has been a phenomenon that cannot be easily controlled; in fact, this problem occurs not only to developing but also to developed countries; of course, in countries where the quality of life is lower compared to the Western developed countries, the effects of discrimination on people’s daily activities are more severe. Current paper focuses on the examination of the aspects of discrimination in Southeast Asia; the cases of Cambodia and Indonesia are used in order to highlight the main aspects of this social problem. The ethnic and identity politics used in the specific countries are presented and critically analyzed – at the level that they are found to be responsible for the expansion of discrimination across the specific countries. Both countries mentioned above have similar social and political structure and could be used as a basis in order to identify the current status of discrimination in the region and the expected pr ospects in the future – referring to the potential limitation of the phenomenon either in the short or the long term. At the next level, the potential success of multicultural politics in Southeast Asia is examined; it is proved that the development of these politics is possible and could lead to the limitation of discrimination in the greater region; however, it would be necessary that these politics are critically evaluated – in terms of their expected duration taking into consideration the strong political and economic turbulences that characterize the greater region. In order to identify the role of ethnic and identity politics in the development of discrimination in Southeast Asia, it would be necessary to refer primarily to the main aspects of these politics; the examination
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Case study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 16
Case study - Assignment Example In nutshell, Burger King’s quirky advertising has enabled it shed its old boring image, stand out and position itself as a joint for fun loving people. The company has witnessed an increase in revenue, thanks to the advertising campaigns that had the potency to surprise customers. The purpose of advertising may be information dissemination, persuasion or brand building. Advertising is said to be effective if it achieves the stated objectives. Burger King has been able to attract the 18- to 34-year-old males even though it has alienated others. In essence, the company has not contravened any legal requirement and has used legitimate advertising to reach the desired demographic profile. Ethics refer to an individual’s moral judgment about right and wrong. They emanate from the norms and beliefs prevalent in the society. Ethics is a subjective term. The opinion on whether a particular action or decision is ethical or unethical may vary from person to person. Burger King’s advertising strategy may be regarded as unethical in parts. In some campaigns, Burger King’s advertising agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky used visuals that were demeaning to women. Critics alleged that fast food retailer was relying on sex to promote its products. Some pictures posted on the company’s website with the caption â€Å"Groupies love the Coq†were also inappropriate for children viewing. The fast-food giant’s ‘Whopper Virgins’ campaign wherein three separate people groups underwent blind taste tests was racially demeaning and thus unethical. These advertisements depicted people from regions of Iceland, Thailand, and Transylvania and were stated to have no exposure of any of the leading fast food giants. In 2005, Burger King adopted the faux metal band called ‘Coq Roq’ to promote its new Chicken Fries. The company’s Coq Roq Web site featured a photo gallery of young women. These pictures along with the
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