Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Hypostatizationâ€Fallacies of Ambiguity and Language
Hypostatization- Fallacies of Ambiguity and Language The fallacy of Reification- Also known as Hypostatization- is very similar to the Equivocation Fallacy, except that instead of using one word and changing its meaning through the argument, it involves taking a word with a normal usage and giving it an invalid usage. Specifically, Reification involves ascribing substance or real existence to mental constructs or concepts. When human-like qualities are attributed as well, we also have anthropomorphization. Examples and Discussion of the Hypostatization Fallacy Here are some ways in which the fallacy of reification can occur in various arguments: 1. The government has a hand in everybodys business and another in every persons pocket. By limiting such governmental pickpocketing, we can limit its incursions on our freedom.2. I cant believe that the universe would allow humans and human achievement just to fade away, therefore there must be a God and an afterlife where all will be preserved. These two arguments demonstrate two different ways that the fallacy of Reification can be used. In the first argument, the concept of government is assumed to have attributes like desire which more properly belong to volitional creatures, like people. There is an unstated premise that it is wrong for a person to put their hands in your pocket and it is concluded that it is also immoral for the government to do the same. What this argument ignores is the fact that a government is simply a collection of people, not a person itself. A government has no hands, therefore it cannot pickpocket. If the governments taxing of the people is wrong, it must be wrong for reasons other than a too-literal association with pickpocketing. Actually dealing with those reasons and exploring their validity is undermined by eliciting an emotional reaction by using the pickpocketing metaphor. This arguably means that we also have a fallacy of Poisoning the Well. In the second example above, the attributes being used are more human which means that this example of reification is also anthropomorphization. There is no reason to think that the universe, as such, really cares about anything- including humans beings. If it is not capable of caring, then the fact that it does not care is not a good reason to believe that it will miss us after we are gone. Thus, it is invalid to construct a logical argument which relies upon the assumption that the universe does care. Sometimes atheists create an argument using this fallacy which is similar to example #1, but which involves religion: 3. Religion attempts to destroy our liberty and is therefore immoral. Once again, religion has no volition because it is not a person. No human-created belief system can try to either destroy or build anything. Various religious doctrines are certainly problematic, and it is true that many religious people attempt to undermine liberty, but it is muddled thinking to confuse the two. Of course, it should be noted that hypostatization or reification is really just the use of metaphor. These metaphors become fallacies when they are taken too far and conclusions are formed on the basis the metaphor. It can be very useful to employ metaphors and abstractions in what we write, but they carry a danger in that we can begin to believe, without realizing it, that our abstract entities have the concrete attributes we metaphorically ascribe to them. How we describe a thing has a great influence on what we believe about it. This means that our impression of reality is often structured by the language we use to describe reality. Because of this, the fallacy of reification should teache us to be careful in how we describe things, lest we begin to imagine that our description has an objective essence beyond the language itself.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Medical and Dental Dialogue for ESL Learners
Medical and Dental Dialogue for ESL Learners English learners can practice medical vocabulary and reading comprehension with this dialogue between a patient and a dental hygienist. Dental Hygiene Dialogue Sam: Hello.Gina the Dental Hygienist: Hello Mr. Waters. Im Gina. Ill be cleaning your teeth today. Sam: Dr. Peterson has just filled two cavities. Why do I need a cleaning?Gina the Dental Hygienist: Well, we have to make get your teeth and gums clean and disease free. Sam: I guess that makes sense.​Gina the Dental Hygienist: Oral health leads to trouble-free teeth. Ill start off by removing plaque. Please lean back and open wide. Sam: OK, I hope its not too bad.Gina the Dental Hygienist: Everybody gets plaque, even if they floss regularly. Thats why its important to come in twice a year for check-ups. Sam: (getting his teeth cleaned, cant say much...)Gina the Dental Hygienist: OK, please take a drink and rinse. Sam: Ah, thats better.Gina the Dental Hygienist: OK, now Ill apply some fluoride. Which flavor would you like? Sam: I have a choice?Gina the Dental Hygienist: Sure, we have mint, spearmint, orange or bubble-gum - thats for the kids. Sam: Id like to have the bubble-gum!Gina the Dental Hygienist: OK. (applies fluoride) Now, let me give your teeth a final flossing. Sam: What type of floss tape do you recommend?Gina the Dental Hygienist: Personally, I like the flat tape. Its easier to get between the teeth. Sam: OK, Ill remember that the next time I buy floss. How often should I floss?Gina the Dental Hygienist: Everyday! Twice a day if possible! Some people like to floss after every meal, but thats not absolutely necessary. Sam: (after finishing the cleaning) I feel much better. Thank you.Gina the Dental Hygienist: My pleasure. Have a pleasant day, and remember to floss every day - at least once a day! Key Vocabulary to clean someones teethdental hygienistto fill cavitiesgumsdisease freeoral healthto lead toplaqueto remove plaqueto flosscheck-upto rinsefluorideto apply fluorideflavorflossingfloss tapefloss after meals
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