Thursday, May 21, 2020
Substance Of Substance Abuse Among Teenagers - 1362 Words
RUNNING HEAD: SUBSTANCE ABUSE AMONGST TEENAGERS Abstract Addictive behavior may lead to addiction and when we see people with addictive substances; sometimes it is easy to emulate that behavior. According to learning theory, addictions is basically a learned behavior. For example, people learn many of their addictive behaviors through what is called classical conditioning. Furthermore, people always pair up environmental cues with addictive substances. Fortunately, many addictions can be â€Å"unlearned†and we can do this by counter-conditioning. Counter –conditioning is a type of classical conditioning and we do this by doing something called taste aversion (dislike of a specific taste). Taste aversion functions in the same was as food aversion; we pair something that provides good stimuli and within seconds a bad stimuli. Some of the problems that involved teenagers are alcohol, abuse, drug abuse, and teenage pregnancy. Many of these problems are caused by stressful events or peer pressure. Alcohol and drugs use d isorders an individual’s life and have the potential to harm other in the process. RUNNING HEAD: SUBSTANCE ABUSE AMONGST TEENAGERS The purpose of this paper is to analyze out why teens begin to abuse drugs taking and abusing drugs. Is it the environment, or is because peer pressure but whichever the case may be.A very important notion, is that, humans get much of our behavior from observation. In the study we can use Operant conditioning and this isShow MoreRelatedSubstance Abuse Among Teenagers : A Survey1201 Words  | 5 PagesSubstance Abuse Among Teenagers Hannah is a fifteen year old girl who was recently sent to a rehabilitation center for the result of abuse of prescription medication. 6.1 million high school students currently use addictive substances, and like Hannah, 1 in 3 of them are addicted (â€Å"National Study Reveals,†2011). Although the number of teens using these drugs are decreasing, the numbers are still dangerously high. Due to it’s high risk of addiction, dangerous consequences, and growing availabilityRead MoreSubstance Abuse Among Teenagers And Adolescents1703 Words  | 7 PagesAddiction and Substance Abuse (CASA), substance abuse among teenagers and adolescents is transforming into America’s number one public health problem, as numbers of high school and college students abusing drugs and alcohol are on the rise (2011). In a national survey done by CASA at Columbia University, they found that 75 percent of high school students have used an addictive substance. In addition, 46 percent of hi gh school students reported currently using an addictive substance, and approximatelyRead MoreAddiction And Substance Abuse Is A Serious Problem Among Teenagers806 Words  | 4 PagesAddiction and substance abuse is a serious problem among teenagers. Teenagers begin abusing drugs because of peer pressure, or abuse in their life. Any type of drugs can be abused including over the counter medications. Since teenager’s brain is still growing any type of substance abuse can cause serious harm. The most abused drug is alcohol. Alcohol has a different effect the brain of teenagers different than that of adults. Children raised in a religious family, with religious friends areRead MoreDrug Abuse Essay1546 Words  | 7 PagesThesis: Drug abuse, also known as substance abuse, is a patterned use of a drug in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with methods which are harmful to themselves or others. Many teens turn to marijuana, prescription drugs, club drugs , alcohol, or other substances as a means of coping with stress, peer influence, and failure of parents to prevent their children from making unreasonable decisions. According to the yearly â€Å"Monitoring the Future†survey of high school age teenagers in theRead MoreDrug Abuse1279 Words  | 6 PagesThe use of and abuse of illegal and prescription drugs are a health, social, and law enforcement problem that is affecting Americans across the country. Drug abuse is destroying the lives of many teens and adults and is also destroying families in the United States. The use of drugs is a major problem in the United States among all Americans, but drug addiction is the main cause for America s troubled teens today. Exactly what is a drug? A drug is any chemical that produces a therapeutic or non-therapeuticRead MoreIntroduction Based on extensive literature reviews on teenage substance abuse and interventions,1700 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Based on extensive literature reviews on teenage substance abuse and interventions, this report examines the flaws and weaknesses of traditional interventions in curbing the menace and proposes a design in community intervention to make it efficient and effective. Recent studies show that the overall trend of lifeline drug-taking secondary school going students rose from 3.3 % in 2005 to 4.3% by the end of 2009. The age at which students begin to use drugs has continuously decreasedRead MoreDrug Abuse And Addiction Among Teenagers1704 Words  | 7 PagesStudies have shown that prescription drug abuse and addiction among teenagers is on a steady incline. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, â€Å"prescription drug abuse is the use of a medication without a prescription, in a way other than as prescribed, of for the experience or feelings elicited.†This is a pervasive problem that is in fact consuming the lives of many teens, primarily because prescription dru gs are easily accessible in their environment. There are several interpersonalRead MoreThe Effects Of Substance Abuse Among Adolescents1296 Words  | 6 Pages Substance abuse has become a notable public health threat to today’s adolescents. Substance abuse is associated with an array of behavioral and psychological consequences that can jeopardize the future of the young people. Lifelong dependence is another possible consequence of drug abuse among adolescents. Ultimately, counselors are supposed to come up with effective programs to address addiction issues among the adolescents to prevent them from relying on drugs in future. Counselors rely onRead MorePreventing Teen Substance Abuse Within Rural Areas1205 Words  | 5 PagesPreventing Teen Substance Abuse in Rural Areas Teenagers living in rural communities are more susceptible to drug and alcohol abuse than their urban counterparts. Although it may seem that living in a less populated area would present teens with less opportunity for trouble, the lack of stimulation creates an atmosphere conducive to substance abuse. has listed boredom among the top reasons that teens get themselves into trouble (Lohmann, 2010). Public programs and activities provideRead MoreDeterminants of Marijuana Use Essay1052 Words  | 5 Pagesmarijuana tends to be more prevalent in teenagers and young adults. Maisto, Galizio, and Conners (2004) reported that use of marijuana [in young people] was 8.0% among those aged 12-17; 16% among those aged 18-25, as compared to 6.8% among those aged 26-34; and 2.4% among those 35 and older. People of all ages, races, and religions use marijuana and have their own reasons to use it. Young people first try marijuana because of some common reasons. Some teenagers f eel pressured by their peers to experiment
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Understanding and Supporting Behavior Free Essay Example, 3500 words
Assessing of the student’s behaviour can be aided by observation. His behaviour has changed a lot to a more disruptive an unacceptable behaviour since it disrupts his class. The behaviour change of this child can be attributed to changes in the environment of the child either in school or in school. The environment shapes the behaviour either positively or negatively. In order to analyse the behaviour of the child, it is important to look at his immediate environment to identify the cause of the negative change. Since the teachers feel the source of change is not the school environment, the teacher asked his mother who revealed that his behaviour changed after his father moved out of the house, and since then, he is not afraid of punishment. Thus, we can conclude that the change in the negative behaviours of Abdi can be attributed to emotional imbalance caused by his broken family. This may have led to feelings of neglect, parents stress, and confusion. This negative feelings lead to poor interactions, discriminative interaction, low self-esteem, unruly behaviour, lack of interest in studies, poor adult role models, and increased rates of negative interactions (Cross, 1989). Behaviour issues and solution Abdi gets punished by the teacher or the learning support assistant by being sent to see the head teacher. We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding and Supporting Behavior or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Effective corrective action on the child should be able to reduce or diminish disruptive behaviour such that the child is able to return to his cooperative nature and good behaviour. Good behaviour should also be reinforced in order to encourage it to develop on Abdi as development of desirable behaviour will lead to weakening of the undesirable behaviours. The behaviour issues in this case include; disruption in class, calling out, swearing and uncooperative with other students, argumentative and confrontational when attempts are made to correct him, lack of concentration on studies and more attention on play and lunchtimes. All this behaviours can be addressed using the Behaviourist approach through negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement, and punishment.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Picture Of Dorian Wilde And Lord Henry Wotton And...
The male characters in both texts form their friendships with a goal of self-advancement in mind. In The Picture of Dorian Gray the friendship between Lord Henry Wotton and Dorian Gray is based on personal benefit. Lord Henry draws his pleasure from placing his own ideals into a younger, more apt body. He frequently discusses the, â€Å"exercise of influence,†describing it as, â€Å"terribly enthralling,†(Wilde ?). Lord Henry interjects his own ideals into Dorian’s mind through their discussions on the proper way to live life. Dorian, being manipulable, adopts Henry’s theories as fact. Henry exploits Dorian’s self-indulgence for personal pleasure. In return, Dorian derives his pleasure from living out the self-loving lifestyle that Lord Henry has†¦show more content†¦Dorian uses these illustrious items to forget the constant molding of his own soul. When Dorian confronts his poisoned soul he determines that it is, â€Å"sick to death,â⠂¬ and decides that salvation is impossible. In The Importance of Being Earnest Jack and Algernon’s constant Bunburying cause them to become distrustful. Rather than admit to their deception, both characters tell more lies in order to avoid scrutiny. When Jack is questioned about the whereabouts of his imaginary brother, Ernest, he reveals: CHASUBLE. Your brother Ernest dead? JACK. Quite dead (ask how to cite). Likewise, when Algernon is asked about his non-existent friend, Bunbury, he explains, â€Å"‘Oh! No! Bunbury doesnt live here. Bunbury is somewhere else at present. In fact, Bunbury is dead,†’ (cite). Through this, Wilde shows that male friendships are based on selfish-habits and avoiding responsibilities. The males in both texts expose their own faults through hypocrisy. During a conversation between Dorian and Henry, the topic of influence arises. Dorian asks Henry why his friend, Basil Hallward, has deemed him a negative influence. Henry, the man whose main source of pleasure is placing his own ideals and theories on others, reasons that there, â€Å"‘is no such thing as a good influence,’†because, â€Å"‘to influence a person is to give him one’s own soul. He does not think his natural thoughts, or burn with his natural passions,’†(Wilde). This hypocrisy exposes HenryShow MoreRelatedThe Picture of Dorian Gray: C orruption Through Aestheticism1464 Words  | 6 PagesThe Picture of Dorian Gray: Corruption Through Aestheticism The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde is the story of moral corruption by the means of aestheticism. In the novel, the well meaning artist Basil Hallward presets young Dorian Gray with a portrait of himself. After conversing with cynical Lord Henry Wotton, Dorian makes a wish which dreadfully affects his life forever. If it were I who was to be always young, and the picture that was to grow old! For that I would give everythingRead More Essay on Picture of Dorian Gray: The Character of Lord Henry Wotten1670 Words  | 7 PagesCharacter of Lord Henry Wotten of The Picture of Dorian Gray         The purpose of this essay is to explore the character of Lord Henry Wotten, from The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Oscar Wilde once said: I only know that Dorian Gray is a classic and deservedly. With this in mind, this essay is aimed at looking at how Lord Henry Wotton manipulates various conversations and how he effects the story with his challenging speeches, which is the reason The Picture of Dorian GrayRead More Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray Essay examples1731 Words  | 7 PagesOscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray      The Picture of Dorian Gray is a novel by Oscar Wilde. The genre of this novel can be classified as a comedy of manners or a gothic novel. The Picture of Dorian Gray was first published in 1890 in Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine. Another version with an additional six chapters was published in 1891. One of the major themes in the novel was the Supremacy of Beauty and Youth. A very attractive man has a portrait painted of himself, and after being warnedRead More Manipulation in Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray 2501 Words  | 11 PagesManipulation in Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray     I do not think that one person influences another, nor do I think there is any bad influence in the world, Oscar Wilde uttered when under trial (Hyde 353). Although this statement may be true, one of Wildes most famous works shows a great deal of the effects of people shaping one another, causing one to wonder about Wildes sincerity in that statement. The Picture of Dorian Gray shows variations on the existence and purposesRead More Essay on The Picture of Dorian Gray as a Moral Book996 Words  | 4 Pages The Picture of Dorian Gray as a Moral Book nbsp; The Picture of Dorian Gray was a remarkably well-written book due to the reaction of its themes by society.nbsp; In the preface of the novel, Wilde introduces the opinion that ...there is no moral or immoral book.nbsp; Books are well written or badly written.nbsp; That is all.nbsp; Numerous views can be taken upon this fastidious comment.nbsp; Many would agree that Wilde is justifiably correct because the preface was written with theRead MoreThe Relationship between Dorian Gray, Basil Hallward and Lord Henry Wotton1374 Words  | 6 PagesSet in the late 19th Century, Oscar Wilde wrote his only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, which is a story about debauchery and corruption of innocence and well known as a Gothic melodrama. Violent twists and a sneaky plot make this novel a distinct reflection of human pride and corrupt nature. Before we examine the quality of the error that Dorian Gray commits, we should first examine his friends and their relation to him because Dorian falls into this error with a little help from his friendsRead MoreMWDS The Picture of Dorian Gray1426 Words  | 6 PagesMWDS : The Picture of Dorian Gray ! AP English IV Title of Work: The Picture of Dorian Gray Author: Oscar Wilde Date of Publication: 1890 Genre: Gothic Biographical Information Oscar Wilde was born on October 16, 1854 to Sir William Wilde and Jane Wilde, the second of three children. Wilde studied at Oxford, and joined the Freemasons in 1878 after failing to join the Oxford Union. After graduation, he went home to Dublin and began writing poems. The Picture of Dorian Gray was his first and onlyRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray1432 Words  | 6 PagesIn The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, we see how the different characters show their love of beauty and pleasure and the affects they have on the main character: Dorian Gray. Each of the three main characters, Basil Hallward, Lord Henry Wotton, and Dorian Gray portray a part of how the author felt about himself and the world around him. â€Å"Basil Hallward is what I think I am: Lord Henry what the world thinks of me: Dorian what I would like to be- in other ages, perhaps†(qtd. in Bloom pg. 117)Read MoreEssay about The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde497 Words  | 2 PagesThe Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde In the book, The Picture Of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, there is a character named Lord Henry Wotton. He is the storys antagonist and whom critics often think most resembles Oscar Wilde. Wilde remarks Basil Hallward is what I think I am: Lord Henry what the world thinks of me: Dorian what I would like to be-in other ages perhaps. Within the preface of The Picture Of Dorian Gray, there lie the lines Those who go beneath the symbol do so at theirRead MoreThe Theme of Decadence in the Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde1553 Words  | 7 PagesThe theme of decadence in The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde Staring from the definition found in the dictionary, the decadence is a literary movement especially of late 19th-century France and England characterized by refined aestheticism, artifice, and the quest for new sensations. [1] In decadence, important is not necessarily what is seen, but the hermeneutics: what man feels when he sees the creative result of this feeling. It is the current that requires a co-operation
The Handmaids Tale - 1256 Words
Deisy Monterrozo English 101 S26487 Fall 2017 September 20, 2017 The handmaids Tale Margaret Atwood’s novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, is about a future version of the United States. Atwood introduces Offred as a handmaid in the republic of Gilead. Handmaids are assigned to bear children for couples that have trouble conceiving. Offred serves the commander and his wife, Serena Joy. Offred’s freedom is complete restricted. She can only leave the house only on shopping trips, the door of her room cannot be completely shut, and the Eyes, Gilead’s secret police force watch her every public move. Offred tells the story of her daily life, frequently slipping to flashbacks that are portions of her life from before, and during the beginning of the†¦show more content†¦Gilead seeks to silence women, but Offred speaks out, denies Gilead to take control over her inner life, Offred’s describing the horror of Gilead as she experiences it from day to day. Serena Joy, she used to be a powerful woman but Galilea’s government seems without freedom or choice. She worked as a gospel singer and anti-feminist activist and crusader for â€Å"traditional values†in Pre-Gilead times. After that, she used to give speeches as a television personality who promoted an anti-feminist about sanctity of the home she was advocating the women return to the home and submission to their husbands. Now, she’s the commander’s wife. Atwood makes it obvious how unhappy she is in the current domestic situation, acting as a wife, she is broken inside. This unhappiness derives from the restrictive and male dominated society. Gilead’s society cannot bring happiness even to its most powerful women. Only men have the freedom of read, and while he is in the room he opens the bible and reads a verse that Serena Joy is identify with, â€Å"Give me children, or else I die. Am I in God s stead, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb? Behold my maid Bilhah. She shall bear fruit upon my knees, that I may also have children by her. (88) This verse in the bible is talking about how she wants to bear children. In Gilead, they make their people believe that if they cannot have children, then they should die. If Serena could not bear children, she willShow MoreRelatedHandmaids tale1446 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Marlyn Barroso ETS 192 October 3rd, 2013 Hierarchy in The HandMaid s Tale Margaret Atwood s The Handmaid s Tale is a interesting novel that will have you confused but also have you bitting your nails with intrigue. So many questions might go in your head, at the same time; Atwood wrote this novel so her readers can have curiosity, even after reading the last word of the last paragraph of the last page of the book. One of the main topics of this novel is the effect on society when aRead MoreThe Handmaids Tale1450 Words  | 6 PagesJames Fils-Aime The Handmaid s Tale Fact or Fiction The Handmaid s Tale is a dystopian novel in which Atwood creates a world which seems absurd and near impossible. Women being kept in slavery only to create babies, cult like religious control over the population, and the deportation of an entire race, these things all seem like fiction. However Atwood s novel is closer to fact than fiction; all the events which take place in the story haveRead MoreThe Handmaids Tale1246 Words  | 5 PagesThe handmaids Tale Margaret Atwood’s novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, is about a future version of the United States. Atwood introduces Offred as a handmaid in the republic of Gilead. Handmaids are assigned to bear children for couples that have trouble conceiving. Offred serves the commander and his wife, Serena Joy. Offred’s freedom is complete restricted. She can only leave the house only on shopping trips, the door of her room cannot be completely shut, and the Eyes, Gilead’s secret police forceRead MoreThe Handmaids Tale1234 Words  | 5 PagesDeisy Monterrozo English 101 S26487 Fall 2017 September 20, 2017 The Handmaids Tale Margaret Atwood s novel, The Handmaid s Tale, is a future version of the United States. Atwood introduces Offred as a handmaid in the Republic of Gilead. Handmaids are assigned to bear children for couples who have trouble conceiving. Offred serves the commander and his wife, Serena Joy. Offred s freedom is completely restricted. She can only leave the house on shopping trips, the door of her room cannot beRead MoreThe Fall Of The Handmaids Tale2017 Words  | 9 Pages 1. In the beginning of The Handmaids Tale, there are 3 quotations that form the front piece of the book and insight the readers into the important aspects of the book. â€Å"And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This quotation resembles how important it was to give children. That if Rachel gave no children she might as well die, â€Å"Give me children or else I die†. This quotation sets the theme for infertility. Rachel allows Jacob to get the maid pregnant because she wants to claim the childrenRead MoreReligion in Handmaids Tale814 Words  | 4 PagesReligion in Handmaids Tale â€Å"Religion is the opiate of the masses†by Karl Marx. This is a quote which states that religion controls the human mind because God can see everything at all times, all-seeing, and unlike the police or the government nothing can be hidden from God. This is the technique of control that is used in Gilead. The punishments given from the government and from religious societies are different. The government gives punishments as time in prison or fines which canRead MoreEssay on Handmaids Tale3088 Words  | 13 Pages Many of the principles of Gilead are based on Old Testament beliefs. Discuss Atwoods use of biblical allusions and their political significance in the novel. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; ‘The Handmaids Tale’ is a book full of biblical allusions, before Atwood begins the text an epigraph gives us an extract from Genesis 30: 1-3 â€Å"And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister; and said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die. And Jacob’s anger was kindled againstRead MoreHandmaids Tale Analysis775 Words  | 4 Pagestwisted version? In The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, the author portrays a dystopian world, where a woman are forced to follow the norms of the twisted version of the Bible. Atwood uses the creations of handmaids, a woman who is used as a vessel for babies, in order to portray how religion impacted the society she has created, Gilead. The readers are introduced to Offred, the narrator and the main character of the text, she is one of the many handmaids that are introduced in the text. OffredRead MoreHandmaids Tale and 19842089 Words  | 9 PagesHow far is language a tool of oppression in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and ‘Nineteen Eighty Four’? Most dystopian novels contain themes of corruption and oppression, therefore in both ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and ‘Nineteen Eighty Four’ language is obviously used as a form of the states control, enabling dystopian leaders to remain in power by manipulating language to restrict free thought. Orwell and Atwood have utilized language as a key tool of oppression throughout their novels. The use of language isRead More handmaids tale Essay1168 Words  | 5 Pagesother women. Aunt’s are responsible for getting the handmaids ready for their society. They pound the ideas of the new culture into the handmaid’s head so that when they enter it seems normal. Handmaids are the next class, they are the only women who can reproduce they are forced to have children for upper class couples women are often compromised by a forced sexual nature, thereby allowing them to be blamed for problems of conception. Handmaids show which Commander owns them by adopting their Commanders’
Family Origin Paper Free Essays
Trever Sorenson Valerie Wall Individual, Family, and Society October 29, 2012 Family of Origin Paper To start my family origin paper we have to go way back to 1976 when my parents met in Alamo, North Dakota; a town of about 200 people in the northwestern part of the state. They met while going through school playing sports, mainly basketball. Both were pretty good at the sport and won some awards and had chances to play more but decided to get married and start a family instead. We will write a custom essay sample on Family Origin Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Both grew up around the whole farming scene. My mom actually lived on a farm growing up and also as she started her own family. My dad lived in the small town but his grandpa had a farm not far from where he grew up and also helped a lot of the local farms in the area. So they grew up being hard workers through sports and also with the manual work that comes with the farming life. In their early years of marriage they moved to my hometown of Williston, ND, not far from where they grew up. A town with the population at the time around 12 thousand. They got married in 1982 two years after they graduated high school and had their first kid which was a boy and my oldest brother and named him Nevin. Not but two years later they had their second child also a boy and named him Tyler. Then finally they had their third son, me. In the first four years of my life we lived in the town of Williston. But then my parents decided to move to the country because my dad was a farmer and rancher. We moved about 5 miles east of Williston. For me and my brothers we liked it a lot better because we could do a lot of things on the farm like play baseball, hunt, fish, build forts in the trees. Growing up in the childhood I had my brothers and me spent a lot of time together because we didn’t have our friends to come out and play. Which I think is a lot similar to the way my parents were raised with their brothers and sisters. Then when I was getting ready for kindergarten our family moved even more in the country. We were now about 30 miles northeast of town. I remember having to wake up really early for school all the time. My dad would wake us up at six in the morning and we would drive all the way to town for school at eight. My brothers and I did not want to attend country school because when we lived in town those first couple of years we had made some friends and our parents wanted us to have a healthy social life. I think also they wanted us to participate in sports more, which we did. Growing up it seemed that every night we had to stay in town until at least 8 because one of us had a sport practice or game going on. So I think that the competitiveness in sports that my parents faced growing up they wanted my brothers and I to experience that. My brothers and I loved to play sports, a lot of the time when we were not helping my dad we would be playing some sort of competitive sport which usually ended in a fight. Once we moved farther into the country my brothers and me became older and more capable of helping my dad on the farm with chores. So it was in these early years where were learn a work ethic. With having all the cows we did my dad did need help. For me being the youngest I didn’t have to help as much as my brothers. I spent more time helping my mom around the house with things she needed help with. But my dad always made sure I got my hands dirty in the corrals, which I can see helped me with just being able to do manual labor with no problems, and also made me a very observant learner from watching my dad do things on the farm. Also being on the farm you are always in situations where you just have to figure it out for yourself because my dad or brother are busy doing other things. By the time I reached 5th grade my parents decided to move to town because my brothers were getting more involved with sports as so was I. For me I loved the idea of moving to town because I was still this youngster who gets to hang out with his friends more. Now I could ride bike to my friend’s house and be there in 10 minutes, so as a young kid was pretty excited. But even though we moved to town me and my brothers went to the farm and helped my dad a lot whenever we were not playing some sort of sport. I would say for me my middle-aged years were spent more on sports so I develop a lot of relationships with friends. At this time in my life during the summer all I did was play baseball. My friends and I would meet at this field close to ll our houses and play sandlot everyday no matter what the weather was. If we weren’t playing baseball at the field we were at someone’s house playing some sort of baseball related game. Looking back I realize now that from moving to town and not spending as much time at the farm I sort of developed a city life mentality. I started hating going to the farm because I wanted to hangout with my friends and was afraid I was missing out on something. As I got into high school my parents really pushed on my sports and always trying to get better which for me didn’t bother me at all. They realized that I was very skilled in my baseball and wanted me to take that very serious, which I did for the most part. But I started wanting that independence from my parents once I got my license at 14. I had my pickup and could go drive around with my buddies I thought I was a stud. I started not spending as much time at home, so from that my parents wanted to know more about what was going on in my life I felt like. So me being a dumb teenage started getting into a lot more arguments and things like that with them. Also my dad wanted me to go out and help him at the farm more because my brothers were busy with college and sports of their own. I didn’t like that at all and would get really mad every time I had to go out there and help. Junior year I started drinking once and a while and I ended up getting caught so my parents got a lot stricter with me. So that made my relationship with my parents even worse. At this point in high school baseball was a good way for me and my parents to communicate but anything else it seemed impossible for them to realize my side. I ended going to Iowa to play baseball for college and our relationship got better. I think because I just had to get out of the house and away to learn things on my own to better understand what they were doing. But one thing that I got from my parents was to always work hard. They always said before every game â€Å"work hard†, so that’s what I did and it seem to get me far in baseball because after Iowa I ended up going Division 1 in baseball but due to a bad arm injury I had to have surgery and things didn’t turn out at North Dakota State University (NDSU). After NDSU I went back home and started working on the oilrigs. It was actually what I consider my first job, because my dad never made me get a job in high school because all I had to do was help him on the farm. Working on the rigs taught me a lot about life and what my parents tried to pound in my head all those years in high school. So now days my parents and I are good and get along a lot better because I am more able to understand where they are coming from. After about 10 months of working in the oil field I decided to go play baseball again and that is what brings me to Friends University. Now days as I look back at the upbringing of my brothers and me and relate it to my parents up bringing I see a lot of similarities. They were brought up in that hard working environment, dawn to dusk kind of lifestyle and they really pushed that on the three of us. I can see that my brothers have more of a better work ethic than me but it is a working progress. I may have been more successful at sports but then are harder workers than me. Also I noticed that growing up my parents didn’t really have someone to come talk to about problems so they had to find a way to deal with their problems. So growing up for the three of us we didn’t address our problems very often with our parents with just found a way to get over it and move on which has helped me a lot but there are some things that I have trouble dealing with but I can cope really well because of that. Another thing my parents really pushed upon my brothers and me was be respectful and responsibility, and I know because they expressed that so much it has helped me in life and also with sports as well. Family also was important, even though they never really verbally expressed it we always had to go to family events no matter how big or small the event was. So as I grew up I just kind of knew that if there was a family event I better go or else my parents would get mad. Now I may have not wanted to go but whenever I left I was glad I did just because I got to see a lot of good people and it usually is a good laugh. I think my parents made us because they had alot of relatives growing up and spent a lot of time around them growing up. So I guess I have learned a lot in the last year about life and my family and I am excited to learn more in the future. How to cite Family Origin Paper, Essays
Source of Sustainable Competitive Advantage †
Question: Discuss about the Source of Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Answer: Introduction: Silver Fern farms are a Primary Producers co-operative Society registered in the year 1948. In beginning the company started with trading as PPCS while changing itself to Silver Fern Farms in 2008. The company recognized in 1948 as the Primary Producers Cooperative Society. It was formerly situated in the South Island ofNew Zealandas a meat marketing cooperative primarily selling sheep. The company formerly transformed into PPCS Limited till the deployment of new management team. The over-capacity in meat industry gave a chance to utilise its profitability generated in the previous decade. It expanded formal functioning in 1980s from small processing operations via meat giving out cooperatives originally in the South Island and later the North Island (Council, 2016). Later in 1986, the released asset value was returned to the farmer shareholders through the holding company Apex Limited. Acquisition of Canterbury Frozen Meat and consolidation of the New Zealand meat industry sustained during the 1990s with PPCS. This includes business competence by not getting trapped out by the competitors like AFFCO Holdings. However, in 2006, the company Hawkes Bay based Richmond Meats to determine issues regarding the undisclosed investment created in the late 1990s. This burdened the cooperative with debt. As a result the Silver Fern Farms in 2008 based on the long standing brands. The company was unable to complete the equity lifting required finance offered. They had to pay $42 million in compensation to Silver Fern and write off a total of $50 million for the compensation and due diligence expenses. They are important for managing tasks in an appropriate way. The brand revamped itself On 1 October 2014, by reorganizing the business into three species-based units. They created two new 100% subsidiaries, Silver Fern Farms Beef Ltd and Silver Fern Farms Venison Ltd. In October 2015, Silver Fern Farms underwent a partnership proposal for an investment of NZD $261M with a subsidiary of Bright Food Group. The company underwent a deal with a Chinese company that will help in global expansion. The deal was completed in June 2016(Hutching, 2016). The vision of Silver Fern Farms Beef Ltd is to create an inspirational Food by Passionate People. The company is thinking of ways to manage individual interest by developing an effective ways to enjoy a meal by the people. There strategy is to identify the needs of the consumers and developing the same accordingly. As a cooperative society, Silver Fern Farms has a target to manage the organization to gain market competency. They are highly focusing over the high quality, grass-fed, red meat that is made i n New Zealand. As a long term strategy, the brand wants to establish itself as the consumers brand to deliver reliable and sustainable chain of care for farmers. Their central plan is to deliver what is promised. For the reason, they are meeting consumers needs by working consequently with the team. Silver Fern Farms Co-operative Limited distributed a special dividend of $34.5 million on 14 February. The shareholders received 30 cents per share on all Ordinary Shares and Rebate Shares after the completion of Shanghai Maling Aquarius $267m investment in Silver Fern Farms Limited (Silver Fern Farms, 2017). Potential Risks and Benefits New Zealand is a stable and globally competitive business environment. They have a positive economic growth. For the reason Trade has been an essential element in order to gain economic affluence. The prospective investment opportunity in the coming years will gradually impact the business growth. This will gradually help in handling of free trade agreements, pro-competitive regulation, an efficient tax regime in gaining innovation and an efficient and competitive economy. In some way the country is using the foreign funds preferable to manage the export and import. FDI provides with different risk sharing options to the business organization by supporting capital investment. FDI is an important parameter that offers greater stability of funding in the business organizations in New Zealand. It is a a smaller amount liquid form of investment which reduces the risk of the firms due to rollover risk. The Debt to direct investors does have favourable terms. These features help in reducing the economy from risk. They however help in reducing risks to macroeconomic steadiness. It is evident for an economy that FDI can amplify the chances of supplementary investment into New Zealand. Multiple investments in the country will eventually. Silver Fern Farms and Chinese company Shanghai Maling have signed their partnership In June 2016 appointing present SFF chairman Rob Hewett as a co-chairman along with Xia Xu Shen. The deal amounts to $267m investment into Silver Fern Farms acted as a game-changer for Silver Fern Farms. The International deals act as an appropriate platform to manage the strong and sustainable capital structure. This will eventually help in managing the resources to speed up strategy in ongoing and upcoming market. It will allow the business organization in optimising production facilities and capability. Outstandingly, this will help in managing the fastest growing red meat market in the world. Potential risks Foreign Direct Investment has a direct focus on resources other than the investors home country. The foreign direct investment at times hinders domestic investment. At times, the FDI causes problem in managing the local resources. There can be problems in term of political issues. There is a difference in the political environment of China. This might cause a direct risk in managing business opportunity. The investment is very risky in that case creating problems. Certain risk factors in FDI are very risky and the chance of loss is extremely high (Kumar, Jones, Venkatesan Leone, 2013). Foreign Direct Investment has a Negative Influence on Exchange Rates. This can occasionally affect exchange rates in the favor Silver Fern (Pearce, 2015). At times one can notice that it is more expensive to export goods. This is imperative to prepare sufficient money to set up your operations. There can be issues in relation to the economic viability while managing the resources derived from outside (Hinton Hamilton, 2013). This is eventually important to consider foreign direct investments may be capital-intensive for investors. They are at times considered to be very risky for the investors. This is to manage the political changes to expropriation, where the government will control property and assets. In such a situation, FDI has negative implications on the country. It is possible to manage the changes taking place in the global environment. This is important for taking care of the global factors while considering the expansion. It is evident for the business organization in matching up with the international competition. This is applicable in matching up with the expectations of the consumers (Massa Testa, 2009). Competitive advantage Global competition is creating multi-fold business opportunity. This helps in generating sales with a superior margin. Competitive advantage with the different factors helps in managing the competition in an effective way. It provides with a cutting edge while generating ability against the competitors. Porters generic strategies are "Cost Leadership", "Differentiation" and "Focus Strategy. The focus strategy is divided into two parts: "Cost Focus" and "Differentiation Focus." It creates sustainable cost leadership in between the organizations while developing better goals (Wagner Hollenbeck, 2014). This strategy helps in deriving economies of scale in order to manage the organization in a best possible way. Silver Fern Farms and Chinese company Shanghai Maling have signed their partnership In June 2016 appointing present SFF chairman Rob Hewett as a co-chairman alongside Xia Xu Shen. The deal amounts to $267m investment into Silver Fern Farms acted as a game-changer for Silver Fern Farms (Completion of investment by Shanghai Maling, 2016). The International deals act as a support in managing the strong and sustainable capital structure. This will eventually help in managing the resources while focusing upon strategy in the upcoming global markets. It will allow the business organization in optimising production facilities and capability (Spencer, 2017). Prominently, it helps in shared and associated partnership in the fastest growing red meat market in the world. The deal will help in gaining competitive advantage in order to manage growth in an effective way. The deal is important from the point of view of gaining effective business opportunity globally. It is important to manage the organization in a better way by generating global competition. It is important for managing long term sustainable market. It is evident for the business in managing the issues in the best probable way. A Business entity can gain market effectiveness in an effective way (Madsen Walker, 2015). The primary focus is to create quality meat by forming alliance with the international brand. In this way the company can expand its business while considering the future advancement. The demand will be increasing in coming future creating a better opportunity for the global expansion. In this way, the company can expand its business operations. The cooperative will be receiving 50 percent of its future dividend after receiving board approval (Goetsch Davis, 2014). The global advancement will help in managing the business opportunities in an effective way. This is important for gaining effective business results. This is evident for a business in managing business overseas. This has a potential to establish a unique position in the fastest growing red meat market in the world (Hutching, 2016). Shanghai Malings has an integrated supply chain model that will permit them in developing product and consumer marketing skills in order to gain competitiveness. The business culture in New Zealand is moderate as compared to the other countries. This is an effective way through which the culture can easily be managed by the control of the employees at each and every level. The organizational culture motivates employee in an effective way. This is one of the effective way through which the company is organizing its resources. This is important for gaining effectiveness in order to manage the organizational goals. While expanding business internationally, it is evident for the business to manage the business operations by adopting the local culture. The business culture in China is different from that in New Zealand. There can be challenges in terms of performing business in China due to difference in culture. It is highly importance to adopt the culture and develop certain level of functions that help the company in mitigating the cultural gaps. For long term sustainability, it is important for a business to develop effective business policies . This will be helping in gaining better cultural understanding and managing the culture in the most appropriate way (Baker Saren, 2016). The trade and cultural barriers in the country can be mitigated with the help of organizing an effective business opportunities. In such a competitive atmosphere, it is evident for business to manage the culture in an appropriate way to fill the gap. It is evident in the current context while managing the business opportunities to gain competencies. This is important for managing better results by organizing better organizational goals. While managing the organization, it is important to manage the circumstances in the best and effective way. This is important for the business in deploying the resources in an effective way. This is important from the point of view of gaining organizational growth (West, Ford Ibrahim, 2015). Policy prescription For gaining effective results, it is important for the country to develop policies supporting business culture, this is important for a business organization in managing the results in the best and appropriate way. For an organization, it is important to manage the results in an effective way. It is important for gaining important business results and managing organizational goals. It is important for a country to develop a sound business law and regulations. These regulations are important for carrying out the business in the appropriate way (Vitalis Scott, 2015). This is important for a business in gaining market competencies for expanding business. It is important for the business organization in mastering the effective growth opportunities. These market opportunities can only be realised if the country has ample of business growth. It is necessary for a business in gaining effective measures in arranging results (Kelsey, 2015). The policies need to be framed that support business organization evidently. It should help business in gaining a competitive advantage and developing an effective market place. This is important from the point of view of managing the business operations across the border. It is important in dealing with the cross-border transactions. With the expansion in the business, it has become evident to use a progressive business technique helping in gaining competitive advantage. The FDI policies should allow business enterprises to make advancement while expanding business. Business Opportunities are important to gain an appropriate advancement in the right direction. 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