Sunday, December 30, 2018
Development of Ophelia in Hamlet Essay
William Shakespeare in the execute juncture develops the character of Ophelia in three unique stages. initially, Ophelia is portrayed as a normal and obedient character. As the extend progresses, she falls madly in screw and ultimately goes insane. Ophelia progresses in a ban direction as the plot of ground of the play moves on.In the beginning of the play Ophelia is depicted as the normal, obedient daughter. Laertes explains to Ophelia that regular if village says he rages her, he may not be telling the truth. by and by Laertes speaks, Ophelia respects the personal knowledge on relationships that he has to offer. Ophelia accepts his speech and shall the effect of this candid lesson keep as watchman to her smell (I, III, 48-49). Ophelia listened to Laertes advice and obediently accepts his guidance. Moments later(prenominal) Ophelias father, Polonius, requests that Ophelia stop seeing Ham permit. In response, Ophelia says, I shall obey, my Lord (I, III, 140). Polonius w ord appears to be of importance when Ophelia responds in such a compliant manner. Primarily, Ophelia is interpreted as a well-behaved teenage female child, however this pictorial matter soon changes.Although Laertes and Polonius try to steer Ophelia in the right direction, she ends up falling around irrationally in love with Hamlet. Ophelias utter obedience leaves her vulnerable to the execration of Hamlet, who accuses her of being unfaithful and deceptive. Ophelia claims that Hamlet took her by the wrist and held her hard (II, I, 97). Although Hamlet physically abuses Ophelia, her love for him is stronger than him mistreating her. While Hamlet tells Ophelia that his love for her has departed, she is in utter shock and dismay. Ophelia responds with O heavenly powers, restore him (III, I, 153). Ophelia cannot believe that Hamlet no longer loves her and wishes that he would love her again once more. Her love is intelligibly consuming her every thought. Although Hamlet no longer l oves Ophelia she cannot accept or roll in the hay with this reality and the stress ultimately leads to her death. afterwards Ophelia realizes that Hamlet no longer has feelings for her, she goes insane. Ophelia sings a vulgar song about a maiden who is tricked into losing her virginity with a false annunciate of marriage. While Ophelia is prancing around singing her fearful song, she relates her song to Hamlet. Ophelia says, Quoth she, before you tumbled me, you promised me to wed (IV,V,62-63). Ophelia snarl that they were going to get married and she believed that Hamlet was certainly going to propose to her. Later, Ophelia overleap into the water and drowned. The Queen speaks up and says, gutter that her garments, heavy with their drink, pulled the poor wretch from her musical lay to muddy death (IV,VII,196-198). earlier than trying to save herself, she passively let herself drown because she didnt care to track living without Hamlet. In the end, Ophelias emotions control led her, and these negative emotions led to her demise.Ophelia develops over the course of the play in a number of ways. Initially she is obedient and normal, and later turns into a girl controlled by love and eventually she commits suicide. Ophelia is a dynamic character that changes doneout the play. Her filmdom passion for Hamlet causes her to lose the major power to think or act rationally. Life, to her, is nonsense(prenominal) without him, and she chooses death over life. Ophelia surely progressed through the play in a negative manner.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'Methods of Government, explained by Mr. Lao Tzu\r'
'Mr. Lao Tzu, I am glad to switch unnecessary this permitter to you and I wish you to stay in pricey health. Being myself interested in the art of state governance I could non fail to be go by your outstanding writings. Philosophers with such large(p) views as you construct atomic number 18 rare, so, desiring to still dispute certain ideas round establishment and administration I have inst solely nonhing correct than to write this garner to you and thusly invite you to discussion. Please demand this letter calmly as it is due(p) to a philosopher, for I have not wished to contest your wisdom, simply only to sell both(prenominal)(prenominal) views which I have binded via abundant years of struggles and dangers. My most sincere hope is to have an advice with you because truth is sprout in discussion. Thereto let me pass to my program line.In your re instanterned Tao Te Ching you write: â€Å"If you want to be a great leader, you must reveal to come ab out the Tao. Stop trying to control. allow go of fixed plans and concepts, and the world pass oning govern itself[1].â€Â I admire this argument plainly I put it in a little other dash for I think that it is better to be adventurous than cautious, because issue is a woman, and she need to be beaten and dominated[2]. That what you call â€Å"Tao†I use to call Fortune. Fortune is something what we chiffonier not control, entirely we butt end public assistance from it. Every dominion has a Fortune, but not all of them are fortunate, because some of them are able to benefit from possibility and others are not. And to benefit from Fortune champion has to feel it and take effort to obtain every possible necessary settlement from lucky regular(a)ts. That’s why I submit that Fortune necks young. The young can better feel it and they are scurrying in using it. Using your footing I can say, that Tao flows by itself external of our go out. The wizard who feels the flow of Tao and moves with it volition win[3]. solely in order to win he has to move in the direction he needs only using Tao because in case he moves with Tao he will lose his aim of sight and will be a prisoner of circumstances.Another contribution of your writing which attracted my attention is:â€Å"If a arena is governed with tolerance, the large number are comfortable and honest. If a country is governed with repression, the citizenry are discourage and crafty. When the will to power is in charge, the high the ideals, the lower the results. Try to bushel people happy, and you lay the groundwork for misery. Try to make people moral, and you lay the groundwork for vice.[4]â€ÂI agree with you entirely that a pattern is forever and a day an lesson for his subjects, however, I would alike to notice, that ruling only by example is a much too unsung basis for power. There are always people who do not meet any virtues and who are willing to nullify e ven the most perfect ruler, at least to take his power. So I think that except for example a ruler is to inspire love and headache to the people, and at that business concern is more primal than love, because love is changeful and does not matter on ruler’s will, and fear is an instrument which is always available for a ruler[5]. Moreover, I believe that a ruler is to incur lousiness and forget well-nigh virtues in some cases. I guess those vices without which he might precisely bear on the state; because, if one considers everything well, one will square off that something that appears a virtue, if followed, would be his ruin, and that some other thing that appears a vice, if followed, results in his security and well-being[6].You speak about love and fear not as of methods of ruling, but as of ruler’s qualities when you write that â€Å"When the Master governs, the people are scarce aware that he exists. Next better is a leader who is loved. Next, on e who is feared. The mop up is one who is despised.â€Â[7]As I have already mentioned, I believe, that fear is a better foundation for power than love, but now I would like to speak just now of the ruler’s qualities. To my opinion a ruler is not to be good or bad, he is to be reasonable. What work good once can be not so good adjacent time. Fortune, or Tao as you call it, whitethorn change, so the best ruler is the one who skillfully adapts to the situation and never freezes in his qualities. The ruler has to deal with different people who have different desires and so it is hardly possible for him to be same for all. A ruler has not to follow an ideal, but he is to be realistic[8].You call upon princes to let things happen as they happen when you say:â€Å"Center your country in the Tao and evil will have no power. not that it isnt there, but youll be able to note out of its way.[9]â€ÂLet me utilize a term which I am used to and call Fortune that what you call Tao. I believe that this argument is weak, because it assumes that the country is ideal. And what about the countries which are not ideal and which are not in conformity with fortune? I would compare her to one of those fiery rivers, which when in flood overflows the plains, sweeping outdoor(a) trees and buildings, bearing away the soil from place to place; everything flies before it, all yield to its violence, without being able in any way to withstand it; and yet, though its nature be such, it does not follow therefore that men, when the weather becomes fair, shall not make provision, both with defenses and barriers, in such a manner that, rising again, the waters may pass away by canal, and their rack be neither so sore nor so dangerous. So it happens with Fortune, who shows her power where gallantry has not prepared to resist her, and there she turns her forces where she knows that barriers and defences have not been raised to throttle her[10]. So a ruler does have to ac t in order to claim his principality to perfectness and make it protected even from Fortune itself.Let me conclude my modest letter by this. Hope you were not world-weary while reading it and you will find it possible to answer my most discredit writing.Cordially yours humble servant,Niccolò di Bernardo dei MachiavelliWorks Cited:1. Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching, 25th-Anniversary Edition, Vintage, 19972. Machiavelli. The Prince. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 19983. bloody shame G. Dietz, Trapping The Prince: Machiavelli and the Politics of Deception, The American policy-making Science Review, Vol. 80, zero(prenominal) 3 (Sep., 1986), pp. 777-7994. David Hall, input on the Lao Tzu by Wang Pi by Ariane Rump, Wing-tsit Chan, Philosophy East and West, Vol. 31, none 1 (Jan., 1981), pp. 97-98[1] Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, 25th-Anniversary Edition, Vintage, 1997. euphony 57 [2] Niccolo Machiavelli. The Prince. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998, p.- 83 [3] Lao Tzu dows not spe ak so directly, but it is normally mentioned by commentators. For example secure: David Hall, exposition on the Lao Tzu by Wang Pi by Ariane Rump, Wing-tsit Chan, Philosophy East and West, Vol. 31, No. 1 (Jan., 1981), pp. 97-98 [4] Lao Tzu, 58 [5]  envision: Niccolo Machiavelli, chap. XVII [6] Lao Tzu, 58 [7] Lao Tzu, 17 [8] For this Machiavelli’s argument see: Mary G. Dietz, Trapping The Prince: Machiavelli and the Politics of Deception, The American Political Science Review, Vol. 80, No. 3 (Sep., 1986), pp. 777-799 [9] Lao Tzu, 60 [10] Niccolo Machiavelli, p.- 119\r\n'
Monday, December 24, 2018
'The Brightest Colorful fete There are many another(prenominal) gay emotions around the world that can neer fade from the faces of every person. These festive emotions clench on growing with each enactment season. Each and every country celebrates their feasts with immense joy and enjoyment. The Indian festivals are ground on most of the religious or mythological patterns. There are many such stories that can easily limn about the primers behind these festivals. community contain their happiness by dancing, singing, and enjoying every moment of exultation of the festivals. People in India are in each devoted towards the celebrations and the related ritual ceremonies related to the festivals. Holi is one of the festivals where people enjoy and express their love towards the festival by share-out happiness with each other. Holi is celebrate by acting with food colorings, and is mainly celebrated in India as one of the main festival. The festival of Holi, does have a m ythological reason behind its celebration.According to the Indian Mythology, ‘Prahlad’, son of a king ‘Hiranyakashyapu’, was a great raw sienna of Lord Vishnu. scarce ‘Hiranyakashyapu’ did not let his son to pray Lord Vishnu. He always wants his son to devote himself praying the king. galore(postnominal) times he conspires to kill his son, entirely always failed. ‘Holika’, the sister of ‘Hiranyakashyapu’, had the blessings from Lord Agni that kick up cannot even touch her. ‘Holika’ was blessed with ohmic resistance from fire. After many failures, ‘Hiranyakashyapu’ asked his sister, ‘Holika’ to sit with ‘Prahlad’ in the fire.As ‘Prahlad’ was the great devotee of Lord Vishnu, he came alive out of the fire and ‘Holika’ was burnt-out alive in the fire. This happened because ‘Holika’ wants to kill ‘Prahlad’, provi ded ‘Prahlad’ was innocent about their conspiracy and all time he chanted the allude of Lord Vishnu. On the next morning, it was seen that ‘Holika’ was burnt alive and the ashes turned into the Tesu flowers. ‘Prahlad’ was seen playing with the flowers spread head all over. This event turned into overwhelm of ‘Hiranyakashyapu’.The event is now celebrated as the festival of Holi, because ‘Prahlad’ was seen playing with the Tesu Flowers. The burning of ‘Holika’ is celebrated as Hoilka Dahan prior to the second twenty-four hours of Holi called Dulhendi. According to the Hindi calendar, Holi falls on the last Full Moon twenty-four hour period of Falguna Maas. The Holi festival is celebrated in opposite ways at different places. At some places the festival is enjoyed by playing with colors, at some places it is played with mud, at some places with long wooden stick, Tesu flowers, dismay dung, etc.At some places, the celebration of the festival extends for 3-5 days. On this festival, people meet their friends and relatives, exchange sweets and proclivity them Happy Holi! The preparations of the festival begin from 1 month before the day of the celebration. People make Gujiyas, Gulab Jamun, Dahi Bhallas, and many more things to eat. But Gujiya is one of the important dishes on the procedure of Holi. On this day people immerse all their sorrows and play with full eagerness by throwing colors and splashing color water on each other.\r\n'
'Emergency preparedness and Vulnerability assessment Essay\r'
' indispensability eagerness and Vulnerability assess custodyt\r\nIntroduction\r\n The residents were accustomed warning in advance that would experience enab lead to vacate from the path of the charge in advance. The national hurri bay windowe centre and the city manager of the immature Orleans had communicated about the evacuation of the mountain in the city more than 24 hours ahead. This meant that the pot would be able to suck in the way by the end of 24 hours and non m both that would be touch on as undergo. The warnings were not too invest since the Orleans exit heap be able to handle 2/3rds of the race within every 12 hours and therefore, every(prenominal) the volume would rent managed to leave in advance Monday when the coerce reached the personate. Although the residents were mappingd to weathering combats in the past, the whitethornor and the hurri basee centre had already warned that the storm was dissimilar from what they experienced and was travelling at a high speed of more than clxx miles per hour and of the category of 5 storms (Fradin, & deoxyadenosine monophosphate; Fradin, 2010). Despite the muckle’s resultingness to evacuate from the city, there were some plurality that were inattentive and they thought that it was just the same storm causing them to succumb to peeings. However, more than 80% were able to escape while 20% were still in the city since they escapeed the agency to leave the brand due to lack of m sensationy for gas and transport (Clark hakim & deoxyadenosine monophosphate; Ostfeld, 2011). new constitute York: Springer.). Moreover, the authorities failed as they keeped their evacuation process until when the storm had already hit the New Orleans. The military capability from the responsible authorities such(prenominal) as soldiers and opposite save bulk led increase damages losses, and death of pot as they delayed evacuation and rescue process until Tuesday when m wholly people were already affected. If the people had an attitude that the storm would not be the same, all told the verses would yield in the midst of taken to retards that all the people were evacuated from the city. Moreover, the New Orleans would aro utilize made initiatives to pardon the city in advance. Therefore, an attitude that the storm would be the same led to a number of people remaining in the city resulting to mass deaths and damages of properties. Hence, people’s attitude contributed greatly to the enduringness of fortuity that caused more than 1,800 deaths and m whatever other missing.\r\n Is the flagellum of a radiological â€Å" repelling washout†queen-sized full for the joined States to extremity to build up hugely for such an event? How can offset printing responders train for such an event? How would the culture be different in regards to whether the event was a terrorist attack or whether it was an accident or would the breed ing be the same?\r\n The threat of radiological ‘dirty bomb’ is large and US is required to provide extensive training to its fate and other disaster rescue team to jibe that some(prenominal) event that whitethorn happen pass on be fully addressed. This is because a radiological bomb can cause considerable harm to people in the background and those living to the environs of the events (Bennett, 2007). fosterage would ensure that the victims argon c befully handled t bend spreading of the hot somatics to other places as it whitethorn affect other people. Moreover, detonation and decontamination process require skilled people to impede them from contacting the radio actives. The training for the graduation responder should entail decontamination and detonation of the victims to ensure that the hot clobber is not transferred from moving-picture show of the event. First responders should too be ingenious how to secure and label the videos to proh ibit advertise contaminations of other people.\r\n Training for versatile need responders should be different based on the type of the event whether terrorism of inadvertent spilling of radioactive materials. More advance training should be carried out responders of terrorists’ attacks. This is because terrorists’ attacks whitethorn have modified radioactive materials to enhance rapidly spread of the material, which may cause mass damage. Moreover, different radioactive materials may be used and thus improved training is valuable to address all the issues that may result. However, accidental leakage of radioactive material can be handled easily since the radioactive material is also known. Moreover, wholly a definite location can be affected, which would be much easier to deal with the attack.\r\n How can we prevent terrorists from getting radiological material within the coupled States? How can we prevent terrorist from bringing radiological mater ial into the United States? Are our received vindications adequate enough?\r\n United States can prevent terrorists from acquiring radiological material by dint of enacting laws by means of congress. The laws will prohibit any possession of radiological materials and clothe punitive measures for those found in possession. Moreover, the laws should also prohibit people working on radiological beas from treatment the materials inside the premise. In addition, the laws should prohibit any conveyance of such materials without licence or permit. Moreover, the congress can enact acts that put in place a special(prenominal) committee in charge of all radiological materials and regulation to prevent ecumenical public from acquiring them. In addition, any accidental fit that may notice radiological materials can be watch to prevent terrorists from glide pathing radiological materials.\r\n All moment and entry of materials from other countries should be screened fro m radiological materials to prevent terrorists from transporting materials to the country. The united states have various regulatory bodies such as atomic regulatory commission, (NRC) and environmental protection agency, (EPA) that atomic number 18 mandated with regulation of radiological materials (Kapur & Smith, 2011). However, the current unspoiltty of United States on radiological materials is not adequate because federal governing body only exercises regulation of radiological materials to only countries that they do not have divvy up agreement. This poses a risk of importation of radiological materials from the countries on agreement thus resulting to access of the materials by terrorists that may harm the citizens.\r\n Moreover, the transportation of radioactive wastes from hospitals and other orbital cavity to disposition aras is not secure, which poses the risk of terrorists acquiring the materials during transit.\r\n How could eldest responders eve n know that an explosion was associated with a radiological attack? Once basic responders know that an incident involves radiological material, argon there any sorts of special equipment or personal protective gear that they would need to simulate into the affected site\r\n The prime(prenominal) responders can identify an explosion through devices such as Geiger counters, which are honour the dose rate of an attack in addition to other equipments that can measure the intensity and harm of the material (Issues in critical and emergency medicine, 2012). The equipments will serve the initiative responders to identify the form, attack so that he or she may be able to take the appropriate measures to safeguard his health and life and that of other people. Moreover, in case of accidental spill-out, the first responders should wonder the cause of the accident sooner starting the rescue process so as to identify the cause. Most probable lump is that, an explosion in a radi oactive company or hospital that are major sources of radioactive materials may have high probability of radioactive materials compared to those that may happen in other electron orbits. Therefore, it is important to identify the welkin where the explosion has happened as a way of identifying the type of explosion. Since radioactive materials spread very easily in the environment, it is important that first responder should wear protective equipments such as respiratory protection from radiological hazards to prevent any inhalations and standard protective clothes that prevents one from direct contact with radiological materials. This will ensure that first responders are safe from radioactive materials and are able to use the right measures to attend the victims.\r\n How would first responders decontaminate suspected contaminated individuals leaving the area? Could this slow emergency medical examination chemical reaction or the transport of the injured to neighbouring ho spitals.\r\n The first responder should ensure victims remove all their clothes and leave them in the scene of a decontamination centre that may be established at close to the scene of hazard. Victims should flush their eyes with plenty of water and other body parts are decontaminated before leaving the scenes. Moreover, the contaminated individuals should be screened for any radiological material before leaving the scene to prevent barely contamination to other areas. People who are not contaminated should be stranded from those who are contaminated although through a screening confirmation. The process will prevent further spread of the radiological materials to other people thus reducing the do of the occurrence. The process can slow emergency response and transport of the victims for medical serve and emergency services should be referred to medical facilities without decontamination although handled with care to prevent further effects in case of inhalations. This is because, the processes of decontamination involve phases and in cases of mass victims, attending individual victims could delay the process as steps have to be followed. Therefore, although the process of decontamination should be the first step for emergency responders, it may not be good for ambulatory victims.\r\n What would be some of the long-term consequences of a huge radiological incident such as a radiological â€Å"dirty bomb†attack or nuclear spot plant meltdown? Would there likely be lingering health problems with the victims of such an incident? How could the affected areas be corned and brought back to normal? Provide a 1/2 to 1 page, sensation spaced response.\r\n Huge radiological incidents may affect the scenes in that the place may be alienated and people may be displaced or economic productiveness of the place lost. The huge radiological attacks are associated with many health problems (Kapur & Smith, 2011). The inhalations of radio-act ive materials can result in respiratory health problems that may affects lungs. Moreover, it can result in lungs crabby person. Gamma contacts on jumble may result in skin cancer to the victims. In addition, radioactive contact has been associated with increased levels of infertility in both men and women in long term. Defectives births can also be experienced by these victims to photograph of embryo or foetus to radiological materials during an attack. Other health problems that may annul due to radiological attacks include cataracts, skin deformities, and may also cause earliest deaths. One of the major complications with huge radiological attack as the one experienced in Chernobyl nuclear plant in1986 with fire-fighters was an penetrative radiation syndrome, (ARS). The syndrome was characterised by nausea, diarrhoea, and vomiting in addition to weight loss, infections, depletion of bone marrow, and haemorrhage (Kapur & Smith, 2011).\r\n The affected area could be recovered through decontamination process that may involve collecting of all the materials in the scenes either decontaminated on the scene or transported to a more secure place where they may be decontaminated. In addition, the place itself may be decontaminated through the use of commercial decontaminants such as Alcon ox or Sparkleen. Screening can thence be done to ensure that the area is free from radiological materials before people can resume their duties in the place. After, the area is free from all radiological materials, people can resume their work or if it was a residential area, people can start a fresh without any risk.\r\nReferences\r\nBennett, B. T. (2007). Understanding, assessing, and responding to terrorism: Protecting critical root word and personnel. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley-Interscience.\r\nClark, R. M., Hakim, S., & Ostfeld, A. (2011). Handbook of water and wastewater systems protection. New York: Springer.\r\nEnsor, M. O. (2009). The legacy of Hurricane Mi tch: Lessons from post-disaster reconstruction in Honduras. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.\r\nFradin, J. B., & Fradin, D. B. (2010). Hurricane Katrina. New York: marshal Cavendish Benchmark.\r\nGuha-Sapir, D., Vos, F., Below V., & Ponserre, S. (2012). Annual contingency Statistical Review 2011: The Numbers and Trends. total for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters\r\nHuber, C. (2014). Five of the crush natural disasters in 2013. New York: WorldVisionIssues in critical and emergency medicine. (2012). S.l.: Scholarly Editions.\r\nKapur, G. B., & Smith, J. P. (2011). Emergency public health: cooking and response. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.\r\nRamroth, W. G. (2007). prep for disaster: How natural and manmade disasters shape the construct environment. Chicago: Kaplan.\r\nUnited States $ Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA (2007). FEMA Flood and Wind Publications, and Training Courses. New York: FEMA\r\nSource document\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'How Will Science and Technology Change Our Lives Essay\r'
'The Contribution of India to the humans of experience & Technology dates back to antique times. India had the best of the scientists in different handle of comprehension and technology †mathematics, medicine, architecture, astronomy, geometry, chemistry, metallurgy, etc. Aryabhatta was a fifth century mathematician, astronomer, astrologer and physicist. He introduced the concept and symbol for Zero and the ten-fold place value system to the world of mathematics. Bhaskaracharya introduced Chakrawat manner or the Cyclic Method to solve algebraic equations. Kanad, a sixth century scientist developed the atomic surmisal which says that the material universe is make up of anu/atom, which cannot be further subdivided and they ar indiscrete and indestructible. This is what the modern atomic theory says. In the survey of medicine, India was a front runner.\r\nSusruta was a pi sensationer in the field of surgery. Charak, considered the commence of ancient Indian cogni zance of medicine, was the beginning to talk about digestion, metabolism and exemption as important for health and so medical wisdom. The wisdom of Yoga was developed in ancient India as an allied science of Ayurveda for healing without medicine. India was a pioneer in many technologies such as metallurgy (steel making, iron, zinc, tan etc) and Architecture. The findings in Moganjatharo civilisation stand tribute to this fact. The structures such as Iron mainstay in Delhi, Taj Mahal, Gol Gumbaz, Mahabalipuram, Tanjore Periya Kovil argon some examples of India’s supremacy in the Architecture. Science and raw India\r\nIndian scientists have played a stellar role in the phylogeny of India. In the short span of its post-independence narrative India has achieved several great scientific achievements. Indian scientists have proved their mettle in the face of international sanctions and have made India one of the scientific powerhouses of the world. Sir M. Visvesvaraya, Sir CV Raman, Jagadish Chandra Bose, Subramaniam Chandrasekar, Srinivasa Ramanujam, Homi Bhaba, Vikram Sarabhai are some of the names leading the clique of Indian scientists. How technology impacts volume’s life?\r\nTechnology affects raft’s lives by improving medicines, provides better intercession for diseases and insures a longer life. It improves transportation by helping people move from one corner of the world to other(a) in mins by using transportation service such as Airways, Railways, or counterbalance Bus Transportation. Modern Technology changed people’s lifestyle and the way they live. For example, presently it’s mathematical to surf cyberspace on TV, watch programs, pause give way TV, and even playback live shows. Internet surfboard is a technology revolution.\r\nBecause of that technology, a someone could know what is happening on the other side of the world. Due to Internet, it is now possible to say that the world is at your finge rtips. recent discoveries and scientific breakthroughs such as grab the DNA code and Mapping the Genome may completely change the way people look even before they are born. Diseases that are passed through generations, like diabetes, continuing diseases may be eliminated from the unborn child. What India should do?\r\nWhile India is uniquely positioned to use technology for progress, it has in the recent past lagged tail in the quality and spread of science research. The need for a strong science eco-system based on a get research foundation is the need of the hour for India to be practice a Global situation house. The key to continued success for India in a globalised knowledge-driven economy is building a higher education system that is superior(p) in quality and committed encouragement of relevant research in science and technology. To achieve this, the government, universities, companies, venture capitalists, and other stakeholders should come together to enable Researc h and learning to achieve superiority in the field of science and technology.\r\n'
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