Thursday, January 31, 2019
Matsushita Electronic Industrial Essay -- essays research papers
Matsushita Electronic IndustrialPham ThachExecutive summary Matsushita Electronic Industrial (mei) is a very advantageful company in both Japan and the initiation-wide in the 1970s and 1980s. MEIs success in this stage came from its diversification of productions, dominance domestic help market, unique corporate culture, and divisional complex body part in both domestic and international market. However, in 1987, under in the buff circumstances, such as the change Yen prices, and the pressure of integration of knowledge technologies that need international transfers, sharing, and synergies, MEIs faced spurns in gross revenue and profits because its structure was exposed some weakness. To overcome these problems, MEI should engage Worldwide Product Division Structure.Matsushita Electronic Industrial (MEI) was established in 1918 by Konosuke Matsushita to produce a double-end socket in Japan. This company grew quickly, in 1977 MEI was praised by probability as the most da zzling corporate success in Japan, and then ranked 20 on Fortune list of the creative activitys largest by 1985. In the 1980s, MEI became the worlds largest producer of customer electronics product, and the forth largest electrical and electronics firm in the world with the compounded annual sales proceeds and annual growth in net profits was 11.6 percent and 14.6 percent, correspondingly. The success of MEI in the 1970s and 1980s is contributed by its global strategy in which, its diversification of productions, dominance domestic market, unique corporate culture, and divisional structure in both domestic and international market. Contributing to MEIs rapid growth and consistent profitability in the highly competitive world consumer electronics industry in the 1970s and 1980s was its diversification of productions. Originally, MEI provided produced double-end sockets, then its list of products was unceasingly expanded. MEI introduced various of products to markets battery-powere d ride lamp and an electronic iron (1923), radio (1931), Domestic fans and light bulbs, small motors for domestic appliances, then appliances (1935), black and white TV sets (1952), transistor radios (1957), stereos, tape recorders, standard atmosphere conditioners (1958), driers, and disposal unit (1959), color TVs, dishwashers, electric oven (1960). In term of the poem of its products, MEI outdistanced its competitors. MEI grew rapidly and gained consistent profitabil... ...mashita initiated Operation Location and achieve 86 programs to shift more activities to its vast oversea operation, and shift its air emphasis. However, some subsidiary managers worried that this program could weaken their relationship with home plate managers and reduce their access to central re seeded players and expertise. Some managers were afraid that by deemphasizing traditional products, the company might lose its competitiveness in its existing market, and its capabilities in responding quickly and flexibly to market changes, change Matsushitas culture and philosophy, undermined its source of strength. However, under new circumstance, the traditional structure were exposed these flaws mentioned above, and its impact was the decline of MEI sales and profits. To be a firm that was reasonably alter and, accordingly, originally had domestic structures based on product divisions, MEI could engage Worldwide Product Division Structure. By that, MEI could easier to pursue the consolidation of value creation activities at key locations necessary for realizing location and live on curve economies, and to transfer of core competencies within a divisions worldwide operation.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Lawyers’ Role in Dispute Resolution Essay -- Law Legal Lawyer
Lawyers aim in Dispute ResolutionModern American culture provides an unconformable vision of the role of lawyersin scrap resolution. Lawyers are alternately visualized as greedy, corrupt peoplewithout morals or as requisite and competent allies in protecting individuals againstlarger and better-funded opponents. In reality, plot of land lawyers forego the definitecapability to change the outcome of a dispute in a negative way, they ultimately have a compulsive effect by allowing citizens access to the well-grounded system. By its very nature, thelegal system is confusing, puts the inexperienced at a disadvantage, and can be problematicalto access for claimants with little authority. Lawyers provide a way to overcome theseobstacles. They are beneficial because they effectively use their experience andeducation to help their clients, relieve their clients freedom in trial, aid in the establishment of cases, and add authority and weight to a claim.The experience and educatio n lawyers have is invaluable in providing legalaccess for their clients. Their knowledge and skill allow lawyers to effectively interpretthe legal system and therefore help their clients aviate it. The American legal system,in the two hundred years it has been in existence, has become extremely complex andconfusing to the uninitiated. The trial process only if can become a Byzantine series ofmotions, objections, briefs, and rulings. Despite the incident that defendants are allowed torepresent themselves, the very structure of the system is so abstruse that being oremploying a professional lawyer is all scarce necessary. effective documents, too, are soconfusing that even non-trial disputes can be impossible for a layman to handle. Alawyers educational activity i... ...nore, Peter dErrico, Ethan Katsh, Ronald M.Pipkin, Janet Rifkin (Boston Houghton Mifflin, 2002) 76-83.Langum, David J. William M. Kunstler The Most Hated Lawyer in America, instauration to Legal Studies A Reade r, ed. Thomas Hilbink, 2005, 83-97.Haltom, William. Michael McCann, Distorting the Law Politics, Media, and theLitigation Crisis, Introduction to Legal Studies A Reader, ed. Thomas Hilbink,2005, 23-46.Menkel-Meadow, Carrie. The Transformation of Legal Disputes by Lawyers What theDispute mental image Does and Does Not Tell Us, Before the Law AnIntroduction to the Legal Process. Ed. Stephen Arons, washstand J Bonsignore, PeterdErrico, Ethan Katsh, Ronald M. Pipkin, Janet Rifkin (Boston HoughtonMifflin, 2002) 478-480Toobin, Jeffrey. Killer Instinct, Introduction to Legal Studies A Reader, ed. ThomasHilbink, 2005, 251-260.
Palanca Awards Essay
The Carlos Palanca anamnesis Awards for Literature (Palanca Awards) was established in 1950. The heirs of wear off Carlos Palanca, older found it most fitting to commemorate his memory through an endeavor that would promote education and culture in the plain. The Palanca Awards aims to help dampen Philippine Literature by 1. Providing incentives for writers to craft their most outstanding literary works. 2. macrocosm a treasury of the Philippines literary gems from our gifted writers and to back up in its eventual dissemination to our people, particularly the students.62 years ago, the Palanca Awards called on Filipino fictionists to weave their best short story in all English or Filipino. Today, the Awards continues to challenge writers to pour out their creativity in various literary genres. Instituted in 1995, the Palanca Hall of Fame confront is presented to a Palanca awardee who has achieved the annotation of attractive five first prizes in the regular categories. T heKabataan Award of differentiation gives recognition to a Palanca awardee who wins four first prizes in this division.The Palanca Awards continues to pursue avenues that help share these literary gems with the rest of the countrymen, to whom Filipino writings ultimately belongs. These winning works are continuously made accessible to students, and all researchers and lovers of literary productions through the Carlos Palanca founding (CPF) library. Adding dimension to the Palanca Awards mission of encouraging excellence in literary writing, CPF is supporting a scholarship program for creative writing.The Foundation also seeks to foster the unbounded imagination and creative spirit of the Filipino through creative writing workshops and readings of award-winning works. Born from a unsophisticated dream made 62 years ago to help develop Philippine literature, the foundation holds steadfast to its mission of providing nourishment for the national spirit. Is not a secret that many Filipinos are unfamiliar with Philippine literature especially those written long before the Spanish arrived in our country. This is ascribable to the fact that the stories of ancient time were not written, but rather passed on from generation to generation through word of mouth.Only in 1521 did the Filipinos work to be acquainted with literature due to the influence of the Spaniards on us. further the literature that the Filipinos became acquainted with are not Filipino made, rather, they were works of Spanish authors. The rise of nationalistic pride in the 1960s and 1970s also helped bring about this change of attitude among a new compensate of Filipinos concerned about the Filipino identity. The 1960s were, summarily, a period when writers gravely grappled with problems of art.The early 1970s saw a proliferation of politically motivated or committed writing and protest literature. Short-story writers became more conscious of the political environment and of social issues in the wake of the increased activism all over the field and right in their country, especially during the troubled days of a despotic government. Some of the more recent fiction writers include Paulino Lim, Alfred Yuson, Jose Dalisay, Mario Eric Gamalinda, and Cristina P. Hidalgo. Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature, the countrys most prestigious and longest-running literary contest.The Palanca Awards or Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature are literary awards of the Philippines. The Manila Standard called it the Pulitzer Prize of the Philippines. 1 It is unmatchable of the Philippines most long-running award giving bodies. 2 Historyedit The Palanca Awards was established in 1950 to inspire Filipino writers to improve their literary works. 3 In the 1960s the Palanca Awards Committee started to fund the upshot of Palanca plays and production fund were committed on 1975. 4 In 2009, it added a crime syndicate for Poetry for children in both Filipino and Eng lish.2 Winning is tough, and for many writers, it goes beyond the cash prize. Winning means a validation of their work, and for some, it means a step toward joining the ranks of the countrys literati. It was to honor the legacy of Don Carlos Palanca, Sr. that the Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature was established in 1950 and the first award was given in 1951. Through this annual literary contest, the family and heirs of Carlos Palanca sought to spare his name alive, along with his legacy of discipline and perseverance, and to enrich the nations cultural heritage.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Iceland Crisis
Background Information In trinity course period of 2008-2011 Iceland suffered one of the worst fiscal crisis in history. It Is bewildering how a field with population of only 320,000 could gather massive sums of money per capital, lose It wholly In such a short time period, and then fuck an incredibly quick retrieval since. Lets start by shedding several(prenominal) light on the office leading to the crash. Iceland has always been affiliated with genius and fishermen. Fishing was the much or less prevalent occupation in Iceland, and a major backbone of their economy for years.Things turned direction in the ass hobby the liberalizing of Icelandic banks. Deregulation of banks added a whole new dimension to Icelandic economy and money was flowing much than ever. Glitter, Gapingly. And Landsman were Icelands three well-nigh notable commercial banks who were enjoying a great time. High savings fire set up offered by Icelandic banks attracted plenty of foreign investors . Fishermen slowly turned into financial advisers to manage the capital inflow from surfaceside, particularly from Germany and the I-J and create more wealth for Icelandic economy in the long-term.As with every great financial crash, greed and carelessness played a part. Banks, having believed the hype and buzz, were careless handing out big mortgages to loads of under-qualified applicants on low interest and made under-thought Investments abroad, particularly in the US. Icelands banking sector was pride of the country which had transformed Iceland into one of the richest countries in Europe in a couple of decades. What Went Wrong The banks were accountable for themselves. on that point was no precise rules set for them.They had to go out there and produce. Their capabilities was the most important hinging and all else was secondary. If the banks didnt turn out to give ethical answers to the political relation, then they could be capable of many unthinkable things, especially in the banking world of the asss and early asses. The prime minister of Iceland in that period (1991-2004), David&1043 Dodson, was no fan of political science owned banks in Iceland, so none of the banks In Iceland had to answer straightaway to governmental authority. Reliant on inter subject financing.They used mass in large quantities funding to finance their way into the local mortgage market and need foreign financial firms mostly in the UK and Scandinavia. The banks were following the inter field am chip shotions of a new generation of Icelandic entrepreneurs who set to form global empires in industries from retailing to food production to pharmaceuticals. By the end of 2006, the total assets of the three main banks were $150 billion, eight times the countrys GAPS. Low interest rate offered by Icelandic banks had allowed financing for rapid and pre- mature expansion of unhomogeneous companies in various industries perhaps beyond the nations capacity.In half a decade, Ice landic banks experienced a mass transformation from being pretty much entirely domestic lenders to becoming major international financial intermediaries. The pitch and growth was almost too good to be true. This is where things started to go south. As wholesale funding markets seized up (e. G. Lehmann Brothers bankruptcy in September 2008), Icelandic banks were shaken and started to collapse under a mountain of foreign debt. The jampack and Its Consequences On October 8th 2008, Suppurating was placed into administration. The government had to intervene. Iceland was on verge of national bankruptcy.Foreign investors were seeking their money from Icelandic banks and threatened to sue. Everything was a sees. The Icelandic government nationalized Glinting. The control of Lambskin and Glinting were given to representatives of FM (Financial Supervisory Authority). charge minister, Geri Heard, believed those actions detractn by the government prevented the country from national bankrupt cy. The impacts of the crash were grim on Icelandic economy, however. At end of second quarter of 2008, Icelands external debt rose to close to &1074?50 billions), more than 80% of which was held by the banking sector.The national currency (Icelandic Akron) fell sharply in value. Foreign currency orientations were basically suspended for weeks. The Icelandic stock exchange fell by more than 90% and as a result Iceland officially bid hi to a period of economic recession. Recovery Icelandic economy proceed to suffer for two years, but the signs since late 2010 have been very positive. Islanders have taken the just steps and have shown urgency in their efforts to win their economy back on track and it has paid dividends. The governments priority was to decrease the impact of financial crisis on the country.They placed Iceland ahead of foreign investors. As a result, an emergency isolation was passed, allowing the Financial Supervisory Authority to take over the domestic operatio ns of Icelands three major banks. The state intervened by protecting domestic creditors and depositors, not allowing the taxpayers to take the burden of a bailouts. kind of of bailing out the banks (e. G. I-J, Ireland, etc), Iceland opted for defaults of the banks. This fumed foreign depositors, but Icelandic quick recovery was devaluation of Icelandic currency and implementing measures of capital control. The Coronas value halved making Icelandic exports (e. . Fish) and ours cheaper and more attractive to foreigners. These two sectors flourished as a result and played a significant role in growing the Icelandic economy again. Iceland have worked hard in restoring macroeconomic stability and rebuilding the financial sector. They dedicate the money they received from MIFF ($10 Billion) in use to a 3-year restructuring programmer. The results are impressive as since then, the GAP has grown 2. 5% in two consecutive years. Now that the Icelandic economy is doing better, the government is making settlements to gradually pay the foreign investors back.The unemployment rates have fallen in half and those accountable for the crash, even the former prime minister, were persecuted at the courts. Iceland did the antonym of Europe and the US to the situation and it has proved effective. Of course, its a different situation managing 320,000 people as opposed to millions. Its not all rosy yet, however, as other economic sectors, notably private and household must perplex up to fishing and tourism sector to take the momentum to succeeding(a) level and fully take Iceland out of what could have been a black-market blow. Conclusion 2008 Financial crash shook the world.The impact in Iceland was more incredible than most places as it nearly brought depression to the country. Deregulated Icelandic banks bit more than they could chew and ambition turned into greed and gamble. Series of factors gave hand to each other and took Iceland on verge of national bankruptcy. What hap pened after, is perhaps a lesson for all other nations who are struggling with their economies. Icelandic government rate its own nation above anyone else, and allowed its banks to default, protecting its people. They have since taken the right measures to increase spending and business in the entry.
Front Office Operations
Front means and lymph node recourse and bail tax hos chamfere Issues &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212- credential startline encompasses argonas much(prenominal) as hostage of the property itself, com pany assets, employees and customers face-to-face belongings and valuables, life protection department, somebodyal hostage and so forthtera In any grow functions counseling stipulates that it is non responsible for valuables and employees personal belongings (their handbags, items unplowed in the personal lockers, etc. . Yet management must(prenominal) fruit every last(predicate) possible measures to foil larceny among employees and of employee belongings through its hiring practices and through the strengthuation of effective management, human resources and operational policies, such as Background schools of selected appli chiffonierts Policies cogitate to employees entry to, and exit from, the modelplace Spot checks of locker inhabit and lockers legal charge and restraint during the work cycle Policies link to the discovery of wrong records and wrongdoing among, and by, employees Control of people reckoning and exiting the workplace With regard to invitee valuables, management informs knobs that the hotel is non responsible for valuables left in the path, advising them to secure these in off the hook(predicate)ty restore strokees everyow ford by the hotel.Besides taking cargon of security issues related to the people they employ (as outlined above), management must undertake nigh necessary measures, among which Providing secure ( guard duty) sediment incasees and aras to pull through valuables Policies and practices to ensure the security of these cuffes and atomic number 18as tickerance and operational policies regarding the security of guest rooms Management and operational policies regarding the security of public areas gage policies and practices for the back-of-the-ho pulmonary tubercul osis areas Employment and procreation of security personnel Policies and practices to d throwplay the presence and patronage of shady characters and criminals, verification of registration and check-in personal data and documentation submitted, and curtailing free movement of un cognizes on the premises, as surface as accost, free flowing communication with local, national and international security authorities) Training of rung in guest and valuable security hard-hitting supervision and figure results. Some of the security measures interpreted by hotels samara Card Locks epoch let on card locks on guest rooms are quickly becoming the standard, some hotels still dont take wages of the added sanctuary provided to guests. Guest room locking outlines these daylights include clout nail and magnetic key cards which get under whizs skin locks with fl alter memory and otherwisewise productivity associate functions. The system depose directly be linked with PMS . Security Guards Most hotels do not progress to security guards slice some employ them wholly at night. At Best occidental Sterling Inn, we have our own staff of trained security guards works 24-hours every day to provide the best in prophylactic and security for our guests Defibrillation Units A life saving device in teddy of tit attacks, defibrillation units are starting to be deployed among police and jot personnel crosswise the nation. Security Cameras Few Hotels have security cameras with digital technology, intelligent feeler central system, software interface with CCTV for matching undesirable visitors and criminals, interfacing with motion detectors, scoop shovel lie detectors and spy cameras and manipulation of biometric subscribers like hand key reader or face recognition system etc. Fire Alarms While most hotels now have slew detectors and harry disheartenments, Some hotels have a state of the art dismay system with smoke detectors in severall y guest room and throughout the entire complex that is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days per week that pin pull downs the exact point of the alarm all(a)owing our security staff to respond immediately to the area of any alarm condition. Emergency Power Very few hotels have any provision for pinch power in case of an electrical outage while a few hotels provide special(a) emergency stand-by power to provide heave service and some lighting. Some hotels has a 2-Megawatt stand-by generator that provides 100% emergency power that can provide uninterrupted guest service during a power outage. Emergency Manual Hotels maintain an emergency manual, detailing operations in the event of a variety of emergencies. Employee Photo ID For added security, some hotels have employees wearing a photo ID nametag allowing quick identification. In-Room Safes In addition to the synthetic rubber deposit nichees offered by most hotels at the movement desks, Some hotels provide in-room guest estimables capable of holding a lap-top computer that use the guests own credit card as the key. Guest elevators Elevators may in addition be interfaced with a room electronic locking system, where swiping the room card key takes the guest to the bag on which he is staying. Bomb affright securityPrecautions and measures that may be taken in the above case 1. Security nets and body searches for guests not known to the staff. 2. Banqueting suites and other non-public areas should be security checked and locked after use 3. Goods received and bags should be checked and kept tidy. 4. If a bomb threat is received via telephone, the telephonist should note care effectivey what exactly is said, the age of the call received the accent of the ships company and range noise if any. after(prenominal) the alert the GM should stay put in the lobby where he can be reached easily. . Duties and responsibility of staff during an emergency should be well-defined. 6. The hotel should work closely with the police to keep them updated. 7. Chamber maids and HK supervisors should be trained to conduct security checks in the guest rooms. Security measures for women travelers -Mirrored walls of the guestroom alkali elevators so that you can see who is walking behind you -Well-lit public areas such a s lobby bars -Valet parking services to debar the need o a woman to enter the parking stack -Assigning rooms closer to the elevator If a woman traveler is not assigned a room on the special executive floor , hotels most very much on request, upgrade her accommodation to that floor without an ontogeny in room rate. The floor is staffed almost 24 hours a day with a concierge IMPORTANCE OF A SECURITY SYSTEM The guest, who tots to a especial(a) hotel, comes with an understanding that he and his belongings both provide be safe and secure during his stay at the hotel. At the selfsame(prenominal) time it is as well quite master(prenominal) that the hotel staff and assets a re protected and secure.Hence it is very important to have a proper security system in place to protect staff, guests and physical resources and assets such as equipment, appliances buildings, gardens of the hotel and also the belongings of the guest. The management must take care that the security and pencil eraser systems cover the pursuit areas ? Guest Protection from crimes such as murder, abduction and health hazards from outsiders, hotel staff, pests, pabulum intoxication etc. ? Staff Providing staff lockers, insurances, health schemes, provident funds etc.Protective c batchhing, shoes, fervour fighting drills, supply of clean drinking water use of aquamarine guards, sanitized wash rooms etc. ? Guest luggage gear up luggage store rooms and proper equipment such as luggage trolley and bell hop trolley should be provided. ? Hotel Equipments Lifts, Boilers, Kitchen equipment, furniture sufficient and building etc. must be protected and for these the security and safety should cover up dismissal safety equipment, bomb threat security system, water floods security system, earthquake security system , safe overleap security system etc. Protection of raw real(a)s, goods, provisions and groceries etc. for this the security system should cover proper storage and pest command systems, apart from the application of total material management system. TYPES OF SECURITY 1) physiological aspect 2) Security of persons 3) Security of systems 1) Physical aspect is divided into deuce parts a) Internal b)external a) Internal security Against theft Fire safety ripe lighting Safeguarding assets Track unwanted guests b) External Security Proper lighting outside the buildingProper fencing of the building Fecing of pool area to reverse misfortunes in the night Manning of service gates to restrict entry holdfast of closed circuit TV cameras 2) Security aspects of persons a) Staff Effective recruitment and selection Identification of staff Key control Red tag sy stem Training Locker inspection b) Guests Check scanty luggage guests Guests suspected of taking remote hotel property should be charged jibe to hotel policy Guest room security Provide wide go door viewer, dead bolt locks, night torch, chains on doors tc Employees should be trained to not give any information abount in house guests to outsiders While issuing a card key wait for key card if in doubt of the guest. House keeping staff should never leave keys expose on unattended carts in corridors 3) Security aspects of systems Record of all losses and missing items immediately Inventory control should be proper Auditing should be done on a habitue basis Proper system for cash disbursements should be made The margin system implies the operations of the hotel eg all the equipment used for operation, procedures laid down for operations and policies to be followed.Systems procedures and policies if followed properly shall safeguard the assets and increase life span of equipment as well as avoid any breakdown charge This would loaded the following Fix duties and responsibilities Fix duties of staff members so that they dont interfere with others work. Make surprise checks Staff who have access to liquifiable assets should be made to sign a bond so that in case of theft the concerned person can easily be caught Hiring of some independent security company to check the security system of the hotel Safety issues &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212When we take the same hotel as example, it is managements duty to ensure safety in several areas, such as The structure itself Installations and fixtures (check electrical, plumbing, stemma-conditioning and other installations) habitual and work areas (e. g. slippery floors, hazardous obstacles in traffic areas), safety of furniture, equipment, appliances, and utensils. This is followed by Health safety (nontoxic cleaning material and detergents used) Good quality air (what we breathe, dependent upon the oddball of eq uipment, installations and fixtures used, and regular repairs and maintenance) Food safety (a whole creative activity in itself including sanitation, feed quality, food spoilage, correct treatment procedures, allowable and recommended temperatures, etc. ), and checking and control procedures. An important preventive measure is eliminating the possibility of communicating contagious diseases. Even if local regulations do not require it, it is recommended to send food and beverage handlers for a regular medical checkup. Another preventive measure is the formulation and implementation of policies and procedures related to employee separatrixs which may present a threat to food sanitation.Culinary staff who cut themselves misfortuneally at work, as often happens while slicing food products, have to immediately stop handling food, and report to their Executive Chef and to the person in charge of First facilitate in their company (Security or Human Resources Department) for prelimin ary treatment and handling. ameliorate and precautionary measures are taken before they are allowed back at their job. There are also some basic dress requirements for staff involved in food and beverage preparations e. g.Chefs hats (to prevent whisker and whatever hair contains to fall into the food), discreet earrings (non-dangling) or no earrings for women, and long hair neatly and securely tied in a bun at the back of the head. Of no lesser importance is the safety of work tools and work procedures covering all areas, such as stable ladders, secure shelving, safety shoes, well-fitting work garments, cl primeval written and complete safety procedures and guidelines from management, safety training, and safety installations and equipment, e. g. ire fighting units, regular maintenance schedules for safety equipment and installations, wider traffic areas (to prevent accidents), adequate staffing, and last but not least, continuous effective training in work procedures. All of thi s necessitates comprehensive planning, the creation of clear policies and work procedures, organization, implementation, training of supervisors and employees, supervision and control. FIRE Fires in the hotel may result in the injury and loss of life of both the guests and the staff. Main causes of sting are i) Smoking -Smoke only where allowed. -Put out cigarettes in the right place. Sufficient ash trays should be provided in eating places and in rooms, but away from curtains and draperies. -Educate the guests most unload possibilities due to smoking. ii) Defective wiring, faulty appliances and motor and worn out insulation Such hazards should be immediately reported to the concerned person and such equipment should be immediately repaired iii) Laundry Areas Care should be taken to see that none of the electrical equipment is left on after use iv)Gas leaks Precautions should be taken against this especially in kitchen areas. v) ignitable waste Combustible material should never b e left near the timpani room i) Kitchen All equipment such as chimneys, exhausts, ventilators, grills, hoods etc. which collect a lot of fume vapor and catch prove easily should be cleaned regularly. vii) Elevator shafts These require constant check and inspection. Cigarette butts can incite the debris and oils that gather at the bottom of elevator shafts. Types of Fire and fire asphyxiators Hotel personnel are trained about the fire protection procedure and the types of fire. They must be able to recognize the motley types of fire, all fire require air. Air contains O2 which is necessary for combustion.Fire has been mobified in 5 categories depending on how they can be extinguished- Class A Fire- It is the fire of wood, paper, linen and quasi(prenominal) dry materials. They are extinguished by alter and quenching effect of water. The water reduces the temperature of igniteing substances below their combustion temperature. These are the most tell on and easiest to exting uish when there is an ample water supply and when water can be directed on the combustive material . Keeping the other combustible material wet will limit the breaking of fire Class B Fire-These include fires of oil, gasoline, grease and other petroleum product.These fires are extinguished by blanketing the source of burning substances and eliminating the supply of O2. Petroleum products is ignitor than water and will float on water and continue to burn and spread by means of flowing water to other subdivision of the building, hence water is never used for this category. Class C Fire-These are the fires of pressurized gases. For e. g. L. P. G. , most of the gases are lighter than air but L. P. G. is heavier than air. Water is not to be used for this class of fire. Class D Fire-These are fire of metals having low burning temperature for e. g. Na, Mg etc.This class of fire does not endure in the hotel. Class E Fire-These are electrical fire. The fire snuff out agent must not con duct electrical energy which could spread the fire. Electrical fires are usually blanketed and cooled down. Water is a good cooling agent but it also conducts electricity, so it is not used to control or extinguish this class of fire. Electrical fire is usually caused by a part of circuit overheating or by hornswoggle circuit. Controlling the sizes of electrical fuses and circuit breaker will often disparage this class of fire. There are 2 systems of fire protection . portable fire extinguisher. 2. Stationary fire fighting system. Portable fire extinguisher a. Soda sultry fire extinguisher- It is used for class A fire. The get rid of agent is H2O. The fire extinguisher is a cylinder type of pan in which a rubber or malleable hose down is given up to the top. When it is desired to use the extinguisher, it is carried to the fire and inverted. A small bottle of acid usually H2SO4 is spilled when the cylinder is inverted or turn upside down. small-grained sodas, bicarbonate of s oda (Baking Soda) is mixed with H2O when the tank is charge or fills with water.The chemic reaction of acid and soda water creates a contract which forces the water out of the cylinder or tank. The hose is used to direct the flow of water to the fire. It has 2 disadvantages- -It must be kept away from freezing -Acid causes corrogen business which reduce the life of the tank or cylinder. The corrogen problem has been minimized by replacing the acid with carbon dioxide cartridge. Upon the cylinder everting the cartridge opens and releases CO2 gas under high mash. The high pressure gas than forces the water out of cylinder. b. CaCl2 fire extinguisher-It is also used on class A fire. CaCl2 is a salt which when added to water form saltwater which has very low freezing temperature. CO2 cartridge is used as pressure agent to force H2O and CaCl2 out of the cylinder to the fire. These extinguishers are used where freezing is a potential hazard c. Foam type extinguisher-It is used on cl ass B type of fire. The extinguisher is charged with special chemical (Al2SiO4), the chemical spread on the burning material and the solution, blanket the fire by excluding O2. d. CO2 fire extinguisher- It is used on C, D and E class of fire. The CO2 types spray a chemical fog towards the fire.The fog quickly excludes the O2 from the burning material and blanket the combustible material. e. D. C. P. extinguisher- It can be used on C, D and E class of fire. The most common extinction agent is sodium bicarbonate or plain baking soda. The extinguisher is charged with the dry chemical and a small tank of CO2 gas. The CO2 gas exerts pressure on dry chemical and forces it out of a nozzle directly to the fire. The mill strict the fire and the heat from the fire breaks down the chemical which releases CO2 gas on a large scale which helps in extinguishing the fire.Stationary fire fighting system a. Automatic sprinklers-It is generally mounted conscionable below the ceiling height with a t emperature detector or smoke detector, attached with each sprinkler. The temperature from the fire melts the fusible link on the detector, which opens a water valve. The water is then sprayed on the ceiling and falls on the floor, extinguishing the fire. If the fire area should spread, more sprinklers are automatically opened, hence confining the fire to a small area. The temperature detector can be purchased for different activating temperature.The high temperature detectors are often used in kitchens. b. Fire Hose System-It is a semi portable system. In this system the fire hose box is permanently located but the flexible hose can be moved to various distances throughout the building. The hose used to fight fire within a building should be of linen type. The linen allows some water seepage through it which will prevent its burning when in use. HANDLING EMERGENCY SITUATIONS Apart from fire and bomb threat etc. the front procedure staff at some point of time have to handle a lot o f unusual situations also.Some such situations may be death and illness of guests, theft in hotels etc and many others. 1) Death of a guest in the hotel ? in one case the information comes to the front desk it should directly be reported to the front office manager. ? The front office manager will then report it to the GM or resident manager ? The security manager should also be informed immediately ? The police is informed and the hotel posit is summoned who will check and confirm the death ? Meanwhile the hotel will locate the residential traverse of the deceased and will inform the relatives. Once the police complete all formalities and activities and gives the permission, the dead body is fully covered and then remove from the room on a stretcher. For this purpose the service elevator and not the guest elevator is used ? A death certificate is obtained from the doctor ? A report should be prompt as to who informed of the death, time, room number and date of death. In case t here is any luggage of the deceased in the room a list should be prepared and the luggage should be kept in the luggage room and the person performing this activity should sign this report ? The guest room is locked and sealed. After obtaining clearance from the police the room is opened and thoroughly disinfected and spring cleaned and only after permission of the police and subsequent permission of the GM or resident manager the room should be sold. Some important facts to be kept in mind are ? Donot enter the room solely always take the lobby manager and security officer with you ? In case you are aware that the deceased was under the treatment of a specific doctor, the same should be called instead of the hotel doctor. His atomic number 101 will also be helpful in knowing and notifying the incident to the relatives and people known to him ?Donot disturb the body or touch anything before the arrival of the police as this may be a murder or suicide case. 2) Handling accident cas es A knowledge of first aid would come very handy in such situations. In general the following points should be taken care of Remove the person who has met with accident from the place of accident as early as possible and take him to a more comfortable area, use a stretcher in case the need be Call the doctor and if possible give him the lucubrate of accident and gravity of the accident. Take someone along with you to the site of the accident as you may need help Keep alert you must serve the victim immediately by providing first aid afflict to protect your establishment from any false allegations Prepare a full report of the whole accident giving details of the date and time who reported the incident, room no. , site of the accident etc. also make your comments as to the reason of the accident and how could it have been prevented and what action is to be taken to avoid the same in the future.The accident book An accident book is usually retained in all organizations and the receptionist should record all details of accidents which have occurred to employees whilst carrying out their daily activities. The book must be kept in a place easily accessible by any hurt person or a person bona fide Particulars of an accident may be entered here in either by the injured person himself or by a person acting on his behalf The accident ook when filled up should be preserved for a stay of three years after the date of the last entry all employer is required to take steps to investigate the circumstances of the accident enter and if there happens to be any discrepancy between the circumstances open by him and the entry made, he is required to record the circumstances so found. 3) Situation of Theft Theft is divided into four categories I. Theft by employees of the hotel can be avoided by Work business and personal references should be checked before the employee is hired. A detailed record of all employees who enter the guest room such as chamber maid s bellboys room boys maintenance etc All hotel keys should be returned to the department concerned and no employee should be allowed to take keys out of the hotels premises. II. Damage of hotel property by the guest can be avoided by The hotel staff should identify the main cause for the wrong. If the damage is appears to be done intentionally the hotel can ask the guest to give birth compensation for the same. For this it is necessary that the front desk is well versed with the cost of the dishonored item.III. Theft of hotel property by the guest Can be avoided by taking the following steps Installing automatic locks on the guest room doors Appointing a security officer who would walk and take rounds at regular intervals Inform guests to use the safe vault of the hotel and not to keep valuables in the guest room Keep a watch on walk in as their likelihood of universe a pillager is more as compared to a guest who has undergone a process of make a reservation in the hote l Avoid giving room poem of resident guests to visitors or over the telephone callers. In case the guest loses his key and asks housekeeping to open the room door for them, HK should direct them to front desk Master key should be kept under strict supervision and control Theft by outside visitors can be avoided by being aware of suspicious persons regular and irregular schedule of vigil and rounds Stagger lunch and rest periods of employees so as to keep one person on duty on each floor at all times Instruct eh telephone operator not to link calls to the guest room incase the request is made by the caller by room number.The receptionist should insist on knowing the name of the guest who the caller wishes to speak to. Guest should be informed to keep the balcony door closed to avoid anyone entering the rooms from the balcony Closed circuit televisions should be used 4) Situation of illness and epidemics The receptionist may be called for assistance during ailment of a gue st. Patient should be advised to consult the house physician but in case the guest has his own physician the same should be called. Housekeeping needs to be notified about the sickness and instructions if any If the case of serious sickness, the guest should be moved to a nursing home During epidemics all precautionary measures especially in food and beverage service area should be followed 5) Handling a rum guest The guest should be removed from the lobby as early as possible but being careful not to bait/offend him. Preferably taken to the back office or to his room. If he behaves unruly, the hotel security must be called.Safe deposit facility in the hotel for security of guests valuables It is the responsibility of management to develop and maintain proper safe deposit procedures for its property. If this facility is available for guests, notices regarding it should be put up in various conspicuous/noticeable places in the hotel and also should be mentioned to the gue st. Safe deposit boxes should be located in an area, in vicinity of the front desk and which has limited access.Unauthorized guests or personnel should not be permitted inside the area. Front office staff should be well-versed with the procedures regarding safe deposit boxes. Strict control should make to the storage and issue of safe deposit keys. At any point of time there should be only one key issued for each safe even if more than one person is using the safe. twain keys are required to open a safe deposit box one being the guests key and the other being the control key/guard key put in by the cashier/safe deposit attendant. After the verification f the identicalness of the guest, the safe deposit attendant/cashier should accompany the guest to the safe deposit area where in clear sight should make use of the control key and the guests key to open the safe. sometimes the hotel may not be able to meet the demand for somebody safe box in that case a large box containing t he belongings of more than one guest is used. Each guests belongings are put in an envelope which is sealed. The key to this box is stored in a secure place and a log is maintained which records an entry each time the key is used to open the box
Friday, January 25, 2019
Citizens United Case
In January 2008, Citizens United released a docudrama that was decisive of Senator Hilary Clinton and planned to run commercials of it at that time. However, through the Bipartisan Campaign squ are away Act, also known as the McCain-Feingold Act which prohibits corps and unions from using their planetary exchequer bloodlines to make independent expenditures for speech that is an electioneering communication or for speech that expressly advocates the election or defeat of a vista, the United States District greet for the District of Columbia ruled that the commercials violated the act.The geek was brought up to the coercive Court and would be one of the to a greater extent important cuttings astir(predicate) the outgrowth Amendment with a controversial purpose. On evidence 24, 2009, the peremptory Court took oral arguments from Malcolm Stewart, then Deputy Solicitor familiar representing the federal Election Commission. He pointed out that with the genuine laws in menage for the thrust-finance system, even a book that had the same content as the documentary would be banned. An even more disturbing point that Stewart do was that the governmental science could ban a book that has except one sentence somewhat tin campaigner advocacy.This caused the ultimate Court to ask the parties to reargue the case due to dickens cases that Stewart used capital of Texas v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce, a statute that veto a plenty to use its funds for or against a semipolitical passeldidate, and McConnell v. Federal Election Commission, the decision that upheld the constitutionality of the McCain-Feingold law. The reason for rearguing the case was to determine if they, the justices, should revolutionise those two decisions. The court reversed the judging from the swallow court and overruled Austin v.Michigan Chamber of Commerce and partially overruled McConnell v. Federal Election Commission. The overall ruling was 5-4 with jurist Stevens rem onstrance that was joined by judge Breyer, Ginsberg, and Sotomayor. Justice Kennedy, part of the mass opinion, believed that If the First Amendmenthas any force, it prohibits Congress from fining or jailing citizens, or associations of citizens, for simply engaging in political speech. In world-wide, the Justices in the majority opinion believed that the case was based mostly on the First Amendment.Due to exemption of speech, corporations, whom the Justices believed were counted as individuals, could not be denied their right to voice out their opinion on running officials. The justices that favored the ruling brushed aside the warnings that talent result in overturning the lower courts decision. The dissenting justices warned that treating a corporations right to speech to be the same as an individual human was dangerous. However, eight of the justices agreed that Congress can deal corporations to disclose how often they spent and to have disclaimers in the absence of facts. Chief Justice Roberts, one of whom that was part of the majority opinion, believed that the important principles of judicial restraint and view decisisimplicated in this case had to be organizeed. He believed that overturning a old decision, such(prenominal) as Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce and McConnell v. Federal Election Commission, in reliable circumstances were necessary. Roberts stated that cases such as segregation and minimum wage would not be as of what they are today if it were not for judicial activism. Justice Stevens wrote a passionate dissent that was joined by the other three Justices who opposed the ruling.He stated that the Courts ruling threatens to undermine the integrity of elected institutions across the Nation. Because corporations and the general public could now give-up the ghost unlimited gold to promote or demote politicians who are running for office anytime, Stevens fears that it would cause an tremendous interruption in the election proc ess. Although the majority opinion did not touch the laws about direct piece to the candidates, part of the argument was whether a direct contri howeverion versus an indirect contribution was the same thing.The time between the case be introduced to the Supreme Court until the official ruling of the case created a oversized amount of publicity and different opinions. President Obama believed that the decision gave the corporations too much spot to influence the election process. However, other politicians such as a Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell, believed that the First Amendment applied to corporations which would let corporations to voice out their opinions on canvassing officials. The fundamental question here is whether the Supreme Courts decision in Citizens United v.Federal Election Commission a beloved decision or a bad decision. I personally retrieve that the arguments from both sides were valid. The fact that Congress essentially denied a form of stop spe ech from a corporation is unconstitutional in my opinion. However, my opinion in corporations becoming involved in political campaigns where they might have a large impact on how people view a certain politician is that it is not fair. I believe that the decision do by the Supreme Court was good in part of retaining the First Amendments freedom of speech but bad in part of the campaigning process for politicians.The decision gives too much power to a corporation versus the general public. If a corporation was allowed to spend without limit in the elections, politicians could strategically support a topic that the corporation would benefit from. This would result in the corporation to have the power to directly contribute in the campaign by running their own ads that promotes the politician. Campaigning would then become a war of getting the support of many of the biggest corporations. This gives too much power to the corporations and essentially removes the voices of the general pu blic.As Obama pointed out in his state of the union address in 2010, it would also give the power to foreign corporations to help fund a certain election. I strongly oppose any diverseness of foreign involvement in any political activity in the United States. With the voltage of candidates to sell-out to corporations would just ruin the whole election process. With the potential of unlimited expenditure of corporations, not only would they be allowed to endorse a political candidate, but they would also be able to attack candidates such as the documentary do by Citizens United.With the current campaigning process, political candidates have created attack ads that give negative images of an opposing candidate. Now that corporations can voice their opinions, thither may be an increase of these attack ads. by an respectable standpoint, it ruins the integrity of the election process. The election process would not just become a press between politicians to gain support from corpo rations but also a fight of who can destroy another candidates image to the public.It not only defaces the opposing candidate, but it shows how plaguey a politician can be. The election process turns into an all-out fight between candidates who would deploy such a tactic. With the inclusion of corporations now, it would worsen the current state of the campaigning process. I see why the Justices would overrule the lower courts decision due to the First Amendment. The argument made by Malcolm Stewart definitely gave the impression that the law was too restrictive in such a way that it banned any forms of view from a corporation of a political candidate.I would agree with how the law would be unconstitutional through Stewarts argument however, I would oppose it through an ethical view. A poll conducted by Washington Post showed that eight in ten poll respondents opposed the decision made by the Supreme Court. William Rehnquist, a former Supreme Court justice, also opposed the decision made by the court by joining the dissent made by Stevens. Sandra Day OConnor, also another former Supreme Court justice, made a point that the checks and balances on campaign spending were demolished. However, OConnor was an author of McConnell v.Federal Election Commission. The Supreme Courts case about allowing the Westboro Baptist Church to protest at military funerals is similar to this case due to both cases involving the right to free speech. In both cases, the general public did not like the ruling however, it made sense constitutionally. in that location may be alternatives that Congress can take in battling the problems of corporations organism involved in political campaigns. Although the court overruled it, I believe that there should be some sort of regulation on how much a corporation could spend on a candidate.Instead of limiting the corporations freedom of speech, why cant we limit how much they can endorse a candidate? One can argue that money is not speech, so lim iting the amount a corporation could spend would be constitutional. Another way to tackle the problem is to let shareholders finalise on the political expenditures made by a corporation, as large(p) Britain does. This would let a larger majority decide on what the corporation would do for political expenditures. However, even though it is still a larger pool of people, they probably will still act in the spare-time activity of the company due them be driven by profits.Now that the court has made its decision, corporations can now spend as much as they call for on politics. Many problems would arise due to this however, it would still be constitutional. I believe that the decision of overruling Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and partially overruling McConnell v. Federal Election Commission was good due to following the First Amendment. However through a practical stance, it would create a large possibility of corrupting the campaigning process. Bibliography Eggen , Dan. Poll Large majority opposes Supreme Courts decision on campaign financing. Washington Post17 February 2010, n. pag. Web. 17 Feb. 2012. http//www. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/content/ phrase/2010/02/17/AR201 0021701151. hypertext markup language. Hasen, Rick. CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS CONCURRING OPINION IN CITIZENS get together TWO MYSTERIESCHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS CONCURRING OPINION IN CITIZENS UNITED TWO MYSTERIES . Election Law Blog. N. p. , 23 January, 2010. Web. 17 Feb 2012. http//electionlawblog. org/archives/015118. hypertext mark-up language. High-Court Hypocrisy. Newsweek. 22 January 2010 n. page. Web. 17 Feb. 2012. http//www. thedailybeast. om/newsweek/2010/01/22/high-court-hypocrisy. html. Liptak, Adam. Justices, 5-4, Reject Corporate pass LimitJustices, 5-4, Reject Corporate Spending Limit . New York Times21 January 2010, n. pag. Web. 17 Feb. 2012. http//www. nytimes. com/2010/01/22/us/politics/22scotus. html. Liptak, Adam. OConnor mildly Criticizes Courts Campaign Fin ance Decision. New York Times26 January 2010, n. pag. Web. 17 Feb. 2012. http//thecaucus. blogs. nytimes. com/2010/01/26/oconnor-mildly-criticizes-courts-campaign-finance-decision/? p. Robert, John. Roberts, C. J. , concurring. n. pag. Legal Information Institute. Web. 17 Feb 2012. http//www. law. cornell. edu/supct/html/08-205. ZC. html. Scalia, Antonin. Scalia, J. , concurring. n. pag. Legal Information Institute. Web. 17 Feb 2012. http//www. law. cornell. edu/supct/html/08-205. ZC1. html. Smith, Bradley. The figment of Campaign Finance Reform. National Affairs. N. p. , n. d. Web. 17 Feb 2012. http//www. nationalaffairs. com/publications/detail/the-myth-of-campaign-finance-reform.
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Mass Media in Your Pocket or Purse Essay
We are in a time when the ken media is redefining itself at a train unmatched in human history. In fact, basic definitions of various ache established plurality media are rapidly evolving to include digital formats that would m early(a) seemed the stuff of science fiction a few years ago. Beca enjoyment of the rapid changes in green goddess media over the past several decades, this question forget discuss the key subtopics related to mass media in an effort to come apart understand it overall.Mass Media Functions of Todays talented Ph stars and the I-Phone The evolution of mass media is quite literally a path that blazes through the history of the feeler of the human race. From the days when the big vexationman to share the printed word on a large scale via the printing press to the telegraph, tele address, television and like a shot the mesh and of course the anguish earphone, what has been seen is a way for the concourse of the world to unload and for informa tion such as sensitives, advertising and the like to be spread.The mass media mutationctions of todays lustrous phones represent a tremendous advancement in mass media beca manipulation the modern smart phone combines talk functions with the king for the drug user of the smart phone to obtain information, be entertained, conduct business and to be marketed to by smart advertisers who are now harnessing smart phone technology to advertise products and services to a society that seems to be accustomed to the use of the smart phone (Godwin-Jones).Overall, the I-Phone represents an innovation over its predecessors because of the user-friendly embrasure which gives the user of the phone the superpower to load his or her own case into the phone, such as MP3 and video as well as the ability to access other available overspread and downloadable material (Cortada). What this represents is an opportunity for the user to make the smart phone an extension of their own tastes in ente rtainment, and for the selling of specific content, based on user interests.Todays archeozoic Adopters and Smart Phones Early adopters are in fact making the precise most of the smart phone technology that is readily available today. pickings the utility of the smart phone far beyond the amazing ability to promulgate with others in the blink of an eye, the smart phone is employ today for commerce, the protection of the common order and safe, and to literally launch an intactly brisk segment of the modern economy.In commerce, the ability to use a phone to transmit massive amounts of data in an instant has made it workable for the handicraft of commodities, stocks and other negotiable instruments by millions of additional people, rapidly expanding the trading markets for these particular items (Cortada) and making it possible for literally billions of additional dollars to be injected into the monetary markets in a very quick period of time.Public safety organizations and p ersonnel utilize smart phone technology to coordinate efforts in times of emergency, to share the information that is needed across various agencies to secure the goals of protecting the public, and to prevent crime as well as to poke dangerous criminal offenders in record time (Weir). The ability to use smart phones to market to individuals and likewise to conduct sales and business has also launched the age of the work from home entrepreneur who can run an entire operation from their pocket or purse (Wang).Also, this technology is being used for education, especially in the language learning fields, where the versatile communication elements of smart phones are well suited to language learning itself (Chinnery). All of these many another(prenominal) uses for smart phones surely bequeath lead to changes in the way we use mass media, because as mass media becomes to a greater extent portable, the need for the traditionally nonmoving means of mass media such as televisions, rad ios and even printed media like books and newspapers arise into content that is accessed by the pocket-sized smart phone.Since there are, and will outride to be more and more users of smart phones, it is fair to assume that media sources will focus on the latest means of spreading mass media, kinda than wasting resources on out permits that face dwindling exposure. Limits on Todays Smart Phone Technology For all of the great things that todays smart phone technology makes possible, it must be noted that the technology has its limits.While innovations are constantly being made to thwart the litigate of computer viruses, the widespread use of smart phones has led to what can be called epidemic proportions of viruses which have the ability to wipe out massive amounts of zippy data just as fast as it could send it. This represents huge security risks to businesses because of the loss or theft of key business information, losings in productivity, and huge monetary costs to clean up and/or repair viruses that are spreading at incredibly fast paces.Of course, lots of these problems are being intentionally inflicted by those who spread viruses merely for the leering fun of doing so as well as those who illegally choice information from its rightful owners for purposes of identity theft and other fraud (Panettieri). The prospering convenience of communication and the sharing of information are also seance an ethical problem in international academia. In generations past, the passing of notes from one student to another in the classroom was slightlything that teachers forbade, but often did so with a chuckle because of the rather innocent nature of the offense.However, the modern smart phone has led to students spreading offensive material, personal information stolen from other students and such, which has made it possible for lives to be destroyed and reputations tarnished like never before. tending(p) students have also harnessed smart phone technology an d mass media sources to cheat on examinations, leading to a massive erosion of academician integrity in the modern classroom (Godwin-Jones). On a more abstract level, the use of smart phones for the purposes of mass media has in many instances eaten international at the human experience of actually communicating with people in a face to face setting.As a result, society as a whole has become more fragmented, isolated and desensitized to the feelings, needs and problems of others. When vitality and death are reduced to electronic impulses on a precise handheld screen, it is all too easy for the individual to simply shift key off the device and pretend that what they had seen was not real. Meanwhile, the pain and suffering is in fact quite real, and if no one is attuned to this fact, the human race as a whole becomes somewhat artificial because they are not judge to be able to directly interact with people, but only communicate with them via text messages or voicemail for the mo st part.As a result, the art of communication which has advanced humanity up to this auspicate is put aside and people revert back to a more primitive way of liveliness when communication was unpopular and people were not as well cognizant as they should be. This will cause humanity to suffer, and should not be allowed to occur. Therefore, let it be noted that smart phones should be used as an service to, and not a substitute for, human contact. Mass Media Opportunities for Smart Phones Smart phones, for all of their possible pitfalls, do in fact offer some wonderful mass media opportunities that are worth discussing.Consider, for ex vitamin Ale, a capableness new product that needs to be test marketed. Rather than spending millions of dollars for schematic advertising, the gathering of test market groups in physical locations and the associated costs of travel, loony toons and more, mass media via smart phone technology can instantly broadcast advertising messages, transmit marketing data, and keep in touch with potential customers all without the need for huge amounts of expensive equipment and the like.Also, intellectual products like music, publications and such can be instantly distributed, making it easy and fun to be entertained and culturally stimulated at the same time. Overall, what should be understood is that the mass media opportunities for smart phones are endless, and only time will tell how they ultimately manifest themselves. Conclusion Through this research, it has become clear that not only has mass media progressed to the point where it is available literally in ones pocket or purse, but also to the point where exposure to mass media takes place for the average person on a constant basis.Perhaps most fascinating of all is the definite scuttle move that all of the innovations seen thus far are only the beginning of the journey, opening up limitless potential in the future. Therefore, in closing, while this research has concluded, f or mass media, the journey is only beginning.Works Cited Chinnery, George M. Going to the MALL peregrine Assisted Language acquire. Language, Learning & Technology 10. 1 (2006) 9+. Cortada, James W. The Digital Hand How Computers Changed the Work of American Manufacturing, Transportation, and Retail Industries /. refreshed York Oxford University Press, 2004. Godwin-Jones, Robert.Emerging Technologies E-Texts, Mobile Browsing and Rich Internet Applications. Language, Learning & Technology 11. 3 (2007) 8+. Panettieri, Joseph C. Dont Be unwrapsmarted The New Breed of Smart Mobile Phones go out Soon Pose the Biggest Danger to Your Data Security. Software Companies Are train Up to Nullify the Threat. T H E Journal (Technological Horizons In Education) 33. 7 (2006) 18+. Wang, Yuping. Supporting Synchronous Distance Language Learning with Desktop Videoconferencing. Language, Learning & Technology 8. 3 (2004) 90+. Weir, Tom. Innovators or News Hounds?. Newspaper Researc h Journal 20. 4 (1999) 62.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
History Shows There Is No Such Thing as Absolute Power Essay
The undiminished ability to act in a finical demeanor, or direct or square up the behaviour of others or the line of products of events. Immedieatly one thinks of mighty forbidding lovage, seizing every territory he set his eyes upon, or Joseph Stalin suppressing the entire population of the large Soviet bloc with an iron fist. in that location atomic number 18 certainly respective(prenominal)s in muniment that would be regarded as coercively top executiveful. unconditional originator coers both be able to suppress and bind op correct and support, and macrocosm able to gain ones aims, as both argon interdependent.However, biography as a study and analysis of the past through examining secern, has establishn that hea soish relativism renders strong index a much sought- after(prenominal) but unattainable self-discipline no person or organisation has been perfectly in control of their pack since k immediatelyledge of other cultures has emerged, although any( prenominal)(a) involve attempted to take away to command it even in the 21st Century, as check overn by the north Korean rhetoric about the states despotic idolatry to the Kim dynasty for example, informing the population they should be willing to become clement bulwarks and human shields to defend their new leader Kim Jong-un.Since the Greeks first-class honours degree explored beyond their frontiers and came crosswise cultures and religions which differed from their own, and since queer Herodotus tried to pay the Greeks and Callatians to swap their respective burial practises (the Greeks burned their dead- the Callatians ate the corpse of their father) and was refused for any money, cultural relativism has existed as an obstacle to obtaining controlling top executive.Without cultural relativism, on that bear witness are potential examples of unassailable berth being flouted. maven that springs to mind is the ancient community who built Stonehenge. A supposedly il l-mannered community felt compelled to cut bluestones and transport them from south-west Wales either expatriateing them crossways hundreds of miles of mountainous and rugged terrain without technology, or by shipping them gradually oer in handmade boats, before assembling them into the neat arrangement we brush off still see today. single prominent theory as to why this project was undertaken is that the stones are religious monuments designed to be worshipped or designed to intimidate worshippers into fearing their theology. Either way, this points to a religious leader who had peremptory actor everywhere his slew, meaning he was able to persuade them to continue out this enormous logistical challenge.However, this essay will signal that cultural relativism has meant that apart from quarantined communities such as that which built Stonehenge, no individual or organisation has possessed unequivocal function. On the other hand, some ancient historians would fight th at the great Emperors of ancient times had absolute, exacting power the mighty King Darius and his vast Persian Empire, in which every barbarian leader answered to him. Alexander the Great conquered al virtually the entire known world. Julius Caesar and his known veni, vidi, vici quotation, a demonstration of the ease with which he overpowered enemies.King Darius may pass water theoretically held absolute customs dutyal authority over his Empire, being authorise by tradition to rule over every citizen, but it is open(a) that he didnt hold absolute power. The wealthy Greek merchants in their colonies threw out Dariuss Persian provincial governors, and when Darius attempted to punish them by attacking their homeland, he was shoot downed. Even the fact that he had to resort to array force shows that he didnt hold absolute power over the Greeks who were meant to answer to him as they were living in his Empire, but furthermore his armed services failed to preserve his power. Thi s shows that he did non hold absolute power, and the Greek merchants jilted his leadership because they disliked it relative to the culture they were used to.Moreover, although Julius Caesar is and deserves to be treasure as an immensely coercive figure in world history, after emerging as the most successful of the Roman generals and doing the most to call down Roman interests in the further provinces, it is clear that he still didnt hold absolute power. Absolute means universally valid and without addiction on anything else Julius Caesar did non receive the power to win over everyone, which would deport holded his send off. Evidently his power was dependent on the support of his Senate, which he failed to retain. There were over sixty conspirators involved in his murder, and he did not cook the power to stop them- demonstrating that he didnt hold absolute power over his people, as they found his leadership unacceptable relative to others.An incident which supports the claim that Alexander the Great did not hold absolute power is the story of his encounter with Diogenes. Alexander came across the philosopher sunbathing, and asked him if there was any privilege which, as leader of the biggest Empire in the world, Alexander could fulfil for Diogenes. The philosopher precisely requested that he stop obstructing the sun. After this experience, Alexander is said to leave claimed that if I were not Alexander, I should like to be Diogenes, as he found the philosophers complete indifference to the offer of a favour from the worlds most powerful man to be such an incredible phenomenon. This shows that Alexanders military and material wealth and power didnt stop him from wishing he could instead be this anti-materialist philosopher.Diogenes had the power to make Alexander feel that he would prefer to be someone else, so that, even momentarily, he scored an emotional victory over him if Alexander had had absolute power over his Empire, nobody should tr ain been able to defeat him in any way. Throughout the Dark Ages, and the Middle Ages, it could be argued that the perform had absolute power in parts of Europe, as the typical encounter of the ordinary European peasant is one of devout, God-fearing Christianity. However, an interesting and pertinent point that Carr made in his book, What is History?, is that, with religious leaders and monks being the only literate people throughout this era, records of this time are pen solely from their perspective, and therefore give the impression of a very piously religious period in Europe.However, this could be a falsified impression, as the profundity and other events such as the atheist commie revolution later on on in Russia in 1917 demonstrate that the peasants and ordinary working classes of these countries were peradventure not as influenced and march onted to control by the church as first thought. Constantly through these times there were bitter disputes between the pope and bishops, and the nobility and royalty that ruled over Europe, the most famous of which cease in Henry VIII abandoning the Vati wad and establishing the Church of England. These power struggles display that uncomplete the religious authorities nor the monarchies had anything that could be described as absolute power. maybe the monarchy were against the intellect of Papal consultation, relative to the image they had of rulers before the Common age who werent constrained by religious authorities- but obviously this would have been rejected by their religious subjects. This is another case of cultural relativism undermining absolute power. After the Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution, with the decline of religious authority and an autocratic hereditary hierarchy in Europe, the power balance alters. Although some areas are still governed by monarchy, for example Russia with the Tsars, other areas see the introduction of parliamentary systems and constitutional monarchy.One key theme of the enlightenment, debatably, was to eliminate even the mentation of absolute power and absolutist, arbitrary rule by promoting democracy and blank government. For example, in France, with the execution of Louis XVI, a Republic was established. However, the result was far from a fair society in which the government was held to account. Power in France move between different dictatorial regimes until it was seized by Napoleon Bonaparte and the Consulate. just about would argue that Napoleon held absolute power he conquered as he willed, and ruled over a amply grown empire autocratically scorn the fact that many in Europe now supported the psyche of deliberative government.He even had the auda urban center to declare that he wouldnt give a fig for a million lives in the deliver of conquering new territories, something that surely only someone with absolute, unassailable power would be able to say without being removed from a position of responsibility. However, on t he other hand, it is evident that he failed to retain absolute power. During his rule, there was unrest throughout his territory from 1808, for example, the Spanish people began an ongoing and ageless campaign of resistance against Napoleons men, which could not be control despite his high hat efforts. Then, eventually, he was defeated, and then defeated again, and ended up alone in exile on the Island of St Helen.It is possible that if the people had not had knowledge from foreign sources of more benevolent and successful rulers, they would not have overthrown Napoleon their ability to relate their experience to other cultures caused them to oppose Napoleon. This Napoleonic style, of attempting to seize absolute, autocratic power and ruling without the security of populism has been present in dozens of scenarios since Napoleons fall, with a myriad of undemocratic dictatorships in Europe and beyond which attempted to suppress and rule with absolute authority. However, from eac h one example potty be knocked down.Hitler, it could be argued, took power on the sexual morality of his charismatic temperament and the appeal of his vision of a strong German people- whether by attracting enough popularity or simply making his thuggish SS a large and strong-willed enough organisation to secure his high position. From then on he suppressed opposite both at home and in German-occupied territory. The way in which he fulfild this largely as an individual and then ruled so strongly whilst often ignoring suggestions from his advisors, could be described as holding absolute power over Germany and the territories conquered.Furthermore, some optimists might argue that the instigation of the Holocaust against the Jews and other undesirables implies that he had absolute power over people, as ordinary human nature would produce repulsion at the very idea, and yet it was carried out. On the other hand, there is much evidence of resistance in spite of appearance Germany a gainst Hitlers regime- ranging from political antonym by Catholics and across general German society against the T4 programme (euthanasia mass murder of disabled people), to the Red Orchestra communistics distributing propaganda leaflets, and of course the numerous assassi realm plots and attempts by Hitlers own men.The Red Orchestra example is very useful to my argument they had not lived under a communistic system, but had read the teachings of Karl Marx and other Communist writers and therefore felt that relative to the Nazi system, Communism would be the best for Germany. While it is true that none of these were successful as such (except, to some extent, the adversary to T4), they certainly werent what Hitler desired and he had not the power to prevent them. Another major dictator of the 20th Century was Josef Stalin although the Communist state was already in existence, he still needed his scientific discipline and slyness to seize power by using his role as party secreta ry to eliminate potential opponents, and especially by move himself ahead of Trotsky in terms of popularity through behaviour such as deceiving him into travelling to an east province so that he wasnt correspond at Lenins funeral.He then purged Russia, the Communist Party and the ground forces in order to ensure absolute control, and this made internal opposition to his regime virtually inexistent in terms of visible or unify resistance. His Stalinist ideology also catapulted the USSR very quickly from a regressive nation to a major world power, enabling them to withstand the German Operation Barbarossa (consequently, another failure of Hitlers) and then even to push on until they formed a stand-off with the USA and Britain in Germany. With no opposition to him within his country (and so no possibility of blackwash or being toppled), and these incredible carry outments, some would infer that he must have had absolute power.Be that as it may, when we explore Stalins aims we c an see that he was largely unsuccessful. His five-year-plans demanded unattainably high increases in output- such as cc% more iron produced and 335% more electricity. However, there is much evidence that pulverization owners and officials cooked the books and exaggerated production when reporting back to the Party, in order to prevent being punished for failing to keep up. This would mean that Stalin could not achieve all that he wanted. Furthermore, one of his stated aims was to reverse Russias coyness in order to avoid being bewildered by the developed capitalist powers.While he did generate huge industrialisation which propelled the USSR fore so that in 1945 it emerged as one of 2 world superpowers, it was at the expense of over twenty million Russians dead in around two decades, payable to famines caused by economic reforms or in the gulags and the purges this huge cost is a death rate that resembles a backward nation far more than a developed one, and so some would argue that it shows that Stalin also failed in this aim. Finally, his struggle with the Western powers, for example through annexing eastern European countries into the Soviet bloc, although continued to some extent by his successors, was broken in the end.By 1990, the USSR had begun to unravel significantly as former members became commutative countries and satellite states such as Ukraine and Estonia, and turned to democracy and the free market, after first breaking the propaganda limitations in order to learn of the other way of life, until Russia formally ended Communism in the year 1991. Stalins legacy failed to prevent cultural relativism from reaching into the population of the USSR. On the other hand, it could be argued that although he failed to prevent the future further expansion of the USSR his huge legacy in turning Russia around into the developed nation it is today shows his absolute power. Stalin and his ideology are still popular in modern Russia, as he is seen as a hero by many for eyesight off the Nazi German invasion.This legacy, coupled with the extent to which he did dispense to prevent notable opposition within his territory and beyond (for example, the assassination of Trotsky in Mexico), make him an individual who was c have to achieving the coveted status of having absolute power in his empire, but still his failure to achieve what he wanted demonstrates that it would be untrue to describe him as such. And now approaching the present in terms of era, an example which was mentioned much primarily on in this essay, the Kim dynasty in North Korea they make use of the personality cult, controls on education and media, and the secret police which were used to implement Stalins leadership in the USSR however like him, they have been unable to carry out their aims.Kim Jong-Il aimed to make North Koreans the most prosperous people on Earth, but under his new economic reforms, millions died in a famine and all were affected by a famine which resulted in the army downgrading the height requirements for soldiers to sign up. They have also failed to prevent the black market from flourishing in North Korea and more importantly, they havent been able to stop Chinese smugglers from bringing in evidence of the successfulness experienced in South Korea and other countries. Therefore despite not being in particular danger of being overthrown by the people, due to their subdueive regime, the Kim dynasty have not had the power to fulfil their plans.The same could be said of the solid Communist Party in China although they are relatively secure in their position, with legal sovereignty guaranteed over the unite Front as stated by the constitution, they have had to open up to imports and exports and allow free market economics, as their Communist planned deliverance failed. In modern times, nobody has succeeded in fully repressing their people, as defection and resistance has always been possible if not completely successful. Ab solute power cannot be attributed to any modern day regimes, because knowledge of removed cultures always finds a way in, and the people learn of their relatively miserable situation and rebel.One of the important phenomena to observe over the next fewer years is that of South Korean DVDs being smuggled into North Korea and allowing the people exposure to other cultures this could potentially lead to an inability to further repress the people, to combine with the failure to achieve the Kim families aims. It is important to consider religion when sounding at this question, as we have already conceded that religious authorities in some isolated communities could have held absolute power over their followers. One could argue that especially in the case of the Abrahamic religions, which are characterised by their popular opinion in one single, omnipotent and omniscient God, absolute power is demonstrated by the infallibility of those who represent this one God- for example, the Pop e, or the Iranian Ayatollah.In the most devout of communities and times, any religious disagreement could end in death- for example, the ruin of Protestants or Catholics at the stake during the European battle between these two ideologies. This can be seen as religious authorities suppressing any opposition to the rule of God. Then, there are many examples of Gods representatives influencing people to act how he would will for example, the Crusades saw hundreds of rich knights, under the influence of the Pope, leaving the luxury and relative safety of their castles and estates to recover Jerusalem, a city they had never visited. This can be seen as religion and its leaders having the absolute power to control the actions of others.However, for one thing the misuse of the aforementioned tradition of burning religious enemies, by which people would accuse those they disliked or coveted of belonging to the undesirable faith, shows that often people werent following the leadership of G od but using this phenomenon to their selfish advantage. Another point against religious figures having absolute power is the decline in religious elaboration and the growth of atheism- this ongoing decline in terms of support of god as a leader demonstrates a decline in power. In times of strife, such as the suffering of the Russians under the Tsar, people lose their faith in religious hierarchies- and in this particular example the atheistic Soviet system was spawned.In addition to this decrease in willingness to submit to religious commands, there is a clear increase in certain opposition to religion- the growth of Humanism and the growing popularity of figures such as Richard Dawkins, who preaches anti-religion and anti-theism, show that God is being undermined as a leader and so cant have absolute power over humanity as some religious leaders would intend.From exploring all these example of hugely powerful individuals and organisations, ranging from the autocratic emperors of Ancient civilisation, to the absolute monarchies of the middle ages, the Church and the modern totalitarian dictatorships and regimes such as Adolf Hitlers Nazi Germany, or even the Communist Party in the Peoples Republic of China, we can see that although their achievements are often incredible, and required huge amounts of power and ability, none of them have been able to perfectly fit both criteria- full suppression of opposition and the full ability to achieve what they wished. Inability to fulfil their political aims can often be put down to a failure to crush opposition, and the failure to crush opposition was caused by knowledge of other cultures which the people enjoyed the idea of more than they enjoyed their own cultural relativism.When people get the idea into their heads that there are other systems which would benefit them and make their lives better, it is impossible to fully and permanently extinguish this and continue reigning on without reforming policy (failing to do what you want) or falling from power (failing to protect against the opposition). Therefore, the only time when history can show us absolute power is in isolated communities in which the people had no understanding or conception of an pick way of life, such as the Ancient Britons who built Stonehenge.BibliographyA fiddling History of the World- E.H. GombrichWhat Is History? E.H. CarrNazi Aggression- Planned or Improvised? (The Historian)- Hendrik K. Hogrefe WebographyWho build Stonehenge? Stuart Carter (First Science)http// (Stalin)http// Polak
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Group Experience
My group experience with plectrum Bollywood dance provided an opportunity to play a leadership role same(p) courier graph the dance. Bollywood dance is the dance- straining used in the Indian films. It is a mixture of numerous styles. These styles include belly-dancing, kathak, Indian folk, occidental popular, jazz, and even Western erotic dancing.I enjoyed myself in an artistic manner by connecting the auditory modality through dance. I am committed to this form of dance because it originates from my infixed country India. I basicall(a)y taught my other police squad mates this form of dance and now it affects their personal character in terms of eastern dancing. My personal experience about inform this dance was fairly enjoyable. I had an opportunity of teaching bhangra to my classmates too which is a form of a regional dance in India.By doing such leadership activities, I create gained an experience in organizing a group and modeling the way. In the mould of my group proj ect, I had a vision of achieving something extraordinary by teaching the eastern dance to westerners. There was antithetical tactics and ideas that I utilize in this process where I was also helped by my other teammates in order to constitute it work. I admired their vision in doing something different within my dance. We talked about two minutes and everybody agreed to do the Bollywood dance.It was a challenge for me to teach Indian dance to western people because they atomic number 18 grown with different culture and they have different perception in dance. My ideas and techniques were definitely questioned by others but I still had a square motivation to make it work and I took certain amount of essay in order to make my idea work. Teaching any performance requires certain amount of confidence, faster collaboration and strength. I always had a positive attitude towards this activity and I knew there would certain challenges to make this happen but the participation of my t eam mates gave me more confidence.My team mates motivated themselves because they had an interest to learn about new culture. I handled their challenges and gave them the proper guidance they needed. There were people who would take initiative and ramble lot of effort in our group project. I was also stimulate by gain vigoring their dedication. There was a time when we I did non know what to do or we were lacking a concept we all worked together to solve the way out of it. I thrilled to see the dedication that my teammates had towards our team goal.In conclusion, I would say that our overall team effort was tremendous, we were doing a genuine hard work to achieve our goal, and we had esprit de corps booster, team effort and confidence within our group. I would also resembling to point out the group skill was very good and my teammates gave their trump to put up a good presentation.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Biographical Sketch: Kasturba Gandhi Essay
Biographical study Kasturba Gandhi Kasturba Gandhi was a renowned figure for all of India and was always there to do Mohandas Gandhi out. Kasturba was born on April 11, 1869 to Gokuladas MakharJi, a wealthy business man. She married Mohandas Gandhi in 1882 when she was only 13 years old. At that time she could not direct or economise because she hadnt had the proper schooling. Mohandas taught to both read and write and that would come in handy later when she was delivering speeches that led India to its independence.This was similarly a dangerous move considering the roles and places of India and the caste outline. Kasturba and Mohandas had their first child right ahead Mohandas had to leave for a business trip so Kasturba stayed in India to prevail to the child. After the first one they had three more together until in 1906 Mohandas decided to observe brahamacharya and from there on they never had sexual relations. She was truly religious minded and broke many barriers in t he caste system and also supported her husband in all of his political views.She also had her own view nd spoke out against working conditions in South Africa for Indians which is Just one example of her many times utter out. She supported hygiene, discipline, reading, and writing to women and children. Kasturba suffered from chronic Bronchitis and the stress on top of that she had formidable amount of stress during the Quit India Movements arrest also aggravated her illness. She undertake pneumonia but her husband disagreed with the use of penicillin. She died ofa major heart attack on February 22, 1944. Gandhi died in January 30, 1948 after Kasturba and he were married for 62 years
Monday, January 14, 2019
History of political parties in the United States Essay
For nigh years, there deliver been two major g overnmental parties in the f entirely in States. Todays American political parties, pop company and the republican Party developed from the federal official and anti federal parties. However, although no another(prenominal) major political parties have developed, the constitution of the fall in States does not restrict creation of more parties. The reason for dominance of the linked States political relation by the democrats and the republicans has been due to the belief among the Americans that their prognosis result move on only if they are from a major political party.The founding fathers of the coup direct States of America had a negative view of political parties. They were sourd by definitive republicans who argued that political parties would promote factional interests and misconduct of public officials. However, the Jeffersonian and Hamiltonians later emerged which was followed by the federalists and anti federali sts which led to the formation of a federal government towards the abrogate of 18th deoxycytidine monophosphate.As the political leaders tried to address issues related to economical and social interest of different regions, they mobilized support from different regions to stiff political influence during the option. The federalist focused on the interest of the elites in newfangled England and states in Middle Atlantic. They advocated for a more vigilant government that bequeath secure and give room for their economic development. The Republicans, who were anti federalist, on the other hand promoted social pluralism and back up commercial policies that promoted an economy dominated by agriculture (Boyer, conservation of parity 1).Although the fight amid the Federalist Party and the Republican Party was severe, the activities of political parties in the early 19th century were restrict and the electors equipage was low. Parties did not develop extensive systems to promot e their interest piece of music voters were slight committed to their parties. In 1815, the Federalist Party collapsed while the Republican Party weaken into different factions. In 1820, political parties reappeared with more struggles and battle for authority and influence in the profound government. By mid(prenominal) 19th century, a pauperisation for an organized electorate and pick process had evolved.The Republicans and the Federalists evolved into the Democrats and the Whigs respectively. A pop President, Andrew Jackson, was elected in 1828 who favored a limited government. He was opposed by the Whigs who supported an economically oriented government. During the same time, the political parties were greatly influenced by religion. political parties used campaigns extravaganza and newspaper to spread their ideologies and gather support among the voters while the voters increased their loyalty to the parties and large physical body were involved in elections. The admini stration of the political parties increased.The presence of Electoral College in the constitution restricted the number of major political parties while parties limited the number of candidates at the local anaesthetic level (Aldrich, p 126). War between political parties became unusually pictorial after the civil war. The fight was between two parties in an election that was considered the best structured and most tendencious in the history of the United States. With the increased industrialization, the federal economic policies were supported by the economic elites which called for the Republican to strengthen their pro commercial positions.On the other hand, the Democrats had support from the bucolic states in the in the south and among the town immigrant laborers who had run away from the Republicans hostility. However, the Democrats did not captivate all support from the agricultural states and the laborers while the Republicans were favored by partisan loyalty, war memor ies and hostility of ethnic groups. The less economically em world-beatered workers and farawaymers in the west did not give room for the developing third parties in the populist era and the gilded age.These parties included the Greenback labor in the gilded age and the Populist Party in the populist era. In the mid 1890s election campaigns, the Democrats led by Bryan attracted these small factions in a bid to beat the Republicans in the 1896 general election. However, this strategy did not work as they were beaten by the Republicans led by McKinley. This election transformed the politics of the United States and the Republicans dominated the American politics for a long time (Payan, pg 23).The progressive era also saw approximately changes in the political parties. More and more economic elites started gaining interests in politics and political parties. Businessmen combined efforts with political reformers to strengthen the remaining anti-party opinions among the Americans and totally changed political culture in the United States. Using their anti partisan ideologies, they pushed for politics which are unselfish and corruption free. They pushed for legislations that limited the parties control over nominations and election processes.This was a big blow for the political parties since this was their major fountain of funds to fund their activities and this limited the operations of political parties. This move had far reaching consequences on political parties (Boyer, Para 8). In 1930s, major shuffle of ideologies affected political parties. Among the Democrats, a group of urban politicians rose to judge federal welfare policies which were a major blow to their dedication to limited government. The great depression also led to conjunction of the electoral systems which had a negative impact on Republican Party.Led by Roosevelt and his modern Deal promise to the Americans, the Democrats took the advantage of the situation by expanding the procedure o f the central government and promised the Americans prosperity socially and economically. However, they received some resistance from the south who opposed the open-handed democrats idea about civil right although many another(prenominal) republican loyal African American defected to support the New Deal. For survival, some of Republican politicians adopted democrats ideas as the Republican Party lost popularity among the voters.However, they were adapted to revive their political influence during the reign of President Eisenhower in mid 20th century. In 1960s, Democrats rose to power and with the backup from some liberal Republicans they promoted their social policies including civil rights of minority groups (Schlesinger, p 177). Some political alignment took place in 1960s where several republicans defected and joined the democrats while many white Americans in the south defected and became republicans. The effects of progressive era burden become increasingly evident and pol itical parties were becoming less prestigious in the election process.The advent of television as a bureau of passing political ideologies also transformed political parties. The identification of voter with political parties and loyalty weakened as voters became less settled. Voter reacted to all(prenominal) days political crisis and supported a more magnetic politician as opposed to pegging on party loyalty (Boyer, Para 10). The alleged abuse of office and powers by the politicians, such as in the Vietnam War and the involvement of White House officials in the Watergate scandal which attach to defections from political parties destabilized the electoral systems.The antigovernment disposition of the public favored the republican in the 1980s which led to election of the conservative President, Reagan. The Democrats were accused of poor policies that led to inflations and riots over civil rights. Reagan administration weakened the Democrats policies which increased the polarity between the two parties in terms of ideologies. In 1994, the Republican reacted against the incumbent democrats and controlled the relation for the first time in four decades. However, their gains were limited since the democrats dominated the organization in 1990s.Towards the end of the 20th century and beginning of 21st century, the role of political parties deteriorated where voters shifted parties depending on the candidate (Boyer, Para 10). Today, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party controls the politics of the United States. However, the party loyalty has completely faint in many parts of the country where voters supporting a candidate and not the political party. People have had different views about the upcoming of political parties. Some batch suggest that the current political parties will not survive for the next generation while other opposes that view.Others have suggested some conservatives may break away from the current parties and form a third major pa rty. Conclusion Political parties have played an majestic role in the politics of the United States for many years. They unite people with same political principles and have always been used as conduct of change. However, the American politics have been dominated by two parties all way long. Many changes have however affected the political parties. The power of influence of political parties reduced significantly in the 20th century where voters became less loyal to their parties.
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