
Friday, April 5, 2019

Robert Frost Figurative Language And Symbolism English Literature Essay

Robert Frost Figurative Language And Symbolism English Literature EssayHe begins by saying She is as in a field a guileful tent on suck up 1. The tent here is a metaphor for a cleaning lady or women in general, whilst the field in which it is set perhaps represents society and her family. The char is a dodgy tent, silken here suggests femininity as opposed to the rough canvas of other such tents. The centre impel symbolises the soul of the woman, whilst her personality is equal by the capricious beam travel that causes the tent to move and sway, reflecting her fixed impoverisheddom. Like a tent, a woman also has strong support inside of her, being her spirit, which has constraints on her freedom in a mistakable way the guy ropes would hold the silken tent in place.Frost has cleverly reflected the relationship amidst a tent and a woman in the form of the poem. The poem is one long, graceful excoriate that is completely free and relaxed in its manner, whilst being held wi thin the strict buttaries of the Shakespe bean sonnet form. In the a analogous way, the poem describes a woman whose life unfolds in a very relaxed, natural way, within numerous strict boundaries.The tent metaphor works perfectly to represent a woman, as the tent ostensibly stands alone in complete freedom, until the sway causes the guy ropes to apply gentle pressure and she is sharply reminded of her responsibility as duty calls her to go back to her place. It reflects the root that there is bondage in the life of this woman, signification that ultimately she is free but within her confinement. Although she is not strictly held, she is like the tent loosely bound with countless ties that are revealed when a capricious breeze comes into play. As the wind blows, symbolising the idea that topsy-turvydom will happen, the woman remains strong, maintaining her femininity and beauty.Another interpretation through the symbolic language could be suggesting a relationship between a ma n and a woman. Like silk, the woman is light, smooth and precious, like the relationship they share. The spiritual dimension of their relationship is obvious within the language as Frost writes, its supporting(a) rudimentary cedar pole, That is its pinnacle to heavenward. The pole also represents the masculine strength and support for the feminine side, which is the silken tent. It could be interpreted that there are sexual connotations behind the imagery of the silken tent and the central pole being the pinnacle to heavenward.The tent is imagined At midday when a sunny summer breeze Has dried the dew, any morning dew which would have soaked the tents guy ropes to make them taut have evaporated, and the ropes are now gently swaying. At a subconscious level, this imagery conveys a sense that the woman being described is not tense or nervous, but is relaxed and comfortable to be around. It does not reflect the idea that the woman is blown around by every bit of wind, but is strong. The womans job in a sense is to be warm and pleasant, a sunny summer breeze. On line 13,capriciousness of summer air signifies the naughty, more playful side of the woman, summer air being the more passionate side to her nature. The tents pole conveys the strength and almost backbone of her persona, being able to be free within her confinement with happiness. Her character derives in part from her deep attachment to fri intercepts and family, from countless silken ties of love and thought. It symbolises the idea that she is very lots at ease in her situation her relationships do not entangle or bind her to limit her freedom.Although the poem sounds relaxed and peaceful, like the sunny summer breeze, the underlying message is about the bondage of women in silken ties to family and society in general. The main symbol shows that women are tied in place by their love, obedience and trust to everything around them, be that their family or society. The last line is on the face of it im portant, slightest bondage, showing here that the woman is owned by the man and those in her life, ultimately she will never be completely free from the ties and poles holding her down.La Belle hoot Sans Merci was written by John Keats in the early 19th century, towards the end of the Romantic period. It is ultimately about the dangers of obsession, mainly that of a romantic or erotic kind, but feeling closely comparisons can be drawn between this and Robert Frosts The Silken Tent.One of the biggest symbols Keats explores within La Belle Dame Sans Merci is that of nature and flowers. He uses the nature of the knights surroundings to add to the tone of the poem, creating a desolate and empty setting. On line 3, the speaker says, The sedge has witherd from the Lake This suggestion of it being autumn adds connotations of old age and imminent death, suggesting the inevitable burden of the Knight by the end. The suggestion that it is autumn is made clear by line 4, no birds sing. The absence of birds makes the setting seem bleak and isolated. This leaves an empty setting where the unknown speaker and the knight are seemingly the only two living things amongst the landscape. Keats purposefully chose this as his setting to mirror the knights own emotional desolation.

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